The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Death of ‘Teflon’

Posted on | February 17, 2021 | Comments Off on The Death of ‘Teflon’

Ramiro “Teflon” Carrasco began his life of crime at a young age, with a record dating back to 2003, the year he turned 14. In late June 2011, Carrasco was wanted on six active warrants, including failure to appear in court to face charges of fraud, domestic violence and probation violation, when police spotted him in Loveland, Colorado. Carrasco managed to elude police for two more days before he was finally arrested with the help of a SWAT team and a police K-9. Six years later, in February 2017, Carrasco was wanted on four outstanding warrants — including two felonies — when Loveland police tried to arrest him again, but he barricaded himself inside an apartment and once more, the SWAT team had to be called to take “Teflon” into custody.

You might think that a lifelong felon who had twice been the subject of SWAT interventions might have gotten a lengthy prison sentence. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, “Teflon” was a known gang member, whose face was covered with tattoos. Despite his felonious history, Carrasco was released from prison in Colorado in January 2019. His obituary was published 13 months later:

Ramiro Carrasco, a loving father, son, brother, uncle, cousin and friend. Ramiro left this world unexpectedly at 30 years young on Feb 26, 2020.

“Unexpectedly”? His death was actually quite predictable. The cause of death was three gunshot wounds from a Greeley police officer’s pistol.

At the time of his death, Carrasco was out on bond on charges in Larimer County. He also had an outstanding warrant in Boulder County. He and a woman named Keya Marie Pobanz (who had also done time in prison) had spent a few days smoking marijuana and methamphetamine. About 1 a.m. on February 26, 2020, Carrasco and Pobanz were in a green Honda in the parking lot of the Island Grove Village Apartments, “an affordable rental housing community” near a park on 14th Avenue in Greeley.

A police officer “was conducting crime suppression patrol” in the neighborhood, which was known “to be a high crime area specifically, narcotics and a dumping ground for stolen vehicles.” The officer spotted the Honda, which was “suspicious” because it did not have a front license tag and was backed into a parking space. Exiting his vehicle, the officer approached the Honda, and his bodycam video captured what happened:


Watching the video with an untrained eye, you might not realize why, at about the 42-second mark, the officer raises his pistol and orders Carrasco: “Stop moving. Put your hands up right now, dude.”

What happened? The officer shined his flashlight on Carrasco and saw he had a pistol on his lap. Carrasco moved his hand to try to conceal the pistol, and that’s when the officer drew his gun. A tense standoff followed for more than a minute, and the officer moved away from the car door for his own safety. Just about the time backup arrived, the officer saw Carrasco reach for the gun and BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!

Despite being hit with three shots, Carrasco still had the presence of mind to try to get rid of his gun — a Ruger .380 semi-auto — by tossing it out the open passenger door. You can actually hear it hit the pavement at about the 2:29 mark in the video. Despite this, Pobanz continued insisting that Carrasco did not have a weapon until the next day:

Pobanz told Commander Smith she was with Teflon for the last few days. During this time Teflon had told Pobanz he was not going back to prison as he has spent the better part of his life in prison. She didn’t know why he kept the gun lying on his lap as the officer approached. She said they knew the cop was going to contact them when he pulled into the lot, and she did not know why Teflon did not hide the gun prior to being contacted by the police.

Well, I think we all know the answer to that mystery. “Teflon” didn’t hide the gun because he wanted to have it handy, planning to shoot the cop and then try to escape. But the cop was smart, and when “Teflon” saw the backup police cars arriving, he made the only choice he had left.

Was he going to shoot, or was Carrasco reaching for the gun in a desperate last-minute attempt to hide it before more cops arrived?

It doesn’t matter, really. The shooting was justified because the officer had reasonable cause to believe his life was in danger. In releasing his report on the incident, the district attorney explained that he was not naming the police officer because of Carrasco’s “very strong and documented ties to known criminal gangs,” which could put the officer at risk of retaliation from Carrasco’s gang associates.

And that’s the story of how a career criminal “left this world unexpectedly.” His nickname was “Teflon.” But it wasn’t Kevlar.


Why Wasn’t He Already Behind Bars?

Posted on | February 16, 2021 | Comments Off on Why Wasn’t He Already Behind Bars?

Say hello to Leonard Ortega, 47, of Seattle, a lifelong criminal who was inexplicably out on the streets earlier this month:

Police say 47-year-old Leonardo Ortega pulled a shotgun on 68-year-old Phil Salmon, and stole his pick up truck Wednesday morning [Feb. 3] from a Chevron gas station in Seattle’s Greenwood neighborhood. Salmon’s son Dan says it could have been a lot worse.
“A lot worse if he had pulled the trigger, it would have been over he was only 3 feet away,” says Dan.
Authorities say Ortega then proceeded to take officers on a car chase with speeds reaching up to 75 miles per hour on city streets during the morning commute, ending with a huge crash several miles away at the corner of Broad St and Alaskan Way along the downtown waterfront. Ortega was immediately arrested.
Friday afternoon, Ortega waived his right to appear in court for his bail hearing. He’s facing multiple charges including motor vehicle theft and evading police.
Ortega has a lengthy criminal history including seven felony convictions such as being in possession of a stolen gun and stealing cars.
“We know from police they are investigating him for multiple cases not only in Seattle but in other cities as well,” says Casey McNerthney with the King County Prosecutor’s Office.
But there are now questions about why a judge released him last month after being arrested for allegedly stealing an empty FedEx truck in the Northgate neighborhood.
“In those docs that we got from police, law enforcement didn’t object to the release,” says McNerthney, which allowed Ortega to be on the street before this latest arrest.
“I’m not sure if the officer who looked at that case when they put together that form knew the extent of his history. So that’s not meant to knock the police at all,” says McNerthney.

Gosh, what has happened in Seattle recently that might result in a policy of unusual leniency toward criminals? But if you pay attention to crime stories, you see these kind of cases all the time — the suspect in a heinous case that makes headlines is almost always a career criminal who is out on probation or parole for an earlier crime. Most serious crime in this country is committed by lifelong criminals who will predictably return to their felonious habits as soon as they are released from prison.

Is leniency toward criminals “social justice”? Consider this story that ran in the Washington Post a couple of years ago:

In the past decade, nearly 26,000 murders have gone without an arrest in major American cities.
Of those, more than 18,600 of the victims — almost three-quarters — were black.

You can, and should, read the whole thing, but think about what this means: There are more than 20,000 murderers on our nation’s streets. In reporting on these unsolved homicides, the liberals at the Washington Post undoubtedly intended to imply that law enforcement exhibits an indifference to the deaths of black people, because of “systemic racism.” But these unsolved murders are occurring mainly in liberal big cities, where leniency toward crime is usually the policy. In such cities, “social justice” translates to “turn ’em loose.” Allowing criminals to roam the streets will result in a lot more unsolved murders, and if most of the victims of these crimes are black, well, whose fault is that?

Good luck finding a liberal who can answer that question.


In The Mailbox: 02.15.21

Posted on | February 16, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.15.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

In case I forgot to mention it before, Bob Zimmerman is doing a fundraiser at his blog, Behind The Black, which I added to the blogroll because we didn’t have any consistent coverage of what’s happening in the High Frontier. Go show the man some love, by which I mean HIT THE FARGING TIP JAR! Also, happy President’s Day to the Once and Future President, Donald Trump.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

357 Magnum: More Bridges Will Fall Down Thanks To Woke Math
Twitchy: Impeachment Manager Raskin (D-Mented) Declares Failed Second Impeachment Trial A “Dramatic Success”
Louder With Crowder: Pelosi Interrupts News Conference, Angry At Another Botched Impeachment
Vox Popoli: Star Wars Gets Even More Brave & Stunning, also, TV Networks Going Down
Stoic Observations: Now Hear This V4 – “Mellow simplicity and bass in your face.”
Monster Hunter Nation: Fisking The WaPo Editor Who Is Sad He Doesn’t Get To Act Like The Mafia Any More

Adam Piggott: Wide Is The Gate
American Conservative: The NYT Descends Into Lunacy
American Greatness: The NYT Retracts The Sicknick Story, also, The Wages Of Trump Hatred
American Power: Slate Star Codex? The NYT Slammed Again For Shoddy, Muckrake “Journalism”
American Thinker: The “Insurrection Hallucination” And how We Got There, also, The Pandemic Cure Is Far Worse Than The Disease
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: 700 Pounds Of Contraband Rodent & Crocodile Meat Seized In Cuba, Smugglers Arrested, also, NYT Pens Eulogy For “Latino” Journalist & Rabid Trump Hater Without Mentioning He Worked For Castro’s KGB, The DGI
BattleSwarm: Zer0, also, It’s A Freaking Winter Wonderland In Austin Today
Beyond The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Abraham Lincoln, An Annual Tribute
Cafe Hayek: Comparing Jobs Lost To Trade To Jobs Lost To The Minimum Wage, also, The Great Fact
Camp of the Saints:
CDR Salamander: On Afghanistan, A Cold Bucket Of Water To The Face
Da Tech Guy: The #Unexpectedly Chronicles – I Suspect That’s Why The Democrats Have That 50/50 Majority Today, also, Democratic Governance
Don Surber: Is There A Democrat With Courage? also, WaPo Is A Riot. Literally.
First Street Journal: Chattanooga #BLM Activist Fired From Library For Burning Conservatives’ Books
The Geller Report: Marine Le Pen Goes On Trial For Opposing Jihad Terror, also, Biden Kills Pipelines At Home But Promotes Them For Taliban Terrorists
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Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Rowan’s Way – 11 Undercover
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The Political Hat: Enjoy The Freedom To Travel – While You Still Can
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Transterrestrial Musings: The Cons Are All Right, also, They Canceled The Bachelor Host
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Volokh Conspiracy: Trump’s Second Acquittal & The Limits of Impeachment
Weasel Zippers: Texas Power Outages Blamed On Frozen Wind Turbines, also, Navy Issues Pledge To Honor “All Intersectional Identities & Lived Experiences”
The Federalist: McConnell’s Impeachment Ploy Wasn’t Statesmanship, But An Attack On The Base, also, “Whataboutism” Is A Nonsense Word That Defends Hypocrisy
Mark Steyn: Orwellian Ripples, also, Seconds

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Rule 5 Sunday: A Death Goddess For Your Consideration

Posted on | February 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: A Death Goddess For Your Consideration

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Perhaps death goddess isn’t the right term, but in Fate/Grand Order Scathach is the guardian of the Land of Shadows, a Celtic analog to Ereshkigal in Sumerian mythology, and everybody calls Eresh a death goddess, so…anyway, here she is in the kitchen fixing some chocolate for Valentine’s Day. Very dark chocolates. Very bitter.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Her chocolates, like her legendary spear, go straight to the heart.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1260, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule 5 Animal Farm Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Bridget Moynahan, Das Rheingold, News Of The World (Review), Ernani, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Mary Wilson RIP, Un Ballo In Maschera, Gina Carano, Akhnaten, Les Troyens, Die Walkure, and MAGA MMA.

A View From The Beach: Shamelessly Furiously MacGyvering – Levy TranASMFC Seeks Striped Bass AdviceFish Pic Friday – Taylor HarrellDisney Princess Cancelled for Godwin’s Law ViolationThursday TanlinesYour Wednesday WetnessRockfish in the NewsBecause It’s Different When They Do ItShakingMotoring in Monday and Palm Sunday.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe of the Week is Genevieve Page

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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Get Up And Fight

Posted on | February 14, 2021 | Comments Off on Get Up And Fight

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

I’m not quite to Ace levels of rage yet, but I’m becoming increasingly pissed off at the defeatist moaners who think the Democrats have pulled off their October Revolution and it’s all over. “The Uniparty has won,” they whine. “There’s nothing we can do.” Yes, we should all sit quietly in our houses, waiting for the blue-caps to come along and haul us off to the Alaskan death camps for being associated with friends of the supporters of the badthinking White Supremacist RAAAAACIST homophobic Bad Orange Man.


All the horrible things the Democrats want to do are definitely going to happen if you sit at home and moan about what a useless bunch of sellouts the Republicans are, or if you go off trying to make the Libertarians or the Populists a thing. The LP is not going to happen. They’ve been around all my life and all they’ve managed to accomplish is…nothing. The best-known, most successful libertarians have been Republicans like Ron Paul and his son Rand. As Colonel Schlichter points out, the infrastructure of the GOP is sitting right there waiting for Trump’s supporters to take over and use it to support America First candidates. There are a ton of local party organizations dying for lack of volunteers – and I don’t mean the worthless fucks who show up for the party caucuses and then vanish for the next four years. Get involved. Find your local GOP party organization, become a precinct officer and/or delegate, and get to work. Get your friends involved too. The more of you that are involved, the more impact you’re going to have and the more you can get done. It’s not that damn hard. If some autistic kid from 4chan can do it, you can too.
If there is no active local GOP party organization? Find your county or state party org and start building one. Uncle Bob produced a how-to guide for building your own political machine back when he was a Democrat, and while some of it is dated, the basics are still sound.

Too old/sick/overworked to help rebuild the GOP to be an America First party? Stop contributing to the national party organizations. Do your homework and find local candidates who support the MAGA agenda, or who at least are opposed to the left-wing Democrat Party crazy. Not One Red Cent was a good idea in the Tea Party days, and it’s an even better one now. Speaking of the Tea Party, don’t send money to PACs claiming to support the MAGA agenda. This is one of the things that killed the Tea Party movement – a bunch of grifters latching onto it and draining off vital cash & volunteers to support themselves. Support state and county party orgs and candidates instead. Talk to people. Get them active.

One of the big reasons for concentrating on the state and local GOP organizations, especially if you live in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, & Wisconsin, is to make sure the legislatures and state offices are firmly in the grasp of the GOP so that the kind of crap that was pulled last fall doesn’t happen again. Push your local state reps and senators on voting security, and if they show indications of being squishy on the issue, follow Don Surber’s advice – primary them and purge them. We have to root out the RINOs from the party at all levels, or we’re going to continue getting screwed by the likes of Liz Cheney, Ben Sasse, Nikki Haley, whose loyalties are to the traitors at the Chamber of Commerce first and us somewhere in 10,000th place. Hang their donations from corporate PACs around their necks and beat them on the ground – because as we all should know by now, money alone doesn’t win elections, and all of these people need to relearn that lesson. Especially the Murder Turtle.

Now get up and fight.

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FMJRA 2.0: Loser

Posted on | February 14, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Loser

— compiled by Wombat-socho

SOTD: For Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the DC Democrats.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Rule 5 Sunday: Hedley Lamarr Presents The Teutonic Titwillow, Lili von Shtupp! 
Harsh Brutus
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Former GOP Staffer Arrested in Truly Disturbing Child Pornography Case
Dark Brightness

Catch-and-Release: Career Criminal Arrested in Deadly San Francisco Crash
The Pirate’s Cove
The Political Hat
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: White Collar Holler
Harsh Brutus
A View From The Beach

Catch-and-Release: How Liberals Destroyed Law and Order in California
Bacon Time
357 Magnum

‘Family Demands Answers’
Animal Magnetism
357 Magnum

YouTuber Wins Darwin Award
Bacon Time
Harsh Brutus
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 02.08.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

More Proof America Is Racist?
BattleSwarm Blog
Bacon Time
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 02.10.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

The Question of Motive
A View From The Beach

‘Fame Whore’ Update: Hurry Up, Guys, Julia Allison Is Available Again
Pushing Rubber Downhill
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 02.11.21 (Morning Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 02.12.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

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N.Y. Times Doxxes Scott Alexander Because They Hate Free Speech

Posted on | February 14, 2021 | Comments Off on N.Y. Times Doxxes Scott Alexander Because They Hate Free Speech

Once upon a time — young people may imagine that I’m speaking of an antique, mythical era — liberals believed in the First Amendment.

Or at least, that’s what liberals said at the time.

Liberals once insisted that the First Amendment protected everything from the right of Communists to teach in public schools to the right of pornographers to produce films of women getting gang-raped. If you wanted to burn the flag? Cool — the First Amendment protected that “free speech,” too, according to liberals.

Liberals are still in favor of Communism, flag-burning and pornography (some things never change), but the kind of First Amendment absolutism that once characterized liberalism (e.g., the ACLU insisting Nazis had a right to march through Jewish neighborhoods) is long gone.

Destroying anonymity on the Internet for bloggers who stray outside the prescribed lines of acceptable opinion was a project undertaken last year by Cade Metz of the New York Times when he decided to dox the proprietor of Slate Star Codex (SSC). When Metz contacted the (inarguably brilliant) blogger known as Scott Alexander, the SSC proprietor immediately shuttered the blog and put up a post explaining what the New York Times was doing, i.e., trying to destroy his private life in order to punish him for allowing free discussion on his site.

Why? Because Slate Star Codex had become influential among certain computer geeks and venture capitalists in Silicon Valley.

See, that’s the thing about Internet anonymity — you can create a blog or a Twitter account using a pseudonym to say whatever you want, and this probably won’t get you in trouble unless you are so good at it that you attract a following and having real influence on public opinion, in a way disapproved by the liberal Thought Police. People like Oliver Darcy of CNN work more or less full-time to dox conservatives, and this is to say nothing of the SPLC’s massive research staff, which specializes in what Laird Wilcox called the “links-and-ties” smear method.

After briefly summarizing some of the distortions in the New York Times attack on him, Scott Alexander says:

They further presented a more general case that I am six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon-style linked to right-wing / pro-Trump figures in Silicon Valley like Peter Thiel. This is true — I can think of a friend of mine who also knows Peter Thiel. In fact, I met Peter Thiel once, kind of unexpectedly, at a party, long before Trump was in the news, and exchanged about two sentences of conversation with him (I don’t think he had the slightest idea who I was, nor was there any reason he should have). I have never personally met the other right-wing figures named in the article. I wrote a 30,000 word condemnation of one of them on my blog a few years ago, and we have since had some email exchanges about to what degree this was unfair. I received a sympathetic email from another of them about the Times article. Others I have had literally no contact with. Again, it would not surprise me if I was a few degrees of social separation from some of these people. I don’t feel like this means I have done anything wrong, and I assume most people are a few degrees of social separation away from a Republican or Trump supporter. I myself am a Democrat, voted Warren (IIRC) in the primary, and Biden in the general.

This “six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon” game of trying to portray someone as connected to people with whom they have no actual connection is, really, the essence of what the Left calls “McCarthyism.” The thing is, Joe McCarthy was fundamentally correct about Communist infiltration of the U.S. government, as M. Stanton Evans demonstrated. So it has never been my habit to accuse liberals of “McCarthyism,” which would wrongly imply my disapproval of Senator McCarthy. But I digress . . .

What is so wrongheaded about the “links-and-ties” smear is the way it attempts to blame people for things they didn’t say or do, because of their “association” (however casual) with others. For example, I first met Kevin DeAnna back around 2007 when he was a Leadership Institute staffer, and often showed up at libertarian events in D.C. At the time, there was a general disgust among right-wingers with the failures of the Bush administration, failures that were blamed on “neoconservatives,” and the organizational focus for many of those activists was the GOP presidential campaign of Ron Paul. I knew Kevin and, because the Thought Police had identified me as a dangerous Wrongthinker, there was a certain natural friendship. We’d see each other at events and chat briefly, but I honestly had no idea what Kevin was up to behind the scenes.

Then a couple of years ago, Kevin’s ex-girlfriend, Katie McHugh (someone I met a few times at CPAC) decided she was a liberal and started dumping emails and everything else into the lap of the SPLC, and I was like, “Whoa!” Kevin had gone off into some really crazy neo-Odinist pagan thing called “Wolves of Vinland,” among much else. The point of this long digression is that if Kevin Deanna had sought my advice, certainly I would have counseled against what he did, and yet my “association” with him could be used by dishonest smear artists to imply that I was somehow complicit in all Kevin’s ill-advised adventures.

This is what the New York Times is doing to Scott Alexander. Slate Star Codex became a hub for the so-called “Rationalist” community, some members of which are skeptical about the mindless “diversity is our strength” nonsense spewed by Social Justice Warriors (SJWs). Despite the fact that Scott had specifically condemned the self-declared “reactionary” faction of Rationalist community (e.g., Mencius Moldbug and Michael Anissimov), the Times nonetheless tries to depict Scott as sympathetic to (or at least, tolerant of) reactionary Rationalism.

This is not merely false, but completely dishonest.

It’s even more dishonest than if the SPLC tried to claim I was down for Kevin DeAnna’s “Wolves of Vinland” agenda, because while at least DeAnna I are both generally right-wing, Scott Alexander is a liberal who voted for Elizabeth Warren in the 2020 primaries. The main difference between Scott Alexander and the New York Times is that Scott believes “Reactionary” ideas are best countered by free discussion, whereas the New York Times is pursuing a Stalinist agenda of silencing dissent.

Here’s the thing: If your political beliefs cannot withstand criticism — if open discussion is an existential threat to your ideology — you cannot solve this problem by attempting to silence your critics. You can send a Solzhenitsyn to the gulag, but truth always ultimately wins.

Liberals seem determined to learn this lesson the hard way. “Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other.”

More at Instapundit.

UPDATE: I’m waiting for Ed Driscoll to declare that WE’VE DESCENDED INTO SOME SORT OF BIZARRE HELL-WORLD IN WHICH MATTHEW YGLESIAS IS A VOICE OF SANITY, but in the meantime, I’ll quote Yglesias observing that the New York Times article “is structured as a kind of syllogism”:

  • Scott Alexander’s blog is popular with some influential Silicon Valley people.
  • Scott Alexander has done posts that espouse views on race or gender that progressives disapprove of.
  • THEREFORE, Silicon Valley is a hotbed of racism and sexism.

This is “specious,” as Yglesias says. What is really going on here? Perhaps it’s that Cade Metz, an old white guy who works for an organization where old white guys are now routinely getting purged by newsroom mobs of “woke” young staffers, feels that it is unfair for someone like Scott Alexander to be able to write without fear of SJW reprisal.

UPDATE II: Welcome, Instapundit readers!

In the comments over there, a troll is calling me — me! — a “cuckservative”! It’s not just the ignorance of this insult that disturbs me, but the ingratitude. There are people who actually know what harms I’ve suffered for daring to hold the right flank, as it were, for 20 years, and I would expect them to defend my honor, so that it would never be necessary for me to speak in my own defense. Who was it, after all, who finally flushed LGF’s Charles Johnson out into the open, huh? For that feat alone, you might suppose people would be eternally grateful to me, but I suppose one ought not expect gratitude in politics.


Impeachment 2.0 Farce Is Over

Posted on | February 13, 2021 | Comments Off on Impeachment 2.0 Farce Is Over

The Democrats spent the past week staging a Stalinist show trial in the Senate, which came to a predictable end today, when they failed to get the necessary two-thirds majority for conviction. Our President — you know, the guy who actually won the election — issued this statement:

This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few months ago.
I also want to convey my gratitude to the millions of decent, hardworking, law-abiding, God-and-Country loving citizens who have bravely supported these important principles in these very difficult and challenging times.
Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it!
We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant, and limitless American future.
Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.
We remain one People, one family, one glorious nation under God, and it’s our responsibility to preserve this magnificent inheritance for our children and for generations of Americans to come.
May God bless all of you, and may God forever bless the United States of America.

Here is a fact that should not be forgotten: 61% of Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen, and a majority of Americans don’t believe anyone should be punished for saying they believe it was stolen. What Democrats were doing in this impeachment was an attempt to criminalize dissent, to make it a “high crime and misdemeanor” for President Trump to say what most Republicans believe. If it’s “inciting insurrection” to say Democrats stole the election for Biden, then they’re going to have to put a lot of us in prison. And they might as well start with me.


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