The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Break Open The Sky

Posted on | July 13, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Break Open The Sky

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Summer Musashi
Animal Magnetism
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

Black-on-Black Crime Explodes in the Wake of #BlackLivesMatter Protests
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: O Thus Be It Ever When Free Men Shall Stand
A View From The Beach

Fireworks: Trust the Experts!
Bacon Time

In The Mailbox: 07.07.20 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 07.07.20 (Evening Edition)
Proof Positive

‘To Enlighten My People’
357 Magnum
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 07.08.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 07.09.20
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.10.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Top linkers for the week ending July 10:

  1.  EBL (11)
  2.  (tied) A View From The Beach, 357 Magnum, & Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

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Portland #BlackLivesMatter Rioters Manufacture ‘White Supremacist’ Hoax

Posted on | July 12, 2020 | 4 Comments


The #BlackLivesMatter/#Antifa mob in Portland, Oregon, has been “protesting” — which is to say, rioting — for the past six weeks. The “mostly peaceful” protesters in Portland are a horde of dangerous criminals, and no one is safe on the streets of Portland so long as this vile crew is allowed to continue congregating there. Did I mention that Portland is a Democrat-controlled city in a Democrat-controlled state?

The governor (Kate Brown) and both U.S. Senators in Oregon are Democrats. Hillary Clinton carried Oregon by an 11-point margin in 2016, and in Multnomah County, she got 73% of the vote. Portland is so far left it makes San Francisco seem conservative by comparison.

What is it that the Portland mob is rioting against? Is there a racism problem in this hive of leftist scum? Is police brutality a problem in Portland? Or is it the case, as I suspect, that these dope-addled anarchists were just looking for an excuse to riot, and seized upon the George Floyd case to justify a frenzy of vandalism and public disturbance?

Thursday night, the Portland mob thought they’d found themselves a heroic martyr for “social justice,” when a guy named Dominique Dunn was shot at a strip club called Reveal Lounge on the city’s south side.


You may ask, “How does getting shot at a strip club make you a social justice hero?” Well, Antifa claimed, Dunn was “murdered for being Black,” and various social-media accounts put out the claim that Dunn was shot by a white supremacist who shouted racial slurs.

And then cops posted the suspect’s mug shot.


Does this guy look like a white supremacist to you? Jordan Clark, 25, doesn’t seem a likely candidate for the Aryan Brotherhood, if you get my drift, and Andy Ngo has the real story: Clark shot Dunn after a drug deal went bad, according to sources. No “white supremacy” was involved.

Meanwhile, the anarchist mob continues rioting in Portland, and last night the rioters pissed off some federal agents that President Trump sent to protect the federal courthouse there.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The punk who took a tear-gas canister in the face, Donavan La Bella, underwent surgery and is back home in his mom’s basement, claiming to be a victim.

Hey, maybe you should have something better to do on Saturday night than hang around a bunch of anarchist incels? Just sayin’ . . .

Also, don’t ever try to rip off Jordan Clark in a dope deal.


‘News’ From Foggy Bottom

Posted on | July 11, 2020 | 2 Comments

Back during the Cold War, anti-Communists believed — with ample reason — that the State Department was thoroughly infiltrated by Communist sympathizers, and more recently it has become obvious that Foggy Bottom is a hive of anti-Trump “resistance.” The U.S. foreign policy establishment quite generally is anti-American in its orientation, harboring Arab specialists who are objectively pro-Jihadi, European specialists who consider Brussels the sole legitimate arbiter of proper policy, and Asian specialists who consider it their duty to advance the interests of the Chinese Communist Party. Needless to say, the Latin American bureaus are staffed by enthusiastic advocates of unlimited immigration, and all the Africa specialists are Mau-Maus.

The idea that the United States has its own legitimate interests, which our diplomatic professionals ought to strive to advance, is anathema to the type of people hired by the State Department, who are educated at “elite” universities where patriotism is forbidden as racist. Consider the three-year-long “Russian collusion” hoax as an example of what the State Department, as operated by secretaries Hillary Clinton and John Kerry during the Obama administration, considered appropriate U.S. policy. During Obama’s second term, Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea, with key Black Sea ports and oil resources. What should be done to counter this aggression? Our European “allies” are militarily impotent, so that if NATO proposed to defend Ukraine, practically all the military equipment and manpower involved would be American. And this raises a fundamental question about U.S. policy in Europe: What use are “allies” who lack the ability — even if they had the courage, which they don’t — to wage war? Why are we obligated to defend this bunch of cowardly foreigners who can’t (or won’t) do anything to defend themselves?

Donald Trump and his advisers might not put their critique of U.S. policy in such terms, but such was the sum and essence of the “America First” position vis-a-vis the Ukraine conflict. While neoconservatives like the late John McCain engaged in a lot of saber-rattling toward Russia, a dissident school of conservatives asked, “Why is this our problem? Why can’t our European ‘allies’ step up, if they care so much?”

Keep in mind that the hawks were demanding U.S. military intervention in Ukraine at the same time — the exact same time — as Germany and other European countries were surrendering to an invasion of African and Middle Eastern “refugees.” How was it that Russia’s invasion of Crimea was a casus belli, whereas it was deemed “racist” to oppose the Third World invasion of the European heartland?

This line of thinking could be extended and elaborated, but my point is that there were objective reasons why Trump might pursue a policy that was more “pro-Russian” than what Hillary (or, for that matter, most establishment Republicans) would support. So a lot of Trump-haters — not all of them Democrats — were ready to believe that Trump and his campaign were secretly “colluding” with the Kremlin. Like all popular conspiracy theories, the “Russian collusion” hoax had some underlying factual basis (i.e., a genuine difference of opinion on foreign policy), and the “Deep State” resistance to Trump was neither entirely irrational nor entirely partisan. Defenders of the status quo in foreign policy had real reason to fear that Trump would upset the apple cart, altering our relationship with Europe to pursue a rapprochement with Moscow.

The “professionals” at Foggy Bottom have their own agendas, which explains a leak to the New York Times last year that turned out to be wrong, asserting that a lobbyist for military contractor Raytheon had influenced Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to override a congressional embargo on arms sales to Saudi Arabia:

The story was, of course, an attack on President Trump, headlined “Trump Vowed to ‘Drain the Swamp,’ but Lobbyists Are Helping Run His Campaign.”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) The point, you see, is not whether we should or should not sell arms to the Saudis. Rather, the point is that this leak from State Department bureaucrats was intended to undermine the Trump administration’s ability to pursue its own policy. We might ask whether a hypothetical Clinton administration, or a future Biden administration, would sell arms to the Saudis, but that would be missing the point. None of the bureaucrats at the State Department would leak information about lobbyists influencing a Democratic administration, and an establishment Republican administration might also expect cooperation from Foggy Bottom, so long as its policies were in accordance with the status quo favored by State Department professionals. Trump’s administration is constantly being sabotaged by leakers — the Ukraine “whistleblower” Alexander Vindman being an obvious example — precisely because Trump is willing to question the status quo, not just vis-a-vis Russia, but on a global basis. A close-minded certainty about certain matters unites the establishment, and Trump’s willingness to “think outside the box” of that policy consensus is what makes him a target of so much hostility.


In The Mailbox: 07.10.20

Posted on | July 10, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: The Tolerant Left – Not So Tolerant
Red Pilled Jew: Random Thoughts
Twitchy: MI Democrat Doesn’t Believe Polls Showing Biden Leading Trump
Louder With Crowder: Occasional Cortex Contradicts Herself On Cancel Culture In Lass Than 30 Minutes.
Vox Popoli: The Brokeness Of Wokeness, also, Could Be Legit
According To Hoyt: Stay Frosty
Monster Hunter Nation: July Update Post

American Conservative: Corporations Hyping BLM Fail Us In Every Other Way
American Greatness: Where The Hell Is John Durham? also, Shock Poll Shows Trump On Track To Win Reelection
American Thinker: What “Systemic Liberalism” Has Wrought
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Shootings & Killings Friday
Babalu Blog: Democrats AOC & Julian Castro Call For Boycott Of Goya Foods? Well, VIVA GOYA!
Baldilocks: Stupidity & How To Recognize It
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For July 10
Cafe Hayek: Life, Death, & Choices
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: DaTechGuy Off The Radio No Frill Podcast – A J.K. Rowling Good Time
Don Surber: Durham Coves Up Obamagate
The Geller Report: Racist Democrats Call For Boycott Of Goya Foods Because CEO Is Trump Supporter, also, De Blasio Cancels Parades & Street Fairs Through September 30 – Protests, Riots, & Looting Excluded
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, No, That’s Not The Way The System Works
Hollywood In Toto: The Krull Effect – Why This 1983 Dud Refuses To Die, also, Tom Hanks’ Greyhound Can’t Meet Lofty Expectations
JustOneMinute: Oklahoma, Not OK
The Lid: Alexander Vindman Is No Martyr
Legal Insurrection: President Trump Commutes Roger Stone’s Sentence, also, Sen. Hawley Cursed BY ESPN Talking Head After Calling Out NBA’s Red China Hypocrisy
The PanAm Post: Venezuela’s Water Ordeal, also, Argentina Fanning The Fire Of Price Controls
Power Line: Something Happening In Iran, also, Why No One Trusts “Experts” (Or The Media)
Shark Tank: Shamed FL Democrats Hide Under Rock
Shot In The Dark: Sniped!
STUMP: Public Pensions Primer – How Discount Rates Work
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – How Does It Go With The Black Movement?
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, First Woman Joins Green Berets
Victory Girls: Biden Campaign Plagiarizes Trump 2016 For Platform
Volokh Conspiracy: Is John Roberts A Judicial Minimizer, A Coward, Or A Strategic Maximizer?
Weasel Zippers: Barr – FBI Has Made 150 Arrests, Launched Over 500 Investigations Related To Rioting, also, Sen. Hawley Asks If NBA Will Allow “Free Hong Kong” Or Support The Troops On Jerseys, ESPN Talking Head Loses His Mind
Megan McArdle: The Real Problem With Cancel Culture
Mark Steyn: The Soon To Be Canceled

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‘To Enlighten My People’

Posted on | July 10, 2020 | 3 Comments

To show his solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter, NFL star Desean Jackson used a fake quote attributed to Hitler:

Jackson shared an image to his Instagram stories on Monday that said Jews “will blackmail America. [They] will extort America, their plan for world domination won’t work if the Negroes know who they were,” ESPN reported.
The wide receiver also shared two posts on Saturday and Monday praising Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. The posts have since been deleted.
Jackson shared a video on Tuesday apologizing, saying that he received backlash over the Instagram story.
“I never want to put any race down or any people down. My post was definitely not intended for anybody of any race to feel any type of way, especially the Jewish community,” Jackson said in the video.
“I’m very apologetic, and I just want you guys to understand that it never was intended to put any race down or any religion down,” he continued.
Jackson added, “I just probably shouldn’t have ever posted anything that Hitler did, because Hitler was a bad person, and I know that. I was just trying to uplift African Americans and slavery and just enlighten my people.”

Jackson attended the University of California at Berkeley, and I don’t know what they taught him there, but historical research methods apparently weren’t part of the curriculum. The quote Jackson shared on his Instagram page (see the image here) apparently comes from a self-published 2016 book by a Canadian woman named Dennine Barnett, whose apparent intent was to promote false beliefs associated with the Black Hebrew Israelite cult. This bogus mythology, claiming that Jews aren’t really Jews and that, instead, black Africans are the “true” Chosen People, was implicated in two anti-Semitic terrorist attacks last year, one by David Anderson and Francine Graham in Jersey City, and another by Grafton Thomas in Monsey, N.Y. Recall also that last year’s incident involving Covington Catholic students began when they were harassed by Black Hebrew Israelites. So this isn’t just silly nonsense we can laugh about; it’s dangerous and, considering how often such beliefs have made news the past couple of years, we may deduce that this mythology has spread widely within the black community.

According to, the fake Hitler quote included in Barnett’s book originated on a fringe web site in July 2015. Anyone can look at that source and see that, even if we could ignore all the errors of grammar and punctuation, it provides nothing like proper attribution. Yet here is DeSean Jackson, a 12-year NFL veteran and a millionaire many times over, citing this bogus quote as if it proves something.

Guess what? He’s not alone:

Former NFL player and current Fox Sports analyst Shannon Sharpe and former NBA player and Showtime podcast host Stephen Jackson both have ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite.
Farrakhan has described Jews as “satanic,” railed against interracial marriage — which he claimed “mongrelized” the black race — and has said “Hitler was a very great man.” Sharpe and Stephen Jackson have both faced criticism for their responses to Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson’s promotion of Farrakhan and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories online. . . .
Stephen Jackson said Wednesday that DeSean Jackson had told “the truth” by spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories: “He’s speaking the truth. You know he don’t hate nobody, but he’s speaking the truth of the facts that he knows and trying to educate others.”
The former NBA player has repeatedly promoted Farrakhan to his nearly 900,000 Instagram followers. . . .
Jackson posted an Instagram photo of himself and Farrakhan on June 22 and later uploaded two videos defending the Nation of Islam leader.
“I love Minister Farrakhan and I learned so much in those two hours and I never heard him preach hate, or talk to hate, say hate about anybody to me,” Jackson said in a June 25 video.
“Minister Farrakhan is my teacher. He’s embraced me and he’s teaching me a lot about my people and how to be a better leader,” he added in a second video, on June 27. . . .
Sharpe faced scrutiny after dismissing DeSean Jackson’s promotion of Farrakhan on Wednesday.
“He’s [Farrakhan] has made it pretty clear over the years that he doesn’t like Jewish people. Is that fair to say?” Fox Sports host Skip Bayless asked Sharpe on Wednesday.
“Well, not from the conversation that I’ve had with the minister — he’s made it clear to anybody that sat down with him, he says he doesn’t,” Sharpe replied.
Sharpe previously brought up his ties to Farrakhan during a September 2018 episode of “The Undefeated,” the Fox Sports show that he and Bayless host together.
Sharpe said he was going to be “passing out the Final Call,” the Nation of Islam’s newspaper. “Me and Louis Farrakhan, the last of a dying breed,” Sharpe said, before pointing to his head and saying he had the same hair part as Farrakhan.

The double-standard here is so obvious it shouldn’t need to be pointed out. If any white celebrity engaged in such blatant anti-Semitism, or allied himself with an anti-Semite as notorious as Farrakhan, he’d be canceled faster than you can say “Richard Spencer.” However, black celebrities are permitted to engage in such rhetoric because . . .?

“Social justice” or something. This is all part of the liberal narrative that will justify anything and everything — including anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, defunding the police and destroying statues of Christopher Columbus — in the name of #BlackLivesMatter. Why? Because liberals believe all of this will help them win elections. Thus the open propagation of anti-Jewish smears must be tolerated, because if liberals ever spoke out against it, they’d be cancelled, and Joe Biden might lose a few votes from the black Jew-haters, which he cannot afford to lose.


In The Mailbox: 07.09.20

Posted on | July 9, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.09.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
357 Magnum: Murder Is Up In 20 Of 25 Largest U.S. Cities
Twitchy: Will Brian Stelter Say Joe Biden Is Avoiding The Press As He Brushes Off Questions While Surrounded by “Crowd” Of Supporters?
Louder With Crowder: Tucker Carlson Claps Back Against Don Lemon’s Hypocrisy
Vox Popoli:  Designed To Fail? also, Never Take “Free Speech” Seriously

American Conservative: Conservatism Defends The Natural Order
American Greatness: A Tale of Two Progressives, also, The Real Cancel Culture
American Thinker: Let’s Talk About Black Privilege
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Deuterium-Depleted News
Babalu Blog: Trump Campaign Calls Out Univision For Biased Coverage, Promotion Of Marxist Propaganda
BattleSwarm: Another Austin Lockdown Coming?
Cafe Hayek: If 5-2=3, How Can 5+2=3?
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: DaTechGuy Quick Thoughts, also, The Politicization Of Science Has A Staggeringly High Body Count
Don Surber: Trump Attacks Slavery In Red China
First Street Journal: The Return Of The Reichstatthalter
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Biden Can’t Read Teleprompter, Forgets Own Proposal, also, Soros-Backed DA Charges Couple With Hate Crime For Painting Over “Black Lives Matter”
Hogewash: A Wide-Spectrum View Of M106, also, Past Performance Is No Guarantee Of Future Results
Hollywood In Toto: Archive Shows Limits Of AI, Malnourished SF, also, Old Guard Teases Gender Flip But Can’t Make Good On Its Promise
The Lid: Dem Reps Pressley & Tlaib Introduce Bill To Abandon All Law Enforcement & Prisons
Legal Insurrection: “Feminist Geography” Prof Thinks Tall Buildings Are Sexist, also, Student’s Admission To Marquette Threatened Over Pro-Trump Video
The PanAm Post: Colombia’s Unemployment At Historic High, also, New York Times – 100 Years Of Defending Communism
Power Line: Marquette Weasels, also, Marquette President Hits & Runs
Shark Tank: Ted Cruz Endorses Dr. Leo Valentin For FL-7
Shot In The Dark: Explosive Allegations
The Political Hat: When All Lives Don’t Matter, Non-Woke Dean’s Lives Don’t Matter, White Lives Don’t Matter, But Hate-Filled Cambridge Professor’s Life Does Matter
This Ain’t Hell: “Gunny” Ange – Truck Driving Marine Hero? also, U.S. Army’s “Operation Inclusion”
Victory Girls: Surge In NYPD Retirements Causes Alarm
Volokh Conspiracy: Are We Living In Crazytown?
Weasel Zippers: Pelosi Says It’s An “Injustice” That Tax Money Doesn’t Fund Abortions, also, Pelosi Brushes Off Mob Iconoclasm – “People Will Do What They Do”
Mark Steyn: The Fake Hate-Crime Boogie

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In The Mailbox: 07.08.20

Posted on | July 9, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1041
357 Magnum: A Restraining Order Is Just A Piece Of Paper
Twitchy:  Joe Biden’s Latest At-Home Speech Features Call To “Rewrite” Our Economy, Other Interesting Moments
Louder With Crowder: Another Democrat Promises To Dismantle Capitalism In America, Replace It With Socialism
Vox Popoli: A Failure Of Rhetoric, also, The Left Has C*cks Too

American Conservative: Congress Plays Hardball To Keep U.S. Troops Overseas
American Greatness: Seven Antifa Agitators Facing Federal Charges After Portland Riots, also, LTC Alexander Vindman Retires After Promotion Allegedly Blocked
American Thinker: The Gangsterization Of The Democrat Party
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: The Fourth Of July, George Washington, And Cuba’s “Ladies Of Havana”
Baldilocks: On Destruction
BattleSwarm: Cancel Culture Has Finally Gone Too Far For…Noam Chomsky?
Cafe Hayek: Mr. Jones & The Execrable Walter Duranty
CDR Salamander: We Keep Shooting Piano Players, But The Orchestra Doesn’t Get Better
Da Tech Guy: NOW Is The Time To Overhaul Our Schools
Don Surber: Leaderless Democrats Morph Into A Mob, also, Eating Popcorn While Democrats Devour Their Own
The Geller Report: Ilhan Omar Calls For Dismantling Of America’s  “Economy & Political Systems”, also, NYS Bill Would Require NYPD Officers To Carry Personal Insurance Against Liability Suits
Hogewash: Zooming In On The Butterfly Nebula, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Author Warns Consumers About The Fallout From Media Censorship, also, Conservatives Must Support Cancel Culture To Kill It
The Lid: Rep. Lee Zeldin Calls For MYC Mayor De Blasio To be Thrown Out Of Office NOW
Legal Insurrection: Widow Of Trump’s Friend – “Completely False” That He Took Trump’s SAT Test, also, U. Pittsburgh “black Senate” Demands Segregated Space “Solely For Black Students To Congregate”
Michelle Malkin: Stand With Steven Baca
The PanAm Post: “The Chavez-Maduro Ideology Is One Of The Adaptations Of Communism”
Power Line: Princeton Faculty Letter Demands End To Academic Freedom, also, Our Worthless News Media
Shark Tank: DeSantis Blamed For COVID Spike
Shot In The Dark: Just A Couple Of Prog-Rock Blokes
STUMP: Data Quickie – 2020 Census & Likely Population Changes
The Political Hat: When Everything Is Racist, All Anti-Racism Is Arbitrary & Capricious
This Ain’t Hell: When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best, also, Alexander Vindman To Retire
Victory Girls: Squad Members “Breathe” Fumes Of Reform
Volokh Conspiracy: A Big Day for Religious Liberty At The Supreme Court
Weasel Zippers: BLM Activist Says Having Children With Black People Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Racist, also, Tucker Carlson Takes Down Sen. Duckworth Over George Washington
Megan McArdle: Three Steps To Consider For A More Pre-Pandemic Normal
Mark Steyn: Self-Flagellating Sussexes

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In The Mailbox: 07.07.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | July 8, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Turns Out Electric Car Batteries Aren’t Made From Unicorn Farts
EBL: Democrats Blocking Payroll Tax Cut That Helps Black Workers
Twitchy: Ironic – Names Are Dropping Off Letter Decrying Intolerance Of Opposing Views Due To Opposing Views
Louder With Crowder: NYPD Cop Hysterically Mocks DeBlasio’s Restrictions On Police
Vox Popoli: Pedos On The British Throne, also, Linux Converges

Adam Piggott: Stand Up For What You Believe In
American Conservative: Remember The Red Guards Before You Cheer On The Woke Mobs
American Greatness: Point Of No Return, also, The Great Fireworks Rebellion Of 2020
American Power: Trump At Mount Rushmore
American Thinker: The Obama Years Sowed The Seeds For Our Current Societal Chaos
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Sleepy Joe News
Babalu Blog: “Healthcare” In Socialist Cuba, also, Police Brutality Under The Castro Regime
BattleSwarm: Kanye West Is Running For President – Democrats, You Did This To Yourselves, also, Enough Houston Coronavirus Hysteria
Cafe Hayek: Work Is A Means, Not An End
CDR Salamander: How Do You Say “Relax, Francis” In Chinese?
Da Tech Guy: Another Black Kid Whose Death Didn’t Matter & Other Thoughts Under The Fedora, also, The Gentleman Journalist
Don Surber: Louis Armstrong Is A Dead Traitor? also, Donald John Trump Is Still Our President
The Geller Report: U.S. Has Officially Withdrawn From The Red Chinese Proxy WHO, also, At Least 7 Dead, 21 Injured In 17 Separate Shootings This Weekend In Philly
Hogewash: Snap, Crackle, Pop…, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Why The Relic Is A Horror Junkie’s Dream, also, Trump Hater Michael Rapoport Stands Up For Actors Acting
JustOneMinute: Keeping NYC Safe For Birdwatchers
The Lid: Virginia Orders American Flag Removed From Construction Site
Legal Insurrection: NY Gov Andrew Cuomo’s Health Department Clears Him Of Responsibility For Nursing Home Deaths, also, Seattle’s Deranged Socialist Councilwoman Calls For Overthrow Of “Racist, Sexist, Violent, Utterly Bankrupt System Of Capitalism”
The PanAm Post: Bachelet Report On Venezuela – Executions, Torture, & Disappearances
Power Line: A New Low In Higher Education? also, What Do Blacks Say About The Police?
Shark Tank: Michael Dreikorn’s Money Woes Are Sinking His Campaign
Shot In The Dark: Open Letter To President Trump
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – Seattle Returns To Its Dumbass Idea Of An “Amazon Tax”
The Political Hat: Mandatory Wokeness In Academia
This Ain’t Hell: Jonathan Lopez – Another Racist Narrative, also, 2+2=4 Because Of Western Imperialism
Victory Girls: Good News! The Second Amendment Is Alive
Volokh Conspiracy: “A Letter On Justice & Open Debate”
Weasel Zippers: Ilhan Omar – We Can’t Stop With The Criminal Justice System, We Must Dismantle The U.S. Economy & Political System, also, #BLM Invades Church In Upstate New York
Megan McArdle: Why Betty Crocker’s 1950 Cookbook Resonates With Me Now
Mark Steyn: Babes In A China Shop, also, A Serenade To Stupidity

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