The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Trump Does Impeachment Victory Dance, Slams Democrats, Media as Liars

Posted on | February 7, 2020 | 2 Comments

Like he just won the Super Bowl:

President Trump, commanding a triumphant scene at the White House complete with the playing of “Hail to the Chief,” railed against what he called an “evil” impeachment process on Thursday hours after his historic acquittal in the Senate.
Greeted by thunderous applause and a standing ovation by his supporters, the president declared “we went through hell” but described the moment as a “celebration” — while maintaining as he did throughout the impeachment inquiry and trial that he “did nothing wrong.”
And on a day when he and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were trading shots in deeply personal terms, Trump turned fire on those who prosecuted the case and other investigations against him. He called Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff “horrible” and “vicious” people.
“It was evil. It was corrupt. It was dirty cops. It was leakers and liars. This should never, ever happen to another president, ever,” Trump said. “It was a disgrace.”
He detailed the timeline of investigations, remarking of the Russia probe: “It was all bulls—.”
And as he did earlier Thursday at a prayer breakfast, Trump brandished a copy of the day’s Washington Post with a blaring headline: “Trump acquitted.”
“We can take that home, honey. Maybe we’ll frame it,” he joked to first lady Melania Trump, saying that it was the “best” headline he’s ever received from the outlet.


When Trump called Pelosi a “horrible person,” do you think any white working-class “swing” voter in Michigan or Iowa disagreed? It cannot be repeated enough that Trump’s approval rating went up during this impeachment, which Democrats ought to see as a foreboding omen. Despite everything that the liberal media did to incite this impeachment — frankly, they’ve been working on it since Nov. 8, 2016 — the American people could still see through this partisan hoax. Guess which Democrat sees what’s coming down the road? James Carville:

Democratic strategist James Carville expressed his concerns as the Democratic primary race is officially underway, saying he’s “scared to death” of the direction his party is going.
Appearing on MSNBC, Carville began by pointing to the success Democrats had during the 2018 midterm elections and stressed that it “matters” who the candidates are and what the party chooses to talk about.
“I’m 75 years old, why am I here doing this? Because I’m scared to death, that’s why,” Carville exclaimed. “Let’s get relevant here … all the Sanders people are taking pictures wishing Jeremy Corbyn the best. … I don’t want to go down that path.” . ..
“We’ve got to decide what we want to be. Do we want to be an ideological cult? Or do we want to have a majoritarian instinct to be a majority party?” Carville continued. “What we need is power, you understand? That’s what this is about. Without power, you have nothing. You just have talking points.”
Carville . . . insisted that Democratic donors “will not give a popsicle to the DNC” with the current state of the 2020 field.

Trump Derangement Syndrome — a psychiatric disorder rooted in a refusal to accept the verdict of the 2016 election — has put the Democrats so badly off-balance they cannot recover their equilibrium.


$300 by 5 p.m.

Posted on | February 7, 2020 | Comments Off on $300 by 5 p.m.

There’s good news and bad news. The good news is, my wife and I went to get our taxes done Thursday, and we’ll be getting a refund next week. The bad news is, the cable bill is $300 and I’ve got to have that paid by 5 p.m. today or I won’t have Internet access. So while the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is in sight, there is a short-term emergency, and so I’m compelled yet again to rattle the tip jar. Regular readers know how this crowdfunding thing works — if 100 readers give $3 each, or 20 readers give $15 each — the arithmetic works either way. So whatever amount you can afford — $5, $10, $20 — would be appreciated.

PayPal doesn’t provide a tax form, so when we were getting ready to go see the tax preparer, I had to go through pages of last year’s transactions, adding up the totals. It was interesting to see the patterns. For weeks at a time, the contributions came irregularly, but then suddenly — BOOM! — there would be a day or two where the receipts totaled $500 or more, and I was trying to remember what caused those surges.

One such surge was when I went down to cover Marianne Williamson’s campaign in South Carolina, and another was when I went to Orlando for the “Red Pill” conference. So tax time for me is like a walk down Memory Lane, visiting the pleasant Ghosts of Tip-Jar Rattles Past, recalling that the Five Most Important Words in the English Language are:


UPDATE: The cable company got their money, and I’ll be taking my brother out to dinner later. Thanks to all who contributed.


In The Mailbox: 02.06.20

Posted on | February 6, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.06.20

– compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Chicago’s Recipe For More Crime
EBL: Rush Limbaugh’s Producer Bo Snerdley Calls Out CNN & Jim Acosta
Twitchy: Senator Hirono Tells Wolf Blitzer President Trump Was NOT Acquitted
Louder With Crowder: Pro Wrestler (And Mayor) Glenn Jacobs Savages Rep. Tim Ryan Over SOTU Walkout
Vox Popoli: Soros is Not Buying The Best & Brightest, also, Now They’re Trying The Gay One

Adam Piggott: Get Everything In Writing 
American Conservative: In Pete Buttigieg, The Establishment Finds Its Man
American Greatness: C-Span Viewers Express Disgust With Dems Over SOTU Antics, also, Romney’s Discreditable, Dishonest Vote
American Thinker: Nancy’s Fake Fire Alarm
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Hobbit News
Babalu Blog: Do The Democrats Really Want To Nominate A Communist?
BattleSwarm: Iowa Caucuses Reloaded – FULL METAL MAYHEM
Cafe Hayek: Some Links
Camp Of The Saints: Ruination, Corruption, & Lies – Victor Davis Hanson Gets It
CDR Salamander: Just A Retired 2xFOS’d LCDR, Eh?
Da Tech Guy: Unfinished Business Under The Fedora, also, The Massachusetts Senate Wants To Turn This State Into California
Don Surber: Romney’s Political Suicide
First Street Journal: The Deeply Principled Mitt Romney
Fred On Everything: China & America – Scoping Out The Megacepts
The Geller Report: Al Qaeda Leader Came To America As Refugee, Applied For Disability, also, Jewish UC Berkeley Students Threatened With Violence
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Some Interesting (And Snarky) Questions
Hollywood In Toto: Rogan – Netflix Censors Comics For Unwoke Jokes
JustOneMinute: Send Better Fixers
Legal Insurrection: Trump Takes Victory Lap At White House Event, also, Leftist Media In Complete Meltdown After Trump’s Acquittal Speech
The PanAm Post: Why Venezuela Needs To Completely Abandon Socialism
Power Line: A Liberal Gets Trump’s SOTU Address, also, Our Long National Nightmare Is Over
Shark Tank: Bryan Donalds Slams Florida Democrats Over Opposition To School Choice
Shot In The Dark: Happy Reagan’s Birthday!
The Political Hat: You Don’t Have To be Responsible To Vote
This Ain’t Hell: Fred Emmert – Fake Combat Vet, Fake SeaBee/BM/Special Boat Operator, also, Army Reservists Accused Of Scamming Marines
Victory Girls: Rush Award Triggers Gals of The View
Volokh Conspiracy:  Today In Supreme Court History
Weasel Zippers: Rep. Mike Johnson Offers Pelosi Some Acquittal Pens To Pass Around, also, Pelosi Accused Trump Of Being On Drugs – Has She Checked Herself Lately?
Mark Steyn: Ripping Up & Melting Down

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Are ‘Incels’ Now a ‘Domestic Terrorism Threat’?

Posted on | February 6, 2020 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous: Are ‘Incels’ Now a ‘Domestic Terrorism Threat’?


Most people have never heard of Brian Clyde because, unlike some other crazy people, when the 22-year-old Texas resident decided to go on a mass-murder rampage, his “body count” didn’t include any innocent victims. Wearing tactical gear and wielding a rifle, Clyde opened fire on the federal courthouse in Dallas last June and was promptly killed by return fire from law-enforcement authorities. At the time, some media attention was paid to Clyde’s “bizarre posts on a Facebook page” in which he warned that “the f—ing storm is coming,” but because his rampage didn’t produce a high “body count,” the story disappeared. I never even heard of this guy until this morning when I saw it in a footnote on Page 47 of a recent report on domestic terrorism by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TDPS). Page 3 of that report:

Although not a new movement, Involuntary Celibates (Incels) are an emerging domestic terrorism threat as current adherents demonstrate marked acts or threats of violence in furtherance of their social grievance. Once viewed as a criminal threat by many law enforcement authorities, Incels are now seen as a growing domestic terrorism concern due to the ideological nature of recent Incel attacks internationally, nationwide, and in Texas. What begins as a personal grievance due to perceived rejection by women may morph into allegiance to, and attempts to further, an Incel Rebellion. The result has thrust the Incel movement into the realm of domestic terrorism. The violence demonstrated by Incels in the past decade, coupled with extremely violent online rhetoric, suggests this particular threat could soon match, or potentially eclipse, the level of lethalness demonstrated by other domestic terrorism types. . . .
[Page 29] Involuntary celibate (Incel) [domestic terrorists] blame women and society for their failure to develop intimate relationships. Many advocate the use of violence against persons, both women and men, they perceive to be successfully engaging in such relationships. Following a mass shooting attack by Elliott Rodger in 2014, many Incels praise him as the “Supreme Gentleman” and support the idea of similar attacks, sometimes called an “Incel Rebellion.”113 Incels utilize symbology in their communications, particularly in language. They refer to attractive women as “Staceys” and unattractive women as “Beckys.” “Chads” (alpha males) are men perceived as desirable to attractive women.

The TDPS report then lists a number of incel-related attacks, beginning with Clyde’s June attack on the Dallas federal courthouse, and the footnote directed me to this Texas Monthly article:

Clyde’s social media presence was similar to that of a number of mass shooters. He shared memes that contained references to “incels,” a subculture of men who declare themselves “involuntarily celibate” and who have proven themselves capable of mass violence in places like Isla Vista, California, Toronto, and Parkland, Florida. He referenced Alex Jones and “Hollywood pedophiles,” attacked Hillary Clinton, and was comfortable with swastikas and confederate flags. A week before he went to the federal courthouse, he posted a video declaring “the storm is coming,” a phrase popular among the QAnon conspiracy theorists. He referenced the sort of memes that were popular on sites like 4chan, where users employ nihilistic humor and obscure references — a body pillow featuring anime characters, for example, is a reference that “normies” who live outside of the subculture are unlikely to pick up.
In other words, Clyde was immersed in the same sort of radicalized online culture as a lot of other mass shooters. . . .
There’s no clear trail when it comes to Clyde. Unlike a number of shooters, he didn’t pen a lengthy manifesto before he left home for the final time. If he posted on the anonymous 4chan message boards — which, based on the memes he enjoyed, seems possible — no one has yet connected the activity there to his real-world identity. . . .
The incel subculture is built specifically around the idea that some men are too undesirable to fit with society, and it encourages men who identify with the group to take their frustration out on women. The Isla Vista shooter, who described himself as a “supreme gentleman” in videos before his attack, is a meme among the group, referenced with the same are-they-serious tone by both trolls at home and people who are about to commit mass murder. None of it, the incel doctrine says, is worth taking seriously. Instead, incels urge one another to get a “high score” with the veneer of irony that says that nothing matters — not their own lives, not the lives of others, not even actually going through with an attack. It’s not the dark seduction of someone being urged to commit violence in the name of a cause so much as it’s the constant one-upping of a dare, where men who were drawn to the community out of a sense of worthlessness challenge each other to prove otherwise, never really expecting that they will. . . .
Brian Clyde’s family doesn’t know how he ended up radicalized, masked, and armed, firing shots at a federal courthouse before his death. We do know that in 2016, Clyde’s half-brother called the FBI to warn that Clyde was “suicidal and had a fascination with guns.” In the lead-up to the shooting, Clyde posted incel memes about a “Chad rampage” and a “virgin shooting,” but despite his mental health history and the infatuation with toxic online culture, the family says they didn’t see it coming. In a statement released shortly after the shooting, they said, “We don’t understand any more than anyone else why he chose to do what he did, but we are very thankful that there was no other loss of life.”

Everybody who writes about this keeps returning to two themes:

  1. Online “incel” forums;
  2. Isla Vista shooter Elliot Rodger.


As mass-murderers go, however, “the Supreme Gentleman” really didn’t get much of a body count. Rodger “killed six people and injured fourteen others near the campus of University of California, Santa Barbara, before killing himself inside his vehicle.” Three of the people Rodger murdered were his male roommates, Weihan Wang, Cheng Yuan Hong and George Chen, who were all stabbed to death in their apartment about three hours before Rodger began driving around near the UCSB campus, using three 9mm pistols to shoot people more or less randomly. As bad as that was, Rodger killed fewer than half the number who died in the 1999 Columbine High School massacre (13 killed, 21 wounded) where there was no apparent motive other than nihilism and revenge.

Of course, Rodger’s rampage could have been much worse, since he actually intended to target a sorority house, but nobody answered when he knocked on the door. The reason Rodger continues to be cited is because of his 107,000-word manifesto, “My Twisted World.”

Because it was 2014, when feminist influence surging in the long lead-up to Hillary Clinton’s anticipated presidential campaign, Rodger’s crime prompted what I called a cultural “Rashomon”:

The focus on “pickup artist” (PUA) culture as an influence on Roger is probably misguided. As his manifesto makes clear, the Creepy Little Weirdo had been overwhelmed by resentment and a sense of failure since he was in middle school, and he didn’t start ranting on PUA forums until after he had already decided on his “Day of Retribution.” So he acquired from PUA culture a jargon (“Alpha males,” etc.) but this was not the source of his anger, nor did it exercise a determining influence on his actions.

A political significance was imputed to Rodger’s action because feminists wanted to make him a political symbol, a sort of scarecrow figure to incite anti-male fear and loathing. There is no evidence that he was inspired to murder people because of anything he read on the Internet. His motive was rooted in his own social and psychiatric problems, and he merely used jargon borrowed from the “manosphere” in describing his plight. Consider what a friend of his father’s wrote:

“I first met [Rodger] when he was aged eight or nine and I could see then that there was something wrong with him. I’m not a psychologist, but looking back now he strikes me as someone who was broken from the moment of conception … You were hoping that inside there was a normal kid wanting to come out — that he would overcome his shyness and bloom in some way. What became evident, only after reading the manifesto and watching that video, was that what he was actually hiding was this horribly twisted little monster.”

So from age 8 or 9, a family acquaintance noticed “there was something wrong with” Elliot Rodger, who was “broken” in such a way that it seemed to be a congenital flaw, an innate defect, something that went wrong before he was ever born. It is misleading to suggest that Rodger was “radicalized” by anything he read on the Internet, when there is abundant testimony to his psychiatric problems, for which he was prescribed medication that he refused to take. Psychotic rage is not a political philosophy, but feminists wanted to make Elliot Rodger a symbol, and so the Isla Vista killer took on a larger-than-life significance. Since then, of course, the Creepy Little Weirdo has inspired copycats who actually do seem to think of themselves as part of some kind of radical movement. What is their “cause”? Avoiding responsibility for their own personal problems by scapegoating “enemies,” as if (a) some random sorority girl is to blame because (b) Elliot Rodger couldn’t get laid.

As irrational as such a belief is, it’s not less rational than Democrats who see “racism” as the universal explanation for everything wrong. That is to say, insofar as the “incel movement” exists (other than just a bunch of losers whining on obscure web forums), it seems to be heterosexual guys adopting a liberal victimhood mentality, as if they imagine they have a “civil right” to sex with cute sorority girls. To describe this as a “terrorist threat” is to inflate a comparative handful of violent lunatics into something equivalent to Al-Qaeda, with Elliot Rodger in the role of Osama bin Laden, I guess. But according to Very Serious People at Georgetown University, we should be afraid:


The incel ideology is real — and lethal. In the deadliest incel-linked attack to date, in April 2018, 10 pedestrians were killed in a vehicle-ramming attack on Toronto’s busy Yonge Street. Other deadly attacks that have cited incel ideology or inspiration have occurred at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, in October 2015; Aztec High School in Aztec, New Mexico, in December 2017; Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in February 2018; and the Tallahassee Hot Yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida, in November 2019. The death toll in the United States and Canada now stands at nearly 50 people.

What? Some of those attacks had no connection to “incel” ideology. The Aztec High School shooter was William Edward Atchison, who frequented Internet forums under a variety of pseudonyms, expressing his fanboy admiration for school shooters. For example, he referred to the Columbine massacre as “LOLumbine.” And the astonishing thing is that Atchison was actually questioned by the FBI in 2016:

“It’s a shame he wasn’t on our radar,” San Juan County Sheriff Ken Christesen told Fox News [in December 2017]. “I don’t think he had anything so much as a traffic ticket.”
And yet online, the 21-year-old New Mexico resident lived a prolific life as a white supremacist, pro-Trump meme peddler who was most known for his obsession with school shooters. For a half-decade, Atchison spent most of his days online, repeatedly posting threats of violence and cries for help.
When users saw posts from Atchison, who went by dozens of names like “Adam Lanza” and “Future Mass Shooter” on both larger platforms like YouTube and racist communities like The Daily Stormer, they would often ask how his manifesto was going.
Despite local law enforcement’s claims that he wasn’t a known threat, and a visit from the FBI in 2016, Atchison spent most of the last half-decade glorifying school shooters on alt-right websites and posting plaintive appeals for help in fixing his life, according to hundreds of posts analyzed by The Daily Beast. . . .
That shocking content brought the FBI to Atchison’s door in 2016.
Acting on a tip that Atchison had posted a comment on a gaming forum asking users where he could get “a cheap assault rifle” for a mass shooting, the FBI interviewed him and his family, and ultimately determined that no crime had been committed and closed the investigation.
“He was cooperative,” Albuquerque FBI Special Agent Terry Wade said at a press conference last week. “He told us that he enjoyed trolling on the internet.
“The agents specifically asked him if he had plans about conducting attacks and expressed the seriousness that we take these type of things. He assured us that he had no such plans,” Wade said.

The idea of that story, of course, is to make Atchison a “right-wing” figure, as if everyone who registers to vote as a Republican should be viewed a potential mass-murderer, but where’s the “incel” connection? Apparently, every sadsack loser is now counted as an “incel”:

Atchison outlines his floundering career and social life in rural New Mexico. He applied to fast-food restaurants and dollar stores and was rejected. He hadn’t had friends since childhood, when two people took advantage of him after he loaned them video-game consoles that were sold or weren’t given back.
He had a 3.5 GPA, he said, but dropped out in 10th grade because of anxiety and the “backwards as hell” culture at school. He says he tried to go back but dropped out again, citing his abusive family.
He called his father a “fat lazy idiot who watches fox news all day” and his mother “a psycho hillbilly drunk from florida who’s really mentally ill.”

Does this sound like your typical Republican voter? I think not. More to the point, however, is that the only apparent connection between this guy and “incel ideology” is that he was a friendless loser. The fact that he celebrated violence online with enough earnestness to merit a visit from the FBI — well, that’s something, but it’s not something organized enough to be called an “ideology.” It’s more like a pathology.

Parental incompetence is deeply implicated in the lives of these losers. If your mother is a “psycho hillbilly drunk,” as Atchison said, your prospects in life might not be encouraging, and in so many cases like this, the murderer’s family seems to be clueless about (or indifferent to) their child’s abnormal development. Exactly what do the Very Serious People at Georgetown University prescribe as a solution to “America’s Newest Domestic Terrorism Threat”?

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of the incel movement’s mobilization to violence is that there are no obvious legal measures or counterterrorism intelligence initiatives available. The movement is completely decentralized, without any hierarchy or leaders, and therefore no targetable offline organizing or funding streams. . . .
Moreover, the fact that, as Berger notes, many incels themselves claim to be suffering from psychological issues such as depression or evidence some degree of autism suggests the need for more proactive intervention from therapists and other mental health professionals.

Translation: “We don’t have a f***ing clue what to do.”

How about getting parents to pay attention? How about directly addressing the real issue, what I’ve called the “Blaze of Glory” fantasy?

These losers feel insignificant, invisible. They have no real-life friends, because they’re losers and nobody wants to be friends with a loser. So they find some dingy malodorous corner of the Internet populated entirely by losers, places where no responsible adult would waste their time, and they . . . well, “commiserate” isn’t exactly the right word. It’s more like they reinforce each other’s anti-social tendencies, the way fat “genderqueer” girls do on Tumblr feminist blogs.

In a universe where there are billions of people on the Internet, it’s not surprising that there are forums with hundreds of useless geeks who think mass murder is excellent entertainment. And some small percentage of those might actually decide to commit such an atrocity.

“I’m going to be somebody” — that’s the psychology involved, a desire to achieve significance by going out in blaze of glory. Unlike the Muslim jihadi, who believes he can help bring about the caliphate by murdering infidels, the “incel” loser doesn’t have any real goal when he decides to go on a rampage; the people he kills generally have nothing to do with his problems; he doesn’t have any “cause” to promote; his chief objective is self-destruction. He is on a suicide mission, seeking to die in the most public manner possible, to gain attention in death by racking up the maximum number of kills before he dies, either by suicide or by a policeman’s return fire: “You can’t ignore me now!”

Call them what they are: LOSERS.

The heart of the issue is that these losers refuse to accept personal responsibility for their own failure, instead externalizing blame on scapegoats — William Atchison blaming his parents and his “backwards as hell” high school, as a typical example. Somewhere in their childhood, these losers were not properly disciplined, not taught to eschew self-pity, and instead were permitted to believe they were victims of others’ unfairness, setting up a vicious cycle. If everybody else is to blame for your unpopularity, this relieves you of the burden of self-improvement. No need to break yourself of bad habits, or acquire any useful skills — you’re a victim, helpless in a world of unfairness where no matter what you do, nothing ever goes right. It’s a defeatist mentality, but losers like this often engage in compensating rationalizations, imagining that the reason they are unpopular is because they are so superior to those around them. By the time they reach adulthood, this mindset — a hardened shell of arrogance protecting their damaged ego — has become a core component of their personality. “The Supreme Gentleman!”

All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women.
It has made me realize just how brutal and twisted humanity is as a species. All I ever wanted was to fit in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing the value in me.
This is the story of how I, Elliot Rodger, came to be. This is the story of my entire life. It is a dark story of sadness, anger, and hatred. It is a story of a war against cruel injustice. In this magnificent story, I will . . .

Yeah, whatever, dude. You’re just a loser who blames other people — the entirety of “humanity . . . as a species”! — for your personal failure.

That such losers could be categorized as a “Domestic Terrorist Threat” is to give them a significance they don’t really deserve. And if you wanted to solve the problem (insofar as it can be solved), you might take a long, hard look at the lack of male teachers in elementary schools. Maybe assign a couple of sports coaches to supervise a 45-minute period of rigorous physical exercise for boys every day. Beginning in fourth or fifth grade, no more “recess,” instead they’re going to be running wind sprints and doing push-ups. Teach ’em how to swing a baseball bat, throw a football and dribble a basketball. And for God’s sake, teach them to stop feeling sorry for themselves. Boys need to develop the kind of mental toughness that has no room for self-pity, otherwise they’re doomed.


Violence Against Women Update

Posted on | February 6, 2020 | 1 Comment


Florida man strikes again:

A Clearwater amateur boxer who is already facing a rape charge in connection with an incident last year has been charged with another rape — one that occurred inside a gym, arrest reports state.
William Walden, 34, was initially arrested [Jan. 27] in connection with a rape that occurred on Sept. 10 in the 700 block of N Saturn Avenue in Clearwater.
On Thursday, detectives lodged a second rape charge against him — this for an incident that occurred [Jan. 26], just a day before his arrest in the first case — at a gym in the 1700 block of N. Hercules Avenue, arrest reports state.
The reports state that a victim came to the gym for a pre-arranged meeting. Walden choked her until she lost consciousness, hit her in the head multiple times and knocked out one of her teeth. He dragged her to a secluded part of the gym and raped her, reports state.
He threatened the woman with future violence after the incident was over. The woman later underwent a victim exam that found physical evidence and injuries, reports state.
In a news release about Walden’s first arrest that Clearwater police put out earlier this week about Walden’s first arrest, investigators indicated they believed there may be other victims.
In the case from last year, police said Walden met the victim in the 1300 block of Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and drove her to a parking lot off N Saturn Ave., police said. Then he dragged her from the vehicle, beat her and sexually assaulted her, according to police.
The victim was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Walden was identified as the attacker through DNA, police said.
Walden has a lengthy criminal record that includes charges involving drugs, domestic battery and driving incidents.

Rape may not be Walden’s worst crime:

When Terri Oberle saw William Walden’s mugshot flash on the television screen, her heart sank.
Clearwater police arrested Walden [Jan. 27] and charged him in connection with a violent sexual assault that left the victim with so many injuries she was unable to move.
[Jan. 31], detectives charged him with an additional rape that took place at a Clearwater Gym.
For two months, Walden dated Oberle’s daughter, 24-year old Kaelin Rieger. Oberle found her daughter’s body floating in the backyard pool in September. She always felt Walden had something to do with it, although Largo Police detectives who investigated called the case closed with no indication of any foul play.
Rieger was known to do drugs. Investigators found evidence of drug use near the pool where her body was found. The medical examiner ruled the death was drug-related. But Oberle still believes to this day, there is more to this.
“Somebody’s not connecting the dots here, they’re not connecting the dots, my daughter’s dead, these girls are raped,” said Oberle, as she cried sitting behind photos of her daughter. “I’m broken-hearted. My daughter didn’t deserve this. She was so light-hearted. This guy’s evil.”

Two women raped, and the suspect’s ex-girlfriend “accidentally” drowned last year. But feminists don’t care, for some reason . . .

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


Wednesday: Have Democrats Finished Stealing Iowa From Bernie Sanders Yet?

Posted on | February 5, 2020 | 2 Comments


Keep in mind that Bernie Sanders’ campaign had people in every precinct caucus in Iowa whose job was to get the voting numbers, so that when the state party HQ bungled the count Monday, the Sanders campaign was able to release its own tally, showing that Bernie had won. According to their numbers, Bernie got 29.66% of the final vote, and Pete Buttigieg was second with 24.59%; in the raw vote total, Bernie won by a margin of 4,012 out of 79,162 votes cast. But for some reason — perhaps massive fraud — the official Iowa Democrat count still has only 86% of precincts reporting and it’s Wednesday f***ing night!

Gosh, I wonder how this happened?

The app that was supposed to help the Iowa Democratic Party quickly report Monday’s caucus results – but contributed to confusion and a muddled result as campaigns were in an uproar – is linked to Hillary Clinton campaign veterans.
Shadow, a tech firm that describes itself as a group that creates “a permanent advantage for progressive campaigns and causes through technology,” is the company that created the Iowa Democratic Party’s app, according to The New York Times. At least the COO, CEO, CTO and a senior product manager at Shadow all worked for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, according to LinkedIn profiles.
Shadow is associated with ACRONYM, a nonprofit dedicated to “advancing progressive causes through innovative communications, advertising and organizing programs.” . . .
Groundbase co-founders Krista Davis, who is the current Shadow CTO, and Gerard Niemira, who is the current Shadow CEO, both held senior positions with the Clinton campaign. . . .
ACRONYM also has picked up funding from at least one dark money group. The New Venture Fund gave ACRONYM $250,000 in 2018 and is one of a number of nonprofit groups controlled by Arabella Advisors — a Washington-based philanthropy company. Both Araballa and New Venture Fund were founded by Eric Kessler, who worked in President Bill Clinton’s administration.

Let me get this straight: Clinton staffers, with funding from a “dark money group,” created the software that failed on Monday in Iowa, thus cheating Bernie Sanders out of a victory? Coincidence?

But wait — there’s more:

Acronym, the dark-money group behind the mobile app that derailed the news cycle by causing widespread delays in the Iowa caucus results, received funding from the political operations of Tom Steyer and Speaker of the House [Speaker] Nancy Pelosi, financial records reveal. . . .
Acronym’s nonprofit arm—which does not disclose its funders—received $300,000 in donations in 2018 from the House Majority PAC, a Pelosi-affiliated committee that works to elect Democrats to the House of Representatives. That same year, Federal Election Commission records show, Steyer’s NextGen Climate Action Committee made a $45,000 donation to the nonprofit and paid another $90,000 for its data consulting services. . . .
Acronym’s PAC, Pacronym, was also a major beneficiary of wealthy Democrats’ funding. The committee received six-figure contributions from director Steven Spielberg, former actress Kate Capshaw, and liberal billionaire George Soros’s Democracy PAC in late 2019.

This is not a conspiracy theory, because they’re doing this in broad daylight. If you wanted to create software to perpetrate fraud against the Sanders campaign, who else would you have hired? Wait a minute, I think we just got video from Iowa Democratic Party headquarters . . .


In The Mailbox: 02.05.20

Posted on | February 5, 2020 | 1 Comment

– compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #887
EBL: Congratulations To Rush Limbaugh, Awarded The Medal Of Freedom During SOTU
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Trump Acquitted, Romney Guilty

Posted on | February 5, 2020 | Comments Off on Trump Acquitted, Romney Guilty


Why the hell did any Republican ever vote for Mitt Romney? He is to the GOP what Carlo Rizzi was to the Corleone family. And after the Mormon rat sold out on the impeachment vote, I find myself feeling like Don Vito: “I never knew, until this day, that it was Barzini all along.”

Trump got acquitted on both counts in the Senate, an outcome that was never really in doubt, so that Nancy Pelosi and her House Democrat colleagues have wasted all this time for exactly nothing. Trump emerges triumphant — more popular than ever — and as for Mitt Romney . . .

According to web archives, top Mitt Romney adviser Joseph Cofer Black, who publicly goes by “Cofer Black,” joined Burisma’s board of directors while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board.
According to The New Yorker, Hunter joined Burisma’s board in April of 2014 and remained on it until he declined to renew his position this past May. Meanwhile, according to Burisma’s website, Black was appointed in February of 2017 and continues to serve on its board. The timelines would indicate that Black and Biden worked together at Burisma, and indeed, web archives from late 2017 show Black and Biden listed simultaneously on the board.
Black joined the CIA in 1974 and eventually climbed the ranks to become director of the National Counterterrorism Center from 1999 to 2002. In 2002, President George W. Bush appointed him ambassador at large and coordinator for counterterrorism. He later worked at Blackwater as a vice chairman before joining Romney’s campaign as a “special adviser” on Romney’s Foreign Policy and National Security Advisory Team in October of 2011. In 2017, Black joined the board of Burisma. . . .

Up to his eyeballs in the Deep State coup machine, you see.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)


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