The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Wisdom From a Whore

Posted on | July 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Wisdom From a Whore

“Aella,” from her Twitter account.

Excuse the plain English in the headline, but we live in an age in which politically correct euphemisms are employed to conceal the ugly truth, and the truth about prostitution is about as ugly as it gets. You can call them “sex workers” if you wish, but they’re still whores, and no amount of fancy pseudo-academic jargon will change that fact.

The pervasiveness of pornography on the Internet, and the prevalent use of social media as a sort of personal advertisement (“HMU in the DMs”) for college girls to find “sugar daddies,” has somewhat blurred the distinction between dating and whoring, at least in the minds of many young participants in these endeavors. Recall when Utah sorority girl Mackenzie Lueck went missing, and members of her sorority complained about “slut shaming” when it was reported that Lueck had been meeting men through “sugar baby” sites. As I wrote at the time:

We should not pretend that “seeking arrangements” as a “sugar baby” is anything other than prostitution, and if participants in such “arrangements” don’t enjoy being told the truth, that’s not my fault. . . .
My suggestion (and I think most parents would agree) is that a woman who doesn’t want to be treated like a whore should scrupulously avoid any situation that might put her in such a light.

All of this is intended as preamble to quoting from Bari Weiss’s recent interview with a “sex worker” who calls herself Aella.

“Aella” grew up in a strict Mormon household, left home at 17 and — judging from her own published self-history — went wild at age 20, when she had eight different sexual partners in a year. That was about the time she started her “sex worker” career as a camgirl, and now her number of lifetime sexual partners is 38, including 11 women. “Aella” is currently 29 and peddling herself via OnlyFans, and I’m sure her family must be mortified by her career choice. It’s impossible for me to view such matters except from the parental perspective. Whenever you see this kind of behavior, you must think, “What went wrong? How did she get so messed up? What could lead her to disgrace her family this way?”

When I was a young bachelor, of course, my attitude might have been different, but as a father (and now a grandfather) I find myself appalled by the normalization of such shameful behavior. And all of this preamble, as I say, is intended as a disclaimer, to signify that I do not endorse this behavior, while wishing to quote some of what “Aella” told Bari Weiss, regarding certain of her male clients:

A lot of guys expressed finding me because they wanted sex before they died. . . . Some felt inadequate. Some were virgins and were really terrified that women wouldn’t like them and they had no idea what to do. They figured, ‘OK, if I get an escort, I can learn how to please a woman.’ These men desperately want to be valued by women. I had one guy who had the most profound impact on me. I met up with him in a hotel and we were talking and he said something and looked sad about it. He was talking about his life. That made me feel sad so I started crying and then he started crying. And then we just held each other and sobbed for a while.

Keep in mind her phrase about men who “desperately want to be valued by women,” and ask yourself, why do they feel so lacking in value? “Aella” gets very close to an answer when, arguing against banning OnlyFans, she discusses the motives that lead men to seek this online outlet:

The underlying thing is that men don’t have a clear path in their personal lives to find sexual acceptance from women. . . . I think men don’t have a role. The role for men has been becoming increasingly unclear. Men are now earning fewer college degrees than women and yet are still expected to be the strong provider in some ways. When it comes to gender roles, the thing that men provide is typically protection, and the thing that women provide is typically reproduction. We no longer need protection, but we still need reproduction, so it’s like, ‘What do men do? Why are they valuable? Why are they even here?’ It’s kind of the ambient question in the background. Women still have to do all this stuff, but what the f**k are men good for? Impregnating and running? I’m not saying there’s an answer. I’m not giving a simple quick fix. I feel like this is the thing that we’re going to have to figure out how to grapple with as a culture, because with any sort of advancement in a culture, we’re going to run into this problem where the role of one gender becomes unnecessary faster than the role of the other. This creates an imbalance in value. I think the imbalance in value ultimately is the thing that’s contributing to this sort of thing where women are able to rake in huge amounts of cash online while men are like sitting alone in their basements watching.

She speaks in general terms, about a definite social trend, which would be interesting enough to discuss, but I’m reminded of something Margaret Thatcher said about her opponents in a 1987 interview:

“They are casting their problems at society. And, you know, there’s no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then, also, to look after our neighbours.”

The statement that there is “no such thing as society” was cited by her opponents as evidence of Thatcher’s heartless individualism, but she was correct in criticizing the way in which some people seem to think we are all helpless victims of social forces beyond our control.

My point is that, however much we may sympathize with young men struggling in an age where “equality” (as the feminists would call it) has put them at a remarkable disadvantage, our admiration should be for those who find a way to surmount the challenge of this situation. No matter how many problems “society” may inflict on them, still most men as individuals are able to cope with and overcome their problems.

If there is no “clear path” for men “to find sexual acceptance from women,” how much greater the praise deserved by those men who somehow manage to hack their own “path” through the dangerous jungle. Because however great “the imbalance in value” between men and women, surely not every young man is a doomed loser forced to pay a whore for the opportunity to cry in her arms.

What is the difference between the winners and the losers in this game? Is it all just a matter of luck? Or is it the case, as Thatcher’s quote implies, that the individual always bears some responsibility for his own fate, no matter how unfortunate his circumstances may be?

Well, I’ve reached the 1,200-word mark without resolving anything, but I must thank the whore “Aella” for her perceptive analysis of the problems facing men in the 21st century, and I must thank Ed Driscoll for linking a column by Kyle Smith about Substack that led me to Bari Weiss’s interview with “Aella.” Y’all hash it out in the comments.


Bang Bang Fang Fang: Eric Swalwell’s China Spy Secrets Inspire Painful Puns

Posted on | July 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Bang Bang Fang Fang: Eric Swalwell’s China Spy Secrets Inspire Painful Puns

Monday, Matthew Boyle at Breitbart published this:

The U.S. Intelligence Community currently has in its possession a classified report that includes intricate and intimate details of the nature of the relationship between Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and a Chinese spy known as “Fang Fang,” Breitbart News has confirmed.
The report, which intelligence and national security sources familiar with its contents who spoke on condition of anonymity told Breitbart News, contains details of the nature of Swalwell’s relationship with Fang Fang including certain sexual acts they allegedly engaged in together. Sources familiar with it, however, would not provide any more detail on the nature of those acts or other details in the report—which is currently classified.

While this classified report has not yet been leaked, and Boyle claims his sources “would not provide any more detail” about exactly what transpired between Swalwell and Fang, the clues are beginning to accumulate, in the form of suggestive phrasing:

“Regardless of whether you would have pegged Eric Swalwell as someone dumb enough to sleep with a CCP spy, the evidence is damning,” a second source familiar with the report’s details, a former external senior adviser to Intelligence Community (IC) leadership, told Breitbart News. “That report should be declassified. There are no concerns about sources or methods. The only purpose served by keeping that report classified is saving Swalwell from embarrassment. That’s not a good enough reason.”

I see what you did there.

Boyle’s editor got in on the hint-hint game Tuesday night:

On Tuesday’s edition of the Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow, author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, stated that a Breitbart News report points to “deep penetration inside” the operation of Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) “by the Chinese government.”
Marlow said, “Now, we knew Fang Fang was infiltrating operations within the United States, various offices and having relationships with up-and-coming politicians before she abruptly left the country a few years ago, and we knew she had an intimate relationship with Swalwell. We just didn’t know the extent to which it was intimate.”
“Well, now, apparently, we do, according to this report, which, as of now, Swalwell hasn’t denied,” he continued. “Tucker, this is deep penetration inside the Swalwell operation by the Chinese government.”

Look, I’m not stupid enough to miss those clues, but on the other hand, this is not a subject I want to think about, much less to have to write about, so let’s not . . . uh, probe this topic too much deeper. As far as I’m concerned, these secrets can remain classified forever.


In The Mailbox: 07.27.21

Posted on | July 28, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.27.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Under The Same Sky – Mash Kyrielight

357 Magnum: How’s That Affordable Bail Working Out?
Red Pilled Jew: The 7.3 Million Dollar – Er, Person – Question
EBL: Yellowstone – Revenge Will Be Worth The Wait?
Twitchy: NYT Reporter Admits Deleting “Unclear Tweets” About 1/6 Committee (That Weren’t Unclear At All)
Louder With Crowder: CNN “Fact Checker” Saves The Day!
Vox Popoli: Personal Cleanliness Is Important, also, Why People Don’t Believe In “Science”

American Conservative: Fulton Sheen, Cuba, & The New Latin Mass
American Greatness: Did The FBI Manipulate The MI Kidnapping Plot To Affect The Election? also, Left-Wing Agitators Try To Shut Down GOP Presser Demanding Transparency On 1/6 Detainees
American Power: Simone Biles’ Shocking Exit From Tokyo Olympics, also, Popular Revolt Against Critical Race Theory
American Thinker: Served Its Purpose? CDC, FDA Recall Faulty COVID Test
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Inflationary News
Babalu Blog: Another Cuban General Suddenly Dies – The Fourth In Little More Than A Week, also, Mexican President Praises Cuban Dictatorship, Calls For Dismantling Of OAS
BattleSwarm: Dallas Mayor Wants To Hire 275 More Police, also, Trump Endorses Paxton Over Bush
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, An Astrophysicist Explains Cosmology’s Theoretical Failures
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: We’re Designing Ourselves To Lose
Da Tech Guy: For The Love Of All That Is Good, Get Off The Cloud! also, Chicago Has Most Of The Tools To Fight Violent Crime Already, Without Federal Help
Don Surber: The Dehumanization Of Americans, also, 430 Died In A Mostly Peaceful Week
First Street Journal: The Philadelphia Inquirer Proves My Point, also, Fear Is The Mind Killer [Updated]
The Geller Report: Ashli Babbitt’s Mom – Nancy Pelosi Orchestrated The Killing Of My Daughter, also, A Seven-Day Journey Through The War Against The American People
Hogewash: Editing A Headline, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Let These Baby Boomer Franchises Die Already, also, Jungle Cruise Sails Down Woke River
The Lid: Cuba’s Communist Regime Caught Shipping In Fake Pro-Government Protesters
Legal Insurrection: Bad Orange Woman Can’t Give Scientific Answer About Why Vaccinated People Need Masks, also, Democrats & Media Already Spinning 2022 Losses Over Voter ID
Nebraska Energy Observer: For What It’s Worth, also, The Sky Is Falling! The Sky Is Falling!
Outkick: ESPN Writer Disturbed By U.S. Flag At Olympics, also, Three-Time Olympian Lolo Jones Slams Protests, Says They Affected Olympic Games Ratings
Power Line: 1/6 Show Trial Gets Underway, also, The Vexing Vaccine
Shark Tank: Cammack Says Biden Lacks “Moral Compass” To Act On Cuba
Shot In The Dark: Ruparing, also, God, Guns, & Gold
The Political Hat: Witch-Verse Of The Federation, also, Anti-Racist Bioethics
This Ain’t Hell: U.S. Combat Mission In Iraq To Be Over By Year’s End, also, Major General Outflanked In Twitter War
Transterrestrial Musings: Another Blow To Mann’s Case
Victory Girls: Swalwell Tries To Work Up A Media Frenzy, But Nobody Falls For It
Volokh Conspiracy: Judge Strikes All Of Michael Mann’s Expert Witnesses From Libel Suit
Weasel Zippers: Woke Mob Declares Spray Tans Are Blackface, also, Squad Member Spent $70,000 On Security After Calling To Defund Police
The Federalist: Weeping Capitol Cop Who Testified About 1/6 Previously Defended Violent Riots In Kenosha, also, Robin DeAngelo Whines That Comedy Gives White People An Excuse To Be Racist
Mark Steyn: You’re Once, Twice, Three Times A Loser, also, When Virtue Signaling Will No Longer Suffice

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A ‘Surge’ of Media-Hyped Fear

Posted on | July 27, 2021 | Comments Off on A ‘Surge’ of Media-Hyped Fear

Two graphics, courtesy of the New York Times. The first shows U.S. COVID-19 deaths dating back to the beginning of the pandemic:

The second graph shows COVID-19 deaths during the past month:

Notice that I’m showing you COVID-19 deaths, not “cases.” Because officials treat a positive test as a “case,” regardless of whether the person has symptoms (let alone severe symptoms requiring hospitalization), the reported number of COVID-19 “cases” is an unreliable barometer of the actual prevalence of the disease. By contrast, dead is dead.

Furthermore, treatment protocols for COVID-19 have advanced considerably over the past 18 months, so that if someone does become infected, doctors are better able to prevent their case from reaching a serious and potentially deadly stage, especially when the patient seeks help early. And, it should be obvious, those most vulnerable to disease were killed in the first year of the pandemic. All of these factors go into explaining why, despite constant hype from the media, we actually are not experiencing a “surge” of COVID-19 deaths.

What the media are doing now is selectively focusing on reports of localized “surges” — Miami, for example — in an effort to convince Americans that (a) there is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and therefore (b) we need to return to lockdowns and mandatory masks.

Why? On the one hand, the virus is real and vaccination should be encouraged. But on the other hand, the media hype is unscientific. The current 7-day average of daily COVID-19 deaths (275) is 92% below what it was six months ago, at the peak of the pandemic. Even if there has been a rise in the number of “cases” (defined as positive test results) in the past six weeks, this has not translated to a spike in COVID-19 deaths.

Senior citizens are most at risk for serious complications or death from the coronavirus, but the vast majority of those 65 and older are vaccinated. Most of the COVID-19 “cases” being reported now are among younger patients, very few of whom are likely to die from the disease. You see anecdotal reports in the media about younger people dying of COVID-19, but such cases are not part of a statistically significant trend.

My hunch — and it is only a hunch — is that this “surge” hype is really being driven by the teachers unions, who want to keep schools closed, and are exerting pressure on the Democratic Party who, in turn, are pumping out “surge” propaganda via their media allies. Part of this message is about scapegoating Republicans as responsible for vaccine “resistance,” even though the lowest vaccination rates are among blacks and Hispanics, both of whom are key Democratic Party constituencies.

None of this, of course, is intended as an argument against vaccination. I’m not at high risk, and therefore haven’t gotten the shot yet, and actually suspect that I might have already had a mild case that would make me immune. Furthermore, some friends and family members who have gotten the vaccine tell me the side-effects can make you feel crappy for a day or two. So I’ve avoided getting vaccinated thus far, but I’ve gotten so tired of the incessant nagging from the media that I’m now thinking I should go get the shot because SHUT UP!


In The Mailbox: 07.26.21

Posted on | July 27, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.26.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Under The Same Sky – Princess Anastasia

Bacon Time: Food That You Don’t Put Catsup On
357 Magnum: Mob Randomly Attacks Guy Walking His Dog


EBL: Larry Elder For Governor, also, Jackie Mason, RIP
Twitchy: Apparently The Cleveland Indians Didn’t Do Their Homework Before Changing Their Name
Louder With Crowder: Comedian Explains Free Speech Slowly Enough For Joe Biden To Understand, also, Fauci Whines About Being Criticized, WaPo Reporter Hits Back Hard
Vox Popoli: The Possible Connection, also, Americans Are The Indians Now
Monster Hunter Nation: The Interstate Tour Of Hate Starts This Week!

Adam Piggott: All The Gear And No Idea
American Conservative: President Biden, Keep Red China Away From American Farmland
American Greatness: Why Not Award Ashli Babbitt’s Killer The Medal Of Honor? also, The Red Chinese Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
American Power: My High School Taught Me Critical Race Theory Six Years Ago & Tried To Reeducate Me When I Fought Back
American Thinker: Traveling The Quiet Road To Tyranny, also, Pride & The Fall Of Dr. Fauci
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: U.S. Joined By 21 Nations In Condemning Cuban Dictatorship – No West European Or G7 Nations Among Them
BattleSwarm: Something Resembling A Texas Gubernatorial Race? also, Reminder – Significant Parts Of Russia Are Still Primitive Crapholes
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Russians Detach Pirs Module, Anticipating Arrival Of Nauka
Cafe Hayek: The Essential UCLA School Of Economics, also, David French On Structural Racism
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, Midrats Summer Melee
Da Tech Guy: The Biden Regime Has Officially Instituted A Ministry Of Truth, also, Thoughts About Msgr. Burrill Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Can We 25th Amendment Kamala? also, Destroy Sports, Destroy America
First Street Journal: No Jail Term Will Ever Be Long Enough, also, We Can’t Have A Solar Park There!
Fred On Everything: A Sadistic Foreign Policy
The Geller Report: Democrats On Seeing Election Integrity Laws In 18 States – “We’re F*****d”, also, Video Of Hunter Biden Smoking Crack And Whining About Rehab To Dead Bro’s Wife Emerges
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Significant Unrest
Hollywood In Toto: South Park‘s Trey Parker – “We’re Still Waiting To Be Canceled”, also, Tomorrow War Is A Missed Opportunity, Full Stop
The Lid: Jackie Mason, 1928-2021 – RIP
Legal Insurrection: Big Tech Expanding Joint Database On Domestic Groups, Focused On “Far-Right” Extremists, also, Hillsdale College Counters 1619 Project With “1775 Curriculum”
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, American Notes & The Feast Day of The Magdalene
Outkick: American Optimism About The Future Plummets, also, Big 12 Moves To Third Stage Of Grief – Bargaining With OU, Texas
Power Line: Gaining Depth On Gain of Function – Fauci Flops, also, The Telos Of Leftist Racial Ideology
Shark Tank: Rubio Remains Optimistic For Cuba – Calls For End Of Communist Regime
Shot In The Dark: The Boon That Keeps On Doggling
STUMP: Mortality With Meep
The Political Hat: Dallas Justice Now – Imagine Premier Universities Empty Of White People
This Ain’t Hell: Man Ticketed For Flying Old Glory In Front Of His Business, also, The Redemption Of Gus Grissom
Transterrestrial Musings: The Auto Chip Shortage, also, A Cautionary Tale?
Victory Girls: Durkan Attempts To Re-Imagine Policing In Seattle, also, Adam Kinzinger “Humbly” Joins January 6 Inquisition
Volokh Conspiracy: How To Reform The Olympics
Weasel Zippers: Fleeing Texas Democrat – “Rural Cops” Are After Us! also, PayPal Looks To Ban Transactions “That Fund Hate”
The Federalist: Liz Cheney – The Most Unpopular Republican In The Country, also, How H.R. 4 Would Let Leftist Extremists At DOJ Control The Nation’s Elections
Mark Steyn: Painting By Six-Figure Numbers, also, Weimar, He’s Making Eyes At You

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Forget ‘De-funding Police,’ AOC Now Wants to Abolish the Prison System

Posted on | July 26, 2021 | Comments Off on Forget ‘De-funding Police,’ AOC Now Wants to Abolish the Prison System

She wants to turn loose all the rapists and murderers:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said she wants to “abolish” the U.S. carceral system during a campaign event for Ohio congressional candidate Nina Turner on Saturday.
“I want to abolish our carceral system that’s designed to trap Black and Brown men,” the democratic socialist told a rally of Turner supporters in Cleveland. “I want justice. I want peace, and I want prosperity. That’s what I want.”
Ocasio-Cortez was in Cleveland for a canvassing event supporting Turner, a progressive former state senator and co-chair of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign.
Turner is looking to represent Ohio’s 11th Congressional District — a seat vacated by former U.S. Rep. Marcia Fudge when she became secretary of Housing and Urban Development in March.
Ocasio-Cortez on Saturday characterized Turner’s fight as one between grassroots and corporate politics.
“This isn’t about Nina versus any opponent; this is about the people versus big money,” the congresswoman said, WJW reported.
“This is a deep blue seat. It’s a deep blue seat,” she reportedly said. “Districts like Ohio’s 11th should be leading the country on issues. They are opportunities, they are very rare opportunities, very rare districts like this one that can take and be visionary.”
Local Democratic Party chairwoman Shontel Brown, a moderate, is Turner’s biggest opponent in the crowded Democratic primary that takes place Aug. 3.
“The contrast in this race could not be clearer,” Brown’s campaign said in response to Ocasio-Cortez’s comments, WJW reported. “Shontel Brown is the only candidate who from day one can work with the Biden administration and our house majority to deliver good-paying jobs, affordable healthcare, and affordable prescription drugs to northeast Ohio.”

Cleveland is in the top five cities with the highest homicide rates — higher than either Chicago or Philadelphia — and 12 people were shot in Cleveland over the weekend. Now imagine if AOC gets her way and we “abolish our carceral system.” A coast-to-coast wave of violent crime.

Electing a dangerous nutcase like Nina Turner to Congress — and Turner must be a lunatic, or else AOC wouldn’t endorse her — will only serve to further strengthen the GOP’s grip on Ohio. Twelve of the state’s 16 House seats are held by Republicans, and in the past two presidential elections, Donald Trump won 80 of Ohio’s 88 counties.


The #1 Cause of Anti-Semitism

Posted on | July 26, 2021 | Comments Off on The #1 Cause of Anti-Semitism

If the Anti-Defamation League wants to do something to suppress anti-Semitism in this country, they would encourage Chuck Schumer to retire or, failing that, tell him to stop insulting Americans:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer berated 74 million Trump voters, saying at an event with Roosevelt Island and Upper East Side community leaders in New York that they voted for a “despicable,” “racist,” and “vile” man.
“How could 74 million people vote for such a despicable human being as Donald Trump?” Schumer asked in the video. “I don’t care if you’re a liberal or a conservative, Democrat or Republican, he is a vile man.”
“He is dishonest, divisive. That’s what he loves to do. Just divide and have people fighting with each other. He’s a racist,” Schumer claimed. “And he always appeals to the dark side of human nature.”

Everything that Schumer said about Trump is twice as true of Schumer, who is and always has been one of the most dishonest and divisive people in American politics. The fact that New Yorkers would elect such a vicious scumbag to the Senate is a stain upon the reputation of New York. And if anyone ever asks, “What is causing a rise in anti-Semitism?” we need only point to Schumer as the primary cause. As much as I loathe Jew-haters, it is difficult to blame them, whenever I think of Schumer, who is the living example of a cartoon stereotype. “Vile” and “despicable,” indeed!


Rule 5 Sunday: Bunny Girl Senpai

Posted on | July 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Bunny Girl Senpai

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Mai Sakurajima, the leading lady of the series Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, is a former child actress and model who’s walked out on her promising career so she can finish high school – but after starting in mid-year, it’s too late for her to join any of the social circles in her school, and she’s effectively invisible until Sakuta Azusagawa sees her wandering the school library in a bunny girl costume. Here Mai is portrayed by Redditor r/FineSensitiveProduce alongside a pic of the original.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1421, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Misery Index Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Il Trovatore, Cosmic Sin, La Fille du Regiment, Les Contes d’Hoffman, Les Pecheurs de Perles, War of the Worlds, Cavalleria Rusticana & Il Pagliacci, Le Nozze de Figaro, Nina Simone, and Un Ballo In Maschera.

A View From The Beach: Another Sci-Fi Cutie – Jewel StaiteFish Pic Friday – Hooked on MichelleRemember, They Hate You and Think You’re Stupid HicksUnexpectedly, Bay Crabs in Trouble, Prices RiseThursday TanlinesThe Wednesday WetnessVirginia Blues Have the Blues“Tush”No Love for Love at TPUSAThe Monday Morning StimulusEnjoy that Barbeque!Palm Sunday, and That Wasn’t a Mugging, It was an “Interaction”.

Brian Noggle: Inara Or Kaylee?

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