The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Times Square Shooting Suspect ‘Career Criminal With a Lengthy Rap Sheet’

Posted on | May 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Times Square Shooting Suspect ‘Career Criminal With a Lengthy Rap Sheet’

When you’re on the run, don’t run out of gas:

Farrakhan Muhammad, 31, was arrested in Florida on Wednesday on suspicion of being the man responsible for shooting three people in New York City’s Times Square neighborhood earlier this week.
According to the Associated Press, Muhammad was taken into custody in a McDonald’s parking lot near Jacksonville, Fla. where he was with a woman believed to be his girlfriend.
He was arrested by U.S. Marshals and was listed in an inmate database for the Bradford County Sheriff’s Office, the outlet reports.
Two dogs were also reportedly in the car.
The arrest occurred without incident, according to police.
Initial media reports noted that Muhammad’s girlfriend was not arrested at first but that police were only in the very early stages of their investigation. That girlfriend, Kristen Vergara was, however, later arrested and charged with accessory after the fact.
According to New York City-based Spectrum NY-1, Muhammad was eating in his car at the time he was found out and had only taken refuge in his vehicle (and the fast food chain’s parking lot) because of an East Coast fuel shortage. After running out of gas, the suspect reportedly had no choice but to briefly stop in Starke, Fla.

Coincidentally, Starke is the location of Florida’s main state penitentiary — institutions with which Muhammad should be quite familiar:

The suspected gunman who allegedly wounded three people in Times Square — including a 4-year-old girl — is a career criminal with a lengthy rap sheet, sources familiar with the cases told The Post.
Farrakhan Muhammad, 31 . . . has a criminal record dating to 2007, including two felony robbery arrests and a 2012 bust where cops seized a 12-gauge shotgun, a 22-caliber handgun, and body armor, according to sources.
According to the sources, Muhammad’s first arrest was in January 2007, when he was picked up on a robbery charge for allegedly stealing a victim’s cellphone in Brooklyn.
In November 2009, Muhammad was hit with another robbery charge for allegedly grabbing a woman’s bag while she was loading up a car — with him and a second suspect fleeing the scene, sources said.
His other busts include turnstile jumping and aggravated harassment, the sources said. . . .
In total, Muhammad was arrested at least nine times — most recently on an assault charge on March 14 last year for allegedly grabbing a man by the neck and throwing him into a garbage can at 51st Street and Seventh Avenue, a high-ranking police source said.

Why can’t New York keep people like this behind bars?


Just Think of the Media as Hamas Propaganda Operatives With Bylines

Posted on | May 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Just Think of the Media as Hamas Propaganda Operatives With Bylines

Associated Press acting as human shields for terrorists:

An Israeli airstrike on Saturday targeted and destroyed a high-rise building in Gaza City that housed offices of The Associated Press and other media outlets. Hours later, Israel bombed the home of Khalil al-Hayeh, a top leader of Gaza’s ruling militant Hamas group.
The Israeli military said Al-Hayeh’s home served as part of what it said was the militant group’s “terrorist infrastructure.” Al-Hayeh is a senior figure in the Hamas political leadership in Gaza, and the attack marked a further escalation, signaling that Israel is going after Hamas’ top leadership, and not just military commanders. His fate after the strike was not immediately known.
Earlier, AP staffers and other tenants safely evacuated the building after the military telephoned a warning that the strike was imminent within an hour. Three heavy missiles struck the 12-story building, collapsing it in a giant cloud of dust.

Gosh, it sure was a smart decision to put your objective journalism offices in a building controlled by a terrorist organization:

The CEO of the Associated Press claims he is “shocked and horrified that the Israel military would target and destroy the building housing AP’s bureau and other news organizations in Gaza.”
This is a very important admission from the head of a global news organization. The building Israel blew up is actually an intelligence facility for the terrorist group Hamas. This is a statement of objective fact that is not actually in dispute.
Gary Pruitt, with his statement, is admitting the Associated Press worked out of Hamas’s building.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)


LSHS Class of 1977

Posted on | May 15, 2021 | Comments Off on LSHS Class of 1977

My old buddy Phil Underwood came to town Friday, and we got to hang out for a few hours, going out to eat pizza and then visiting with my youngest son and his bride. Phil and I graduated from Lithia Springs (Ga.) High School in 1977, and I hadn’t seen him in nearly 40 years.

Phil’s late father was pastor of the Lithia Springs Church of God, and Phil used to invite me to go to church with him, which was something of an educational experience for a Southern Baptist boy, because Church of God is what is known as charismatic — speaking in tongues, faith healing, etc. — or, as most folks call them, “holy rollers.”

As a preacher’s kid (“PK”), Phil got into a little bit of teenage rebellion, but nowhere near the level of juvenile delinquency of most of my childhood friends, so my folks liked him. We both played trombone in the school band until Phil got kicked out of the band at the end of our freshman year because he went riding in a dune buggy with some girls during a band trip to Florida. There was great irony in the fact that Phil was expelled from band while I, a genuine criminal, was not.

For many years, Phil was pastor of a church in Gwinnett County, Georgia, but since has become a consultant and motivational speaker and now lives in the Florida Keys where his neighbors include former Dallas Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson. Phil recently published a book, New Every Morning: 30 Days of Reflections on the God Opportunities in Each Day, which you can (and obviously should) buy from Amazon.

Our visit gave us a chance to share old stories, and for me to explain to Phil how I went from working in a warehouse on Fulton Industrial Boulevard to being a local newspaper reporter and then, eventually, becoming such a nationally notorious person. Like the old hippie song says, what a long strange trip it’s been. And meanwhile . . .

Tonight, our blog’s resident aggregator and troll-smasher Wombat will be in town, and will be a special guest on The Other Podcast with John Hoge and Dianna Deeley — 7 p.m. ET — don’t miss it!


Mask Fetishists Mourn End of an Era

Posted on | May 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Mask Fetishists Mourn End of an Era

Joe Biden was having a terrible week and, I suspect, James Carville must have advised the White House that it was a bad look for them to be insisting that people keep wearing masks even after they’d been vaccinated against COVID-19. Also, what else could explain why the American Federation of Teachers — the radical union that had been dictating Democratic Party policy on whether schools should re-open — suddenly reversed its position and embraced re-opening plans?

Someone (and, as I say, I strongly suspect it was Carville) must have penetrated the MSNBC/CNN groupthink bubble surrounding Biden and said, “Hey, man, you’re looking like a big loser here.”

At any rate, with Israel under attack, the jobs report sending “stagflation” signals, and the Colonial Pipeline shut down, the Biden administration decided that, contrary to its earlier position, mandatory mask-wearing is now over. And liberals immediately mourned this news.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said Thursday she would need to “rewire” herself to no longer look at unmasked people as a “threat” in response to relaxed federal guidelines for vaccinated persons.
Following months of criticism, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Thursday that vaccinated people could ditch masks in nearly all circumstances. While met with relief and calls like “it’s about damn time” from Republicans like Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, some liberal figures fretted about the sudden shift.
“I feel like I’m going to have to rewire myself so that when I see someone out in the world who’s not wearing a mask, I don’t instantly think, ‘You are a threat,’” Maddow said. “Or you are selfish or you are a Covid denier and you definitely haven’t been vaccinated. I mean, we’re going to have to rewire the way that we look at each other.”

You see? You’re selfish and ignorant, and so wearing masks was, for liberals, a symbol of their own power to force other people to comply.

Honestly, I was never one of those anti-mask rebels. Because I work from home anyway, the only time mask requirements affected me was when I had to go to the store or out to eat at a restaurant. Is it annoying and uncomfortable? Sure, but I understood that store clerks are exposed to hundreds of customers every day, so that if having customers wear masks reduced the risk of contagion even marginally, then mask mandates would help ensure that stores remained open for business.

It was the government-ordered lockdowns of “non-essential” businesses that caused the real economic damage, whereas mask requirements were merely bothersome and yet, to a certain type of liberal, wearing masks was a ritual of political symbolism. They knew that lots of people hated wearing masks, and that there was not a lot of scientific evidence in support of masks as a disease-prevention measure. However, symbolic obedience was the real value of mask mandates. Liberals derived from this the thrill of seeing everyone forced to comply with their demands, and ending mask mandates deprives them of that source of pleasure.

Why would anyone vote to be governed by liberals? I mean, you might not like Tucker Carlson, but he’s not afflicted by the kind of sadomasochistic urges that inspire Rachel Maddow, et al.


Career Opportunities in Gaza

Posted on | May 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Career Opportunities in Gaza

Do you have what it takes to be a Hamas leader? The main thing it takes is hate — psychotic hatred of Jews. We’re not talking mere prejudice here, but murderous, genocidal hate, the kind of atavistic rage that makes you want to fire hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilians.

If you’ve got that kind of hatred — if you’re a Hitler-style Jew-hater — then you could be a leader of Hamas, which now has quite a few vacancies in upper management, because the Israelis blew them up:

The Israeli military apparently used a brilliant deceptive maneuver to take out Hamas’s terrorist fighting force and underground tunnels — in a single blow.
In what could only be described as killing two birds with one stone, the Israel Defense Forces on Thursday night told news reporters that the Israeli ground forces were on their way to Hamas-held Gaza.
The news spread quickly through the mainstream media and affiliated social media accounts. Believing an Israeli ground invasion to be imminent, Hamas ordered its terrorist fighters to seek shelter in the tunnel network dug up under the Gaza city.
What followed the Hamas mobilization was a massive wave of Israeli airstrikes — comprising of 160 aircraft — on the Gaza tunnel network with the jihadi group’s top terror brass sitting underground, right where the IDF wanted them. . . .

Read the whole thing.

Keep in mind there was an election in Gaza, and they elected Hamas as their government. Jew-hating is the raison d’être of Gaza, a terrorist state — 140 square miles of murderous anti-Semitic hatred.


In The Mailbox: 05.14.21

Posted on | May 14, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.14.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Deadlines for this weekend’s linkagery posts are three hours in advance of the usual, since I’m on the East Coast this weekend. So that’s noon and midnight Eastern time tomorrow for the FMJRA and Rule 5 Sunday. 

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: “Never, Ever, Underestimate Your Opponent!”
EBL: Elise Stefanik Replaces Liz Cheney
Twitchy:  “Not Even Popular In The Quasi-Honeymoon Stage”, also, “We Appreciate You Covering Your Face”
Louder With Crowder: Prince Harry Reminds Americans Why We Broke Up With England
Vox Popoli: Fake Election, Fake President, also, Welcome To Sportswriting 2021
According To Hoyt: But With A Whimper
Monster Hunter Nation: Writer Advice  – How To Deal With Review Assassins
Gab News: New Bill Seeks To Ban Gab From The UK
Surak Blog: Pandemic Related Legal Help (h/t Red Pilled Jew)


American Conservative: Why Can’t A Billion Dollar Pipeline Defend Itself Against Ransomware?
American Greatness: House Republicans Defy The January 6 Narrative
American Power: The Woke Left’s Boycott Industry Eats Its Own
American Thinker: Biden’s Blast From The Past – The Return Of The Misery Index
Animal Magnetism: Rule 5 Maybe Things Aren’t So Bad Friday
Babalu Blog: The White Supremacy Of Cuba’s Communist Dictatorship
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For May 14
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, SpaceX Outlines First Orbital Flight Plan For Starship In FCC Filing
Cafe Hayek: “Maybe What People Are Calling ‘The New Normal” Was In Fact Normal All Along”
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The NYT GOP 100 – The Next Lincoln Project Or LCWR? I’m Betting The Latter, also, Friday Under The Fedora Surprises
Don Surber: Offer Something Better Than Trump
First Street Journal: The #Woke Really Do Hate Them Some Israelis! also, The Left Are Pro-Choice On Exactly One Thing
The Geller Report: “Significant Discrepancies” Found In Arizona Audit, also, Muslim Brotherhood Praises Democrats For Abandoning Israel In Time Of War
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, A Warning Shot?
Hollywood In Toto: Anemic Spiral Should Kill “Saw” Franchise Once And For All, also, The Wraith – B-Movie Fans, Start Your Engines!
The Lid: Israel Suckers Hamas Terrorists Into Tunnel Network & Then Blows Tunnels To Bits
Legal Insurrection: Biden Picks Enemy Of Campus Due Process To Head Civil Rights Office In Education Department, also, Cornell U Librarian Declares Dewey Decimal System Is Racist
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Crisis, Redux
Outkick: Penn State Diversity & Inclusion Team Has Spoken, Changes Coming, also, NASCAR Announces Team Members & Drivers Don’t Have To Wear Masks Outdoors Any More
Power Line: Mask Mandates Crumbling, also, Pipeline To Nowhere
Shark Tank: Rick Scott Questions Mayorkas On Enforcing Immigration Law
Shot In The Dark: Who Needs A Highway, An Airport, Or A Jet
The Political Hat: The New Lawless Wastelands – Minneapolis, Portland, & Seattle
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Woke New Army Recruiting Video Even Includes Gay Wedding
Transterrestrial Musings: Space Stack Exchange, also, Starlink
Victory Girls:  Rachel Maddow Wants To Be Rewired, also, The Spies Next Door – Biden’s Plan To Combat Domestic Terrorism
Volokh Conspiracy: The Atlantic Profiles Justice Kavanaugh
Weasel Zippers: 50% Of CDC Employees Refusing COVID Vaccine, also, Pelosi Blames Border Crisis On Climate Change
The Federalist: Would An Actual Potato Be A Better Host for “Reliable Sources” Than Brian Stelter? also, How A Year Of Unfounded, Contradictory Guidelines Destroyed The CDC’s Credibility Forever
Mark Steyn: Tal Bachman – We Have Met The Enemy, Part III

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Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | May 14, 2021 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

“Stop right there!
“We know that you’re carrying the data in an inner pocket. If you cooperate, you will live.

“Your rebellion and its listening post will no longer steal government data.
“You may slowly turn, and–PUT THE UMBRELLA DOWN RIGHT NOW!”
Her face took on a malevolent laugh as the acid rained down on the Secret Police. Completely unprepared for this surprise, they broke and ran.
She turned away and strode away under the cover of her protective gear. The light mortar covered her retreat, while her thoughts turned to who had betrayed the cause.

via Darleen

In The Mailbox: 05.13.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | May 13, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.13.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

There’s actually a surprising amount to talk about.

357 Magnum: Lies, Damn Lies, & Statistics
Red Pilled Jew In Exile: Church Of The Covidian – Blank-eyed & Mindless
EBL: Retro Gas Line Rule 5
Twitchy: Drew Holden Offers Up A thread Explaining How Rebekah Jones’ Grift Went On For So Long
Louder With Crowder: CBS News Offers Brief Moment Of Honesty
Vox Popoli: Canceling Biology, also, The Modern Constant

Adam Piggott: If You’re An Anti-vaxxer You’re An Antisemite
American Conservative: An American Identity Crisis
American Greatness: AZ Election Auditors Claim Maricopa County Deleted Databases From Voting Machines Before Handing Them Over
American Power: A Middle East Powder Keg
American Thinker: Are Retired Generals In France & The U.S. Standing Up Against Tyranny?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Things Are Bad News
Babalu Blog: How To Respond When told That Cuba Suffers From An Illegal & Immoral Blockade
BattleSwarm: Texas House Passes Ban On Teaching Critical Race Theory
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, The Insane Engineering Of The X-15
Cafe Hayek: Everyone’s A Social Engineer
CDR Salamander: Claude Berube – Teaching, Legacy, Mentorship, & Opening A New Chapter
Da Tech Guy: Lack Of Resistance To Lockdowns & Mask Mandates Is The Price We’re Paying For Decades Of Liberal Indoctrination, also, Five Reasons Why Signing Tebow Makes Sense But Kaepernick Doesn’t
Don Surber: Inflation Is Part Of The Democrat Plan
First Street Journal: If Only The Global Warming Climate Change Emergency Activists Understood What They Ask
The Geller Report: Smoking Gun In AZ Audit, also, Energy Secretary Granholm On Gas Crisis – “If You Drove An Electric Car This Wouldn’t Be Affecting You”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, More Reporting On Rebekah Jones
Hollywood In Toto: Xfinity’s Parental Guide Run By Openly Liberal “Common Sense Media”, also, You Won’t Believe How Trevor Noah Spun Hamas’ Assault On Israel
The Lid: 124 Retired Military Officers Slam Biden For “Full-Blown Assault On Our Constitutional Rights In A Dictatorial Manner”
Legal Insurrection: Anti-Israel Social Media Agitators Rip Gal Gadot’s Plea For Peace, also, AG Merrick Garland Claims White Supremacists Are “The Most Dangerous Threat To Our Democracy”
Nebraska Energy Observer: It’s Mental
Outkick: Zach Wilson’s Mom Goes Off On “Maskholes”, Triggering Ensues, also, All Seven Yankees Who Tested Positive For The Coof Were Vaccinated
Power Line: Twitter Banned Trump, But Allows Celebration of Attacks On Israel, also, The Green Fantasy Is A Nightmare
Shark Tank: Wassermann-Schultz Slams Ilhan Omar For Defending Attacks On “Apartheid” Israel
Shot In The Dark: Things Big Left Can Still Learn
The Political Hat: Tennessee Vs. Critical Race Theory
This Ain’t Hell: Nursing Aide Sentenced In Veterans’ Deaths, also, Retired Flag Officers Sign Letter Questioning 2020 Election, Biden’s Mental Health
Transterrestrial Musings: Sophia The Talking Robot, also, Elon’s New Rocket
Victory Girls: Israel Strikes Back Against Hamas, Takes Out Leaders
Volokh Conspiracy: Michigan Legislators Seek To Require Bonding, Registration Of Fact-Checkers
Weasel Zippers: Feds Finally Admit Inflation Is Rampant, also, Gas Prices Hit $7/Gallon In Virginia
The Federalist: McCarthy Leads House GOP In Honoring Fallen Police Officers After Democrats Spurred Riots & Defunding In 2020, also, Chrissy Teigen Finally Admits She’s An “Insecure, Attention-Seeking Troll”
Mark Steyn: Out Of Fashion

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