The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Exit Strategy: Did This Guy ‘Red Pill’ His Way Out of a Doomed Relationship?

Posted on | September 7, 2018 | 1 Comment


Meghan Murphy called attention to this Twitter thread by a female lawyer describing the recent end of her relationship, an exit that was prompted by an “out of the blue” remark by the guy who said he found it “intimidating” that she thinks “so much.” We don’t have his side of the story, and can only analyze what we’ve been told by this woman. According to her, he told her he was “depressed because he feels like less of a man around me,” and she says she was “dumbfounded and blindsided by this confession” from a guy she had just recently moved in with and had agreed to marry. Should we accept this story at face value?

Something seems off here and, as I say, we don’t have his side of the story, so we don’t know what other factors may have been involved. If we accept the story as told, this successful man — “well respected and accomplished in his field” — nonetheless felt diminished by his fiancée’s career, despite the fact that his income and assets were significantly greater than hers. As she says, this “makes no logical sense.” He knew she was a lawyer when he asked her to move in with him, but after a month, declares “out of the blue” that he’s “intimidated” because she thinks too much? He’s “depressed” and “feels like less of a man”?

If taken at face value, what does this story tell us? Well, guys, when women say they want you to “share your feelings”? Don’t believe it.

All that stuff you read about how women want men who are “sensitive” and “vulnerable”? This is a gigantic load of crap. Don’t fall for it.

Maybe what happened here is that this guy had been reading a bunch of “male feminist” baloney (e.g., Professor Michael Kimmel) which gave him the idea that he should share his genuine emotions, innermost thoughts, and deep-seated insecurities. Oops — male feminism fails again!

Women don’t like “emotionally sensitive” men, at least not in the sense that a man gains any advantage in a relationship by sharing his doubts and insecurities. Women interpret male emotionalism as weakness; they value men who are stable, calm and resourceful. Being “vulnerable” with a woman is guaranteed to inspire her contempt. When a woman says she wants men to be “sensitive,” what she means is she wants you to be sensitive to her emotions. She doesn’t give a damn about your feelings.

However, that’s just one interpretation, based on a face-value assumption that the guy was sincere. But I agree with her, that the guy’s remark “makes no logical sense” and therefore suspect that it cannot be taken at face value. This could very well be some kind of tactic, straight out of the “Red Pill” handbook of the “manosphere.” The big clue here is that she had no clue anything was wrong in the relationship. From her perspective, everything was fine — she was in love, they were going to get married, they had moved in together — and she was “thinking all is great and loving life” before he hit her with this “bombshell.”

Shit test — Often unconscious (and sometimes conscious) tests that women throw at men in order to quickly determine their social status. . . . A shit test is when a woman gives a guy a hard time, usually for the purpose of seeing how he will react. Because women (especially attractive women) are hit on all the time, they have developed behaviors that quickly disqualify potential suitors that are not of a high enough value for her. The shit test is one way to do this.

When guys turn the tables, the “shit test” becomes the tactic known as “negging,” a putdown that serves to signal outcome independence. The “game” tactics of pickup artists (PUAs) in seeking the “score” can be generalized into an overall “Red Pill” strategy in dealing with women, and shouldn’t we expect that the guy in this Twitter tale would be familiar with these ideas? He’s successful, with a high income and significant assets, “well respected and accomplished in his field,” and he was well on his way to closing the deal with this female lawyer. You’re telling me a guy like that doesn’t know anything about PUA “game”?

Consider this scenario: The guy’s a success, owns his own home, now he’s looking for “wife material.” Finds this female lawyer, probably in her late 20s (about to “hit the wall”) and considers her a suitable candidate. He says the “M-word” (marriage) and she’s dreaming of happily ever after.

At last my love has come along.
My lonely days are over,
And life is like a song.

He invites her to move in with him — a “wife material” audition, as it were. But he doesn’t tell her this, see? As far as she knows, he’s 100% committed to the deal, and she can start planning the wedding. In fact, however, the offer of marriage was conditional, and here’s how it goes: The guy doesn’t make any demands or set any rules, but rather lets her do whatever makes her happy, which is why she’s “thinking all is great.”

Ah, but she’s failing the audition and doesn’t realize it.

We don’t know what she was doing wrong, but evidently — if this interpretation is correct — the guy had invited her to move in so that he could conduct close observation, to see what she’s really like, her day-to-day habits, to evaluate her qualifications as a wife. He’s almost certainly had previous live-in girlfriends, and has an idea of what he wants (and doesn’t want), and this lawyer chick isn’t making the grade.

OK, so how does he get out of this trap? “Shit test.”

He throws this line on her — “You think too much. It intimidates me. I feel depressed, like less of a man.” — knowing full well that this “bombshell” from “out of the blue” is going to wreck her mind.

A successful guy like this can’t be totally clueless, can he? It “makes no logical sense” that he would feel so “intimidated” by her, but it does make sense that, if he wanted to give her an excuse to leave, this would do the trick. Hey, he’s got assets to protect, right? If it’s not going to work out, the “Red Pill” thing to do is find a way to end it quick, before she can make any claim on those assets. So he hits her with this weird “confession” right before he’s due to leave on a business trip (probably not a coincidence), and it’s like a “fork” move in chess: Either she collapses in abject, apologetic groveling (“I’ll do anything for you! I’ll quit my job! I love you so much!”) or else she can walk away.

Either way, he’s a winner.

If she stays, she’ll be staying on his terms — he’s established outcome independence — but if she goes, it’s no loss to him. He’s still got his successful career, his own home and other assets, and there’s plenty of fish in the sea. But if he’d let her stay without passing the test, he could eventually expect to find himself in a divorce court, with an ex-wife lawyer trying to take every cent he had. It is this threat, implicit in the modern idea of marriage, which every man must guard against in considering whether a woman is “wife material.”

Do I know that this is what he was thinking? No, as I say, we only have her side of the story, and have no idea whether this guy was sincere in saying he felt “intimidated” by his lawyer-fiancée’s career. Whatever the case may be, however, he really lost nothing when she left, and has every reason to congratulate himself on dodging a bullet. Better to have her walk out before the wedding than to be crushed in a divorce.

Whatever your interpretation of this story is, at least it’s instructive as a surefire tactic to get rid of a woman: “You intimidate me!”

Let the “Red Pill” guys take note.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Pro-Trump Jewish CUNY Professor Says He’s Targeted by ‘Progressive’ Faculty

Posted on | September 7, 2018 | Comments Off on Pro-Trump Jewish CUNY Professor Says He’s Targeted by ‘Progressive’ Faculty

Anti-Israel protesters at CUNY.

Two years ago, there was a lawsuit claiming anti-Jewish bias in hiring at CUNY’s Kingsborough campus, and now the “progressive” campus mob is targeting Jewish faculty again:

A City University of New York (CUNY) administrator is demanding that the school protect him from a “coordinated harassment and discrimination campaign” that has left him “fearing for his life.”
In a demand letter sent to the chancellor of the CUNY system Thursday, Michael Goldstein claims he has experienced “targeted harassment and discrimination” while working at the CUNY Kingsborough Community College (KCC) for being an “outwardly observant Jew and Zionist” as well as a public supporter of President Trump. . . .
The demand letter, addressed to CUNY Interim Chancellor Vita Rabinowitz, takes issue with what it describes as an “ongoing discrimination campaign” against Goldstein, who is both an administrator and an adjunct professor of communications and government relations.
Goldstein, who has worked at KCC for over 20 years, says he has been harassed and targeted since February by members of an unsanctioned group of KCC faculty known as the Progressive Faculty Caucus (PFC), according to the letter.
“Over the past year alone, Jewish faculty and staff members have filed five internal complaints against the PFC with CUNY administrators,” the letter states.
“There have also been two federal EEOC complaints filed related to anti-Semitism by members of the PFC,” it adds, noting that the PFC “has also been accused of regularly, actively, and illegally lobbying against ‘non-progressive’ faculty members for various positions and employment roles on campus, including elected positions.” . . .
Campus Reform originally reported on the initial harassment of Goldstein in February, when unknown perpetrators wrote anti-Semitic and anti-Trump messages on a photograph that was posted on a bulletin board outside of Goldstein’s office.
The message, “F**k Trump Goldstein. Kill Zionist Entity,” was written on an image of Goldstein’s late father and former president of Kingsborough Community College, Leon M. Goldstein. None of the other images of other former faculty members on the board were touched. . . .
The letter identifies one woman, sociology professor Katia Perea, as a “leader” of PFC who allegedly made several attempts to get Goldstein fired for his views despite having never met him before. Perea allegedly filed numerous complaints with KCC Human Resources and Chief Diversity Office about Goldstein, accusing him of being “anti-Muslim”, “pro-slavery”, “anti-trans”, and “anti-gay.”

Read the whole thing. This is a story that highlights why the Left’s smear of Trump’s supporters as “fascists” or “Nazis” is so misguided. This insult implies that Trump is an agent of anti-Semitic authoritarianism, but where do we find anti-Semites using intimidation tactics today? On college campuses, where the Jew-haters are “progressives.”

There are a lot more pro-Trump Jews than some people might imagine, and when you look at the politics of the Left nowadays, it’s surprising that more Jews don’t recognize how soon they might be confronted by the kind of danger that Michael Goldstein is facing at CUNY-KCC.


What Happened to Oliver Darcy?

Posted on | September 7, 2018 | 2 Comments

Oliver Darcy as a young conservative in 2013.

The purge of Alex Jones and his Infowars site from social media is the work of one man, CNN’s Oliver Darcy, who in recent months has been on a sort of jihad again Jones. While I have never been an admirer of Jones (a 9/11 “Truther” who led an enraged mob against Michelle Malkin at the 2008 DNC in Denver), his site InfoWars has published some good reporting about various issues, and it is wrong to suppose that any “right-wing” voice is safe from the tactics used against Jones. If conservatives are afraid to fight against efforts to silence “controversial” figures on the Right, this will produce a steady retreat, as various figures are targeted for destruction the way Oliver Darcy targeted Alex Jones.

What I can’t understand is why Oliver Darcy would volunteer for this destructive mission. I remember Darcy when he was at Campus Reform, the college-beat site run by the Leadership Institute. From there, he went to Glenn Beck’s site, The Blaze, becoming deputy managing editor. In mid-2016, however, Darcy left The Blaze, joining Business Insider as politics editor, before signing on with CNN in spring 2017.

So why did Oliver Darcy — who called himself a “conservative-leaning libertarian” in 2013 — become a Torquemada leading an online Inquisition against right-wingers? While I have no inside information to account for this transformation, and I’m not sure if Darcy has ever explained his anti-free-speech crusade, my hunch is that his experience working at The Blaze for three years might have been pivotal.

Glenn Beck’s operation once generated $90 million a year in revenue, but since 2014 the company has become increasingly troubled, and when there were mass layoffs in 2017, the story included this:

Meanwhile, as Beck himself has acknowledged, his staunch opposition to Donald Trump has cost him dearly in alienated former fans, and even his most reliable source of income, his daily Premiere Radio Networks syndicated talk show, has not been immune from the consequences of his Never Trumpism. An industry observer noted that Beck’s radio audience is also taking a hit.

The rise of Trump was also the decline of Beck, and we may imagine that there would be some bitterness in Darcy’s heart about that.

But why go after Alex Jones? Well, there was never any love lost between Beck and Jones. Beck called Jones a “fascist” and Jones called Beck a “global operative,” so here, too, it may be said that Darcy is doing Beck’s work in attacking a hostile rival. And let’s face it, ratings at CNN are so low that Alex Jones probably reaches a larger audience than the “Clinton News Network.” The primetime audience for the week of Aug. 27 was 2.3 million at Fox, 1.9 million at MSNBC and 1.1 million at CNN. In attacking Jones, Darcy was depriving a CNN competitor of social-media access. And who will be next on Darcy’s hit list? Once a purge gets rolling, it’s difficult to predict who will be targeted next.


Soros-Funded Group Paid Protesters Who Disrupted Kavanaugh Hearings

Posted on | September 7, 2018 | 1 Comment


Gateway Pundit reports:

On Tuesday several Texas doctors attended the Kavanaugh hearing in Washington DC. After the hearing the doctors told reporter Adam Schindler that they witnessed organized activists with a bag of cash paying the rent-a-mob protesters.
Adam Schindler later posted a photo of a protester being paid after being removed from the Kavanaugh hearing.
Now the activist with the bag of cash has been identified.
The man’s name is Vinay Krishnan.
Vinay is an “organizer of civil disobedience” who works for a Soros-funded group — Center for Popular Democracy.

The Center for Popular Democracy promotes an anti-white, anti-capitalism, anti-American agenda it calls “racial justice.”

This was an organized mob action. Remember that it was confirmed during Tuesday’s hearing that Democrats planned their disruptions in a weekend conference call led by Sen. Chuck Schumer. But the people who get their news from CNN have no idea about this, because CNN and the rest of the liberal media are promoting the Democrat agenda.


In The Mailbox: 09.06.18

Posted on | September 7, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I need help moving. Even if you don’t live in Las Vegas, you can help.

EBL: Burt Reynolds, RIP
Twitchy: Paul Krugman Fails High School Civics Again – Kavanaugh Illegitimate Because Trump “Eked Out A Win In The Electoral College”
Louder With Crowder: Egg, Meet Face – Cory Booker’s Release Of “Classified Documents” A Giant Ruse

Adam Piggott: Demanding That A Woman Do Her Job Is Bullying
American Power: Anand Giridharadas, Winners Take All, also, Laura Ingraham Rips Democrats’ Behavior At Kavanaugh Hearings
American Thinker: Is The Queer Reckoning Upon Us?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Ivory Trade News
BattleSwarm: Tucker Carlson On NBC’s Burgeoning Weinstein Scandal
CDR Salamander: Follow The Money, also, Fat Leonard A Big Scandal? No, I Think We’ve Topped It
Da Tech Guy: The Rude Are Inheriting The Earth, also, Imagine How Successful President Trump Would Be Without A Saboteur Within
Don Surber: What If Trump Wrote That NYT Op-Ed?
Dustbury: Too Old To Understand Tech
The Geller Report: Four Muslim Migrants Beat & Gang-Rape Retarded Swedish Woman – Court Sets Them Free, also, Imam Arrested For Involvement In Bombings
Hogewash: A Rose Of Galaxies, also, Team Kimberlin Post of the Day
JustOneMinute: Harris v. Kavanaugh, also, On The Fast Track To Crazytown
Legal Insurrection: Cory Booker T-Bones It On Confidential Kavanaugh Document, also, Worst Performance Of Hearings Day 2 – Sheldon Whitehouse
The PanAm Post: Ecuador’s Ex-President Rafael Correa Requests Asylum In Belgium
Power Line: Crazytown, also, The Minneapolis Follies
Shark Tank: Marco Rubio, Alex Jones Argue On Capitol Hill
Shot In The Dark: For Love Or Money
STUMP: Shoe’s On The Other Foot – Police Unions Call For Divestment From Nike
This Ain’t Hell: “I’ve Killed People For A Living. If You Call Me Again, I’m Going To F**king Send You To Afghanistan.” also, SFC Nickolas Clarke Keeps Saving The World
Victory Girls: Kamala Harris Couldn’t “Senator” If You Paid Her
Volokh Conspiracy: Guberspace
Weasel Zippers: Unemployment Claims Fall To 49-Year Low, also, Kim Jong Un Reaffirms Commitment To Denuclearization, Expresses Faith In Trump
Megan McArdle: President Trump, The Small Business Owner With A Big Problem
Mark Steyn: The Handmaid’s Tailspin, also, We The People Who Know Better Than You The People

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Brazilian Presidential Candidate Stabbed

Posted on | September 6, 2018 | Comments Off on Brazilian Presidential Candidate Stabbed

Breaking news:

Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro has been stabbed at a political rally in southeast Brazil, according to witnesses. His injuries are not believed to be life-threatening.
The incident happened just before 4 p.m. local time on Thursday when Bolsonaro, of the Social Liberty Party, was being carried by supporters at a political really in Juiz de Fora.
Video shared on social media showed a knife appearing from the crowd and striking Bolsonaro in the abdomen. He was rushed to an area hospital where his son says he is being treated for non-life threatening injuries.

Bolsonaro is a social conservative whose opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion have won him strong support from Christians in Brazil. He has been called “Brazil’s Trump,” and was the leading candidate after the imprisoned socialist Lula da Silva was disqualified from the ballot.

Background on Bolsonaro:

Brazil is on track to exceed the record 63,000+ murders recorded last year. Martial law has been imposed in Rio de Janeiro to contain its notoriously lethal gangs. Mr. Bolsonaro promises tougher law enforcement — and allowing ordinary citizens to arm themselves.
Gabriel Arruda of the Monte Castelo Institute, a center-right think tank in Brasilia, notes that Brazilian voters say they are fed up with crime and corruption, and want somebody who won’t forget about them once they’re elected. This, too, mirrors U.S. voter sentiment in 2016.
A decade of corruption scandals produced political chaos in Brazil. Kickbacks, graft, and cronyism at big state-owned companies such as the oil giant Petrobras and private concerns such as the mammoth Odebrecht conglomerate have left many Brazilians disgusted with their elites.
“Lula,” the longtime head of the socialist Workers’ Party, has been sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for money-laundering and corruption and faces multiple additional charges as well.
His protege and successor, former President Dilma Rousseff, was impeached and removed from office in 2016 for budgetary misconduct. Her successor, market-oriented centrist Michel Temer, has also been tarnished by corruption accusations.

No suspect has been named in Bolsonaro’s stabbing, so we don’t know the motive, but it wouldn’t be surprising if it’s a Lula supporter.

UPDATE: The suspect has been identified:

A suspect has been detained and has been identified as Adélio Bispo de Oliveira, 40. According to information on the scene, he was badly beaten and has been taken to the hospital. The Federal Police will now open an investigation into the crime.
Speaking to the Brazilian media, federal deputy and Mr. Bolsonaro’s son Flavio Bolsonaro said his father is well, having received six stitches. However, the Santa Casa Hospital in Juiz de Fora has stated that the presidential candidate suffered a perforation to his abdomen and will require surgery. The hospital has confirmed that his situation is stable.
Mr. Bolsonaro is the current presidential front-runner in all opinion polls, after former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva saw his candidacy blocked by the electoral courts last Friday.

UPDATE II: Reuters reports that Bolsonaro is “undergoing surgery for a serious injury to his liver.”

UPDATE III: Bolsanaro’s wound was more serious than first reported:

“The trajectory of the wound provoked various injuries. Mr Jair Bolsonaro arrived in a very serious condition at hospital with low pressure due to blood loss,” Glaucio Souza, one of the surgeons who operated on the candidate.
The knife wound went deep, cutting a vein in his abdomen and causing two other injuries in his intestines, said another surgeon Luiz Borsato, in a press conference broadcast on the hospital’s Facebook page.
“The patient is now in intensive care. It is naturally a serious state because of the magnitude of the trauma but he is stable,” Borsato said. The doctor said Bolsonaro was now conscious and had recognised his sons.
Bolsonaro’s son Flávio — himself a candidate for the Brazilian Senate — had initially described the wound as “only superficial”, but later said that the injuries were more serious, tweeting that the candidate arrived at the hospital “almost dead” after losing a lot of blood.
Borsato said Bolsonaro would be in hospital for at least a week or ten days.


CNN’s Favorite ‘Republican Strategist’

Posted on | September 6, 2018 | Comments Off on CNN’s Favorite ‘Republican Strategist’

“I think the pictures of the cruelty of this administration are a very deliberate part of this. . . . They’re only talking to their core supporters. And their core supporters want anybody who’s darker than a latte deported. They’re not happy about immigration of any kind.”
Rick Wilson, CNN, July 11, 2018

Running political campaigns is not the kind of work that fills a person with idealism, and the longer people stay in that line of work, the more cynical they become. It’s just the nature of the job. The “hired guns” of politics get paid whether a candidate wins or loses, and it’s difficult for the ordinary conservative to understand how that affects the mindset inside the consultant class. A fool and his money are soon parted, and if the fool wants to run for Congress (or Senate or Governor) as a Republican, consultants will get their share of his money.

Rick Wilson calls himself a “Republican strategist.” He got his start in the Bush 41 campaign and is associated with the liberal open-borders wing of the GOP. His current job is Trump-Hater-at-Large, the kind of Republican who shows up on CNN telling people how much he hates his fellow Republicans. You know — the ones who win elections?

Six weeks before Donald Trump shocked the world by defeating Hillary Clinton, Wilson went on MSNBC and denounced the Republican candidate as “a guy backed in large measure by a group of white supremacists and neo-nazis and frog meme idiots.” Congratulations, “frog meme idiots” — you not only beat Hillary, you beat Rick Wilson.

Who paid Rick Wilson to say this kind of stuff about Trump? One thing you know about political operatives is, they don’t work for free. So there must be some client who hired this “Republican strategist” to trash Trump on TV. At least that’s the logical deduction, but while campaigns are required by law to disclose their expenditures, a political operative has no such obligation. Unless his name shows up in an FEC disclosure, you’ve got no idea who’s paying Rick Wilson and, for all we know, he could be on the payroll of Tom Steyer or George Soros.

The alternative theory is that Rick Wilson is constantly ranting against Trump for emotional reasons — he’s butthurt because his candidate didn’t win the GOP nomination, or maybe he’s just suffering from a testosterone deficiency that makes him moody and irritable.

Honestly, does Rick Wilson believe that “frog meme idiots” accounted for Trump winning Michigan and Pennsylvania, two states no Republican presidential candidate had won in 28 years? If the “Republican strategist” is such a genius, how does he explain this? Does he think the GOP would have carried those states had they nominated his preferred candidate?

Donald Trump is the “reset” button for the Republican Party. It has been evident for many years that the GOP “brand” was in trouble. To continue running the kind of campaigns “Republican strategists” run would have continued to produce the same results: Defeat.

Even if Trump is not your ideal of a Republican leader, it cannot be denied that he won against overwhelming opposition, including the opposition of “Never Trump” types like Rick Wilson. But it would not be in the interests of people like Rick Wilson to admit they were wrong, to confess they don’t know nothin’ ’bout winnin’ no elections.

This is why we now find Rick Wilson spewing melodramatic nonsense:

I’m still a registered Republican, even if I feel like a stranger in a strange party. There are days I stick around just out of spite, a human middle finger stubbornly reminding members of the Trump GOP that their souls are in hock to a con man, and some of us are going be here to pick up the pieces.
By numbers, Never Trump might look like a failure, but it has succeeded in one of its most important missions. As oppressive governments learn over and over, a leaderless resistance on the right side of history is hard to kill. No matter how badly beaten and battered we were by the Russia-and-Fox-powered Trump juggernaut, we are committed to preserving the memory of the conservative movement, some remnant of the faith in the Constitution, limited government, free markets, free trade and individual liberty. Like medieval Irish monks hunched over parchment by the light of a candle flame, we are illuminating the scrolls of conservatism while the storm rages and the tide of ignorance rises. We will be here when it ebbs.

To describe yourself as a “medieval Irish monk” while sitting at your computer in Tallahassee, hustling your next CNN appearance, requires more imagination than most people can muster, and this “leaderless resistance” looks suspiciously like an epidemic of butthurt.


In The Mailbox: 09.05.18

Posted on | September 5, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.05.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

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