The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Kentucky Democrat Race-Baits McConnell’s Wife; Deletes ‘Asian’ Tweets

Kathy Groob is a Democrat Party stategist in Kentucky, where Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell is fighting for re-election against Democrat Alison Grimes. Saturday, in a complete non sequitur, Groob sent out a series of Twitter messages saying that McConnell’s wife, former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, “isn’t from KY, she is Asian.” Groob’s tweets quickly disappeared […]

Can Mitch McConnell Survive?

Sam Youngman of the Daily Beast has a feature-style article about the annual Fancy Farm barbecue in Kentucky that is the traditional kickoff of the campaign season there, focusing on the Senate race between Mitch McConnell and Alison Lundergan Grimes: U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell rolled up his sleeves and walked to the podium […]

Ditch Mitch?

Who was ultimately responsible for the evil Mississippi primary campaign that smeared supporters of Chris McDaniel as racists? Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, that’s who. The GOP Establishment Incumbent Protection Machine and the big-money donors who fund it have been determined to eradicate the Tea Party movement in the 2014 campaign cycle. This is McConnell’s […]

‘Forget It, Jake …’

It’s Chinatown Mississippi: A Pearl man who runs a political blog is accused of sneaking into a nursing home where U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran’s wife is bedridden and photographing her, then posting the image in a video political “hit piece” on the internet. Madison Police arrested Clayton Thomas Kelly, 28, of Pearl on Friday night […]

War to the Knife, Knife to the Hilt

Maybe the National Republican Senatorial Committee thought it was a smart move to play the race card against Tea Party challenger Chris McDaniel, but the backlash was overwhelming and it comes at exactly the wrong time for the NRSC’s doomed effort to protect septuagenarian Senator Thad Cochran. Glenn Reynolds, William Jacobson and Vinnie the K […]

NRSC Uses Left-Wing Race Attack Against GOP Senate Challenger Chris McDaniel

You know the Republican Establishment is getting desperate when they stoop to cheap guilt-by-association smears in a GOP primary. That’s National Republican Senatorial Committee “strategist” Brad Dayspring tweeting out a story from (wait for it) Talking Points Memo that is one of the flimsiest guilt-by-association attacks in the history of flimsy guilt-by-association attacks. A moment’s […]

VIDEO: Harry Reid’s Koch Rant

In a Senate floor speech Thursday, the Senate Majority Leader used the word “radical” 21 times in attacking the Left’s bogeymen: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Thursday accused Republicans of holding up crucial assistance to Ukraine in order to protect the Koch brothers. Reid tied the billionaire brothers who have bankrolled conservative causes […]

“Poor, Poor Pitiful Reid,” Zevon Sang Not

by Smitty Via Instapundit, Harry Reid again underscored why he’s the Worst Senator EVAR yesterday, going after the Koch brothers in an unseemly manner. Reid charged that Charles and David Koch, who are tied for fourth place on the Forbes list of 400 richest people in the United States, violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, […]

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