The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Violence Against Women Update

Posted on | August 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Violence Against Women Update

In the comments on Friday morning’s post (“The Dangerous Clichés of ‘Empowerment’”), someone mentioned the phrase “rationalization hamster” as a description of the way women justify bad decisions such as getting a tattoo on your cleavage or dating a convicted felon.

These two examples of bad decisions are not chosen entirely at random, but we’ll get to that part in a few minutes. First, I want to digress to explain my habitual tendency to follow research down weird paths, bringing me to surprising destinations. When I started Googling the phrase “rationalization hamster,” one of the links was to male feminist David Futrelle’s site. So I then spent some time Googling about Futrelle, who once up a time was actually a journalist, a staff writer for Money magazine, but then became obsessed with the “manosphere” and now spends all his time writing about anonymous incels on Reddit. This in turn led me to Futrelle’s review of a book by Laura Bates called The Men Who Hate Women. So then I found an interview with Laura Bates, in which she was asked, “Why as an issue is misogynistic extremism still not being taken seriously?

I think that there’s a number of reasons. The first is that it’s a relatively emerging threat in terms of mass killings, so people are failing to join the dots and make the connections between them. But I think a big part of it is that misogyny is so normalised in our society that we really struggle to recognise this as something extreme. We are so used to women being murdered by men. One woman is killed on average every three days by a male current or former partner in the UK — that is literally the backdrop to our daily life. So I think we struggle to see these as atrocities and it is a huge blind spot. It’s also because of who often commits these offences — educated white men and so the criminal justice system finds excuses for them. Look at the recent Georgia shooter for example. The police officer giving a press conference explained, ‘He was having a bad day’, after he had massacred eight people including six asian women. The way in which we collectively excuse, condone, normalise and ignore these white men when they commit mass shootings and terror atrocities really hampers us as a society in tackling the problem.

Some of these assertions bothered me. Are we really “so used to women being murdered by men” that we have a “blind spot” toward such crimes? And what about this “every three days” statistic about women in the UK being killed by male partners? The population of the United Kingdom is about 67 million, so if there are about 34 million women in the UK, and if there are about 120 women killed by male partners annually, how many zeroes after the decimal point are needed to express that as a statistical probability of risk? Do the math, see, and you realize that men murdering women isn’t a crime so common as to be “normalized,” rather that such murders are relatively rare. Contrary to Ms. Bates’s claim, we are not “so used to women being murdered by men.” Even in places where murder is astonishingly common (e.g., Chicago), we find that males are disproportionately the victims. Of the 2,660 people shot in Chicago so far this year, 2,158 (81%) were male. Of the 459 who died from gunshot wounds in Chicago, 398 (85%) were male, so that the male-female ratio of victims is nearly 6-to-1. And 83% of the victims were black.

This is another problem with Laura Bates’s claims. Is it really true that these crimes are “often” committed by “educated white men”? I’m pretty sure university graduates aren’t doing most of the drive-by shootings in Chicago, and I don’t believe “educated white men” are disproportionately overrepresented in domestic-violence incidents. Perhaps some sociology student can dig up the actual data on this, but what Laura Bates is doing (and what David Futrelle praises her for doing) is a familiar trick of propaganda: Find a scary-sounding statistic — every three days a woman in the UK is killed by her male partner — and then assert that this represents a social problem (misogyny) which is illustrated by atypical examples, e.g., “incel” Elliot Rodger on a shooting rampage. This tendentious method is then used to argue that we must suppress “hate speech,” because misogyny is causing the mass murder of women.

It should not be necessary to explain why this argument is invalid, but because logic is no longer taught in our schools, I’ll do it anyway. Most obvious is the fact that among the thousands of guys spewing “misogyny” on the Internet — the Reddit creeps with whom David Futrelle is obsessed — certainly more than 90% of them will never commit an act of criminal violence against a woman. Most people who spout offensive nonsense on the Internet are not violent criminals, and the obverse is also true: Most violent criminals don’t spout offensive nonsense on the Internet. That is to say, of the total number of men who commit violence against women in any given year, only the tiniest fraction of a single percentage point of them have ever visited any of the “manosphere” forums that David Futrelle writes about. If you could illustrate this with a Venn diagram, set A representing “Guys Who Hang Out on Manosphere Sites” and set B representing “Men Who Perpetrate Violence Against Women,” the set AB would be so small as to be statistically insignificant.

In a nation of 325 million people, however, statistically rare incidents may happen on a monthly basis. I have previously illustrated this by compiling “The Year in Dog Sex” — at least 11 people were prosecuted for having sex with dogs in 2016. And this explains how easy it is to exaggerate the danger of “incel” murders. No matter how statistically rare these incidents may be, there are certain to be at least a handful of cases that fit within that definition every year, and if these cases get enough publicity from the national media, it can be made to seem as if “incels” represent a dangerous terrorist threat, but the media could do the same thing with bestiality, if it suited their purposes.

So, having made that 1,000-word digression, we now return to the main topic, Joana Peca of St. Petersburg, Florida.

The tattoo on her (remarkably abundant) cleavage could be cited as evidence of Joana Peca’s defective judgment. The “rationalization hamster” must have run itself silly attempting to justify such a choice. And I’m sure that David Futrelle and Laura Bates would accuse me of misogyny merely for calling attention to this, because any criticism of any woman for any reason is always misogyny, according to feminist logic. “Equality” seems to require that women go through life without ever encountering negative feedback, no matter how foolish or harmful their actions may be, so the effect of feminism in public discourse is to make women off-limits to criticism (unless they vote Republican).

The problem with this, you see, is that without feedback — including the kind of feedback that might persuade a woman not to get tattoos on her breasts — all sorts of foolish behavior are likely to proliferate because, without critical feedback, bad judgment tends to become generalized.

Say hello to Benjamin Robert “Bambi” Williams, age 38:

Williams has a Pinellas County arrest record that spans about 20 years. He has been arrested in cases ranging from grand theft auto, possession of drugs with intent to sell, robbery and fleeing police. He was most recently arrested on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm in January 2020. The state attorney’s office did not seek a prosecution.
In 2007, Williams was arrested on charges of principle to attempted murder and strong-arm robbery, but those charges were dismissed, court records show.

Now, if you had a daughter, wouldn’t you advise her to avoid associating with anyone who had such an extensive criminal record? Yes, but then again, if she’s got already tattoos on her cleavage . . .

Detectives have identified Benjamin Robert Williams aka “Bambi” (DOB 12/31/1982) as the suspect in Saturday’s (July 31, 2021) shooting death of Joana Peca.
Williams and Peca were involved in a romantic relationship and had a baby together. Peca was holding the infant when Williams shot her multiple times in the face. Her older child was sitting in the backseat during the shooting.
A warrant has been issued for William’s arrest and SPPD is actively searching for him. Crime Stoppers is offering up to $5000 for information that leads to an arrest.
Benjamin Williams is deemed to be armed and dangerous.
He is linked to several open homicide investigations.

More detail about the death of Joana Peca:

Peca was found dead in the car, and the children did not suffer any physical injuries, which took place just outside Woodlawn Cemetery.
At the time of the shooting, Peca’s [infant] who she shared with Williams was sitting on her lap while her older child, a 4 year old from another relationship, was in the back seat. The woman was shot multiple times in the face before Williams fled the scene police said in a Facebook release.
‘The children were unharmed but terrified at what had just happened,’ said Sandra Bentil, a spokeswoman for the St. Petersburg Police Department, according to WTVT. . . .
St. Petersburg Police Chief Anthony Holloway told ABC Action News that Williams lured Peca to the cemetery.
‘He called her and asked her to meet him at that location cause she was bringing the children to him to see,’ Holloway said. ‘Once they got to that location that’s when he decided to gun her down.’

“Meet me at the cemetery,” says the career criminal, and what kind of fool would accept this invitation? Alas, a dead fool, one whose “rationalization hamster” was running an endless marathon.


The fugitive killer Benjamin Robert “Bambi” Williams wasn’t spewing misogynistic nonsense on the “manosphere” sites that David Futrelle writes about. He wasn’t an “incel” or one of those “educated white males” that Laura Bates warns about. No, he was merely a regular criminal, “linked to several open homicide investigations,” and maybe he should have been locked up in prison a long time ago, but this is just more violence against women feminists won’t notice, for some reason.


In The Mailbox: 08.06.21

Posted on | August 7, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.06.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Real and spectacular.

Red Pilled Jew: Jab Judo
357 Magnum: The Gun-Hating Left Will Tell You We Need More Gun Laws
EBL: Blondie – Atomic
Twitchy: “Let’s Talk About The Constitution, B-Cup”
Louder With Crowder: Ron DeSantis Fires Back At Biden’s “Governor Who?” Slam – “What Else Has He Forgotten?”
Vox Popoli: The Great Retreat Begins
According To Hoyt: Unschool Yourself, also, Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off
Gab News: Advertising On Gab – The Answer To AdSense & Google Ads



Adam Piggott: Oh Noes, Vaccinate Now Or Risk Death By Delta!
American Conservative: A Note From Hungary – We Are Not A Colony
American Greatness: Over 800 Illegal Minors Stopped At Border In One Day
American Thinker: Putting Communism In The Dock
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Dirty Rotten Bidens Friday
Babalu Blog: Dictatorship Can Only Gather A Handful Of Cubans For Rally Supporting Regime, also, In Havana’s Trillo Park, An Official Act Can’t Compete With A Line To Buy Potatoes
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For August 7
Behind The Black: Having An Off Day, also, The Trials & Tribulations Of Blue Origin’s BE-4 Engine
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: I Can’t Think Of Something That Put Me In A Better Mood Lately, also, Our Continued Compliance Will Result In Never-Ending Lockdowns & Mandates
Don Surber: DeSantis Takes On Biden, also, I Want Cuomo To Stay
First Street Journal: A Doomsday Corona-Chan Might Be Coming Or Something, also, COVID Today
The Geller Report: 9/11 Families Tell Biden – Don’t Come To Our Memorial Events, also, Lawyer Says Capitol Cop Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Ambushed Her
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Math Is Hard, Logic Is Harder, & Facts Are Stubborn
Hollywood In Toto: Free Guy Does The Impossible, also, Cronenberg’s Dead Zone Stands Tall Next To Misery & The Shining
The Lid: In the Middle Of A Crisis, Biden Wants To Cut Border Security Funding 96%
Legal Insurrection: New Poll Shows LA DA Gascon Underwater In Recall Vote, also, Clark County NV Lowers Grading Standards In The Name Of Equity
Nebraska Energy Observer: Free Speech, Free Soil, Free Men
Outkick: U. Wisconsin Removes “Racist” Rock Over 1925 Newspaper Headline, also, New ESPN Employee RG3 Lists His Virginia House For Almost $3.3 Million
Power Line: Biden Displays His Math Skills, also, From The Saborit File – The Murder Charge
Shark Tank: NRCC Trashes Stephanie Murphy In Campaign Ad
Shot In The Dark: Storytellers, also, Nothing To See Here
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – Is There Any Soviet Justice?
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, NK Defector Called Racist For Calling Police On Blacks That Mugged Her
Transterrestrial Musings: “I Just Screwed The Washington Post”, also, The Newsom Recall
Victory Girls: Suck It Up, Peasants, Rep. Cori Bush Needs A Security Detail
Volokh Conspiracy: Third Amendment Lawyers Association Opposes Eviction Moratorium
Weasel Zippers: Billionaire Google Co-Founder Flees U.S. For NZ, also, YouTube Twitter Promotes Insane “Non-Binary Activist”
The Federalist: Biden’s ATF Nominee Talked Guns On Red Chinese Propaganda Network, Forgot To Tell The Senate, also, America’s Generals Lied, Lost Wars, & Looted The People They Swore To Serve
Mark Steyn: The West Moves East, also, We Have Met The Enemy, Part XV

In case you thought I was joking.
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Execution-Style Murder in Brooklyn

Posted on | August 6, 2021 | Comments Off on Execution-Style Murder in Brooklyn

The original surveillance video of this incident that was posted online got edited, out of respect for the victim, but I saw it before it was edited and, wow, this was frightening: A 42-year-old woman was talking to friends outside an apartment building in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn when another woman drives up, parks her car, turns on the flashers, gets out of the car, walks up and shoots her in the back of the head, then turns around, gets back in the car and drives away:

Delia Johnson, 42, was chatting with a group of people by a stoop on Franklin Ave. at Prospect Place in Crown Heights at about 9:40 p.m. Wednesday, a few blocks from her home, when her attacker ambushed her.
Family members believe the shooter followed Johnson from a funeral in the neighborhood earlier in the day.
“She was at a funeral earlier in the evening for an old neighborhood friend to pay her respects, and then this happened,” said her brother, Mathis Johnson, 47. “It was horrible. That lady executed my sister.”

Such was the first report, but then an enhanced image from the video was shown to Johnson’s family by the New York Post:

Kin of the Brooklyn woman killed by a female shooter in a brazen caught-on-video crime say the victim was lured to her death with a phone call — and that her murderer was a “family friend” they recognized from the footage.
“She was on the block with us, she got a phone call, and when she got the phone call, she said, ‘I’ll be right back,’ ” longtime pal Shawn Johnson, 43, recalled Friday, referring to victim Delia Johnson, 42.
“Twenty minutes later, somebody called me and told me she got shot,” he said of Delia. “I told him he was lying. I was just standing here with her.”
Police released two zoomed-in photos of the suspected killer Friday — and family members said they recognize her from the snapshot showing the woman’s face.
“I know her!” exclaimed Delia’s mother, Delia Barry. “Oh my God, oh my God, she used to stay with us. She slept in my bed, ate my food.”
One of the victim’s younger sisters, Hadijah Pendley, called the suspect “a family friend who came to our family events, celebrations, holidays — whatever you want to call it, she came.”
Cops declined comment. The motive is still unclear.
Another sister, Khadyah Barry, said, “I know in my heart that somebody called her and knew what it was and set my sister up.
“Nobody can tell me otherwise,” she said.

Revenge of some kind? Whatever it was, the brazen nature of this shooting has captured widespread attention. Like, maybe this whole business about “defunding the police” was a bad idea or something.


The Dangerous Clichés of ‘Empowerment’

Posted on | August 6, 2021 | Comments Off on The Dangerous Clichés of ‘Empowerment’

One of the problems I encountered when writing about feminism — radical feminism, the real thing — is that so many people have been confused by the use of “feminism” as a marketing slogan and a pop-culture theme that has very little to do with what feminism actually is.

One species of pop-culture feminism is the sort of “empowerment” rhetoric that borrows heavily from self-help psychology, with a bit of watered-down Buddhism and “positive thinking” added into the mix. If you think Norman Vincent Peale was a feminist pioneer, or that a combination of (a) things you’d hear in a rehab center and (b) Hallmark greeting-card platitudes constitute an ideology, then you might be fool enough to believe that this ersatz treacle is actually “feminism.”

However, a lot of women consider anything that helps them cope with their personal problems to be “feminist,” because they’re women, see, and dealing with their problems is empowering, right?

This means that if Hillary Clinton drinks chardonnay to cope with her frustration over losing the 2016 election, chardonnay is feminist. If a guy starts drinking at lunch and keeps going until he’s passed out by sundown, he’s an alcoholic. If Hillary does it, she’s “empowered.”

So, let’s look at a few phrases:

“… what made you who you are today.”
“It was a part of my journey.”
“… internalized trauma …”
“Life is too short to live with regrets.”
“You trusted a woman’s intuition …”
“It helped me get in touch with who I am.”
“… exactly what you needed at that moment.”
“I just needed to focus on me.”
“You can’t live your life for the approval of others.”
“In life there are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.”
“I need to trust the process.”

All of these platitudes occur in this video:


(Hat-tip: Ace of Spades.)


In The Mailbox: 08.05.21

Posted on | August 6, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.05.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Operator-chan hates TDY in Korea.

357 Magnum: We Should Build A Society That Makes It Easy for Prosecutors
EBL: The Cuomo Lottery
Twitchy: Rep. Cori Bush Wants You To Know She Loves You
Louder With Crowder: “Why Won’t You Speak To Us?” CNN Hunts Down Private Citizen Over Alleged “Medical Misinformation”
Vox Popoli: Countdown To Conviction, also, Fear Vengeance, Not Justice
Granite Grok: Let Your Employer Know Their Vaccine Requirement Violates Federal Law


American Conservative: Atlanta & The Future Of American Housing
American Greatness: Johns Hopkins Prof Says COVID Infection Provides More Immunity Than Vaccines, also, Does The Biden Regime Believe In Its Own Legitimacy?
American Power: The Walls Are Closing In On Cuomo, also, The People Vs. Critical Race Theory
American Thinker: How Those COVID Charts Are Lying, also, Who Believes Anthony Fauci?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Sweden COVID News
Babalu Blog: “Communism In Cuba Is Throwing Its Final Temper Tantrum”, also, Cuba Plague Update
BattleSwarm: Texas Sales Tax Holiday This Weekend
Behind The Black: As Thousands Of Teachers Embrace Critical Race Theory, Homeschooling Soars, also, Red China’s Long March 6 Launches Two Military Technology Test Satellites
Cafe Hayek: Three “Small” But Important Points
CDR Salamander: So, Who Wants To Ponder The Art Of Port Clearing? also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Does Anybody Seriously Think Cuomo Is Going To Resign? also, A Mystery For Elizabeth Spears & The NYT, But Nobody Else
Don Surber: Boston Mayor Likens Vax Passports To Slavery, also, How To Win On Student Loans
First Street Journal: Surprise! U.S. Citizens Skeptical Of Government Health Advice, also, Politico – Biden’s Border Plan A Is A Bust. What’s Plan B?
The Geller Report: 90% Of Voters Concerned About Election Fraud, 33% Say Biden Stole The Election, also, Gov. DeSantis Says Unilever Has 90 Days To Reverse Ben & Jerry’s West Bank Boycott Before Florida Disinvests
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Biden Channels Andrew Jackson
Hollywood In Toto: Why Justin Bieber Bowing To The Woke Mob Hurts Us All, also, Will The Oscars Go Gender Neutral Next?
The Lid: Can Biden Be Impeached Based On Democrat Standards?
Legal Insurrection: University Of Nebraska Board Of Regents Prepares To Do Battle Over Critical Race Theory, also, DOJ Plays Politics With Swalwell 1/6 Claims Against Rep. Mo Brooks
Nebraska Energy Observer: Roaming
Outkick: Dana White Won’t Force UFC Fighters To Vaccinate, also, Olympic Weightlifters Decline To Comment On Trans Competitor
Power Line: DeSantis In The Breach, also, Wind & Solar Energy Are Environmental Disasters
Shark Tank: Will The Everglades Foundation Sabotage DeSantis’ Reelection?
Shot In The Dark: You Called? also, Gun Control Via The “Free Market”
STUMP: Mortality With Meep
The Political Hat: Critical Race Theory Ideology – A Case Study, also, The Transgendering Of Medicine – Medical Schools Denying Biological Sex, Abolishing Sex On The Birth Certificate, & Minimizing Post-Operative Regret
This Ain’t Hell: Last Week Troops Starved From “Food Insecurity”, This Week They’re Starving From “Eating Disorders”, also, Photos Hurt Diversity
Transterrestrial Musings: Starliner Woes, also, A Tour Of Starbase
Victory Girls: Extortion 17 – Fallen Angel Documentary
Volokh Conspiracy: Revisiting The Right To Bear Arms After The 2020 Riots
Weasel Zippers: “I’m Going To Make Sure I Have Security…Defunding The Police Needs To Happen”, also Two Texas Fleebaggers Reportedly Vacationing In Portugal, Not Hiding Out In DC
The Federalist: Fauci Reportedly Spent Nearly $500,000 On Abusive Experiments On Dogs, also, Democrats Openly Embrace Lawlessness With Biden’s Illegal “Eviction Moratorium”
Mark Steyn: Going For A Song, also, Smelling Blood

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In The Mailbox: 08.04.21

Posted on | August 4, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.04.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Operator-chan rallies the troops

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1434
357 Magnum: The Third Worst July Ever The Great Reset
EBL: Obama Birthday & Superspeader Bash Today!
Twitchy: “Why don’t You Do Your Job?” also, “Illegal, But Still Worth It”
Louder With Crowder: Women Weightlifters (Who Actually Won Medals) Give Epic Response To Woke Question About Laurel Hubbard
Vox Popoli: Of All The Things That Never Happened, also, Sterilizing The Soldiers

Adam Piggott: Smoking Vs. COVID
American Conservative: Why J.D. Vance Won’t Back Down In The Culture War
American Greatness: D’Souzas Donate $100,000 To 1/6 Family Fund, also, Biden Regime Has Released Over 7,000 COVID-Positive Illegals Into McAllen TX Since Mid-February
American Power: Andrew Cuomo Under Fire, Desperately Fighting For Political Life
American Thinker:  The America Second Agenda
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Shocking Surprise! Canadian Tourists’ “Dream Holiday” In Cuba Turns Into Nightmare, also, Cuba’s Communist Regime Threatens U.S. With Military Retaliation
BattleSwarm: The “Infrastructure” Bill – The Deeper You Get, The Worse It Gets
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Ingenuity’s 11th Flight Scheduled For Tonight
Cafe Hayek: On The Dangers Of The Impossible Quest for Zero COVID
CDR Salamander: Why International Organizations Fail
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – The COVID Quandary, also, Olympic Overload
Don Surber: AP & Reuters Will Help Twitter Censor Conservatives, also, Cuomo’s Sin Is Being An Outsider
First Street Journal: There’s No Reason To Mandate The COVID Jab, also, Woke Women’s Soccer Protest Team Loses Again
The Geller Report: Elections Expert Releases Full Voter Fraud Report For 2020 – 8.1 Million Excess Votes, also, 1/6 Was A Setup
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, The Inner Party Vs. The Apparent Inner Party
Hollywood In Toto: Seven Indie Success Stories That Give Us Hope, also, Suicide Squad – Second Time’s The Charm
The Lid: Documents Reveal U. Pittsburgh Is Creating One-Stop Fetal Tissue Shop Using Taxpayer Cash
Legal Insurrection: Cori Bush Mouths Off About The McCloskey Pardon, also, Teachers Union Sues Mom Nicole Solas To Keep School District From Releasing Critical Race Teaching Records
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Eternal Battle
Outkick: Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) Wants DOJ To Investigate ESPN’s Role In SEC/Big 12 Shakeup, also, Honestly, How Long Do The Olympics Have?
Power Line: Our Disgraceful Judges, also, Biden Reverses Course, Extends Eviction Moratorium
Shark Tank: Janelle Perez To Challenge Elvira Salazar
Shot In The Dark: A Meused – Part Two, also, It Never Gets Old
This Ain’t Hell: Accused “Bonnie Dick” Arsonist Found, also, The Case of The Missing “Navy Hat”
Victory Girls: Is Progressive Darling Nina Turner’s Loss The Canary In The Coal Mine?
Volokh Conspiracy: That Time Governor Cuomo Told Me The NY Attorney General Doesn’t Work For Him
Weasel Zippers: Facebook Exec Helped Cuomo Smear Accuser, also, Sad! Obama Has To Scale Back His Millionaire BirthdayBut You Can Send Money!
The Federalist: Pardoning The McCloskeys Is What Real Racial Justice Looks Like, also, Wisconsin Parents Are Fed Up With Schools’ Attempts To Brainwash Their Kids
Mark Steyn: Social Distancing Is For The Little People, also, Flip Flop Fauci

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Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | August 4, 2021 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

This is a mugshot of Austin William Lanz, when he was arrested in April in Cobb County, Georgia, after breaking into a neighbor’s home. Lanz, who lived with his parents in Acworth, about 30 miles north of Atlanta, had spent months harassing the neighbor and the neighbor’s fiancée:

He was recorded on video by the security system roaming the house for 13 minutes and turned on all the lights, which police said indicated that he’d been “searching through the residence for something or someone.” He left without taking anything, according to arrest reports and court filings.
Lanz was arrested and booked on charges of burglary and trespassing charges. When informed he was being charged, Lanz objected, saying, “but I didn’t take anything,” the arrest report said. He then made statements to a police officer about how planes had been flying over the neighborhood and tracking his cellphone.

(What part of “crazy” do I need to explain here?)

While being processed at the county jail, Lanz . . . attacked two sheriff’s deputies in the intake area without provocation, including one who sustained a chipped bone and torn ligament in her knee. After he was restrained, Lanz reportedly accused the officers of being “gay” for teaming up on him and asked to be uncuffed so he could fight them one-on-one.
A judge reduced his bond in May to $30,000 and released him, imposing some conditions, including that he not take illegal drugs, that he undergo a mental health evaluation and that he not possess a firearm. . . .

(“Hey, this psycho attacked two deputies, but I’m going to turn him loose, on condition he get some help with his mental health.”)

The April break-in was the culmination of a lengthy harassment campaign that involved sexually explicit and “vaguely threatening” messages that Lanz was caught on surveillance camera slipping into the mailbox of the neighboring home where [Phillip] Brent and his then-fiancee lived, Brent said.
The harassment briefly stopped after the police, presented with the video footage, confronted Lanz with a warning, Brent said.
But it later resumed, including in the form of a massive cardboard sign that was duct-taped on Brent’s front door and said, cryptically, on one side: “I’m done wondering for real” and “Wut is the point of that” on the other.
By the time of the break-in, Brent said, he was so unnerved that he was sleeping at his sister’s house. On April 24, around 4 a.m., he was alerted that the alarm company had reported a break-in at his home. He pulled up the surveillance system video camera on his phone, “and I was like, oh, it’s Austin.”
He said Lanz broke in through the back door with a sledgehammer, opened all the blinds and rummaged through his bed. Though it is not mentioned in the police report, Lanz was also carrying a handgun, Brent said.
“It was terrifying,” he said.
Brent and his former fiancee, Eliza Wells, said they were frustrated with the criminal justice system, which they say failed to initially treat the harassment claims with appropriate seriousness and then permitted him to be out on bond.

Did you hear that? The victim of a crime is “frustrated with the criminal justice system,” and if you think Phillip Brent is frustrated, imagine the family of the Pentagon cop Lanz murdered this week:

The man who killed a Pentagon police officer at a nearby transit center Tuesday got off a bus, immediately stabbed the officer and then shot himself with the officer’s gun, the FBI says.
Officer George Gonzalez was killed in the line of duty after a burst of violence on a bus platform outside the headquarters of the U.S. military. The Pentagon was temporarily locked down.
The FBI said in new information Wednesday that Austin William Lanz, 27, of Georgia, is the suspect. Lanz died at the scene. A “civilian bystander” was wounded and had non-life-threatening injuries.
According to the FBI, Lanz got off a bus at the Pentagon Transit Center in Arlington at about 10:40 a.m. Tuesday and “immediately, without provocation, attacked Officer George Gonzalez with a knife, severely wounding him.”
A “struggle ensued” and Lanz mortally wounded Gonzalez.
Lanz then shot himself with Gonzalez’ gun

When a psycho spends months harassing his neighbors, then commits a burglary, and attacks sheriff’s deputies at the jail maybe — just maybe — you should keep him behind bars? When he’s obviously delusional, and thinks planes flying over his house are tracking his cellphone?

How long have I been saying this? Crazy People Are Dangerous!


In The Mailbox: 08.03.21

Posted on | August 3, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.03.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Operator-chan on temporary duty at the NSA. She’s watching you degenerates.

357 Magnum: Security For Me, But Not For Thee
EBL: Creepy Groper Andrew Napolitano Out At Fox News
Twitchy: Phrasing! VP Harris Traveling To Vietnam To Announce “America Is Back”
Louder With Crowder: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Busted Drafting Excuses For Brother Andrew’s Sexual Harassment Allegations 
Vox Popoli: Flirting With Debt Default, also, They’re Whacking Fredo

Adam Piggott: Bigots Must Become Extinct, Or Something
American Conservative: Money, Threats, & Military Power
American Greatness: Soros-Backed Virginia Prosecutors Facing Recall Trials, also, Another Partisan Stunt By The U.S. Capitol Police
American Thinker: It’s Republicans Who Are A Threat To Democracy
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Dissident Right News
Babalu Blog: Heritage Foundation Has Grim Assessment Of Biden’s Cuba Policy – Obama Disaster Is Back
BattleSwarm: 2,702 Pages Of Pork, also, Austin Police Refunding Initiative Makes The November Ballot
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, SpaceX Installs 29 Raptor Engines On Superheavy #4
Cafe Hayek: Investment Changes The Utility Calculus
CDR Salamander: East Of Suez Gets Interesting Again
Da Tech Guy: With All The COVID Hype, You Probably Missed…, also, Quick Thoughts Under The Fedora – Mostly Olympics Edition
Don Surber: Don’t Misunderestimate BIden, also, Companies Notice Inflation
First Street Journal: LAUSD Plans On Physically Assaulting Every Student & Employee Every Week
The Geller Report: Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) Calls For Impeachment Of Biden & DHS Chief Over Border Crisis, also,  Texas “HCQ Doc” Sues CNN & Anderson Cooper For $100 Million
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Well, That Didn’t Age Well
Hollywood In Toto: Five Instant Takeaways From Venom 2 Trailer, also, Will Hollywood’s #MeToo Movement Finally Hold Gov. Cuomo Accountable?
The Lid: Dumb-Dumb DeBlasio Makes NYC First In The Nation To Require Proof Of Jab For Dining
Legal Insurrection: Court Issues TRO Halting Texas’ Illegal Migrant Transport Ban, also, NY Gov. Cuomo Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations, Refuses To Resign
Nebraska Energy Observer: Welcoming A Friend Back To Our World
Outkick: Olympic Gold Medalist Wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock – “I Love Representing The U.S.”, also, Texas State Legislators Grill UT During Hearings About Move To SEC
Power Line: It’s Not Just Little Girls, also, Why Were DOJ Warnings To Protect The Capitol Ignored?
Shark Tank: Sabatini – “Stephanie Murphy Is One Of The Dumbest Members Of Congress”
Shot In The Dark: Void
The Political Hat: Australia Vs. Online Anonymity
This Ain’t Hell: VA Finally Accepting Claims Related To SW Asia Burn Pits, also, Active Shooter At Pentagon, One Policeman Reportedly Killed
Transterrestrial Musings: Space Barons
Victory Girls: Fourth Capitol Police Officer’s Suicide Raises Questions
Volokh Conspiracy: The CDC’s New Eviction Moratorium Has Virtually All The Same Flaws As The Old One
Weasel Zippers: Fauxcahontas Claims “Abortion is About The Functioning Of Our Democracy”, also, Sharpton Tells Left To “Rise Up” Against “Racist Cowards” Who Oppose Critical Race Theory
The Federalist: Masks & CRT Are Just The Start – It’s Time To Break The Public Schools, also, A List Of All The Blue-Check Journos Who Lavished Praise On Andrew Cuomo Last Year
Mark Steyn: The Canyons Of His Mind, also, Who Ya Gonna Believe?

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