The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.17.21

Posted on | September 17, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.17.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Everybody likes cheap/free books from excellent writers, right? Well, lookee here.
Hans Schantz, he say:

BasedCon survived a July deplatforming attempt. Currently underway in beautiful Norton Shores, Michigan, BasedCon has sold out and turned a profit in its debut outing. Celebrate this gathering for based authors and fans of science fiction and fantasy by topping off your library at a huge sale of based science fiction and fantasy books. Every one of well over a hundred books in the sale is $0.99 or free right now. The offerings include works by John C. Wright, Fenton Wood, Jon del Arroz, Tom Kratman, Mark Wandrey, Larry Correia, Francis Porretto, Mike Massa, David Weber, C.J. Carella, Brian Niemeier, Alexander Hellene, Jon Mollison, Hans G. Schantz, and many, many more. This is a killer deal, and you’re supporting authors who don’t hate you. Go check out the sale now!

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

From Glorious Meme Commissary Of Proletariat.

357 Magnum: 3D Printed Guns In The Wild
EBL: Crooked Hillary’s Lawyer Michael Sussman Indicted By Grand Jury

Twitchy: Nicki Minaj Calls Out Reporters For Harassing Her Family, also, General Milley’s Sept. 1 Comments About Kabul Drone Strike Have Aged Terribly
Louder With Crowder: “In America, It’s ALWAYS About Freedom”, also, Ted Cruz Releases Video Of Biden’s Border Bungle – “This Is A Crisis”
Vox Popoli: BasedCon Sale, also, Why The Smart Money Is On Red China
According To Hoyt: Living On Our Feet, also, The Mouse Sander & The Coffee Cup
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo Episode 5 – The Discipline Of Idea Management

American Conservative: Who And What Is Tearing The United States Apart?
American Greatness: Gen. Milley Exposes The Myth Of American “Democracy”, also, Federal Judge Blocks Gov. Abbott From Sealing Texas Ports Of Entry
American Power: Why Australia Bet The House On Lasting American Power In Asia, also, Company Documents Show Facebook Knows Instagram Is Toxic For Teen Girls
American Thinker: Warming Causes Cooling, Says Climate Scientist, also, Nicki Minaj Just Learned They Want Her Vote, Not Her Opinion 
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five H.L. Mencken Friday
Babalu Blog: EU Parliament Approves Resolution Condemning Cuban Dictatorship, also, Two Ways Out For A Decaying Cuba – Reinvention Or Collapse
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For September 17
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, India Signs Deal With Private Rocket Startup
Cafe Hayek: The Goal Is Deeper Understanding, also, How Much Would You Pay To Watch GFL Games?
CDR Salamander: AUKUS & The Nuclear Roo, also, Fullbore Friday
Don Surber: It’s Trump’s Party. Get Over It. also, Red China Laughs At Biden
First Street Journal: Now First Responders In Oregon Are Fighting The #JabMandate, also, Will Bunch Wants To Cut Out Large Swaths Of America
Fred On Everything: I Say It Was Poltergeists
The Geller Report: Administration Bans News Drones From Showing Out Of Control Border Situation, also, Idaho Doctor Reports 2000% Increase In Cancer Among Vaccinated Patients
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Still Up On Twitter, and An Interesting Defamation Case
Hollywood In Toto: Why Even Clint Eastwood Fans Will be Let Down By Cry Macho, also, Why The Starling Is An Epic Misfire
The Lid: Constitution Day 2021 – Celebrating The Counterrevolution That Changed The World
Legal Insurrection: Former Baltimore Principal Alleges City Schools Have Fake Classes, Enroll Dead Students, also, Gibson’s Bakery Store Clerk Intervenes Against Oberlin College-Aligned Media To Unseal His Facebook Records
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Week
Outkick: Thom Brennaman Thinks He’s Ready For Comeback After Being Canceled, also, Washington Deadskins Score Game Winning FG Against NFC East Rival Giants
Power Line: Haitians Under The Bridge, also, Administration Admits Drone Strike Blunder
Shark Tank: FL Democrats In Massive Trouble After New Voter Registration Numbers Released
Shot In The Dark: What A Difference A Little Access To Power Makes, also, Urban Progressive Privilege – Someone Else’s Neighborhood
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – Is England Still Influencing America?
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, Teenage Girl Hits Jogger With Car, Laughs About It Later, also, Milley Defends Calls To Red Chinese As “Perfectly Acceptable”
Transterrestrial Musings: “Science” They Said, also, Gary Taubes
Victory Girls: Blinken Chickens Out On Supporting Hong Kong
Volokh Conspiracy: Terrible SCOTUS Decisions That Should Be Added To The “Anti-Canon” Of Constitutional Law
Weasel Zippers: Facebook Lets The Cartels Recruit Hitmen & Prostitutes On Their Platform, Does Nothing To Stop Them, also, Amazon Bans Anti-BLM Book, Chickens Out & Drops Ban After Scrutiny
The Federalist: The NFL Shouldn’t Be Playing One Anthem For Black Americans And Another For Everyone Else, also, My Husband’s A Vaccinated Doctor. Here’s Why I’m Not Getting The Jab. 
Mark Steyn: We Have Met The Enemy Part XX, also, Hold Page 37, Foot Of Column 6

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In The Mailbox: 09.16.21

Posted on | September 17, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.16.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Happy Mexican Independence Day from Quetzalcoatl!

357 Magnum: The Left Will Somehow Blame The Inanimate Object
EBL: Nicki Minaj Takes On The COVID Industry Powers That Be
Twitchy: “Russiagate In A Nutshell”, also, “This Doesn’t Mean What CNN Thinks It Means”
Louder With Crowder: School Board Member Is So Happy She Can Force Your Kids Into Masks, She’s Dancing
Vox Popoli: India Defeated COVID With Ivermectin, also, Machiavelli On The Haters

Adam Piggott: It’s Time For You All To Step Up
American Conservative: First They Came For The Infants

American Greatness: “Science” They Said, also, Nobody Is Coming To Save California
American Power: Nicki Minaj Causes The Establishment To Go To DEFCON One
American Thinker: If Government Concern For Your Health Was Real & Not Political
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Recall News
Babalu Blog: Mattel Releases Celia Cruz Tribute Barbie, also, The Big White Dress
BattleSwarm: Biden Administration Blocking Monoclonal Antibody Supplies To Red States?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, SpaceX Leases Several Large Buildings In Brownsville
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
Da Tech Guy: With The Vaxx Mandate The Biden Administration Has Now Become A Petty Dictatorship, also, Quick Thursday Food Shopping Thoughts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Signs Point To Milley’s Exit, Americans Lose Faith In Elections, and Media, The Unindicted Co-Conspirators
First Street Journal: Faked Concern From Gov. Andy, also, Laughing Out Loud
The Geller Report: Pelosi Pressured Milley To Take Action Against Trump, also, New Drone Footage Shows Out Of Control Situation At Texas/Mexico Border
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, But That Was…Uh, Four Or Five Years Ago, and The Grand Jury Charges That…
Hollywood In Toto: Terrence K. Williams, Steve McGrew Hit The Road With Right-Leaning Laughs
The Lid: Pentagon Avoids Answering Questions About General Milley
Legal Insurrection: Army LTC Resigns Over Jab Mandate, Slams “Marxist Takeover of The Military”, also, NPR Caught Spreading #FakeNews About Hospital Bed Situation In Some Southern States
Michelle Malkin:
Nebraska Energy Observer: Conflicted
Outkick: Nationals Staffers Who Rejected Jab Threaten Lawsuit After Being Fired, also, Lane Kiffin Wants The Manning Bros To Cover Tennessee/Ole Miss Matchup
Power Line: Newest Democrat Idea? Subsidies For Newspapers! also, If You Don’t Believe In Critical Race Theory You Can’t Work
Shark Tank: Sabatini Attacks “RINO” Speaker Sprowls, Pushes “Open Carry”
Shot In The Dark: What The In Crowd Knows, also, Congratulations, Gavin Newsom
The Political Hat: Euthanasia – Killin’ In Canada, Killin’ In California, Killin’ In Hawaii
This Ain’t Hell: North Korea Launches Missiles At Japan
Victory Girls: It’s Not Normal To Call Out The National Guard Preemptively
Volokh Conspiracy: Today In Supreme Court History – September 16, 1787
Weasel Zippers: Retired General Rips Milley – Actions Fall Between Treason & Dereliction Of Duty, also, Capitol Police Whine To National Guard For Protection From 1/6 Protest
The Federalist: Labeling The Founding Documents “Offensive” Just The Beginning Of The National Archives’ Spiteful Plans, also, Clinton Campaign Lawyer Indicted For HIs Role In Peddling Russiagate Hoax To FBI
Mark Steyn: Live Around The Planet, also, Subbing Out

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Journalism 2021: CNN Fact-Checks Rapper’s Claim About Testicles

Posted on | September 16, 2021 | Comments Off on Journalism 2021: CNN Fact-Checks Rapper’s Claim About Testicles

Wow, I’m so old, I remember when CNN was actually a news organization, rather than a P.R. firm for the Democratic Party. In fact, I’m so old, I was old enough to be partying in discos when the first rap hit (“Rapper’s Delight” by Sugar Hill Gang) made it into the Top 40. Jimmy Carter was president, and the Ayatollah was holding Americans hostage in Tehran, but we were too busy partying to care. Is anyone else old enough to remember when most college kids were completely apathetic about politics? But enough about the Good Old Days . . .

Nicki Minaj is a 38-year-old hiphop star who was born in Trinidad and moved to Queens, N.Y., with her family as a child. When she was in her 20s, she was “discovered” by rapper Lil Wayne, and scored her breakthrough hit, “Pink Friday” in 2010. Her net worth is now estimated at $80 million, because America is a white supremacist country that oppresses women and people of color. Well, according to Democrats.

Minaj also has 22 million followers on Twitter, so when she told her tale about COVID-19 vaccine causing her cousin’s friend in Trinidad to experience testicular swelling and become impotent, this set off a panic among Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) who are trying to defend Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate. As Jim Geraghty writes, the establishment went to “DEFCON One”:

Do I believe that hip-hop star Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend in Trinidad received a COVID-19 vaccine and then developed swollen testicles and became impotent? Let’s just say I am going to wait for the full review in The Lancet medical journal before drawing any firm conclusions. I also might want a second opinions from the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Nature, Harvard Medical School, the Mayo Clinic, Sloan-Kettering, and Dr. Ruth Westheimer.
But there is something spectacularly hilarious about this absurd turn in the national debate about COVID-19 vaccinations, where no less a figure than Dr. Anthony Fauci felt the need to go on national television and say, no, there is no evidence that the vaccine will make your testes blow up like a pair of balloons . . .
There is also something hysterical and ludicrous about the fact that media fact-checkers at places such as USA Today and PolitiFact felt the need to “fact check” a tweet from a hip-hop star . . .
The White House apparently felt the need to reach out to Minaj and offered to connect her with a doctor with expertise. MSNBC’s Joy Reid did a whole segment denouncing Minaj, and there have been critical pieces about Minaj at CNNVoxCNBC, the BBC, and elsewhere.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) Why this absurd journalistic panic over a rapper’s tweet about COVID-19 vaccine?

  1. She’s got what they call “clout” as a social-media influencer, particularly among young people. CNN’s audience is a tiny fraction of Nicki Minaj’s Twitter following, and so CNN’s “reporters” — who can’t be bothered to cover the disaster at the U.S.-Mexico border or the emerging hostage crisis in Afghanistan — found time to contact the health minister of Trinidad to deny anyone there experienced testicular inflammation as a result of the vaccine.
  2. The Biden administration has been lying through its teeth, blaming Republicans for the recent “surge” of COVID-19 infections. It’s not Trump voters who are responsible for spreading anti-vaccine “misinformation,” and Nicki Minaj’s tweet undermines the media narrative.

The fact is that vaccination “resistance” is a greater problem among blacks and Hispanics than among whites, but this is an inconvenient truth for the Biden administration (and its media apparatchiki), who are scapegoating Republicans as being “anti-science” on vaccines.

Why do Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) think they can get away with straight-up lying about the COVID-19 pandemic? Because they have been getting away with it right from the start. And they don’t plan to stop lying anytime soon. It’s their job description now, and if that means fact-checking testicle inflammation in Trinidad? So be it.


In The Mailbox: 09.15.21

Posted on | September 15, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.15.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Getting what they voted for good and hard.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1476
EBL: Army Of One, also, The Tangle
Twitchy: Drew Holden Spots What “Seems Like The Only Thing The FBI Has Gotten Right In Recent Memory” After USA Gymnasts Slam The Bureau
Louder With Crowder: TikTok Teacher Claims Expecting Students To Behave & Listen Is – You Guessed It – White Supremacy
Vox Popoli: The Vaccine Is The Virus, also, Why Old Books Matter

Adam Piggott: Boom
American Greatness: Olympic Gymnast McKayla Maroney Blasts FBI For Lying, Covering Up Her Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Predator Doctor, also, American Airlines Kicks Mom, Grandma & Asthmatic Two-Year-Old off Plane Because Kid Couldn’t Keep Mask On
American Thinker: The Strategic Blunders That Gave Us Defeat In Afghanistan, also, California – A Legit Recall Vote, But Evidence Of Fraud Remains
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Surprising Election Losses For The Left All Across Argentina, also, In Communist Cuba, Even The Dead Have To Wait In Line
BattleSwarm: Which Of Our Institutions Is Captured & Corrupted?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Lozenge-Shaped Hole In Martian Crater
Cafe Hayek: What I Fear Is In Humanity’s Future
CDR Salamander: Who Wants To Do The Range & Time To Target Math For Me?
Da Tech Guy: The Greatest Indictment Of Seattle I’ve Yet Heard, also, OK California, From This Point Forward It’s All On You
Don Surber: They Wanted A Coup All Along, also, Vax Mandate Undermines Roe V. Wade
First Street Journal: Will This Year In The Philly Public Schools Be Like Last Year?, also,  Why Does Solomon Jones Want Mostly White Prison Guards But Not Mostly Black Inmates Tested For COVID?
The Geller Report: General Milley Conspired With Red China Against Trump, Told Officers To Disregard President’s Orders, also, Ted Cruz Slams SecState Blinken Over Afghan Child Brides
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Butterfly Nebula, and A Thought Experiment 
Hollywood In Toto: No Fluke – Gutfeld Remains Late-night King, also, Before Belfast, Branagh Scared us Silly With Dead Again
The Lid: Administration Planning On Giving Federal Lands Back To The Indians
Legal Insurrection: “We Are Forcing Them To Pay Attention To The Things They Should’ve Paid Attention To Two Years Ago”, also, MN Supremes Dismissal of 3rd Degree Murder In Noor Case Could Have Implications For Derek Chauvin
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosus, Chapter 6
Outkick: Regular Joes Rejoice – Jennifer Aniston Looking To Date Non-Celeb, also, PA To Require Jab For High School Refs
Power Line: Noor Murder Charge Reversed, also, Our Botched Afghanistan Bugout By The Numbers
Shark Tank: Gimenez – Biden’s Intent To Deceive The American People Was Deliberate
Shot In The Dark: Being Locked Down & Nothingness, Part II, also, Animal Gala
The Political Hat: Woke Book Burning In Canada
This Ain’t Hell: Washington State High School Cuts Red, White, & Blue 9/11 Tribute Because It Might Offend, Woman Assaults Sailor She Claimed Was Phony, and Milley Must Go!
Victory Girls: Newsom To Remain Dictator Of California, also, As Brave Gymnasts Testify About Abuse, Da Nang Dick Yawns
Volokh Conspiracy: Partial Victory For Rep. Nunes In His Lawsuit Against Ryan Lizza & Esquire
Weasel Zippers: Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) Threatens To Subpoena SecDef Austin If He Won’t Appear Before Congress, No Jab For NBA Players, and Blinken Won’t Say How Many American Names Were Given To The Taliban
The Federalist: FBI Refuses To Answer To Congress About Illegal Leaks & Botched Investigations, also, The Real Result Of The California Recall is A Green Light For Tyranny
Mark Steyn: Beijing’s Man On The Inside

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In The Mailbox: 09.14.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | September 15, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.14.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

From Glorious Meme Commissary Of Proletariat.

357 Magnum: The Australian Nanny-State Moves Forward
EBL: Norm MacDonald, RIP, also, Aging Gracefully – Susanna Hoffs Vs. Madonna
Twitchy: 9th Circuit Nominee Tells Ted Cruz It Was Just “Rhetorical Advocacy” When She Called Brett Kavanaugh “Morally Bankrupt”
Louder With Crowder: Joe Biden Visits Idaho And People Line The Streets To Tell Him He Sucks
Vox Popoli: Red China Contemplates Confrontation, The Russian Military Intelligence Perspective, and Comedy Is Over

Adam Piggott: When Men Were Real Men And Tight Pants Were Tight Pants
American Conservative: Defunding The World’s Police
American Greatness: Detroit News Station’s Call For Stories About Unvaxed Loved Ones Dying Of COVID Gets Unexpected Response, also, Hundreds Of NY Teachers Chant “F*** Joe BIden” During Anti-Jab Protest  
American Power: 9/11 Twenty Years Later, also, House Dems Consider 26.5% Corporate Tax Rate
American Thinker: “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming” – What If Nothing Is Coming?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Tyranny News
Babalu Blog: Communist Cuba Goes Back To The Future With The Same Failed Agricultural Policies Of The Past, also, Your Guide To Cuban Coffee
BattleSwarm: Austin Hits All-Time Homicide High, also, Afghanistan News Roundup For September 14
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, SpaceX Successfully Launches Another 51 Starlink Satellites
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Preliminary Commander’s POSTEX On Afghanistan
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Canned Curriculum Fatigue, Assorted Under The Fedora Thoughts, and Covering The Cop Shop
Don Surber: Why Democrats Don’t Care About 2022, Bidenflation Just Gave You A 5.3% Pay Cut, and Xi Owns Our Top General
First Street Journal: Pennsylvania AG Cuts Philly DA Out Of The Loop, also, A Bad Move By Bishop John Stowe
The Geller Report: Administration Removes Large Sections Of The Border Wall In Heavy Drug Trafficking Section Of Arizona Border, also, Capital Police Covering Up 14,000 Hours Of 1/6 Video
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, The Case Of The Reappearing Supernova, and Your Milley May Vary
Hollywood In Toto: “Blood On My Hands” Savages Biden’s Afghanistan Bugout Bungle, also, Jimmy Kimmel Mocks The Florida Dead To Score Partisan Points
The Lid: Joe Biden Claims HIs First Job Offer Came From Idaho Lumber Company; Company Says “Uh, No.”
Legal Insurrection: Syracuse Defends Poli Sci Prof’s Vile 9/11 Tweets, Va. Tech Instructor Apologizes To Minority Students For Being White, and CJCS Milley Allegedly Promised To Warn Red Chinese In Advance of Attack
Michelle Malkin: All It Takes Is One
Nebraska Energy Observer: And So To Continue, also, Big Boys Don’t Cry
Outkick: ESPN’s Monday Night Football Promo Another Example Of Why The Brand Is Tanking, Peyton & Eli Manning Analyze Monday Night Game & It’s Awesome, and Ryan Braun Retires After 14 Years With Brewers
Power Line: Charlottesville’s #BLM Mayor To Step Down After City Gets Buyer’s Remorse, Is General Milley A Traitor Or Not? and Kavanaugh Protesters Violate Federal Law
Shark Tank: DeSantis Eliminates Common Core In Florida
Shot In The Dark: Being Locked Down & Nothingness, Part I, also, At Stake
The Political Hat: The COVID Penal Colony Down Under, also, Allah Vs. The Astral Witches
This Ain’t Hell: Here We Go Again – California Voters Told They Already Voted, After 1/6, Did General Milley Commit Treason Or Prepare For A Coup? and Oldest WW2 Vet Celebrates Another Birthday
Transterrestrial Musings: The Black Mark Of A Bachelor’s Degree, also, A Fatally Flawed Paradigm
Victory Girls: Joe Biden Can’t Be Trusted With Words – Or The Truth
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Court Temporarily Blocks NY Prohibition On Religious Exemptions From Health Care Worker Jab Mandate
Weasel Zippers: Blinken – “Of Course American Weapons Remain In Taliban Hands”, Hundreds Of Protesters Greet Biden With Boos As He Arrives At Newsom Rally, and Trump On Milley – It’s Treason If It’s True
The Federalist: Treason?What The Right Needs Now Is The Courage To Fight, and Sen. Rubio Demands General Milley’s Firing Over Secret Calls To Red China
Mark Steyn: God Bless America, W Reenters The Room, and Commie Collaborators

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In The Mailbox: 09.14.21 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | September 14, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.14.21 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

An important message from the once and future President

McG’s Tally Book: Remember
Red Pilled Jew: Quick Takes
357 Magnum: Some Unions Are Apparently Immune To COVID-19
EBL: Worth and The Voyeurs
Twitchy: Won’t Somebody Think Of The Abuelas? also, Nicki Minaj Tells Meghan McCain To “Eat Sh!t”
Louder With Crowder: “F*** Joe Biden” Week Two In College Football
Vox Popoli: Remember When You Thought He Was A Good Guy?, An Eloquent Expression, and Hey, Distinctions Don’t Matter
Gab News: What Does A Parallel Society Look Like?

Adam Piggott: I Will Not Do That
American Conservative: Tyrannizing The Common Good
American Greatness: Wokeness – An Evil Of Our Age, also, Lessons We Didn’t Learn From What We Were Forbidden To Say
American Power: Who Is Responsible For The Darkness That Has Descended On Us?
American Thinker: Joseph R. Biden, Hollow Man, also, Joe Tries To Deflect
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Communist Cuba Ready To Reopen For Foreign Tourists, also, Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle Very Reminiscent of JFK’s Bay Of Pigs Disaster
BattleSwarm: Joe Rogan Interviews Bret Weinstein On WuFlu, Ivermectin, & Media Groupthink, also, Movie Review – United 93
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Another Technical Problem Found In Virgin Galactic Spaceship
Cafe Hayek: Some COVID Links
CDR Salamander: Twenty Years
Da Tech Guy: 9/12 Thoughts Under The Fedora, also, Cognitive Decline – The Mainstream Media Is Still Protecting Biden
Don Surber: I’d Forgotten How Good Bush Was After 9/11, Barking Biden, and Et Tu, W?
First Street Journal: Laurie Penny Thinks Americans Are “Weird” About Our First Amendment, also, The #VaccineMandate Is Already Causing Nurses To Quit
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: President Trump Makes Surprise Visit To NYPD, FDNY On 20th Anniversary Of 9/11, also, Afghan Refugees As Old As 60 Bringing Child Brides To U.S. 
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, The Problem Of The Polluted Dwarfs, and Nothing To See Here, Move Along
Hollywood In Toto: TheWrap Slams Conservatives, Excuses Time’s Up Celebs For Group’s Downfall, also, Clint Eastwood On Politics – It’s Complicated
The Lid: Biden’s Racist Vaccine Mandate Disproportionately Hurts Black Americans
Legal Insurrection: Rutgers, San Fran U. 9/11 Events Had Speakers With Terrorist Connections, also, Testimony & Video Indicate Biden Droned Innocent Afghan Family
Michelle Malkin: The Coming Abortion Insurrection
Nebraska Energy Observer: Not Obsession, also, Western Woes
Outkick: After Offseason Tension, Aaron Rodgers & The Packers Stink Up The Joint, also, We Are Here – Joe Rogan Vs. Howard Stern On The Jab
Power Line: Meanwhile In Afghanistan, also, A New Form Of Voter Fraud In California?
Shark Tank: Dem Rep Soto Minimalizes Growing Inflation, Calls It “Minor”
Shot In The Dark: When A Bumper Sticker Just Isn’t Enough, also, Karen Crow
The Political Hat: Twenty Years Ago Today – NEVER FORGET
This Ain’t Hell: We Remember Rick Rescorla, Missing Vet’s Body Found In Stairwell Of VA Facility A Month After He Disappeared, and Senior FDA Leaders Stepping Down
Transterrestrial Musings: The Wind In The Heights, also, Latest Spam Phone Calls
Victory Girls: Fallen But Not Forgotten, also, Norks Test New Missiles Because Why Not
Volokh Conspiracy: What’s The Opposite Of Facial Recognition? also, Memories Of 9/11 & Its Aftermath
Weasel Zippers: Madonna Wears SS Uniform To VMAs, Looks Pretty Good For A Civil War Widow, also, Unity At Last – Mets & Yankees Fans Join In Chanting “F*** Joe Biden” While Walking To Game
The Federalist: How Rural Colorado Parents Created A “No Politics” Public School In Just One Year, also, SCOTUS Needs To Stop Unelected Bureaucrats From Making Up Laws
Mark Steyn: Recluses & Reality, Reliving A Nightmare – 9/11 & The Naudet Brothers, and The Remnants Of An Army

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Democrats: The ‘Free Money’ Party

Posted on | September 14, 2021 | Comments Off on Democrats: The ‘Free Money’ Party

You probably recognize the woman on the right in that photo, but who is the woman on the left? That’s Damara Holness, 28, former president of the Broward County (Florida) Democratic Black Caucus. Holness’s father is Broward County commissioner Dale Holness, who is one of several Democrats running for the congressional seat vacated by the death in April of Rep. Alcee Hastings. Dale Holness’s campaign slogan is “Prosperity for All,” and look what his daughter’s doing:

Federal prosecutors have charged 28-year-old Fort Lauderdale, Florida resident Damara Holness with lying on a coronavirus relief loan application and fraudulently obtaining hundreds of thousands of dollars intended to help small businesses financially survive the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to the information filed [in August] in federal district court in Fort Lauderdale, in June 2020, Holness applied for a $300,000 forgivable, federally-guaranteed Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan on behalf of Holness Consulting, Inc., a Florida company that she owned. It is alleged that to justify the requested loan amount, Holness claimed in the on-line loan application, and through supporting fraudulent payroll tax forms, that her company employed 18 people and spent an average of $120,000 each month on payroll. In fact, Holness Consulting had zero employees and no payroll expenses. A bank in Georgia approved Holness Consulting’s PPP loan application based on the lies and wired $300,000 to the company’s bank account in Florida, says the information.
Once the money hit the bank account in July 2020, Holness spent the next few months creating a paper trail to make it appear as if Holness Consulting had employees and was spending the PPP money on legitimate, approved expenses, it is alleged. According to the information, Holness issued checks from the company bank account made out to others who agreed, for a fee, to help with the fraud. At Holness’ direction, the people receiving the checks would endorse and return them to Holness. Then, Holness would cash the checks at the company’s bank, give a few hundred dollars to the check endorsers, and keep the rest of the cash for herself – about $1,000 per check, says the information.

Of course, Damara Holness is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, but her own father threw her under the bus, claiming he had been “estranged” from his daughter for years — despite the fact that she listed his real estate office as her business address.

The PPP program was targeted for billions of dollars in fraud. One estimate is that 15% of the loans, about $76 billion, were fraudulent. Hundreds of people have already been charged, but as Jenny Sugar, assistant U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, recently said, “I think that we are going to be investigating these cases for years to come. “But we’re likely just scratching the surface. I think there’s going to be a lot more fraud uncovered as before.”


Rule 5 Sunday: Rabbit Season!

Posted on | September 12, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Rabbit Season!

— compiled by Wombat-socho

From r/cosplaygirls

Apparently the only actress of note born today is Emmy Rossum, who looks like she could use a cheeseburger or five, so tonight’s appetizer is cosplayer Qi’ra Rose. Because it’s always rabbit season if the rabbit in question is Jessica Rabbit.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1470, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule 5 Fossil Fuels Friday Part 2 and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Sinatra September, Once Upon A Time In America, White After Labor Day, The Guns Of Navarone, Alabama Football, and Nina Simone.

A View From The Beach: Resident Winter Soldier – Emily VanCampFish Pic Friday – OnislandtimeTattoo ThursdayBay Farmers Seek Sweet Federal FundingWednesday Wetness On the RocksGone Fishin’Tuesday TanlinesChesapeake’s Other Sea Bass Getting Some LoveThe Monday Morning StimulusPalm Sunday, and Authorities Search for St. Mary’s Alligator.

Brian Noggle: Barbara McNair

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