Got Them Statesboro Boos: Georgia Town’s Halloween ‘Scare on the Square’
While I was covering Ray McKinney’s campaign Saturday evening, I also managed to get some photos of locals dressed up for the occasion. Indiana Mom and the Rugrats of Doom. Undead Elvis has lost a few pounds.
GA-12: Greetings From Vidalia!
VIDALIA, Ga. — I’m here at Ray McKinney for Congress headquarters in the “Sweet Onion City,” and wanted to give you a quick campaign update. Here’s Ray in front of headquarters on Main Street. The Raymobile. It’s like the Batmobile, except for the bumper sticker on the back: “This vehicle does not brake for Blue Dogs.” […]
Democrat Agrees: Ray McKinney’s Right!
Video version of a radio ad now running in Georgia’s 12th District: How scared is John Barrow? He spent $1.3 million on his re-election campaign through Sept. 30. RAY McKINNEY for U.S. CONGRESS UPDATE: Just got off the phone with a source in Georgia. We’re now in the post-Oct. 15 period when campaigns must report […]
The ‘Shipping Jobs Overseas’ Smear
When I came home from my recent nine-day road trip, I found this piece of mail on the dining room table: So I picked up the telephone, interviewed Neil Parrott and filed my latest American Spectator column: HAGERSTOWN, Maryland — Neil Parrott admits he was “very surprised” to find himself accused of supporting “tax breaks […]
Sarah Palin Endorses McKinney (GA-12), McClung (AZ-7), Benishek (MI-1), More
There are nine candidates on Mama Grizzly’s latest list of endorsed candidates, but these three caught my eye: We can count on Ray McKinney to be a strong, independent voice for Georgia’s 12th Congressional District. As Ray says, “If you like the way things are going now, vote for the other guy.” Ray’s opponent has skipped over […]
Republican Ray McKinney Reminds Georgia Voters They Have a Choice
A press release from the Tea Party-backed candidate who is challenging John Barrow in southeast Georgia’s 12th District: Vidalia, GA — A billboard campaign for Republican Congressional Candidate Ray McKinney warns voters not to stay home on election day – or else Incumbent Democrat John Barrow and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi get to […]
Staff of Sen. Saxby Chambliss Not Really Helping Republican Image Problem
Unless “ALL FAGGOTS MUST DIE” was the campaign theme GOP strategists were planning for this fall, somebody in the senator’s Atlanta office is about to join the growing ranks of the unemployed. Just sayin’ . . .
BREAKING: Handel Concedes; Nathan Deal Wins Ga. GOP Gubernatorial Runoff
A recount seemed certain last night, but now Karen Handel has called it quits, as Aaron Sheinin reports from Atlanta: Yesterday, Karen Handel called Nathan Deal a “corrupt relic of Washington.” Today, however, Handel said she is endorsing him as the GOP nominee for governor. In a statement just released from the Handel campaign, she […]
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