The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 04.22.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | April 22, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.22.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

The science is settled!

357 Magnum: Candace Owens Has A Few Words For LeBron James
EBL: Happy Birthday, Rome, also, Do Black Lives Matter? Not To Democrats
Twitchy: Dana Loesch Wants To Know If Police Should Have Broken Up That “Old Fashioned” Knife Fight That Killed A Thirteen Year Old
Louder With Crowder: Joe Biden Threatens Americans That July 4th May Be Canceled If They Don’t Do What They’re Told
Vox Popoli: Alone, You Will Fail, also, The Rorschach Test
Gab News: Jesus Saves – American Populism

Adam Piggott: Playing Catch Up
American Conservative: So You Say You Want A Culture War
American Greatness: How Much Ruin Do We Have Left? also, It’s Not A Race War, It’s Something Much Bigger
American Thinker: The Democrats’ Divide & Conquer Strategy Is On Steroids
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Clueless Queen Nancy News
Babalu Blog:  On This Day In 2000 – Bill Clinton Sends Federal Agents To Kidnap Elian Gonzalez
BattleSwarm: Why Does The Dallas City Council Want Illegals On Their Commissions?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, First Images Of Ingenuity’s Second Flight
Cafe Hayek: “Get Out Of My Pub!”
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: My Very Simple Brian Sicknick Question, also, MLB Playing Statistical Games On Streaming Viewership
Don Surber: Parkland Survivors Cheer Runcie’s Arrest
First Street Journal: An Interesting Juxtaposition, also, Earth Day 2021
The Geller Report: Biden’s Climate Hoax Agenda, also, Spanish Watchdog Warns Of Far-Left Antisemitic Parties In Upcoming Elections 
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Another False Report
Hollywood In Toto: Faith-Based Walking With Herb Lands In A Spiritual Sand Trap
The Lid: Twitter Grants LeBron James “Dumb Jock Privilege”
Legal Insurrection: Howard U Dissolving Its Classics Department, also, Minority Students At Loyola U Want To Cut Western Civilization From Honors Program
Nebraska Energy Observer: Tentacles
Outkick: OJ Gives LBJ Advice On Talking About Knives & Murder, also, DeSantis, Florida Open “Oasis Of Freedom” With 100% Indoor Capacity For UFC 261
Power Line: Through Douglass’ Eyes, also, The Latest Anti-Police Fraud
Shark Tank: FL AG Ashley Moody Leads National Coalition Against Court-Packing
Shot In The Dark: One Day, Driving Through Eastern Ukraine, also, In A Linden Hills Household
STUMP: Public Finance – Full Accrual Accounting & GASB Testimony
The Political Hat: Cannon Fodder For Social Justice
This Ain’t Hell: 82nd Airborne Soldier Dies In Training Accident, also, AF MGEN’s Sexual Assault Case Moving To Court-Martial
Transterrestrial Musings: The Latest Witch Hunt, also, The Martian Atmosphere
Victory Girls: Black Lives Only Matter When They Fit The Narrative
Volokh Conspiracy: Duty To Retreat & Duty To Comply
Weasel Zippers: Remember – The Founder Of Earth Day Killed & Composted His Girlfriend, also, #BLM Claims Black Communities “Terrorized” More Under Biden “Than They Had Been Under Trump”
The Federalist: NBC Deceptively Edits 911 Call, Bodycam Footage To Conceal Teen Wielding Knife, also, A Conservative Defense Of Camille Paglia
Mark Steyn: Summit For Nothing, also, Race To The Bottom

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In The Mailbox: 04.22.21 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | April 22, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.22.21 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Sadly, This Is NOT A Joke
EBL: Scapegoat
Twitchy: CNN’s Briana Keilar Has An Interesting Way To Describe Ma’Khia Bryant’s Intended Stabbing Victim
Louder With Crowder: White House Shows True Colors – Repeats False Narrative About Columbus Shooting, also, Postal Service Running Op That Monitors Your Social Media Posts
Vox Popoli: Portland Envy. also, People Have The Power
Stoic Observations: The Meritocracy Question

Adam Piggott: 
American Conservative: Red China & The Limits Of U.S. Sanctions
American Greatness: #BLM Activist Says Teens Have Been Having Knife Fights “For Eons”, Police Don’t Need To Intervene
American Power: Tucker Carlson & Mark Steyn
American Thinker: Why Maxine Waters Wanted A Mistrial For Derek Chauvin
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Cuban Communist Party With Raul Castro Vs. Cuban Communist Party Without Raul Castro
BattleSwarm: L.A. Homeless Injunction – Something For Everyone To Hate
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, The Anti-Sat Missile The USSR Designed For The Salyut Station
Cafe Hayek: The Tyranny Of Tiny Risks
CDR Salamander: Kiwis Go Wobbly
Da Tech Guy: My “Defund The Police” Compromise, also, Going Up The Country
Don Surber: Dear George Bush – You’re A Jabroni, also, Aussies To Red China – GFY
First Street Journal: It Looks Like Lexington Is Trying To Become Philadelphia, also, Is It Time To Start Calling It The China Virus Again?
The Geller Report: “Squad” Members Spent Up To $32,000 On Private Security While Calling For Police Defunding, also, House Democrats Support Bloody Street Violence, Block McCarthy’s Resolution To Censure Maxine Waters
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, A False Report
Hollywood In Toto: Boys From County Hell Misses The Mark On Horror/Comedy Blend, also, Seven Causes You Won’t Hear Championed During The Oscars
The Lid: Derek Chauvin Did Murder George Floyd, But It Had Nothing To Do With Racism
Legal Insurrection: Democrat Withdraws Bill To Reveal California Recall Petition Signers, also, Norfolk Police Officer Doxxed & Fired After Contributing “Anonymously” To Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Fund
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Old Mill, Part 4
Outkick: LeBron James Irresponsibly Tries To Ruin Police Officer’s Life With Tweet, also, Former UFC Women’s Champ Ronda Rousey Announces She’s Pregnant
Power Line: Thoughts On The Chauvin Trial & Verdict, also, A History To Be Proud Of
Shark Tank: DeSantis Accused Of Having Broward County School Superintendent Arrested
Shot In The Dark: Public Health Theater Of The Absurd
This Ain’t Hell: Russian Update, also, Neither Snow Nor Rain, Comrade
Transterrestrial Musings: Nelson’s Confirmation Hearing, also, Trump’s Biggest Failure
Victory Girls: Critical Race Theory Promotes Discrimination & Racism
Volokh Conspiracy: Framing & Ratifying The 14th & 15th Amendments
Weasel Zippers: Teen Girl Shot & Killed By Police Was Trying To Shank Another Black Girl When Shot, also, Sen. Whitehouse Speaks Against Dark Money At Event Funded By Dark Money Groups
The Federalist: White House Condemns Police Shooting Of Knife-Wielding Teen As Racist, also, There’s No Way Americans Can Trust The Chauvin Verdict
Mark Steyn: Police State Backpedal

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Nika Holbert, the ‘Drug War’ and the Importance of Penalizing Stupidity

Posted on | April 22, 2021 | Comments Off on Nika Holbert, the ‘Drug War’ and the Importance of Penalizing Stupidity

We have talked before about this case (“Nika Holbert and the BLM Myth”), but I must again address the death of Nika Holbert because one of the YouTube channels I watch regularly has featured it.

John Correia’s Active Self Protection channel is both entertaining and educational. If you want to see real-life violent confrontations analyzed by a specialist in self-defense, this is the channel for you. Seldom do I ever disagree with John Correia, but in analyzing the shootout between Holbert and Officer Josh Baker, Correia suggest that the way to prevent such incidents is to end “the drug war.” Watch the video:


John is just wrong on this issue of “the drug war,” and I’ll explain why.

Narcotic use is a proxy for stupidity. Yes, there are people at Harvard with drug habits, and plenty of folks with high SAT scores might enjoy the occasional tab of ecstasy or toot of coke, but in general — as a sociological statistic — dopeheads are not valedictorians. Beyond that simple fact of life, an important but less-appreciated aspect of the “drug war” is that the way you get busted for dope is by being stupid.

When I was a teenage dopehead, the importance of avoiding interactions with the law-enforcement community was obvious enough. You didn’t want to be caught “holding,” as we said, especially when you were involved in the, uh, commercial distribution of illegal substances.

A smart dopehead would not be driving around with dope in the car. Leave your stash at home, dude. But if you are going to carry dope with you, maybe you shouldn’t be driving a car owned by a drug dealer with six felony warrants. That was Nika Holbert’s stupid mistake, followed by the even more stupid mistake of pulling a gun on a cop.

Think of this in terms of incentives. As a society, it behooves us to reward intelligence, to make sure that the smartest people get into positions where their intelligence can be most usefully employed. Without clever people to design computers and so forth, our civilization’s technological advancement would be impaired. But the obverse this principle is also true — stupidity must be penalized. Why? Because stupid people, if left to do as they please, will screw things up for everybody.

Who Broke the Milkshake Machine?

Everything wrong in our country — from traffic jams to lousy restaurant service to the presidency of Joe Biden — is the fault of stupid people.

Think about all the ways stupid people make your life worse. Say you pull into the drive-thru line at McDonald’s. You’re going to wait longer than necessary because, somewhere up ahead of you in the line, there is a stupid person who can’t get their order right. Instead of ordering something simple — “Give me a Number Three meal” — they have to do it all complicated, and not communicating very clearly. Because they’re stupid. When you finally get to order your large chocolate milkshake, they tell you, “Sorry, the milkshake machine’s broken.” Why? Who broke the milkshake machine? A stupid person, that’s who.

Excuse me for digressing into a gripe about my pet peeves, but my point is, there is a shortage of intelligent people in America, whereas we have a vast surplus of stupidity. Why? Incentives.

As a society, we are no longer sufficiently penalizing stupidity. Among the potential penalties for being stupid is a loss of income, but apparently you can’t fire people for being stupid nowadays, because they’ll sue for “worker’s rights” or whatever, which is why McDonald’s keeps hiring idiots who don’t know how a milkshake machine works.

This same basic problem is why a fat idiot thinks she can drive around with dope in her purse and a pistol in a car owned by a drug dealer, but starts shrieking like an innocent victim when a cop tries to put the handcuffs on her. And then gets killed because she is apparently too stupid to know what happens when you point a pistol at a cop.

According to online records from both Metro and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, Nika Holbert’s criminal background includes several repeat misdemeanors, including driving with a revoked license and theft under $500.
Holbert also had a felony drug charge from 2010.
Her last listed interaction with law enforcement was a public indecency charge in 2017.

“Live and learn” as the old adage says, but stupidity is incurable. The only way to protect society against the harm caused by stupid people is by quarantine — put them behind bars so that they can’t make life miserable for the rest of us. Alas, however, stupid people are voters, and they tend to vote for the kind of politicians who think the answer to every problem is to make life easier for the stupid people who elect them.

“Let’s decriminalize drugs,” say the stupid people, who are statistically more likely to be dopeheads, and also more likely to get caught. Then the politicians who pander to such people get elected, and when their stupid policies turn communities into nightmare wastelands, everyone pretends to be surprised by this predictable outcome. Oregon legalized dope, and Portland is a lunatic hellscape. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

While we’re at it, let’s discuss the role of technology in what happened to Nika Holbert. You see, the reason she got pulled over was because he ran the license plate number on the Camaro she was driving and learned it was owned by a drug dealer with six outstanding warrants. Cops now have computers in their patrol cars that make it much easier to do this and, in many jurisdictions, police cars are equipped with automatic scanning devices that alert cops to vehicles that are stolen, or with other issues including outstanding warrants. You will perhaps not be surprised to learn that the Democrat-controlled city council in Nashville considered tag-scanning technology to be “controversial”:

License plate reader technology was previously banned in Metro Nashville back in 2017.
After street racing problems caused public safety concerns, the conversation has been brought back into focus for the Metro Council. At the start of 2020 three different bills looked to address how LPRs could be utilized properly in Nashville.
“We need some more tools in our toolbox in order to help completely eradicate this dangerous activity,” District 26 Councilmember Courtney Johnston said.
Johnston, whose legislation was deferred until February 2, said she listened to people’s concerns on how the technology would affect policing and privacy.

Who are the “people” who have these “concerns”? The same people, I suspect, who got tag-scanners banned in Nashville in 2017.

Stupid people, that’s who. You see, stupidity is a hereditary trait, and so there are a lot of people out walking around on our nation’s streets — voting for Democrats, and attending city council meetings — who have stupid relatives in prison. When you see a story in the media talking about how the “community” is concerned that police are being too successful at putting criminals behind bars, this “community” sentiment comes from the stupid relatives of stupid criminals.

This is where all those “family demands answers” headlines come from whenever police shoot a stupid criminal. Your teenager daughter is living in a foster home and trying to stab people, but you’re too stupid to understand why she got shot? “FAMILY DEMANDS ANSWERS.”

Man, if I’d been stupid enough to get myself shot by cops back when I was a teenage dopehead, my family wouldn’t have been “demanding answers.” My kinfolk are smart enough it would have been obvious to them that I’d simply suffered the predictable consequences of stupidity.

“No, sir. I have nothing to say. I understand that I have the right to have my attorney present during questioning.”

Never went to prison, because I’m not stupid.

Also, eventually, I realized the error of my ways, and one of my youthful errors was hanging around with losers and troublemakers.

This is another reason why I’m against John Correia’s idea of surrendering to stupid people in what he calls “the drug war.”

Some People Should Ride the Bus

Stupid behavior leads to bad consequences, and smart people eventually notice this pattern, either in their own lives or by observing the lives of others. It is only the truly stupid among us — the hopeless dimwits — who are repeatedly in trouble with the law.

Did I mention that Nika Holbert’s criminal record was released by officials? As evidence of incorrigible stupidity, it’s quite conclusive. She kept getting caught for driving without a license, or driving with fake tags on the car, or possessing small quantities of marijuana, which are exactly the kind of things that stupid people get caught doing.

Stupid people should not be allowed to drive. That’s why we have public transportation, for people who are too stupid to drive. What part of “Nika should have been riding the bus” do I need to explain here?

America’s problem is not merely our failure to penalize stupidity, but also that intelligent people are far too polite for their own good. We have been taught that it’s wrong — “insensitive” or too “judgmental” — to make stupid people feel ashamed of their stupidity. This is an unfortunate consequence of the “self-esteem” cult that took root in our education system decades ago. The emergence of this cult was a typical example of what happens when mediocre minds (think, education majors) are exposed to sociology statistics without proper adult supervision.

Some education professional noticed that (a) successful people tend to have (b) high self-esteem, and concluded that (b) was the cause of (a).

This is like the “Think System” in The Music Man.

Notice how I just assumed that the reader is (a) capable of understanding analogies and (b) familiar with Broadway musicals. This is because I understand that 1,500 words into a blog post is not where you find people who should be riding the bus, IYKWIMAITYD.

No, the kind of people who are still reading after 1,500 words are extraordinarily intelligent. So smart are my blog readers, in fact, that some of them are designing space robots for NASA.

And driving German cars. I don’t know if there are any sociological studies on this, but based on a small sample of space-robot engineers, I have observed a distinct preference for German automobiles. However, correlation is not causation, and simply buying a Volkswagen won’t turn you into a NASA engineer, the same way that high self-esteem won’t make you successful. This is the error of the Cult of Self-Esteem, which has ruined our school system because teachers think they can make kids succeed simply by telling them how wonderful they are.

That’s why no one ever told Nika Holbert she was too stupid to be allowed to drive a car. And she ended up getting shot for it.

Oh, and pulling a pistol on a cop.

The Darwin Awards Committee could not be reached for comment.


There’s Always a Backstory: Why Was Ma’khia Bryant Living in a Foster Home?

Posted on | April 21, 2021 | Comments Off on There’s Always a Backstory: Why Was Ma’khia Bryant Living in a Foster Home?

Look closely at that photo. It’s what Columbus, Ohio, police Officer Nick Reardon was looking at a split second before he fired his pistol. The fat girl in blue jeans — 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant — had a kitchen knife in her right hand and was about to stab the woman in pink. In the parlance of cops, that’s called a “good shoot,” but the liberal media headline is not “HERO COP SAVES WOMAN FROM KNIFE ATTACKER.”

No, the media are playing the BLM “white guilt” race card here, simply because Officer Reardon is white. The fact that the woman he saved from being stabbed is black? Never mind that. It doesn’t fit the media’s preferred narrative, in which white is a synonym for bad.

Understand that I’ve spent months watching police videos on the Police Activity YouTube channel, so I’ve become sort of an amateur expert on how these kinds of incidents generally go down. As in this case, police often arrive on a scene of confusion, with only a brief description of what’s happening based on a frantic 911 call. When you watch bodycam video of incidents like this — and, as I say, what happened in the Ma’Khia Bryant case isn’t really unusual — it can be difficult to understand what you’re seeing, because it happens so fast amid confusing circumstances. But the important thing to know is, there is always a backstory.


Police do not go around shooting people at random. In most cases, the suspect who gets shot by cops has an extensive prior criminal history. Often, they are convicted felons out on parole or probation, engaged in drug dealing, driving a stolen car or illegally possessing firearms (sometimes all three at once). In other cases, the person who gets shot by cops is mentally ill, basically doing “suicide by cop.” So in terms of probability, the vast majority of people, whatever their race, are never in danger of being shot to death by police. It doesn’t happen randomly.

Even in the case of Breonna Taylor, the reason she got shot was because (a) her ex-boyfriend was a drug dealer who had been using her apartment as his mailing address, and (b) her new boyfriend had a gun and fired at the cops who raided the apartment, evidently fearing that it was Breonna’s ex-boyfriend busting down the door. It wasn’t random.

So what’s the backstory in this case?

Franklin County Children Services (FCCS) released a statement saying that Bryant, 16, was a foster child who was under the care of the Franklin County Children Services. . . .
The girl’s aunt, Hazel Bryant, told reporters that her niece had been living in a foster home on the east side of Columbus, where the fatal shooting took place. According to her, several adult women had come to the foster home and started an altercation with the teenager, who had then called police, her biological father as well as her grandmother for help. Then to defend herself, Ma’Khia grabbed a knife. . . .
Her mother, Paula Bryant, told 10 WBNS, “She was a very loving, peaceful little girl. She was an honor-roll student, and Makiyah had a motherly nature about her. She promoted peace.” . . .

OK, two obvious questions:

  1. Why was Ma’Khia in the care of county children’s services?
  2. Why did these women “come to the foster home” and start a fight?

It seems difficult to reconcile the known facts with Ma’Khia’s mother’s claim that she was a peace-promoting honor student.

My guess (and it is only a guess) is that Ma’Khia being in foster care had something to do with her own behavioral problems, which in turn explains these adult women being in an altercation with her. We don’t actually know what happened or why, but whatever the story turns out to be, we can surmise that this was not a random incident. It never is.


In The Mailbox: 04.20.21

Posted on | April 21, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.20.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Today we celebrate the birthday of the brave Austrian veteran who sacrificed his life to kill Hitler.

357 Magnum: How’s That Affordable Bail Working Out?
Red Pilled Jew In Exile: Paging Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
EBL: Afroman – Because I Got High, also, RIP Walter Mondale
Twitchy: “Start Killing All The White Folks”
Louder With Crowder: FL Sheriff Explains Riots Vs. Protests Slow Enough For Liberals To Understand
Vox Popoli: We’re #8, also, A Verdict Is In

American Conservative: Interior Enforcement & The Border Crisis 
American Greatness: Minneapolis Star-Tribune – Enemy Of The People, also, Democrats Are Cheaters
American Power: NY Parent Pulls Daughter From Elite Brierly Private Academy & His Scathing Letter Goes Viral
American Thinker: Executive Order Canceling The Constitution, also, The Coming Grand Solar Minimum
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily In The Company Of Chickadees News
Babalu Blog: Despite Dictator Raul Castro’s Exit, No Change Coming To Cuba Any Time Soon
BattleSwarm: Walter Mondale. RIP
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, NASA’s Choice Of Starship Proves Government Fully Embraces Capitalism In Space
Cafe Hayek: Middle-Class Stagnation Is A Myth
CDR Salamander: Keeping An Eye On The Long Game, Part LXXXIX
Da Tech Guy: The Crypto Tidal Wave Is Here – What Does It Mean For Conservatives? also, Report From Louisiana  – Dogs
Don Surber: Merrick Garland Begins War On Conservatives
First Street Journal: Another Tesla Autopilot Crash Leaves Two Dead, also, Wishful Thinking In The Herald-Leader?
The Geller Report: NYC Muslim Rams Crowd Of Jews In Horrific Mass Murder Attempt, also, Fake Pew Poll Claims Biden’s Approval Rating at 59%
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Queta
Hollywood In Toto: Tiny Tim Doc Tiptoes Through Career Of 60s Darling, also, Entourage Podcast Declares Victory Over Woke Critics
The Lid: Twitter Suspended GOP Commentator Steve Cortes For Citing Study He Got From Government Website 
Legal Insurrection: Hackers Expose Donors To Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Fund, & Reporters Star Doorknocking, also, James O’Keefe Sues Twitter For “False & Defamatory Statements”
Nebraska Energy Observer: America First
Outkick: Dying NBA Told Half Its Fans “We Don’t Like You”, also, Spotify Earmarks 15-20 More Joe Rogan Episodes For Deletion
Power Line: Walter Mondale, RIP, also, The Chauvin Verdict
Shark Tank: DeSantis Upsets Democrats By Signing Online Sales Tax Bill Into Law
Shot In The Dark: Rumor Of War, also, Incomplete
STUMP: Mortality With Meep – Looking At Location Data For U.S. Deaths 1999-2000
The Political Hat: Making Choo-Choo Trains Popular By Banning The Alternatives
This Ain’t Hell: Tuesday FGS, also, A Questionable Act
Transterrestrial Musings: NASA’s Choice Of Starship, also, Public-School Wokeness
Victory Girls: Jim Crow 2021 Shanked By Burgess Owens
Volokh Conspiracy: 3/4 Of States Now Stand Your Ground, Only 12 Are Duty To Retreat
Weasel Zippers: Radical Commies & Union Members Chase National Guard From Minneapolis Staging Area, also, Nancy Pelosi Thanks George Floyd For Dying
The Federalist: Joe Biden Is Using Your Money To Teach American Kids To Hate America, also, Kamala Harris Says Guilty Verdict For Chauvin Isn’t Enough
Mark Steyn: How High The Moon, also, The Truth Comes Limping After

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Posted on | April 20, 2021 | Comments Off on CHAUVIN GUILTY

Despite the big win for the “social justice” crowd, it can be expected that there will be nationwide riots tonight. Kind of like BLM won the Super Bowl of racial grievance, and now must celebrate by looting.

UPDATE: Time to go grab a free TV or whatever:

Nice country we had for a while. Shame it all had to burn down.

UPDATE II: Quote of the day:

“Thank you, George Floyd,
for sacrificing your life for justice.”

— Nancy Pelosi

She forgot to thank George’s fentanyl dealer.

UPDATE III: Contrary to widespread concern, there appears to have been no riots Tuesday night, at least not in Minneapolis. Of course, Antifa smashed windows in Portland, but that’s just the nightly routine there now, I guess.


In The Mailbox: 04.19.21

Posted on | April 19, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.19.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.
357 Magnum: He Gave Them The Money, They Shot Him Anyway
Director Blue: Twitter Org Chart Revealed!
EBL: RIP Felix Silla, a/k/a “Cousin It”, also, Marilyn Monday
Twitchy: “He Was A Toy To Them” – Glenn Greenwald Goes On Righteous Rant Over The Media & The “Sicknick Truther” Smear, also, Buck Sexton – This Information Was Hidden From You On Purpose
Louder With Crowder: Thug Attempts Armed Robbery, Gets Body-Slammed & Squeals Like A Pig, also, Ted Cruz Calls Out Maxine Waters For “Encouraging Riots & Violence” After Minnesota Comments
Vox Popoli: The Corpocracy Stacks The Deck, also, The Market Meltdown Is Coming
Stoic Observations: Rough Intelligence

American Conservative: Courts Using COVID To Take Kids From Parents, also, Election Integrity Remains In The Spotlight
American Greatness: Gretchen Whitmer Has Won The Masks & Lockdown Debate, also, The Joe Biden Who Never Was
American Thinker: The Diversity Industry Has Turned The Clock Back To 1960, also, J&J Vaccine Pause – Caution Or Collusion?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Congressional Hispanic Caucus Moves To Silence Conservatives, also, Castro Leaves But Castroism Remains
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For April 16, The Carpetbagger In TX-06, and Triple Murder Suspect Captured
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, Amazon Signs ULA’s Atlas V For First 9 Kuiper Satellite Launches
Cafe Hayek: Neill Ferguson & The Imperial College “Modelers” Are Incompetent Scientists & Shameful Liars
CDR Salamander: Mid-April Midrats Melee! also, An Army Builds Off Ukraine
Da Tech Guy: Information On The Adam Toledo Killing That The MSM Is Overlooking, also, The Saddest (And Least Surprising) Words I’ve Heard All Year
Don Surber: Media Won’t Call Him Lil Homicide, also, Biden Administration Stands Up For An Embezzler, But Not For A Million Slaves
First Street Journal: NYT OpEd Says If You Defend Your Property Against Rioters, You’re Racist, also, Rights Delayed Are Rights Denied
The Geller Report: Gunmen Open Fire On National Guard In Minneapolis After Maxine Waters Incites #BLM Rioters, also, Marjorie Taylor Greene Moves To Expel Maxine Waters For Incitement To Violence & Murder
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Solving The Problem Of Woke Math
Hollywood In Toto: Could About A Boy Be Made Today? also, Spotify Can’t Stop Censoring Joe Rogan
The Lid: On This Day In 1775…
Legal Insurrection: Woke Math & The Intentional Destruction Of Free & Independent Thought, Chauvin Trial Judge Says Maxine Waters’ Threats May Result In Guilty Verdict Being Overturned On Appeal, also, Biden’s Education Department Seeks To Prioritize Critical Race Theory & 1619 Project Grant Applications
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, The Wages Of Duty Done Well
Outkick: It’s Time To Worry About The NBA’s Ratings, also, MLB Sets A 20-Year Ratings Record Over Its First 18 Days
Power Line: Mob Rule In Minnesota, also, A Cry From The Heart Against Rot In Education
Shark Tank: Sabatini Calls Eskamani “A Total Fraud”, also, DeSantis Signs Anti-Rioting Bill Into Law
Shot In The Dark: This Is What Screwed Looks Like, also, If Weasels Were The Size Of Elk
The Political Hat: Louisiana Vs. Critical Race Theory
This Ain’t Hell: Nathan Ball, Green Beret? Not So Fast, also, No Touchy, No Feely!
Transterrestrial Musings: NASA’s Lunar Surprise, also, End Of The Line For Falcon Development
Victory Girls: Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants To Give Maxine Waters The Boot
Volokh Conspiracy: Court Order Protecting People Displaying Press Passes & Covering Protests In Minnesota
Weasel Zippers: Argentinian Pro-Abortion Leader Dies During Abortion, also,  #BLM Becoming More & More Like Homegrown ISIS Every Day
The Federalist: Corrupt Media Who Falsely Accused Trump Of Inciting Violence Are Silent When Maxine Waters Does Just That, also, Maxine Waters Demanded Armed Police Escort Before Calling For Violence At Minnesota Anti-Police Protest
Mark Steyn: Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, also, Get Out The Gloat

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Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Posted on | April 19, 2021 | Comments Off on Not All Heroes Wear Capes

During the course of the Best Ranger competition at Fort Benning, the teams ran or marched 62 miles in less than 60 hours while completing a series of tasks — obstacle courses, weapons ranges, etc. That’s basically back-to-back marathons, with a couple of 10Ks added on.

The brigade commander called it “the Super Bowl of the Army.”

Team 41 did not win the competition, but they went the distance.

Fifty-one teams began the competition with a nine-mile run at dawn Friday, and by the time they had finished the first obstacle course and the Victory Pond water event at 10 a.m., Team 34 — 1st Lt. Vince Paikowski and 1st Lt. Alastair Keys, from the 75th Ranger Battalion — had ensconced themselves in first place, with a lead they never relinquished. Meanwhile, our family was watching Team 41 — Sgt. Maj. Andrea Copes and Staff Sgt. Robert McCain Jr. — and worried about their place at 30th in the standings. We knew that the first day’s cut was at 28. Before the competition began, Bob had told his mother not to worry about their standings: They had a strategy, not to exhaust themselves on the first run, and rely on their superior marksmanship skills to carry them through.

Sure enough, after the completion of the Urban Assault Course at 11 a.m., Team 41 had moved up to 26th place, and after the Wagner Sniper Range event, they were 22nd. Next came the Three-Gun Event and M4 Qualification Event, after which Team 41 was in 13th place.

Having advanced 17 places since the morning run, we had hopes that Team 41 would keep moving up, but certainly we had good reason to be confident that they would make the first cut, when the field of competitors was reduced to 28 teams. What we didn’t know — the teams being incommunicado for the duration — was that Bob had injured his knee during the first morning’s obstacle course event, and was now limping in agony. Next event? Army Combat Fitness Test, followed by yet another obstacle course, and then a 19-mile night march.

Nineteen miles on a bad knee? No pain, no gain.

Team 41 made the cut. What followed the 19-mile march was a series of exercises called “Night Stakes,” that went until dawn. The scores for the remaining 28 teams were posted, and we learned that Team 41 had dropped to 19th place. Oh, boy — more angst.

You see, the next cut is to 16 teams, and so our guys started Saturday three places below where they needed to be to make it to Day Three. What followed was a day of “Day Stakes” exercises, shooting and more running and, by the time that was all done, Team 41 was in 17th place. The final exercise before the next cut was Night Orienteering (land navigation) and our guys killed it, with the second-highest score. So we found out Sunday morning they had made the cut and were in 14th place. We had hopes that they might make it to a Top 10 finish, but fatigue and injuries took their toll, and they finished 16th. Here is video of Team 41 in the Combat Water Survival Assessment:


You’ll hear the commentator (the coach of Team 49) explain that Bob’s partner is a sergeant major in Italian Special Forces, serving as a trainer for U.S. Rangers. A few photos of Bob in that event:

So . . . what did your kids do this weekend?


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