The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Democrat Shoots Man After Facebook Quarrel

Posted on | August 9, 2018 | 2 Comments


News from Florida:

A Facebook dispute boiled over into real life on Monday when a Democrat drove over to another man’s home and shot him.
Brian Sebring, 44, of Tampa, Florida, was arrested for shooting Alex Stephens, 46, also of Tampa, in the thigh and buttocks after their online disagreement.
Police say the row began when the two men disagreed over politics on Facebook, and Stephens reportedly began sending Sebring ‘explicit messages and threats’.
In response, Sebring armed himself with an AR-15 and a Glock and drove over to Stephens’ house in Wallace Ave — just two miles away from his own home, the Tampa Bay Times reports.
When he arrived, with his Glock in a holster tucked in his waistband, he honked his horn and waited for Stephens to come out to confront him about the messages, police say.
When Stephens saw Sebring, he charged towards him, which was when the suspect opened fire.
‘The victim ran away and the defendant fled the scene,’ police said. . . .
Police did not explain the nature of the political dispute on Facebook which ignited the row, and it is not apparent on either of their pages.
It is unclear who Stephens, a felon, supports politically, but Sebring, a pizza delivery driver and married father-of-two, is a registered Democrat who follows Barack Obama on Twitter.
It’s not clear how the men know each other although both attended Tampa’s Robinson High School, in different years.

Democrats are crazy and crazy people are dangerous.


Email to a Lawyer Regarding Deranged Ex-Professor Deborah Frisch, Ph.D.

Posted on | August 8, 2018 | 1 Comment

Deborah Ellen Frisch, Ph.D., after her Jan. 5 arrest in Bend, Oregon.

When last we reported on notorious cyberstalker Deborah Frisch, the mentally ill former psychology professor was awaiting sentencing on two felony charges at a hearing scheduled for October in Weld County, Colorado. She had somehow been released on bond, and had immediately resumed her habit of online harassment. Another hearing to modify conditions of her release has now been scheduled Aug. 31, and she continues to make insulting accusations against Weld County authorities.

Today, I had the occasion to send an email to Dr. Frisch’s attorney:

Date: Thursday, 8 Aug 2018 10:06 pm
From: Robert McCain
To: [Redacted]

Dear Mr. [redacted]:
For reasons I am unable to fathom, your client continues to clog my inbox by CC’ing me (and numerous other people) on her correspondence with you. I am a journalist and blogger who has written about Dr. Frisch’s long history of harassment, etc., and have never had any communication with her except insofar as my coverage of her legal problems has made me a target of her hatred.
It is my belief, based on Dr. Frisch’s behavior and the comments of mental-health professionals who have observed her behavior, that your client is suffering from a degenerative neurological condition. It seems that her habit of engaging in online harassment against perceived “enemies” is a sort of obsessive/compulsive behavior which, because of her impaired mental capacity, she is unable to restrain. So long as she has Internet access, she will use that access in the way that has previously resulted in her incarceration. Only if she is institutionalized in a setting where she is prevented from accessing the Internet, can we expect any relief from her harassment.
Friends have urged me to take out a restraining order against Dr. Frisch, but it is against my personal principles to engage in such actions. I never sued anyone, nor do I call the cops unless it is absolutely necessary. I do not believe that Dr. Frisch is literally dangerous to me personally; rather, I suppose she hopes to annoy me, and perhaps to damage my reputation by her clumsy attempts to spread libelous statements about me. It should be obvious that Dr. Frisch obtains nothing of value by attacking me; rather, her motives are merely sadistic, taking pleasure in malicious actions against me as a targeted “enemy.” This is wholly irrational and self-destructive on her part, since each time she does such things, Dr. Frisch gives me occasion to update my readers on her latest lunatic escapades. It would behoove her simply to shut up and stop bothering me, but the mentally ill are poor judges of their own interests.
If I had the opportunity to testify at Dr. Frisch’s court hearing, I would suggest that she be confined for at least a year in the Colorado state facility for the criminally insane at Pueblo. I’m sure that if the prosecutors wished, they could summon expert witnesses to testify to your client’s poor prognosis for ever being able to live peaceably outside an institutional setting. While I have no credentials as a psychiatric expert, I do not hesitate to share my opinion that Dr. Frisch is deranged, demented, berserk, bonkers, zany, wacky, off her rocker, a few fries short of a Happy Meal and, also, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. In plain English, your client is crazy, and I think no one familiar with her would disagree with my conclusion.
Please tell her to leave me alone.
Robert Stacy McCain

She has been doing this kind of crap since 2006 at least. She is now 56 years old, and utterly beyond hope of recovery.



In The Mailbox: 08.08.18

Posted on | August 8, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.08.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The Ninety Miles Mystery Box, Episode #341
EBL: How Does The Rest of The World Get Such Fabulous Affordable Health Care?
Twitchy: Majority Of Heterosexuals Say They Won’t Date Trans Folk, And Somehow That’s Discrimination
Louder With Crowder: Twitter CEO Explains Why They DIDN’T Ban Alex Jones

Adam Piggott: Squee!
American Power: Britain’s Labour Party Pushing For Second Brexit Vote, also, The New Corporate Censorship
American Thinker: The DNC And Crossfire Hurricane – A Timeline
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: The Deplatforming Of Alex Jones
CDR Salamander: Georgia, A Member Too Far
Da Tech Guy: Trump, Not The GOP, Won Big On Tuesday, also, Popularis Socialismi Delenda Est
Don Surber: Democratic Privilege Erases Feinstein’s Spy Problem
Dustbury: Now This Is A Platform
First Street Journal: Construction Help
The Geller Report: Muslim Arrested At NM Compound Was Training Kids To Kill, also, Canadian Jihadi Who Stabbed Three At Army Recruiting Center Released To Attend College
Hogewash: A Horsehead Of A Different Color, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: Post-Election Day
Legal Insurrection: Ocasio-Cortez’ Favored Candidate Falls In MI Primary, also, Facebook Unblocks CA GOP House Candidate’s Ad
Michelle Malkin: Oklahoma’s Wretched Record On Wrongful Convictions
The PanAm Post: Bikers For Trump – How The Democrats Lost The Heartland Working Class
Power Line: A Less Than Encouraging Win For The GOP, also, Up Close With Ilhan Omar
Shark Tank: More Endorsements For DeSantis
Shot In The Dark: Hennepin County – Bigger Than The SCOTUS
STUMP: Geeking Out – Are Women Really Receiving Lower Social Security Benefits?
The Jawa Report: Al-Qaeda Declared War 20 Years Ago Today
The Political Hat: Queering Ecology
This Ain’t Hell: Naked British Army Captain Destroys Toilet In Harrowing Escape, also, Pentagon Restricts Use Of GPS Trackers
Victory Girls: Rahm Emanuel Pours Fuel On Chicago Fire
Volokh Conspiracy: Yet Another Federal Court Rejects Claims That Exposing Taxis To Competition From Rideshare Companies Is A Taking
Weasel Zippers: DOJ Says Illegal Alien Raped Child After Philly Released Him Under Sanctuary City Policy, also, CNN Op-Ed Compares Working In Media To Military Service, Gets Crushed Online

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Dear @Alyssa_Milano: Perhaps Try Reducing Your Media Kool-Aid Intake

Posted on | August 8, 2018 | Comments Off on Dear @Alyssa_Milano: Perhaps Try Reducing Your Media Kool-Aid Intake


What does Trump Derangement Syndrome look like? A popular actress who is convinced that the only explanation for third-party votes in a special congressional election is Russian meddling.

What causes this kind of dangerous paranoid lunacy? A constant diet of one-sided partisan media. It’s likely that Ms. Milano never watches any “news” except CNN or MSNBC, and that her reading consists entirely of far-left sites like Mother Jones, Vox, Slate, the Guardian, etc.

Having locked herself within a self-created echo chamber of political conformity, Alyssa Milano has succumbed to the cult mentality of ideological totalism. She has become The True Believer. If Rachel Maddow or Chris Cuomo told her that the CIA and the Bavarian Illuminati were controlling the weather, Ms. Milano would believe it.

What did Tuesday’s election results — not only the hotly contested Ohio 12 race, but all the various primaries — actually mean?

Democratic Party’s liberal insurgency
hits a wall in Midwest primaries

David Weigel, Washington Post

Troy Balderson claims victory
in Ohio special election

Alexi McCammond, Axios

Tuesday Night Is a Bad Sign
for GOP Chances in the House

Sean Trende, Real Clear Politics

Although the Republican candidate Balderson appears to have edged out Democrat Danny O’Connor in Ohio 12, the margin was perilously thin, in a district that has previously been a Republican stronghold. This is not a good omen for GOP prospects to maintain House control in November. While there may not be an overwhelming “blue wave” in the fall midterms, Democrats have a decent chance of getting the net 23-seat gain they need to return the Speaker’s gavel to Nancy Pelosi. Meanwhile, far-left candidates backed by the socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez failed to win Democrat primaries in Michigan, Kansas and Missouri.

There is no objective, factual reason for Alyssa Milano to surrender to a mood of resentful paranoia, really, but if she was into facts and objectivity, she would not be a Democrat, would she?


In The Mailbox: 08.07.18

Posted on | August 7, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: General Nathanael Greene
Twitchy: Sweet Meteor Of Death Has Account Locked For Threatening To Wipe Out All White People
Louder With Crowder: Democrat Senator Says Banning Infowars Is Just The Beginning

Adam Piggott: I No Longer Believe In Free Speech, also, The 25th Million Australian – There Will Be War
American Power: Shooting Up Chicago, also, Peter Hoeg, Smilla’s Sense Of Snow
American Thinker: Socialism’s Downfall
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Schedule Change News
BattleSwarm: The Decline And Fall Of Todd Kincannon
CDR Salamander: AI, Machine Learning, And Their Future Role In Military Ops On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: History Repeating In Africa? also, All Black Lives Matter But Some Black Lives Matter More Than Others To The Mainstream Media
Don Surber: Trump’s Free Market Approach To Hospitals
Dustbury: Live At Six
First Street Journal: The Slow Death Of The American Coal Industry
The Geller Report: Virginia Imam Says “America Will be A Muslim Nation”, also, HHS Grants For Detained Illegal Alien Kids Reaches $1 Billion
Hogewash: The Right Thing For The Wrong Reason, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Legal Insurrection: Trump Imposes “Biting Sanctions” On Iran As Regime Faces More Protests, also, Intel Chief Says Children Raised By Islamist Families Pose Threat To Germany
The PanAm Post: Argentina – The Surprise Notebook Scandal That Threatens Kirchner’s Comeback
Power Line: In Massachusetts, No Gender Left Behind, also, Social Media – The Prime Threat To Freedom Of Speech?
Shark Tank: Top Democrat Claims Trump Wants To Make Americans Hurt At The Pump
Shot In The Dark: Shock Poll – In Opposite World
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday
The Jawa Report: Awesome! Hamza Bin-Laden Marries Mohammed Atta’s Daughter
The Political Hat: 9th Circus Effectively Bans New Semi-Automatic Handguns
This Ain’t Hell: Today Is National Purple Heart Day, also, Army Chaplain Facing Disciplinary Action
Victory Girls: DC Judge Tells Trump Transgenders WILL Serve In The Military
Volokh Conspiracy: Cory Booker Proposes Bill To Curb Discriminatory Zoning
Weasel Zippers: Facebook Blocked This Asian Republican Woman’s Campaign Ad, also, Berkeley Police Publish Pics Of Arrested ANTIFA Rioters, Left Freaks Out
Megan McArdle: Your Workplace Wellness Program Probably Isn’t Making You Healthier
Mark Steyn: Back In The Saddle (With One Stirrup), also, Letting Out Your Inner Leftist

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Dear Parents: American Schools Are Controlled by Democrats Who Hate You

Posted on | August 7, 2018 | Comments Off on Dear Parents: American Schools Are Controlled by Democrats Who Hate You

This story is the tip of a very large iceberg:

Shortly after President Trump’s inauguration, a group of public school history teachers in the posh Boston suburb of Newton pledged to reject the “call for objectivity” in the classroom, bully conservative students for their beliefs, and serve as “liberal propagandist[s]” for the cause of social justice. . . .
It was late on a cold and snowy New England evening in February 2017, and Newton North history teacher Isongesit Ibokette was venting at his keyboard about the new guidelines for avoiding bias in teaching. They had been sent out by Newton North’s principal that morning, prompted by the general ill will among teachers for the new occupant of the White House.
The guidelines asked teachers to remain objective while teaching about historical and current events; and to treat all students, regardless of political opinion, with respect. . . .
Ibokette was having none of it. He typed this reply: “I am concerned that the call for ‘objectivity’ may just inadvertently become the most effective destructive weapon against social justice,” and sent it to the members of Newton North’s history department.
Ibokette was responding to an email from another Newton North history teacher, David Bedar . . . [who] has played a significant role in the years-long controversy over anti-Jewish bias in the public schools of the heavily Jewish suburb.
Earlier that February day, Bedar sent an email to fellow Newton North history faculty, accusing President Trump and his supporters of “nativism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc.” . . .
After Bedar complained that he didn’t want to get fired for being a “liberal propagandist,” his fellow history teacher, Ibokette, wrote back: “David, if you get fired for doing exactly what history teachers, and indeed all rational and ethical-minded adults should indeed be doing, I will be right behind you.” . . .
Bedar’s direct supervisor, Newton North history department chair Jonathan Bassett, replied to his revolt against reason with this: “David: Your ‘essay’ is very good, and raises a lot of the questions that we are all dealing with. . . . We are in unprecedented times, and we are all struggling to do good.” . . .

You should read the whole thing. One of the things that any observant and curious parent will discover is that public school teachers have utter contempt for parents. No matter how intelligent or well-educated you are, no matter how successful you may be in your career, the bureaucrats who run the government education system believe that they are infinitely superior to you, in terms of knowing what’s best for your child.

Nothing could be more diametrically opposite to common sense than the stupendous arrogance of the government school bureaucracy. America’s prisons are chock-full of the victims of this perverse system, which every year hands out high-school diplomas to semi-literates who have spent 13 years being “educated” in this taxpayer-funded monstrosity. It is mainly a babysitting service or a juvenile detention facility, depending on the age and disposition of the helpless inmates.

Did you know that education majors (i.e., future teachers) have the lowest SAT scores among university students? While some reasonably intelligent people manage to become teachers despite the general mediocrity typical of teacher-training programs, the system is not defined or controlled by its best minds, but rather by the dimwit majority. This is one reason why the so-called “good” public school is a dangerous illusion.

What do we mean, after all, when we speak of schools in an affluent community like Newton, Massachusetts, as “good” schools? Well, the kids are the offspring of well-educated and successful parents, and tend to replicate their parents’ success in terms of standardized test scores. No one who has read The Bell Curve is surprised by this, but the myth of the “good” public school involves the illusion that it is the school, rather than the parents, who deserve credit for their children’s success. This false claim — that students in Newton do better than in South Boston because the teachers in Newton are better — is one of the prejudicial beliefs built into this system, along with the equally false belief that, unless someone has official certification as a teacher, they are unqualified to teach, much less to criticize what these so-called “professionals” are doing to children at taxpayers’ expense in the name of “education.”

Intelligent and curious parents must eventually become aware of problems in their child’s public school. The child comes home upset because of a misbehaving classmate, or there’s something about school policy or curriculum that seems sketchy, and so you inquire with the teacher. This is when you are told the well-rehearsed answer that you are the only parents who has complained. “Wait a minute,” you say, “I wasn’t complaining, I was just trying to find out what’s going on.” But the educational bureaucrat has been trained to defend the system against any nosy parent who might ask questions, and your curiosity about what’s going on behind the curtain of secrecy that surrounds the process of “education” — expressing concern for your child — marks you as a potential enemy. If you worry that your child is endangered by the disruptive bully in her kindergarten class, you are calling into question the system’s discipline policy. Parents who raise questions about the curriculum and pedagogy are, of course, dismissed as unqualified to judge what their child should be taught, or how best to teach them.

Public school teachers and administrators take extraordinary measures to conceal any problems in the system from parents. It is the preservation of the system — the taxpayer-funded government bureaucracy — to which the faculty and staff are fanatically committed, rather than to any benefit that this system might provide your child. So when parents begin to raise concerns about what’s going on behind this curtain of secrecy, the employees of the system will close ranks against the parents, like a Phoenician phalanx guarding itself against an attack by hostile cavalry.

Parents are the enemy — this attitude is deeply entrenched in the mentality of educational bureaucrat, and once you figure this out, you begin to realize that, in the minds of the administration and faculty, you are their inferior, unqualified to know what’s best for your child.

Well, never get me started on what’s wrong with the American public education system or I’ll rant until I run out breath. This situation in Newton, Massachusetts — where Jewish children are being taught by left-wing radicals who consider it “social justice” to support Hamas — is the tip of a very large iceberg, as I say. Our existing system of public schools is based on a flawed model, imported from 19th-century Prussia by Horace Mann, and has not been improved, but rather has become much worse, as a result of decades of efforts to “reform” it. My own personal policy is what I call Maximum Feasible Non-Cooperation. Don’t send your kids to public schools, don’t accept employment in the system, never say anything good about the system, and encourage everyone you know to do the same. If all the good parents would pull their kids out of the system, leaving the government bureaucrats with classrooms full of the offspring of bad parents, the system would collapse under its own weight. Then we could shut the whole damned thing down, fire all the employees, sell all the buildings and equipment at public auction, and thank God in heaven that future generations of American children will never have to endure this nightmare that has been foisted on our nation for so long.

(Hat-tip: David Bernstein at Instapundit.)


In The Mailbox: 08.06.18

Posted on | August 7, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.06.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: A Review – Death Of A Nation
Twitchy: Dylan Mathews Says Doctors Will Just Have To Take A Massive Pay Cut So U.S. Can Be More Like Canada
Louder With Crowder: Facebook Removes Infowars Page For “Violating Community Standards”

Adam Piggott: I See Cats In Your Future, Many Cats, also, Sunday Cigars, Whiskey, & Pork
American Power: Ericka Anderson, Leaving Cloud 9, also, Trump Revives Tough Sanctions On Iran
American Thinker: The First Fake Media-Induced Mental Illness
BattleSwarm: Sarah Jeong – Eight Or Nine Racist Tweets? More Like 800, also, Socialist Venezuelan President Maduro Target Of Drone Attack?
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, The “Benefits” Of The Light Attack Experiment? No, Try The Shame
Da Tech Guy: Chicago Needs To Crack Down On Illegal Expressway-Blocking Protests, also, Why You Should Believe Very Little Of What You See
Don Surber: EPA Finally Admits Ethanol Harms The Environment
Dustbury: Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Bison, also, Strange Search Engine Queries
First Street Journal: The First Amendment And Assimilation Of Immigrants
Fred On Everything: Cruelty Legitimized
The Geller Report: France Passes Law Saying Children Can Consent To Sex With Adults, also, First-Ever Muslim Candidate For Governor Tied To Racist, Antisemitic Nation Of Islam
Hogewash: But It’s OK When We Do It, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also also, Shadowbanning A Conservative
JustOneMinute: I Love A Puzzle, also, Defying Gravity
Legal Insurrection: Twitter Suspended Candace Owens For Changing “White” To “Black” In Sarah Jeong’s Tweets, also, Israel & India Deepen Technology Cooperation
The PanAm Post: How Nicholas Maduro Facilitates The Emigration Of Venezuelan Criminals
Power Line: Victor Davis Hanson – For Elizabeth Heng, also, No Straw Man Here – The Mask Slips In Santa Barbara
Shark Tank: Gaetz Reveals New “Make America Gaetz Again” Slogan
Shot In The Dark: Illiterates Lead
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere
The Jawa Report: In Which The Jawas Offer Alex Jones Hosting
The Political Hat: Nicaraguan Violence & Venezuelan Breaking Points
This Ain’t Hell: Spousal Unit Gets The Boot, also, Join The Exciting World Of Stolen Valor Investigation
Victory Girls: Anne Frank Reimagined – Repulsive In Every Way, also, Portland Isn’t Just Weird Anymore, It’s A Violent Hellhole
Volokh Conspiracy: “Racial Ridicule” Is A Crime In Connecticut – And People Are Being Prosecuted
Weasel Zippers: Peter Fonda Encourages Vote Fraud To Help Democrats Win, also, After Staffer Found To Be Spy, Questions Emerge On How Close Diane Feinstein Is To Chicoms
Mark Steyn: Less Than Meets The (Queer) Eye – Gilda, also, Nature Boy

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Russia! Russia! Russia!

Posted on | August 6, 2018 | Comments Off on Russia! Russia! Russia!

The headline stack on top of this morning’s Drudge Report:

Since Sunday, I’ve been watching CNN (so you don’t have to) and they’re 24/7 wall-to-wall on this, as might be expected. Whenever they bring on “analysts” to comment on the story, there is never anyone to present the pro-Trump side of the argument, i.e., that this whole thing was a set-up, a “honey trap” orchestrated by Fusion GPS, which was working for the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign. Furthermore, the way this Trump Tower meeting became public knowledge was that the Obama administration had obtained warrants to conduct surveillance of the Trump campaign based on the phone Steele dossier, which was commissioned by Fusion GPS with money supplied by Democrats.

This is what I explained last month:

Natalia Veselnitskaya was thick as thieves with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, and it seems safe to conclude she was an agent-provocateur, hired to lure Trump campaign officials into a meeting which could then be used as “proof” that Trump was a Putin stooge.
Because Fusion GPS was working for the Clinton campaign, and because Fusion GPS also produced the phony Steele dossier that was apparently the main “evidence” used to get a FISA warrant to launch federal surveillance of Trump campaign officials, the obvious 2+2 conclusion is that Veselnitskaya was part of a set-up, a trap, a “sting.” Her assignment, we may suppose, was to get Trump campaign officials to say something that could be captured via surveillance to serve as “proof” that the Republican candidate was doing something illegal with Russians.

Nothing reported in the past month has changed these facts. All that we have learned is that Trump, as might be expected, didn’t want to admit that his campaign got suckered into this Democrat-rigged trap.

People who are getting their “news” from CNN are not being told this. CNN’s coverage assumes as its first premise that Trump is guilty, and all they have to do is talk about “evidence” of his guilt. In other words, CNN is part and parcel of the Democrat Party’s disinformation campaign, producing partisan propaganda thinly disguised as “news.”

By the way, readers might want to hit the tip jar for $5 or $10 to help compensate me for the psychological trauma of watching CNN all day.


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