The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: I’d Rather Die Than Give You Control

Posted on | July 31, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: I’d Rather Die Than Give You Control

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Seriously, keep the door closed. We’re not kidding.

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Rule 5 Sunday: Bunny Girl Senpai
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Return of the Aspiring Rapper Update
Bacon Time
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Camouflage
A View From The Beach

Liberalism as Organized Ignorance
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

‘There’s Always a Reason’

The #1 Cause of Anti-Semitism
A View From The Beach

Forget ‘De-funding Police,’ AOC Now Wants to Abolish the Prison System
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.26.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

A ‘Surge’ of Media-Hyped Fear

In The Mailbox: 07.27.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Bang Bang Fang Fang: Eric Swalwell’s China Spy Secrets Inspire Painful Puns
357 Magnum

Wisdom From a Whore

Georgia Democrats Admit They’re ‘F**ked’
Survival Tricks
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 07.28.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.29.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

37% of Criminals Released From Prison Get Re-Arrested Within ONE YEAR
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.30.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending July 30:

  1.  EBL (17)
  2.  357 Magnum (10)
  3.  (tied) A View From The Beach & Proof Positive (9)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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The Big Yellow Button Returns

Posted on | July 31, 2021 | Comments Off on The Big Yellow Button Returns


As every regular reader of this blog knows, the yellow “donate” button takes you to my PayPal account, where you can contribute dollars, pounds, Euros, shekels, rubles or whatever to support the blog.

PayPal has been very, very good to me over the years, and I was disturbed when I read that PayPal is teaming up with the ADL and SPLC to defund alleged “extremist” sites. We know very well how Big Tech has spent the past five years deplatforming anyone who dissents from the “social justice” narrative, and it’s frighten to think that PayPal would join forces with an organization as thoroughly disreputable as the SPLC.

David Sacks, a Silicon Valley venture capitalist who was once chief operating officer (COO) of PayPal, shares his concerns about this issue:

I’m a Jewish American who has special appreciation for the ADL’s historical role as a watchdog against antisemitism. . . .
The point is that the ADL, like the SPLC, now weighs in on issues far beyond its original purview.
Just as there is no set definition of “hate speech” that everyone agrees upon, the definition of a “hate group” is nebulous and ripe for overuse by those with an agenda. So it should come as no surprise that the ever-increasing list of suspects has grown from unquestionable hate groups, like neo-nazis and the KKK, to organizations who espouse socially conservative views, like the Family Research Council, religious liberty advocates, and even groups concerned with election integrity.
The reclassification of political opponents as hate groups has been enabled by expansive redefinitions of terms like racism, segregation and white supremacy. . . .
I have no desire to defend genuinely hateful or extremist groups. Indeed, when I was COO at PayPal, we regularly worked with law enforcement to restrict illegal activity on our platform. But we are talking about something very different here: shutting down people and organizations that express views that are entirely lawful, even if they are unpopular in Silicon Valley. . . .
I implore my successors at PayPal and other Big Tech companies to stop throwing kindling on the fires of populism by locking people out of the online public square and the modern web-based economy. Silenced voices and empty stomachs are fuel for the very extremism you claim to oppose.

Read the whole thing. The problem with boycotting PayPal is that there is no comparable substitute. Right now, I’m trying to plan a reporting trip to Florida, perhaps in September, so I once again urge readers to recall the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:




Posted on | July 31, 2021 | Comments Off on PUT CRIMINALS IN PRISON!

Say hello to Cody Wayne Russell, and pray to God that you never encounter him, because Cody is the pluperfect example of what happens when the criminal justice system fails. There is a judge in Ohio who needs to be removed from the bench. He or she had a chance to send Cody to prison, but instead this dangerous felon was sentenced to probation.


Fortunately, Cody is likely to be off the streets for a while now. When last heard from, he was being held without bond in a Florida county jail. If he ever sees the outside of a cell again, it will be too soon.

Last December, not long after he turned 18, Cody was convicted in Montgomery County, Ohio, of assaulting a police officer. Were it up to me, such a felony would mean serious prison time, because assaulting a cop should be considered an attack on the law itself. Such crimes are disrespectful, an expression dangerous antisocial tendencies, and I wish our courts were entrusted to judges who understood the importance of upholding the dignity of society by imposing harsh justice on those who exhibit an attitude of defiance toward the law.


Excuse my angry outbursts, but I just got through watching a YouTube video of the 12-mile police chase through two Florida counties that ended with Cody Russell’s arrest in April. This punk is clearly a menace to public safety, and discovering that he was out on probation when it happened — because of some LIBERAL BLEEDING HEART JUDGE in Ohio — only increased my rage. Judges who go soft on criminals put the public in danger, and this leniency must be stopped.

So (he says, taking a deep breath and trying to get his blood pressure down before suffering an apoplectic stroke) what happened was that Cody, like the vicious criminal he is, stole a black Dodge Durango and then stole the tag from a Toyota Avalon — apparently because in his dimwit criminal mind he imagined that having a stolen tag on a stolen truck would somehow deceive cops — and took off for Florida. In addition to grand theft auto, going to Florida was a violation of the terms of Cody’s parole, which forbade him to leave Ohio without authorization from the court. Cody traveled about 900 miles to reach Sumter County, Florida, where he was spotted near mile marker 322 by Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Eric Kjekstad. At that point, Cody was heading north in the stolen Durango, indicating that he was coming from somewhere further south, perhaps Tampa. Trooper Kjekstad reported:

I observed a black Dodge Durango with an unknown Ohio tag traveling northbound on the outside emergency lane at a high rate of speed passing numerous vehicles. While in the emergency lane, the vehicle was all over the shoulder kicking up numerous debris at nearby motorist[s], causing an immediate hazard to their safety. Due to the Driver’s wanton disregard to the safety of the motorist and reckless nature, I activated my emergency lights and sirens to initiate a traffic stop on the before mentioned vehicle. The vehicle made erratic lane changes into the inside lane accelerating away from my fully marked patrol vehicle with an agency insignia, at which time I initiated a pursuit at approximately 4:27 PM.

You see that Cody might never have attracted law-enforcement attention — despite being a felon on probation, driving a stolen vehicle with a stolen tag — had it not been for his “wanton disregard” for public safety in recklessly zooming up the shoulder of the highway. Now, if you want to watch it, here’s the video of the ensuing chase:


Do you see why that made me so angry? I was hoping to see the trooper do one of those high-speed PIT maneuvers the way they do in Arkansas, where the fleeing felon sometimes dies as a result. (Trooper Tanner Middlecoff fatally rammed Lakita Davis at 126 mph.) But this is Florida, not Arkansas, so Cody unfortunately survived, getting off I-75 at exit 341, making a zigzag through traffic, going north on a two-lane highway, then crashing into a tree while attempting a high-speed left turn.

It took about 10 minutes for Cody to travel 19 miles on I-75, meaning his average speed was more than 100 mph, and at times he was traveling as fast as 115 mph, according to Trooper Kjekstad. If you watch the video, you’ll see how dangerous such speeds are in “moderate” traffic.


Sorry for another angry outburst, but this business of criminals having no fear of law enforcement is the real root of the problem. If it were up to me, cop cars would have laser-sighted, remote-control miniguns mounted on the hood. There would be a trigger mechanism on the steering wheel, and once the computer aiming system had a “lock” on the target — BBRRRRRRR!! — those miniguns would unleash a burst of .50-caliber automatic fire that would destroy the fleeing vehicle.

Most criminals are so stupid, some of them still might try to outrun the cops, but I guarantee you none of them would do it twice.

Being authorized to inflict sudden death on fleeing criminals would do wonders for the morale of America’s law enforcement community, not to mention the benefits to public safety of lowering the recidivism rate to zero. You run from the cops, you die — that would be my policy.

Alas, the Supreme Court in its 1985 decision Tennessee v. Garner didn’t see the benefits of this approach and, even in dissenting from the majority, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor didn’t seem to endorse my laser-sighted minigun solution to fleeing suspects, so we’re forced to live in a world where criminals lead cops on high-speed chases without fear of .50-caliber fire directed by computer-assisted targeting systems.

Be that as it may, we can start putting criminals behind bars where they belong, instead of turning them loose the way that Ohio judge turned Cody Russell loose, and if I were a citizen of Montgomery County, Ohio, I’d be investigating this case to find out who that judge was, so I could organize an effort to remove them from the bench. Meanwhile, when last heard from, Cody Russell was in the Sumter County Jail, charged with two felonies and four misdemeanors, being held without bond because he violated felony probation. We can certainly hope that Florida authorities will send him for a nice long stay in Starke. By the time he gets out, maybe I’ll have convinced law-enforcement to try my computer-aimed .50-caliber minigun idea, and we’ll see if maybe the Supreme Court wants to repent for its mistake in Tennessee v. Garner.


In The Mailbox: 07.30.21

Posted on | July 30, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.30.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

The Chairman of the JCS, General Milley, wishes he was this masculine.

357 Magnum: “A City Out Of Control & In A Downward Spiral”
EBL: Livin’ Mask Free
Twitchy: A Gay Rights Activist Explains How The CDC’s P-Town Study May Be Fatally Flawed, also, Unmasked Biden Says “In All Probability” We’ll Have More COVID Restrictions
Louder With Crowder: “It’s Not Science, It’s Politics” – Ted Cruz Goes Thermonuclear On Democrats & “Discredited” CDC
Vox Popoli: Religious Exemption Documents, also, Minimizing The Digital
According To Hoyt: Waiting For The Chirp Chirp Chirp, also, Sounding The Tocsin
Monster Hunter Nation: Interstate Tour Of Hate Starts Now! also, Target Rich Environment 2 Audiobook Available For Preorder

Adam Piggott: We Are Few – Hold Fast
American Conservative: Ben Garrison – Sketched & Labeled
American Greatness: Ashli Babbitt’s Mom Speaks, also, Democrat House Passes Bill To Allow Illegals To Work As Congressional Staffers
American Power: Former Senator Carl Levin Dead At 87, also, Judge Jeanine Slams Administration’s Double Standards On COVID At The Border
American Thinker: Two Americas. Two Different Belief Systems.
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Vaccine Skeptics Friday
Babalu Blog: Red Chinese Military Training Cuban Security Forces How To Quash Dissent, also, Cuban Refugees Fleeing Brutal Repression Being Returned To Cuba By U.S. Coast Guard
Baldilocks: A Wordless Rant
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For July 30
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Apollo 11’s Lunar Ascent Stage Still In Lunar Orbit?
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
Da Tech Guy: One Note About This ABC Poll About Declining American Optimism, also, Cause & Effect In Cleveland & Seattle, And Other Matters Under The Fedora
Don Surber: The Banality Of Our Destructors, also, Only 34% Of Democrats Believe In Biology
First Street Journal: Republican State Agency Heads Tell Gov. Beshear Not Only No, But Hell No
The Geller Report: Kangaroo Court – The 1/6 Hearings Threaten All Of Us, also, Tlaib & Occasional Cortex Call For Treasury To Strip Tax Exempt Status From Charities Supporting Israel
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, On The Proper Application Of Alinsky’s Rule 5
Hollywood In Toto: Woke Exchange Can’t Capture 80s Magic, also, Fast & Furious Star Asks, “Y’all Ready To Homeschool Your Children Yet?”
The Lid: Cubans Turned Away – Biden Makes Mockery Of Refugee System
Legal Insurrection: Petition Claims Using Legal Names On Graduation Certificates Makes Transgenders Feel Unsafe, also, MN Lawsuits Allege Critical Race Theory Teaches Racism & Intolerance
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Battle Of Jaffa
Outkick: CNN Can’t Get Over White Males Having An Opinion On Simone Biles, also, Dodgers Finalizing Deal To Get Scherzer & Turner From Nationals
Power Line: Babysitting Joe Biden, also, Some Dare Call It Infrastructure
Shark Tank: Carlos Gimenez Literally Steps Across Pelosi’s Mask Policy
Shot In The Dark: Shake & Bake Crisis, also, When You Think Moonshine
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – Sex Education
This Ain’t Hell: USS Bonhomme Richard Fire Suspect Charged, also, Cancelling $50,000 In Student Loans For Racial Justice?
Transterrestrial Musings: The Dissident California Right, also, The Real Threat To Democracy
Victory Girls: Yes, You Should Be A Citizen To Vote
Volokh Conspiracy: Parents Challenging “Anti-Racist” Curriculum Can Sue Anonymously To Shield Their Children
Weasel Zippers: NYT Reporter Wants Trump supporters Labeled “Enemies Of The State”, also, Administration Spox Admits They’re Releasing COVID-Positive Illegals Into Communities
The Federalist: Kamala Harris – We Can’t Secure The Border Until We Turn Central America Into Paradise, also, The Left Has A Pedophilia Problem, And It’s Out In the Open
Mark Steyn: Triumph Of The Wheeler, also, We Have Met The Enemy Part XIV

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37% of Criminals Released From Prison Get Re-Arrested Within ONE YEAR

Posted on | July 30, 2021 | Comments Off on 37% of Criminals Released From Prison Get Re-Arrested Within ONE YEAR

A new study from the Department of Justice confirms what most people already knew, that career criminals continue committing crime:

During the first year after their release from state prison in 2012, about 4 in 10 (37%) prisoners were arrested at least once either within or outside of the state that released them . . . About 6 in 10 (62%) were arrested within the first 3 years, while 7 in 10 (71%) were arrested within 5 years.

Seventy-one percent arrested again within five years of getting out of prison. More from the new DOJ study about criminal recidivism:

Nearly three-fourths of prisoners released in 2012 were arrested within the next five years, according to a study released Thursday by the Department of Justice.
Conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the data was collected across 34 states between 2012 and 2017 to gain insight on recidivism patterns across various demographics, commitment offenses and prior criminal histories.
Of the 408,300 state prisoners monitored, researchers recorded around 1.1 million arrests during the five-year follow-up period. The 34-page study noted that the percentage of released prisoners declined the further out they got from release— from 268,000 arrests the first year to 191,000 in the fifth year.
“Among released prisoners, males were more likely than females to be arrested during each cumulative year following release,” the report states. “At the end of the 5-year follow-up period, the cumulative arrest percentage was 72% for males and 63% for females.”
It also broke down re-arrest rates by race, finding Black and Hispanic prisoners had been rearrested one year after release from prison at similar rates of 38% and 39%, respectively. The rate for white prisoners within the same time period was slightly lower at 35%.
“At the end of the 5-year follow-up period, white (70%) and Hispanic (67%) prisoners had lower cumulative arrest percentages than black prisoners (74%),” the report states. . . .
The prisoners studied had been sentenced for a mix of convictions, including homicide, rape and sexual assault, robbery, burglary, drug possession, trafficking and unlawful weapon possession. Around 43% percent of them had been arrested at least 10 times prior to their current sentencing.

And if you think crime is bad now, just remember: AOC wants to abolish prisons and turn all the criminals loose.


In The Mailbox: 07.29.21

Posted on | July 29, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.29.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Operator-chan’s French cousin (h/t Jed Babbin)

357 Magnum: Chicago Mayor’s Failed Anti-Violence Campaign
Red Pilled Jew: The Elois’ Smile
EBL: Scarlett Johansson Sues Disney Over Black Widow
Twitchy: “Who The Hell Is She?” also, Horrifying Display Of Decadent Apathy – Democrat Staffer Snaps Pics Of Maskless Republican Staffers Playing Beer Pong
Louder With Crowder: Crowder’s Getting Heart Surgery
Vox Popoli: Christianity Is Not “The Tradition Of The Elders”, also, Red China Rubs Afghan Failure In America’s Face

American Conservative: A Year & A Half Of Magical Thinking
American Greatness: GOP Lawmakers Blocked From Visiting 1/6 Political Prisoners
American Power: So, Electric Cars Are Destroying The Planet?
American Thinker: Questions The 1/6 Commission Won’t Ask
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Gun Control Stupidity News
Babalu Blog: Sixth High-Ranking Cuban Military Officer In Ten Days Mysteriously Dies, also, The Brutality Of The Cuban Regime Is So Bad Not Even The NYT Can Ignore It
Baldilocks: Lifecycle
BattleSwarm: Austin Pays $10,000 To Indoctrinate APD In Critical Race Theory, But It Gets Worse
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Nauka Finally Docks With ISS
Cafe Hayek: COVID Did NOT Reduce Life Expectancy By 1.5 Years – And The FDA Is No Friend In The Fight against COVID
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: The Democrats’ Delta Variant, also, The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act Is Another Democrat Attempt To Steal Future Elections
Don Surber: Ohio RINOs Let Killers Go Free, also, The Olympics Through Woke Eyes
First Street Journal: Street Justice, also, More Discrimination Against Asians By The Left
The Geller Report: Lying Biden Mocked For Claiming He Used To Drive An 18-Wheeler, also, Swastika In The State Department
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Don’t Know Much About History
Hollywood In Toto: The Other Reason For Weak Box Office Numbers That Noone Will Admit, also, Geena Davis Skewers Woke Hollywood For Snubbing Older Actresses
The Lid: Democrat Dark Money – Big Labor Loophole Hid $1.8 Billion In 2020 Support
Legal Insurrection: New Prof At Arizona State Applies CRT To Study Of Music, also, Fauxcahontas Trying To Save Gavin Newsom From Recall
Nebraska Energy Observer: Ageist
Outkick: Scherzer To The Padres? also, American Sunisa Lee Takes The Gold As Simone Biles Watches
Power Line: Biden The Truck Driver? C’mon, Man, also, Delta Hysteria
Shark Tank: Charlie Crist Flip-Flops On Abortion – Again
Shot In The Dark: On The Line, also, Life Is Full of Ironies, If You’re Stupid
The Political Hat: Woke Learning – Indigenous Creationism, Critical Race Collective’s Five Tenets, & Not Really Math, also, California Bans High-End Personal Computers
This Ain’t Hell: Administration Orders Everyone At Pentagon To Mask Up, Even If They Got The Jab, also, Thursday FGS
Victory Girls: Roundup Time – A Curve The Ruling Class Won’t Flatten
Volokh Conspiracy: $250/Day Fine For Displaying “F**k Biden” Sign At Home Dropped Thanks To NJ ACLU
Weasel Zippers: Merrick Garland Threatens TX Gov Abbott Over Immigration Enforcement, also, Project Veritas Leaks Unreleased Documentary Wherein Occasional Cortex Compares 1/6 To Being Raped
The Federalist: House Freedom Caucus Calls For Kicking Cheney & Kinzinger Out Of GOP Conference, also, Postal Union That Endorsed Biden Rejects Federal Vaccine Mandate
Mark Steyn: Live Around The Planet…With A Few Extras

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In The Mailbox: 07.28.21

Posted on | July 28, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.28.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Operator-chan saves the day.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1427
EBL: Separated At Birth Or Transitioning Liars?
Twitchy: Army General Protects Twitter Account After Getting Pwned By Hillsdale Student, also, Locals Pour Cold Water On Yoga Mom’s “Off-Grid Thing” Travel Plans Through Central America With Ten Year Old Daughter
Louder With Crowder: Genius Video Shows Joe Biden Demanding Tougher Penalties For Crack While Hunter Smokes Along
Vox Popoli: The “Courage” Of The Quitter, also, Google & Facebook Mandate Vaccinations

Adam Piggott: Never Start A Land War In Australia
American Greatness: COVID-Positive Illegals In Texas Staying In Charity-Funded Hotel, Infecting People In Restaurants, also, Democrat Megadonor Ed Buck Found Guilty Of Two Drug-Related Deaths In His Home
American Thinker: Why Democrats Don’t Care About Crime
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: A Black Uprising Is Shaking Cuba’s Communist Regime, also, Cuba, The Truncheon Utopia
BattleSwarm: Democrat Megadonor Ed Buck Convicted On All Charges
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, Blue Origin Working To Make Second Stage Of New Glenn Reusable
Cafe Hayek: The Invisible Hand Relies On Visible Prices
CDR Salamander: Get The Damn JAG In Here
Da Tech Guy: Post-Christian/Marxist Sore Thumbs In Science, Law, Tribalism, & The Fruits Of It All, also, Report From Louisiana – Turmoil In The Church
Don Surber: Cleveland Indians’ New Name Already Taken, also, Calling Someone Jussie Smollett Is RAAAAACIST!
First Street Journal: Why Don’t Neoconservatives Support Liberty At Home? also, It’s Getting Closer & Closer!
The Geller Report: Officer Who Claimed 1/6 Rioters Were Chanting The N-Word Is Huge #BLM Supporter, also, Iranian Defector Mollaei Dedicates Olympic Judo Silver To Israel
Hogewash: A Supply Chain War Story
Hollywood In Toto: The Defund The Police Crowd Would Hate Michael Mann’s Miami Vice, also, NAACP Won’t Accept Morgan Wallen’s Repeated Apologies
The Lid: New Problems for Biden’s ATF Nominee David Chipman
Legal Insurrection: Poll Says Vote To Recall Gavin Newsom A Statistical Dead Heat, also, Seventeen Senate Republicans Vote To Move Infrastructure Bill Forward
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Fight Against CRT, And WuFlu Testing
Outkick: Novak Djokovic Drops Truth Bombs – Players Need To Deal With Pressure, also, Big 12 Accuses ESPN Of Encouraging Destabilization Of Conference, Issues Cease & Desist
Power Line: The “Follow ‘The Science'” Clown Show, also, Masks Again?
Shark Tank: Sabatini Blasts “Shameless” Murphy And 1/6 Committee
Shot In The Dark: Just So We’re Clear On This, also, Lining Up For Final Approach On That Windmill
STUMP: Mortality Basics With Meep
The Political Hat: It’s Not The Funding, It’s The Pedagogy
This Ain’t Hell: DOD “All In” On Fighting “Food Insecurity” In The Ranks, also, Red China Stirs Another Pot
Victory Girls: The Far Left Is Everyone’s Enemy, Not Just Eric Adams’
Volokh Conspiracy: How I Approach Unconventional & Unpopular Legal Views
Weasel Zippers: ACLU Says Second Amendment Is Racist, also, Joe Biden Claims He Used To Drive An 18-Wheeler
The Federalist: Shocker! Nearly 90% Of Illegals Let In By Biden Have Failed To Report As Required, also, The Left Essentially Exists To Make Your Entire Life Worse
Mark Steyn: Restaurants Redux, also, El Covid Pasa

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Georgia Democrats Admit They’re ‘F**ked’

Posted on | July 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Georgia Democrats Admit They’re ‘F**ked’

A couple of months ago, I had a long phone conversation with an old friend from Douglas County, Georgia. Among other things, we talked about the election there and, when I mentioned suspicions of fraud, my friend said he didn’t believe Democrats had fabricated votes in Fulton County. Instead, he said, they had exploited the Secretary of State’s decision (contradicting state law) to permit widespread mail-in voting with drop boxes. What Democrats did with that loophole, my friend explained, was to deploy an army of ballot harvesters who were soliciting votes in grocery store parking lots and they knew whose votes they were looking for, IYKWIMAITYD. So, according to my friend, the election wasn’t exactly stolen, but it was not exactly legitimate, either.

That experiment in mass mail-in voting was made necessary, according to its defenders, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Be that as it may, the Georgia legislature was determined to prevent any future such improvisations, and passed a new election law which, as Gov. Brian Kemp has said, makes it “easier to vote, but harder to cheat.”

Without cheating, can Georgia Democrats win? They don’t think so:

On Monday, Politico channeled the freakout from Georgia liberals. The eye-grabbing headline: 

‘We’re f—ed’: Dems fear turnout catastrophe from GOP voting laws
There’s growing concern — bordering on alarm — about the potential impact in 2022 of the raft of new voting restrictions.

Reporters Maya King, David Siders and Daniel Lippman began: 

After Georgia Republicans passed a restrictive voting law in March, Democrats here began doing the math.
The state’s new voter I.D. requirement for mail-in ballots could affect the more than 270,000 Georgians lacking identification. The provision cutting the number of ballot drop boxes could affect hundreds of thousands of voters who cast absentee ballots that way in 2020 — and that’s just in the populous Atlanta suburbs alone.
“If there isn’t a way for us to repeat what happened in November 2020, we’re f—ed,” said Nsé Ufot, CEO of the Stacey Abrams-founded New Georgia Project. “We are doing what we do to make sure that not only our constituents, our base, the people, the communities that we organize with, get it. We’re trying to make sure that our elected officials get it as well.”

Sometimes mainstream media outlets toss out numbers to make political points without citing the sources. . So where did Politico come up with that 270,000 number? They don’t say. They also don’t say if that number includes those who are not legally residing in Georgia or even if they’re U.S. citizens.
In any case, that number seems rather high since without ID you can’t do banking, driving, or just purchasing a beer among many other things.  . . .
The most likely source for that 270,000 number is . . . an Atlanta Journal Constitution article published on June 1. Ironically, that same article makes clear that requiring identification is not really a barrier to voting.

What is incomprehensible to me is how these 270,000 people somehow got registered to vote without being able to prove who they are.

Let’s think about this: You could fill out a voter registration form just using any name — write in “Max Dorian Fried,” for example — and any address (e.g., 755 Battery Ave SE) and you’re a registered voter. And so far as we know, there are 270,000 such phantom registrations in Georgia, of “voters” who have no way of proving they actually exist, much less that they meet the legal eligibility requirements for voting.

This was how Stacey Abrams and her crew were able to work their electoral voodoo in 2020, a species of swindling they call “democracy.”

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)


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