Ivy League Administration Reacts Quickly to Ivy League Sexual Harassment Charges
“Because the budget is so last week,” Wombat snarked in sharing the headline this morning: White House targets sexual assault on campus Wombat and other readers can be forgiven for wondering why this issue suddenly popped to the top of the administration’s agenda. But then again, we can’t afford to send our kids to Yale University […]
Roxeanne de Luca Writes About Feminism, Sex and Virginity
In her role as guest-blogger at Camp of the Saints, Roxeanne explains the difficulties of being A Woman Who Disagrees With “Pro-Sex” Feminists: I got excoriated . . . .because I suggested that premarital sex is not an achievement and is about as novel as not wearing a hoop skirt. When I said that premarital […]
Precociously Skanktastic
Risking the wrath of feminists — who are already accusing her of misogynistic “slut-shaming” — Jennifer Moses wonders why “sexual liberation” must now be extended to middle-schoolers: Why do so many of us not only permit our teenage daughters to dress like this — like prostitutes, if we’re being honest with ourselves — but pay […]
‘Three 12-Year-Old French Girls Were Delivered to Him as a Birthday Present’
Because when you’re a hedge-fund billionaire, two 12-year-old French girls just wouldn’t be enough: It is proving difficult for hedge fund manager and registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein to avoid the glare of media scrutiny – British tabloids most recently cried foul over the shabby royal comportment of Prince Andrew in agreeing to be the […]
You’re Supposed to Be Shocked
The Republican governor of Alaska has nominated a conservative for the panel that approves state judges. Democrats want you to scream in horror to learn that Don Haase thinks sex outside marriage should be against the law: One blog post on the Eagle Forum Alaska site praised efforts at criminalizing adultery in Michigan, and [Democrat […]
LT: Hall of Fame Sex Offender
When this story first caught my attention last spring, I wrote: Wait a minute. You’re Lawrence Taylor, considered by many football commentators to be the greatest linebacker in the history of the game, and you’re meeting a pimp named Rasheed at a Holiday Inn to pay $300 for a hooker from the Bronx? Taylor […]
‘Other’? I Mean, Really? ‘Other’?
Greg at Rhymes with Right took an online questionnaire and discovered that, under “gender,” the choices were “male,” “female” and “other,” with a blank available for the ambiguous respondent to fill in . . . ?? Insert punchline here. My own objection is to the use of “gender” instead of “sex.” As an old editor […]
Atlantic Crossing
Trans-Atlantic cosmopolitan Hadley Freeman, who apparently hops back and forth between Manhattan and Ye Merry Olde, offers what she describes as an ironic contrast: The British approach to dating could easily be described as “chaotic” to the point of non-existent. I, however, see it as a decidedly just, nay, DEMOCRATIC state of affairs: you go […]
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