The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Weird Reich

It’s not unusual for strange ideas to turn up in Maureen Dowd’s column, but she found a really weird one this time: Adolf Hitler invented the blow-up sex doll! The latest wacky Hitler story comes from the British author Graeme Donald. He says that, while researching a military book, he stumbled across a story that […]

Rebecca Watson: ‘Stop Sexualizing Me!’

This was originally going to be titled, “Agreeing With Richard Dawkins,” because one of the world’s most notorious Darwinists has offended feminists by telling them that there are worse things than being propositioned in a hotel elevator. But then I saw the video in which the atheist chick at the epicenter of this controversy made […]

‘A Haunting Piece,’ IYKWIMAITYD

From a liberal reporter’s forthcoming Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir, This Bitch Is Dangerously Crazy: McClelland, 31, sought professional help but said she ultimately cured herself by staging her own rape, which she writes about in a haunting piece for the online magazine Good. The title: “How Violent Sex Helped Ease My PTSD.” Her sexual partner mercilessly […]

Republican Media Slut Tells All

When I was covering the 2006 GOP primary campaign for Georgia lieutenant governor, I was dumbfounded by the decision of Ralph Reed to hire Lisa Baron as his press secretary. Baron had a notoriously bad reputation among Republican operatives, and why Reed would hire her — in a state where social conservatives dominated the GOP […]

Say It Ain’t So, Alcee!

Rep. Alcee Hastings, the Florida Democrat who was elected to Congress after being impeached for bribery as a federal judge, has been accused of sexual harassment: A congressional ethics panel is investigating allegations that Florida Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings sexually harassed a member of his staff, according to people familiar with the matter. The investigation […]

Why Is David Epstein Still a Columbia University Professor After Incest Plea?

Jackie Carrero and Mikey Zhong of the Columbia Spectator note that David Epstein is still employed as a political science professor at Columbia University, even after he copped a guilty plea (to the misdemeanor of “attempted incest”) in connection with a case that made headlines in December. Epstein, who had used his blog at Huffington Post to attack […]

WeinerGate: Who Is Starchild111?

At least one reader has complained that it’s time to move on from WeinerGate, and I’m entirely willing to do so — but the dadgum story won’t stop, and stuff just keeps popping up. This “Betty and Veronica” mystery continues bubbling. The person whom Tommy Christopher dubbed “Betty” was  “Nikki Reid” a/k/a “Starchild111,” an alleged teenage girl who […]

Report: Weiner Sent Woman Photos of Himself Posing in Congressional Gym

TMZ released photos this morning showing Rep. Anthony Weiner posing bare-chested in the congressional gym in the basement of the Rayburn House Office Building. The married congressman reportedly sent the photos to at least one of the women with whom he had what he called “online relationships.” The photos, which TMZ said were taken using […]

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