The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Lincoln Project Implodes

Posted on | February 13, 2021 | Comments Off on The Lincoln Project Implodes

Once the “useful idiots” of #NeverTrump were no longer useful to their Establishment benefactors — once Trump was vanquished, and the rationale of #NeverTrump was over — suddenly the “open secret” of John Weaver’s predatory homosexual behavior became newsworthy.

Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Everything is now collapsing in #NeverTrump land, where the real scandal was how the founders used the reported $90 million they collected as their own personal piggy bank, paying their own consulting firms far more than was ever spent on actual campaign operations.

The exit of creepy Steve Schmidt from the Lincoln Project was particularly weird. Schmidt has always exuded an aura of sadism, as if he were restraining an urge to inflict violence on others. During his numerous appearances on MSNBC, Schmidt’s unblinking emotionless stare — his “flat affect,” as a psychologist would say — seemed either a tough-guy pose calculated to intimidate others or, if genuine, the mannerisms of a cold-blooded killer. Steve Schmidt struck me as a man thoroughly convinced of his own inherent righteousness, and such personalities are dangerous. The apparent absence of self-doubt, a lack of awareness of one’s own flaws and weaknesses, is always a troubling trait.

From the Wikipedia entry on Schmidt:

Schmidt voiced his support for gay rights at a meeting of the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay Republican group. He said: “I just wanted to take a second to come by and pay my respect and the campaign’s respect to your organization and to your group. Your organization is an important one in the fabric of our party.”
Schmidt said about his lesbian sister and her life partner: “On a personal level, my sister and her partner are an important part of my life and our children’s life. I admire your group and your organization and I encourage you to keep fighting for what you believe in because the day is going to come.”

This is rather interesting, and perhaps relevant, now that Schmidt has made his Lincoln Project exit by telling a tale of being molested at summer camp and, bizarrely, announcing his conversion to Judaism.

And people said I was crazy?

Schmidt went from being de facto manager of a Republican presidential campaign at age 38 to being an ex-Republican pariah at age 50 and yet seems to think he can still count this in the “win” column by (a) telling his adolescent summer-camp story and (b) playing the Jew card.

See, if you criticize Schmidt — an ex-Catholic gentile — now he can turn around and accuse you of anti-Semitism. “Political strategist”!

Ed Driscoll has a rundown of the rats fleeing the Lincoln Project’s sinking ship, and I commend this brief summary from Professor Reynolds:

Remember, the Lincoln Project was supposedly a bastion of decency fighting against the depraved Donald Trump. Also, as with Harvey Weinstein, everyone knew and everyone kept quiet until the usefulness of keeping quiet ended. Because decency!

“Heh,” indeed.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! My colleagues John Hoge, Dianna Deeley and I discussed this (and much other news of the week) Saturday night on The Other Podcast.


In The Mailbox: 02.12.21

Posted on | February 13, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.12.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First peak of tax season is over, so I should be able to return to a somewhat normal schedule of posting these. Usual deadlines for the usual weekend linkagery.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

The $64,000 question.

357 Magnum: Security Is Never a Priority, also, A Heavy Metal Fairy Tale
EBL: Gina Carano, also, Immigration Up, Wages Headed Down
Twitchy: Rats Are Jumping Ship! also, Story The Lincoln Project Tried To Kill BY Releasing Jennifer Horns’ DMs Drops And HOLY COW
Louder With Crowder: Gina Carano Strikes Back, also, Andrew Cuomo Lied About COVID Numbers
Vox Popoli: Never Trust A Male Feminist, also, Amazon Shows Its Allegiance
According To Hoyt: The Left & The MIrror
Stoic Observations: On The Proper Failure Of America

Adam Piggott: Lesbians Don’t Exist
American Conservative: Use All Necessary Tools To Rein In Big Tech, also, Inside A Dead-On-Arrival Impeachment
American Greatness: Raphael Warnock Under Investigation In Georgia For Election Law Violations, also, The World Goes On While America Sleeps
American Power: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Prey
American Thinker: Biden’s Misery Index, also, The American Police State – No Questions Allowed
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Socialism Success Stories News, also, Rule Five Animal Farm Friday
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s Endless Struggle For A Glass Of Milk, also, Cubans Suffer Through Water Shortage While Battling A Raging Pandemic
BattleSwarm: Se7en, also, LinkSwarm For February 12
Beyond The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, Josh Tanner – Decommissioned
Cafe Hayek: Is Economic Theory Worthless? also, “This Is The Most Politicized Disease In History”
CDR Salamander: Sleepwalking Into Decline, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Reality Doesn’t Care – Under The Fedora, also, The Left Would LOVE President Trump On Social Media Right Now
Don Surber: Twitter Stands Up For Free Speech – In India, also, Nikki, They Still Hate You & Want You To Die
First Street Journal: MA Bureaucrat Who Said “We Must Break The Will” Of Citizens Resigns, also, Bad Causes Attract Bad People
The Geller Report: Democrats Appoint Ilhan Omar (D-Jihad) To Leadership Post On Foreign Affairs Committee, also, Nikki Haley Criticizes Trump, Says He Has No Future In GOP
Hogewash: Sound & Fury, CZ Buys Colt, and Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Hollywood Sold Its Soul To Red China – Now What? also, Disney & Journalists Don’t Care If You Call Out Their Glaring Hypocrisy
The Lid: Biden Builds Tent Cities For Illegals While Putting Energy Sector Workers Out Of Jobs
Legal Insurrection: Recall Newsom Petition Hit Required 1.5 Million Mark, also, Parler Vindicated – Facebook Was Most Used Social Media By Capitol Rioters
Michelle Malkin: Maxine Waters, Racial Insurrectionist
Nebraska Energy Observer: I Have To, also, Men Of Freedom
Power Line: Remembering Mr. Lincoln, also, Wind & Solar Energy Don’t Work
Shark Tank: Wasserman-Schultz Lies About Trump Supporters
Shot In The Dark: I Tried, also, Of Consequence
The Political Hat: Making Animals With Super-Brains Means One Thing – The Age Of Clever Catgirls Draws Near
This Ain’t Hell: Mutiny On The High Seas II, also, Air Force Concerned Atoll Might Sink
Transterrestrial Musings: Starship Upgrades, also, Being Patronized By Our Inferiors
Victory Girls: Psaki Circles Back To School Opening Goalposts
Volokh Conspiracy: Redefining Anti-Semitism In The Gina Carano Controversy, Or Just Sloppy Reporting?
Weasel Zippers: Dems Include Money For Abortion Providers In COVID Bill, also, Oakland Now Has Gangs Of Asian Teenagers Patrolling The Streets To Fight Crime
The Federalist: Trump Legal Team Obliterates Democrats’ Case With Videos Of Their Violent Rhetoric, also, Five Times Joe Biden Openly Urged Violence Against Political Opponents
Mark Steyn: Rwanda On The Potomac, also, Cuomo’s Blood-Soaked Coverup

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In The Mailbox: 02.11.21 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | February 11, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.11.21 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

this morning’s status

90 Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1259
357 Magnum: Replacing Police With Social Workers, Epic Fail Edition
EBL: Mary Wilson, RIP
Twitchy: #CancelDisneyPlus Trending After Lucasfilm Gives Gina Carano The Boot
Louder With Crowder: David Hogg Pillow Update – The Pillow Has A Name, And It’s Stupid
Vox Popoli: The End Of Instapundit, also, The Books On Boomers
Monster Hunter Nation: The Culture War Is Coming For You Whether You Like It Or Not

American Conservative: The Danger Of Having A Catholic President
American Greatness: Don’t Be The First To Stop Clapping
American Power: Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban Orders Team To Stop Playing National Anthem & Nobody Noticed
American Thinker: Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Dissident Rapper Maykel Osorbo Dedicates Song To Minister Of Culture, Arbitrarily Arrested By State Security
BattleSwarm: Biden’s CIA Pick Runs Think Tank Filthy With ChiCom Money, also, Immodest Proposal – Tax The Homeless
Behind The Black: The Lie That Was COVID, also, Red China’s Tianwen-1 Enters Mars Orbit
Cafe Hayek: Am I A Guinea Pig In An Evil Scientist’s Experiment?
CDR Salamander: The New Way of War Is The Old Way of War
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Loose Thoughts, also, Boomers Are In Trouble
Don Surber: Democrats Improve On Reichstag Fire
First Street Journal: He’s Out Of Office Now, But TDS Still Rules The Minds Of So Many, also, Remember How The Teachers’ Unions Acted The Next Time They Play The “For The Children!” Card When Looking For More Money
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Nauseatingly Politicized Super Bowl Generates Worst Ratings Since 1969
Hogewash: Hoax de l’Annee, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Run Hide Fight Director Shares Film’s Amazing Journey, also, Why Free Lunch Express Doesn’t Give Bernie The Baldwin-Trump Treatment
The Lid: Why Did Joe Biden Reverse Trump’s Order Banning Chicom Propaganda In Schools?
Legal Insurrection: Fourteen State AGs Tell Biden They’re Reviewing Legal Options Over Keystone XL Pipeline, also, Judge Nixes LA County DA’s Questionable Directives & Criminal Justice “Reforms”
Nebraska Energy Observer: Shrug… also, Press On – An American Story
Power Line: Coronavirus In One State (153)
Shark Tank: DeSantis Announces Florida Retail Pharmacy Program
Shot In The Dark: Poster Child
The Political Hat: Woke Gender In Education – Inclusive Curriculum, Compelled Speech, Financially Punishing “H8rz”
This Ain’t Hell: Mutiny On The High Seas, also, Medal Of Honor Winner Gets Ship Named After Him
Transterrestrial Musings: The Election, also, The “Elites”
Victory Girls: Stimulus Package On Hold While Impeachmentpalooza Continues
Volokh Conspiracy: Did Police Play Copyrighted Music To Prevent Video Streaming Of Citizen Interactions?
Weasel Zippers: Mitch McConnell Urging GOP Senators To Convict Trump? also, Aunt Jemima Has A New Name And It Sucks
The Federalist: Africans Plead With Joe Biden To Stop Paying Their Countries To Kill Children, also, NYT’s Glenn Thrush Lies About Sen. Lee’s Choice To Put Charity Above Politics
Mark Steyn: Edelweiss, also, Tal Bachman – A Quick Post-Mortem

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‘Fame Whore’ Update: Hurry Up, Guys, Julia Allison Is Available Again

Posted on | February 11, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘Fame Whore’ Update: Hurry Up, Guys, Julia Allison Is Available Again

Julia Baugher, a/k/a Julia Allison, in a 2012 interview.

“Young women who believe they can whore their way into a committed, long term relationship with top quality men have mental health issues.”
from a recent Reddit thread about Julia Allison

Readers may remember Julia Baugher, a/k/a Julia Allison, the erstwhile Internet celebrity who tried to make Sex in the City her guide to the happy life, only to suffer shame and heartbreak as a consequence. At one point in 2010, she was publicly recognized as the girlfriend of John Sidney “Jack,” McCain IV, son of the Arizona senator and then a 25-year-old Navy pilot, but like all of Julia’s relationships, that ended badly. About six months into their affair, after she had moved into Jack’s apartment, Julia was reportedly evicted by Jack’s mother.

In 2014, Julia “married herself” at the Burning Man festival and, falling head-first into the whole “alternative” culture, began dating a New Age hippie musician who called himself “Rain PhuturePrimitive.” That ended in 2017 when he decided he was into “polyamory,” and in 2018, Julia had an epiphany and decided it was time to settle down with a “reasonable choice” — a relationship which a few months later predictably went down in flames like the Hindenburg at Lakehurst.

“File it and forget it” is my usual modus operandi, and I hadn’t given any thought to checking up on Julia Allison for more than two years until Tuesday, when I noticed some incoming traffic from a Reddit thread, reporting that Julia had been dumped — again! — and was now back on the dating market at age 39. Unfortunately, the anti-Julia hate site “RebloggingDonk” has disappeared, so there is no longer an online clearinghouse for gossip about the erstwhile relationship-advice columnist. According to a tipster, however, what happened was this: Julia had been dating a doctor in the San Francisco area, who shall remain nameless. She used the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to move in with him, but after a few months of her craziness, he kicked her out.

Allegedly, I hasten to add. Julia’s father is a lawyer who has been known to threaten lawsuits, and it is therefore my obligation to emphasize that this is just “sources say,” as unverified as anything a D.C. journalist reports from anonymous “White House officials.” However, a quick glance at her Instagram account reveals that Julia is now in Bali, and has apparently deleted all posts about her previous relationship.

Did you know that Julia Baugher once published a 73-point checklist of conditions for any guy who wanted to date her? A digital copy of the complete list has been archived at Reddit, and you have to marvel at the lack of self-awareness of a woman who begins her list by stating that a man must love her “unconditionally,” then sets out 72 conditions necessary for her to reciprocate his love. Meanwhile . . .

Speaking of updates, you are simply not going to believe this one. Do you remember Kaitlyn Hunt, the teenage Florida lesbian who briefly became a gay-rights cause célèbre in 2013 after she was charged with illegally having sex with a 15-year-old? What made that story so fascinating was not necessarily Kaitlyn’s legal problems — what part of “take the plea bargain” is so hard to understand? — but rather the deranged behavior of the online #FreeKate cult that sprang up around the case.

Indian River County Jail inmate Kaitlyn Hunt in November 2013

It was, really, not much different from most other statutory rape cases, except that Kaitlyn and her deranged supporters seemed to believe they could pressure prosecutors to drop the charges by accusing them of “homophobia.” The problem with that belief, however, is that such a precedent would have rendered Florida’s age-of-consent laws effectively null and void. If the people of Florida really wanted to declare 15-year-olds “fair game,” they could lobby their legislature to change the law, but the #FreeKate lunatics thought they could turn Kaitlyn into a civil-rights hero for underage homosexuality. There were several obvious problems with this belief, including the fact that Kaitlyn was sending sexual videos of herself to her underage girlfriend, providing prosecutors with digital evidence that could not be ignored. When all was said and done, Kaitlyn spent Thanksgiving 2013 in the Indian River County Jail. She was eventually sentenced to three years probation. She then married an older lesbian named Latisha Thomas, with whom she had a son, reportedly conceived by artificial insemination. Well, guess what?

1. Kaitlyn and Latisha broke up;
2. Last year, Kaitlyn announced she was engaged again;
3. And also, pregnant;
4. She recently gave birth;
5. She’s actually in a relationship with . . . a man!

How she boomeranged around into heterosexuality is, I’m sure, a very interesting story. When a tipster informed me of this development, I could scarcely believe it, and asked if there were some online evidence. Now that I’ve actually seen the photos, I believe it, even though I find it impossible to understand. How does someone go from being a lesbian cause célèbre at 19 to being a heterosexual housewife at 27?

Is there a moral to this strange tale? Well, I guess if you’re a guy looking to settle down, you’ll have better luck with a lonely lesbian than you would with Julia Allison. But your mileage may vary.


The Question of Motive

Posted on | February 11, 2021 | Comments Off on The Question of Motive

Ryan Williams, president of the Claremont Institute, examines the motives of Republicans who support impeachment 2.0:

They hope this impeachment will cast Trump into the outer darkness and they can get back to normal politics. But a dishonest traditional media, aided and abetted by social media giants acting as the elect arbiters of “true” political information, has helped our political establishment maneuver America into an intractable position on impeachment. North of 40% of actual American voters consider the forces arrayed against Trump as fundamentally dishonest. Trust and respect, once lost, are hard to recover. The elite simply has no reputational capital in reserve to conduct a serious political exile of a president who just received 74+ million votes.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) Trump never could have been elected in 2016 if the “normal politics” of the GOP did not yield such abysmal failures as, e.g., the hopelessly doomed 2008 John McCain presidential campaign and the misguided House speakership of Paul Ryan. And it must be said that many “conservative” pundits failed to appreciate the potential for a populist uprising against the GOP Establishment. Trump elicited support from people who never would have voted for any of the Republican candidates preferred by the establishment. These were voters who were sick and tired of being sick and tired, and whatever else you say about Trump, you must give him credit for inspiring hope in Americans who had lost hope in the political system. As easy as it is to recite Trump’s flaws, what he represented to disillusioned voters was a willingness to fight back against the decadent elite of both parties.

Establishment Republicans hate Trump because he spoiled their polite little clubhouse, where insiders got money and power by doing the bidding of their corporate donors. A return to “normal politics” is only possible for the GOP Establishment if they purge Trump — which will also mean, necessarily, telling his 74 million voters to go away. But how can politicians get money and power without votes? That’s the real puzzle, but these “Never Trump” Republicans don’t seem to care. They would rather be part of a permanent minority than to let those rowdy populists have any influence inside the “Big Tent.”


In The Mailbox: 02.10.21

Posted on | February 11, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.10.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Asking For Trouble Is A Good Way To Get Some
EBL: Impeachment 2.0 – A Mighty Wind
Twitchy: Andrea Mitchell Tries To Dunk On Ted Cruz Over Literature, Fails Badly
Louder With Crowder: Hollywood Celebrities Demand Joe Biden Kill More Jobs
Vox Popoli: How To Comport Yourself, also, The Moral Hypocrisy

American Conservative: Our Catilinian Crisis?
American Greatness: The Coming Military Purge, also, Biden Has Signed 52 Executive Orders – So Far 
American Power: Dying Of COVID At Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital
American Thinker: Destroying Democracy In Order To Save It, also, Why The Left Must Destroy A Patriotic American Ethos
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Premeditation News
Babalu Blog: Repression-Loving Democrats Float Bill To End Cuban Embargo
BattleSwarm: SCOTUS Strikes Down California’s Church Service Ban, also, Mike Lindell’s Absolute Truth Documentary
Behind The Black: SLS Supporter Senator Shelby (R-AL) To Retire, also, Today’s Blacklisted Americans
Cafe Hayek: Some COVID Links
CDR Salamander: We Need A Clean Break From LCS To FFG-62
Da Tech Guy: Brock Vond’s Revenge, also, What The Cheney Vote Told Us About January 6
Don Surber: Left’s Latest Rule Change – Secret Ballots For Senators, also, John Madden Killed The NFL
First Street Journal: Guilt By Association Trumps Freedom Of Speech & The Right To Peaceably Assemble
The Geller Report: Beijing Biden Revokes Ban On Chicom Propaganda In Schools, also, “Florida Is Going To Kill All Of Us”
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Nine Perfectly Unwoke Comedy Podcasts, also, Tim Dillon Says Late Night Comics Aren’t Doing Their Jobs
The Lid: Biden’s CIA Pick Is Chicoms’ BFF – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Legal Insurrection: GOP Files State Bills To Cut Funding To Schools Teaching The 1619 Project, also, Judge Extends Suspension Of Biden’s Deportation Freeze
Nebraska Energy Observer: Rowan’s Way – 10 Fracture
Power Line: Insurrection In Washington, also, Climate “Crisis” Update
Shark Tank: CFO Patronis Ready For Reelection, Won’t Turn His Back On Trump
Shot In The Dark: Whizzing On Your Foot And Telling You It’s Raining
STUMP: Mortality With Meep – On The Congressional Body Of Old Folks & Deaths In Office
This Ain’t Hell: Tanker Tuesday, also, Perhaps The Most Lying Liar Of All Time
Transterrestrial Musings: Senator SLS
Victory Girls: ICE Not Allowed To Deport Criminals
Volokh Conspiracy: Texas Lawyer Attends Zoom Meeting With Cat Filter
Weasel Zippers: Lisa Murkowski, Traitor, also, French President Alarmed By America’s Sudden Turn To Extreme Leftism
The Federalist: The Three Worst Things About That Terrible Jeep Super Bowl Ad, also, Andrew Klavan talks Taking Back The Culture From The Left
Mark Steyn: Steyn Live For Reimpeachment Week, also, Posthumous Decapitation, Senate Style

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More Proof America Is Racist?

Posted on | February 10, 2021 | Comments Off on More Proof America Is Racist?

Professional sports teams derive most of their revenue from TV contracts. If fewer people are watching sports on TV, that’s less revenue for the teams, and ultimately the players will be paid less. Because 69% of NFL players are black, guess who will suffer the most?

The ratings for Super Bowl 55 are in, and the news is not good. The numbers show that viewership fell nine percent, making the game the lowest-rated Super Bowl in more than 50 years.
“CBS averaged 91.629 million TV-only viewers for the Buccaneers’ blowout of the Chiefs in Super Bowl LV, the game’s lowest TV viewership since ’06 when Steelers-Seahawks averaged 90.75 million on ABC. That figure is down from just over 100 million TV-only viewers for Chiefs-49ers last year,” Sports Business Daily reported.
But that is not the worst of it. Sports Media Watch also published the ratings numbers for the entire history of the Super Bowl and this year’s ratings crash is precipitous. According to the numbers, the 2021 ratings (38.2) are the lowest since 1969 (36.0). And Super Bowl 55 is the first game falling below the 40.0 ratings mark since the 1990 Super Bowl between San Francisco and Denver (39.0).

If you didn’t watch the game, this is proof you’re racist.

Millionaire Athlete Lives Matter.

In other sports news, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was spotted at the Super Bowl not wearing a mask: “Someone said, ‘Hey, you were at the Super Bowl without a mask.’ But how the hell am I going to be able to drink a beer with a mask on? Come on. I had to watch the Bucs win.”


In The Mailbox: 02.08.21

Posted on | February 9, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.08.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

…and the wailing of the woketards was music to our ears.

OVER THE TRANSOM Protection Or Pain Treatment?
357 Magnum: Boomers Are Surprised That People Don’t Love Their Music
EBL: News Of The World – A Review
Twitchy: “There Was No Investigation” – Breitbart’s Joel Pollak Goes Through Trump’s Pre-Trial Memo
Louder With Crowder: Freshman Congressman Annihilates Pelosi’s Stimulus Plan Point By Point In Four Minutes
Vox Popoli: Don’t Rely On Surrender Monkeys, also, Why Is ANY Conservative Still On Twitter?
Monster Hunter Nation: Read The Room, Jeep!
Stoic Observations: Infinite Injustice

American Conservative: What Joe Biden Can Learn From John Quincy Adams
American Greatness: Our Animal Farm, also, Nullification, Here We Come
American Power: “Greatest Of All Tom”
American Thinker: Rigging The Election For Red China & Profit, also, Why Are The Democrats Acting So Guilty?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Pitbull Warns Against Censorship & The Rise Of Communism In America
BattleSwarm: Austin City Council Votes To Buy Wilco Homeless Hotel, also, George Shultz, RIP
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, The Icy Surface Of Mars
Cafe Hayek: Mystified By The Reaction To COVID-19
CDR Salamander: Military Strategy From The Classroom To The Briefing Room…On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Detroit’s Stillborn Revival, also, The Real Significance Of The Time Story
Don Surber: Trump Fatigue, also, Now Liberals Hate Springsteen Too
First Street Journal: A Futile & Stupid Gesture
The Geller Report: Absolute Proof – Bombshell Documentary Of Election Rigging Evidence, also, Beijing Biden Gets Booed At The Super Bowl
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Trump 22 Democrats 7 
Hollywood In Toto: Why All Movie Lovers Need To See Cinema Paradiso, also, Run Is The Movie McDreamy Fans Forgot
The Lid: After Watching Video Of Her Calling For Violence, Maxine Waters Denies Calling For Violence
Legal Insurrection: Night Of The Living Dead-On-Arrival Impeachment Trial, also, Maxine Waters Denies She Ever Encouraged People To Harass Members Of The Trump Administration
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations
Power Line: The Biden Family Business, also, Time To Close Public Schools Forever?
Shark Tank: Neither Ivanka Nor Pam Bondi Will Challenge Rubio In 2022
Shot In The Dark: No Science Was Used In The Production Of This News
STUMP: GameStop Frenzy Lessons – Don’t Bet The Milk Money
The Political Hat: Illinois Public Schools Going Woke
This Ain’t Hell: Another Four Accounted For, also, Hazing Is Still A Problem
Transterrestrial Musings: SN9 Update, also, Another Dumb Space Article
Victory Girls: Liz Cheney Censured BY Wyoming GOP Over Impeachment Vote
Volokh Conspiracy: The Case For Boycotting The 2022 Olympics In Red China
Weasel Zippers: NY Democrat Complains They Lost House Seat Due To Voting Machine Tampering, also, State Department Condemns Group It Removed From Terror List
The Federalist: Will Cori Bush Be Stripped Of Committee Assignments After Encouraging Prison Riot? also, Twitter Spins Fake News For Biden’s Team After Press Secretary Can’t Answer A Fracking Question
Mark Steyn: The Ruling Class As Victim Group, also, The Life & Death of Colonel Blimp

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