The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Tuesday Weld

Posted on | August 1, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I got nuthin’, except for this pic of actress Tuesday Weld on the beach.

Tuesday Weld in a bikini.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #328, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism has Rule Five Fundamental Misunderstandings Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL graces us with Jessica Davies, Man In The High Castle Season 3, Occasional Cortex Supercut, National Tequila Day, Yvonne Goolagong, Straw Arguments & Girls, Kaitlan Collins, and Marina Butina.

A View From The Beach brings us Pam Anderson Warns About Modern Sex, #NotHerToo, Apparently, A Sad Loss for Femen, Trevor Noah Caught Dissing Blacks, More R-Rated Russiagate, Giselle’s Husband Bombed in Boston for Dad Bod, It’s Shark Week Again!, Those Who Dwell in Glass Mansions…, I Believe It and Rejoicing in Russiagate.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Aly Raisman, his Vintage Babe is Melissa Stribling, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Calvin Klein. At Dustbury, it’s Mari Blanchard and Milana Vayntrub.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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When Atheist Vegan Hippies Go Bad

Posted on | August 1, 2018 | Comments Off on When Atheist Vegan Hippies Go Bad


You probably don’t recognize this freak, who is now rather notorious:

When Anglin entered the Linworth Alternative Program, Columbus’s “hippie” high school, as a freshman in 1999, other students found him a quiet, insecure kid who craved attention and wanted to fit in. A declared atheist, he styled his reddish hair in dreadlocks and favored jeans with 50-inch leg openings. He often wore a hoodie with a large F–K RACISM patch on the back.
Anglin was one of only two vegans at Linworth, and before long he began dating the other, a brunette named Alison in the class ahead of him, whom he wooed by baking vegan cookies. She was a popular girl who introduced him to a diverse and edgy clique of kids. To them, Anglin seemed sweet and funny, if a little too eager to latch on to causes. Alison was deeply into animal rights. Suddenly, he was too.
He also got deeply into drugs, according to half a dozen people who knew him at the time. He did LSD at school or while wandering through the scenic Highbanks Metro Park, north of the city. He took ketamine, ate psychedelic mushrooms, and snorted cocaine on weekends. He chugged Robitussin, and “robo tripped” so much that he damaged his stomach and would vomit into trash cans at school.
At home, Anglin spent hours in his parents’ basement downloading music and visiting early Flash-animation sites. According to Cameron Loomis, a former friend, Anglin’s favorite online destination was Rotten[dot]com, which collected images of mangled corpses, deformities, and sexual perversions. . . .

You can read the rest of that, but the tl:dr is that this spoiled brat from the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio, went on to get into 9/11 “Truther” conspiracies and spend time bumming around the Philippines before, eventually, founding The Daily Stormer, an infamous neo-Nazi website.


What called Anglin to my attention today is that he is featured in a recent report from the Anti-Defamation League, “When Women are the Enemy: The Intersection of Misogyny and White Supremacy”:

Daily Stormer founder and neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin wants to remind women that they’re lucky to get a man — any man at all — and are worthy of little other than male violence and contempt.
In a March 2017 rant, apparently sparked by Brad Pitt’s weight loss following the end of his marriage to Angelina Jolie, Anglin launched his full-scale attack on women — including white women, whose cooperation he presumably needs to pull off his racist master plan.
In typically self-aggrandizing style, Anglin referred to himself as the “tip of the spear against the feminist menace,” writing: “The fact is, when you give women rights, they destroy absolutely everything around them, no matter what other variable is involved. Even if you become the ultimate alpha male, some stupid bitch will still ruin your life.”
Worried about losing a wife or a girlfriend once you express these opinions? There’s no need for that, Anglin writes. “Women crave men who call them stupid and claim they shouldn’t have any rights. They also crave being tied up, beaten and raped.” In case there were any lingering doubts about his misogyny, Anglin returns to this trifecta of abuse in July 2018, writing: “Look, I hate women. I think they deserve to be beaten, raped and locked in cages.”
Anglin attempts to proactively deflect any criticism by maintaining that anyone who suggests that men who are this angry with women might not be very popular with women is ignoring the fact that women should be grateful to be with any man.
“What I am talking about is a social phenomenon where men are told that if they are unsuccessful with women, it is their fault. And it isn’t just the whores themselves who support this particular bit of nonsense — other men will back them up.”

Hey, Andy: If you are unsuccessful with women, it is your fault.

There are men who are successful with women, just like there are happy, successful women who don’t claim to be victims of the “patriarchy.” Playing the victim card — “I can’t get laid! It’s unfair!” — and scapegoating the opposite sex is a loser’s game, whether men or women do it. Maybe when Anglin was banging his atheist vegan girlfriend in high school — or banging teenage Filipinas in Davao City — he should have considered the possibility that he was wasting his youth. Now he’s angry because girls don’t want to date a 34-year-old Nazi?

Geli Raubal could not be reached for comment.


Why Is the CIA Hiring Perverts?

Posted on | August 1, 2018 | 3 Comments


Joshua Adam Schulte studied computer science at the University of Texas, did an internship at the National Security Agency and then got hired as a software engineer by the Central Intelligence Agency. In March 2017, according to federal prosecutors, Schulte was responsible for leaking classified CIA information (“Vault 7) to Wikileaks.

In the course of the investigation, authorities say they discovered that Schulte was hosting more than 10,000 child pornography files on a private web server, and that he also had images on his cellphone showing him sexually molesting a female roommate who was passed out drunk. Schulte is a very bad person:

In court in January, a prosecutor, the assistant United States attorney Matthew J. Laroche, said that “the government immediately had enough evidence” to make Mr. Schulte a target of the investigation. He said that the investigation was continuing, and that it involved in part how Tor, software that allows anonymous communication on the internet, “was used in transmitting classified information.” . . .
When WikiLeaks began to post the stolen documents last year, the C.I.A. said in a statement, “The American public should be deeply troubled by any WikiLeaks disclosure designed to damage the Intelligence Community’s ability to protect America against terrorists and other adversaries.”
Family members, who have spent much of their savings on legal fees, say they believe that Mr. Schulte is a scapegoat for the C.I.A.’s inability to secure its most sensitive files. They say the child pornography charges, based on his actions nine years ago when he was 20, are a thin pretext for keeping him incarcerated.
“I am just scared to death,” said Roger Schulte, Mr. Schulte’s father, who lives in Lubbock, Tex. “I think he’s innocent of all these crimes, as far as everything I’ve seen.” The elder Mr. Schulte said that his son was in college when he built the server later found to contain child pornography, and that he “had so many people accessing it he didn’t care what people put on it.”

Sorry, sir, your son’s hindsight excuses won’t save him. Whatever plea bargain the prosecutors offer, he should take it. Your son is not only a very bad person, but also phenomenally stupid:

A former CIA intelligence officer who is suspected by the government of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks appears to have uploaded at least some CIA-related source code to a personal website linked to his real name, files reviewed by Motherboard show. For years, the site was available to anyone on the internet and the server that hosted it was seized by the government in an ongoing child pornography case against him.
Quite simply, Schulte has some of the worst opsec and messiest online presence of anyone I’ve ever reported on. The amount of sensitive personal information he uploaded to a publicly available website while employed by the CIA is mind-boggling. . . .
The government’s complaint also notes that it seized a server that hosted a website called “The Crypt.” The Crypt was a series of open directories that an IRC group Schulte was a part of used to store files. . . .
Schulte used the Crypt like one might use their own personal hard drive or Google Drive, except it was available—and remains available in various archived forms—to literally anyone on the internet.
Schulte’s website allows us to easily connect many of his online personas and accounts to his real identity, discern his politics, his places of residence, and identify his friends and family members. This all came from someone who should, in theory, know better as someone who had access to highly sensitive information. . . .
Schulte also uploaded screenshots of his Gmail inbox, which have his name as well as emails that show information about his bank, his OKCupid account, his cell phone provider, his friends’ and families’ names, and more.
There’s a selfie he took of himself holding a “F–K OBAMA” pint glass, and a shirtless mirror selfie he took in a hotel bathroom. . . .
There are narrated video tours of the inside of his house, screenshots of emails he sent to activists advocating for concealed handgun carry permits in Texas, saved IRC chats of “Josh” saying the n-word over and over, and yet more screenshots of his Gmail inbox, which — in the same screenshot — prove that we are looking at “Joshua Schulte’s” inbox and also reveal the pseudonym he used on several different websites. Other files he uploaded tie this pseudonym to a Blogger where he wrote extensively about his libertarian politics.

In case you don’t know, “opsec” is “operational security,” and the article by Jason Koebler demonstrates numerous other ways in which Schulte’s online behavior was far below what you might expect from someone doing highly sensitive work for the CIA. There were red flags all over this guy, including his blogging about his “libertarian ideology”:

The basis for my views and beliefs come from the utilitarian school of thought. I consider myself an ethical relativist, since there are no universal moral truths.

Hey, maybe our national security community shouldn’t be hiring people who declare they don’t believe in “universal moral truths.” Elsewhere in the same blog post, Schulte says this:

Is pornography harmful to society? I believe that pornography is fundamentally protected by the first amendment of the United States constitution, that pornography promotes freedom of speech and liberty, that pornography is not degrading to women, and that it does not incite violence.
I’ll begin with the attorney general’s conclusions of pornography. The attorney general found that “… substantial exposure to sexually violent materials as described here bears a casual relationship to antisocial acts of sexual violence and, for some subgroups, possibly to unlawful acts of sexual violence.” The attorney general viewed sexually violent material and ‘degrading’ material as ultimately harmful to society. They concluded that the more individuals exposed to such material, the higher probability of violent, sexual crimes against women. Now, I do not necessarily refute these claims. However, it should be noted that not all pornography is categorized as such, and so porn that is in neither category should therefore be legal. Also, as Wendy McElroy pointed out, there may not be such a distinct relation between violent porn and acts of violence. Simply because event B almost always follows even A, this does not mean B is a cause of A. As Hume explains, priority, proximity, and a necessary connection must exist for causation to exist. It is not particularly clear in their findings whether or not there is a necessary connection between violent porn and acts of violence.
As for Catharine MacKinnon’s argument, I find it belittling and inane. She seems to believe all porn is necessarily harmful. Not all pornography actually depicts rape, battery, sexual harassment, etc. The fact that she bases her argument on violent pornography is what inevitably weakens her argument. As discussed previously, all pornography that is non-violent would then pass right through MacKinnon’s argument. I side with McElroy when she says “… censorship on grounds of sex discrimination treats women as children whose interests must be protected by law because they are incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions.” Contrary to whatever MacKinnon may believe, women enjoy sex too. If women want to be in sex videos, if women want to have sex outside of marriage, if women want to have sex without love, if women want to contribute to pornography, then they have every right to do so. Porn stars obviously enjoy what they do, and they make quite a bit of money off it. Who are you to tell someone what they can or cannot do with their own body? I believe in the equality of men and women, and women do not need any special protections under the law. Women are competent, and should be free to choose what they do with their own body, and free to make any binding legal contracts. Thus, pornography falls under the jurisdiction of the first amendment, and should not be made illegal.

Schulte wrote that when he was 20 years old, and it’s as badly argued as just about any argument from a 20-year-old usually is. To assert, for example, that porn stars “obviously enjoy what they do” is to mistake a paid performance for personal sentiment. Only a fool would assume that a stripper is an exhibitionist who enjoys getting naked in front of a crowd of rowdy drunks. No, she’s working for tips, and she needs the money.

It is one thing to argue that pornography is protected by the First Amendment and should be legal. It is another thing to assert, as Josh Schulte did, that pornography is harmless and “not degrading.” If porn is not degrading, then the word “degradation” has no meaning. If you sell your sexuality as a commodity, making yourself a public spectacle for cash — like a carnival sideshow freak — you have degraded yourself, and the audience for your performance is likewise degraded.

While our devotion to liberty may require us to say that people should be free to engage in disgusting behaviors, we ought not allow ourselves to be blinded to the harmful consequences of such behavior, nor should we hesitate to condemn it. Schulte’s description of himself as an “ethical relativist” shows how our secularized education system fails to inculcate a capacity for moral judgment in students. Schulte’s blasé certainty that there are “no universal moral truths” is typical of his generation.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” and if any young fool doubts this, let him consider the sad fate of Joshua Schulte.

The CIA should not be hiring such perverts.


In The Mailbox: 07.31.18

Posted on | July 31, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.31.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links this month!

EBL: Bluefish?
Twitchy: Here’s Video Of Jim Acosta Trying To Report While Tampa Crowd Chants “CNN Sucks!”
Louder With Crowder: Ben Shapiro Wrecks Elitists, Explains Why MAGA Hates Them

Adam Piggott: Somalis Vs. Blacks
American Power: When Will Dems Condemn The Left’s Increasing Violence? also, The Democratic Party No Longer Believes In Hard Work
American Thinker: The Secret Of Trump’s Success – Patriotism
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Scamming The Rubes News
BattleSwarm: Special Texas SD19 Election Today
CDR Salamander: Get Used To The USA In Africa
Da Tech Guy: Reason That I’m Taking A Road Trip & Not An Air Trip, also, Don’t Know Much About History
Don Surber: In Fake News Land, 34 Is More Than 44.8
Dustbury: Time Out Of Whack
First Street Journal: Does A Democrat’s Individual Moderation Matter If She Votes For Far Left Leaders?
The Geller Report: Royal Navy Rescued Jihadi Who Bombed Ariana Grande Concert, also, Soros-Funded Media Matters Hires Journalist Who Falsely Accused ICE Agent Of Nazi Tattoo
Hogewash: Hubble, Saturn, & Mars, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: We Had To Abandon The Country In Order To Save It
Legal Insurrection: German Police Report 126,000 Migrants Slated For Deportation Have”Disappeared”, also, Mike Rowe On The Disconnect Between Elites And Everyday Americans
Michelle Malkin:
The PanAm Post: The Opportunities Created By The Fall Of The Populist Left In Latin America
Power Line: Facebook Removes “Inauthentic” Left-Wing Accounts, also, Norks Reportedly Working On New Missiles
Shot In The Dark: Monday Morning Cop
The Jawa Report: Fatwa This! Haram Hamza Edition
The Political Hat: Modern College Class – Overthrowing The Government “Legally”
This Ain’t Hell: Marines Lead All Services In Binge Drinking, Sex Partners, also, “I Thought You Were Bigger”
Victory Girls: Trigger Warning Warning – Trigger Warnings May Be Bad For You
Volokh Conspiracy: “Court Balancing” Is Just Court-Packing By Another Name
Weasel Zippers: ICE Official Has To Explain To Dem Senator That Illegal Immigrants Break The Law, also, Soros Media Network Helped Ocasio-Cortez Win
Megan McArdle: Here’s a Good Corporate Tax Rate – Zero
Mark Steyn: How Unclean Was My Valley, also, The Party At The End Of The World

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Good Riddance to Teresa Sullivan

Posted on | July 31, 2018 | 1 Comment


She was the first female president of the University of Virginia, an institution whose reputation she did everything possible to disgrace:

It’s been nearly four years since Rolling Stone magazine published its disastrous article about an alleged gang-rape at the University of Virginia. The story was so unbelievably fake (the main accused rapist didn’t even exist!) that the magazine was forced to settle three lawsuits brought by those who had been harmed by the article.
The president of UVA at the time of the hoax, Teresa Sullivan, leaves office on Tuesday, and has naturally provided some historical revisions as to her role in the debacle.
“People said you didn’t have to change anything because the [November 201i4] story was wrong,” Sullivan said in an interview with The Daily Progress. “Well, the story was wrong, but the underlying issue is, were there sexual assaults happening? Yes, there were, and were we responding adequately to those? I thought we could improve and I believe that we have.”
Sullivan makes it seem like she didn’t wildly overreact to an accusation with more holes than Swiss cheese. In the wake of the article, without missing a beat, Sullivan extended a voluntary weekend ban on social activities from the school’s Greek Council for nearly two months. This was a blanket punishment on all Greek organizations, and it continued after the ban was lifted. To resume activities, the organizations had to sign new agreements with the school, which included new restrictions on social activities, such as requiring fraternities to block stairs to residential rooms and place sober brothers throughout the event. Mixed drinks, such as punches, were also prohibited.
Sullivan never apologized for rushing to judgment or assuming the guilt of all Greek organizations. Instead, she claims she was simply improving policies.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) The story was wrong, but it made for an excellent excuse to punish fraternity boys, which is the whole point of becoming a female university president, isn’t it? Teresa wasn’t one of the popular girls in school, so she climbed the ladder of academic administration, and then got her belated revenge on all those smug frat boys.

Haven Monahan could not be reached for comment.


‘Gender Equality’ Achieved in Canada

Posted on | July 31, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘Gender Equality’ Achieved in Canada


Saye Skye is a transgender (female-to-male) rapper in Toronto, where the gender equality has “empowered” her to be treated exactly like a man:

A quiet afternoon stroll in a west-end park earlier this month turned violent for a Toronto rapper, who says he was attacked by two men and a woman for being transgender.
Saye Skye was playing with his cat in the park on July 16 when he asked a group drinking near Bloor Street and Ossington Avenue to stop littering.
“They started swearing at me and calling me names, threatening me that they would kill me,” he told CBC Toronto.
Skye is a Persian musician and spoken word artist who gained popularity in parts of the Middle East. He fled to Canada from Iran for fear he could be targeted for his sexual orientation and advocacy on behalf of the LGBT community.
Skye often tackles subjects of discrimination and homophobia in his music, and says he thinks those were the driving forces behind the alleged attack against him.
Toronto police have launched an investigation into the alleged incident. They are treating it as an assault, noting they don’t have enough evidence to indicate it was a hate-motivated crime. . . .
He said the assault started when he confronted a man — who was sitting on a bench in the park with another man and a woman — after he saw him throw a beer bottle onto the ground.
Skye says he came out of the altercation with a bloody nose and a broken phone.
Skye said he asked the man to use a nearby garbage bin instead, recalling how his cat got one of its feet stuck in an empty beer can in the park only days earlier.
“It escalated in a second and one of them punched me in the face. He started saying, ‘You know who you’re f–k?ing talking to, f–k?ing tranny?'” he told CBC Toronto.
Skye said he managed to pull out his phone and started to record the attack but he was knocked to the ground. The woman hit him in the back of his head with her purse. . . .
The attackers took away his phone, smashed it and threw it in a nearby ditch, Skye said. . . .
Skye said the attack was senseless and he’s at a loss about the entire incident.
“I live my queer life very visibly and I try to be proud of myself, and as hard as it is with all the stares and everything, I try to live a true life and maybe that’s an obvious thing for people to notice that I’m queer,” he said.
He is also calling out the people who “just watched at the corners of the intersection” and failed to assist him, even though it was clear to everyone that he was in danger.
“Everyone stood there and watched,” he said.
“There were so many people. I went to people begging for help, I was bleeding. You could tell that I was in danger,” he said.
“How can you see somebody in that situation and laugh when I go to them and ask them, ‘Please call the cops; can somebody call the cops?”‘

Congratulations to Canadians, who have created gender equality, and an opportunity for everyone to get beaten up in public parks.


Online Dating Is for Losers and Also Rapists on Coast-to-Coast Crime Sprees

Posted on | July 31, 2018 | Comments Off on Online Dating Is for Losers and Also Rapists on Coast-to-Coast Crime Sprees


How many times have I warned against online dating? Not often enough, I guess, because people keep doing it, and some of them end up dead:

A man accused of murder, rape and holding a woman captive in a crime spree which stretched from the east to west coasts of the USA used Tinder and other dating websites to find his alleged victims, police revealed.
A police search was launched for Danueal Drayton, 27, after 29-year-old nurse Samantha Stewart was found dead in her bedroom in Queens, New York, on July 17.
She had reportedly suffered trauma to her head and neck.
During the investigation, Drayton, of New Haven, Connecticut, was eventually linked to the rape of another woman that happened in the area weeks earlier.
He was then traced by police to the West coast and arrested this week in California over allegedly sexually assaulting and trying to kill another 28-year-old woman he was holding captive in a LA hotel room after a date, police said.
Authorities believe Drayton used Tinder to meet these women and other dating sites to meet other possible victims.
New York police chief Dermot Shea said the “common denominator” in the cases was “multiple dating websites” that Drayton used to “victimise” the women, reports CNN.
According to reports the Los Angeles County District Attorney said Drayton allegedly strangled and assaulted his third victim on July 22 and 23 after he refused to let her leave her apartment following a date.

Do I need to repeat what I’ve said so often before? People who sign up for an online dating site all have one thing in common: They can’t get a date with anybody they know in real life. They are either (a) desperate doomed losers, or (b) dangerous creeps, or maybe (c) both.

Every time I share this advice, however, some reader is certain to say, “Oh, I met my [wife or husband] through an online dating site and we’re fine.” Yeah, so far, so good. Your spouse may be planning to murder you tomorrow night and bury you in the backyard, for all you know. Your “happy ending” online dating stories may be the exception that proves the rule, or maybe it’s just you and your spouse were both desperate losers and therefore a perfect match, but I digress . . . .

There is at least one woman dead, another raped, and a third who survived being raped and held hostage by Danueal Drayton and why? Because they took a chance and “swiped right” on a psychopath’s profile.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.


In The Mailbox: 07.30.18

Posted on | July 30, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.30.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Pufferfish?
Twitchy: CNN Goes All-In On Hijab-Wearing Barbie, But Not Everyone Is Buying It
Louder With Crowder: Burger King Creates Feminist Ad Campaign To End “Pink Tax”

Adam Piggott: Death To All Mobility Scooter Users
American Power: Alex Jones & Infowars Fight Radical Left’s Censorship Campaign, also, Saving Private Ryan Premiered Twenty Years Ago Today
American Thinker: The Ten Most Destructive Americans Of My Eight Decades
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: TN Democratic Party Spokesman – “F*ck Reaching Out To Trump Voters”
CDR Salamander: Keeping An Eye On The Long Game, Part LXXVI
Da Tech Guy: Add High Levels Of Lead In Drinking Water To Chicago’s Growing List of Problems, also, Report From Louisiana – Drag Queen Story Hour
Don Surber: How President Trump Plays The New York Times
Dustbury: All The Bach You Could Ever Want, also, Strange Search Engine Queries
First Street Journal: The Democrats New “It Girl”
Fred On Everything: More On Evolution – From The Mail Room
The Geller Report: Blogger Convicted Of Defamation (Islamic blasphemy) In Quebec, Ordered To Pay $60K, also, Muslim Migrant Rapes 13 German Women “Because Nobody Told Him It Was Wrong”
Hogewash: Medicating Moonbats, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Comedy Is Not Pretty
Legal Insurrection: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Linda Sarsour Co-Headline Political Action Conference, also, It’s Official – Rand Paul Will Back Kavanaugh
The PanAm Post: It’s High Time For The Spanish Government To Defend Uber
Power Line: Iran on The Ropes? also, We’ve Only Just Begun
Shark Tank: Senator Rubio Backs Javier Manjarres For Congress
Shot In The Dark: Printing Up Outrage
STUMP: Mornings With Meep – The March Of Folly, also, Memory Monday – Third & Fourth Weeks Of July 1918
The Jawa Report: Rusty’s Dream Comes True – Gay Bigfoot Porn!
The Political Hat: Criminalizing The Drinking Straw
This Ain’t Hell: 53% Of Employers Say Veterans Don’t Have Good Careers After The Military, also, SITREP
Victory Girls: Randa Jarrar Cannibalizes Her Own
Volokh Conspiracy: Ninth Circuit Says Injured Trump Supporters’ Suit Against San Jose Can Proceed
Weasel Zippers: Dems’ Worst Nightmare – Gay Black Vet Leaves Party And Tells the World Why, also, Eric Holder Takes Shot At Trump In Slamming Separation Of Illegals’ Families, Hits FDR Instead
Megan McArdle: The Ghost of MySpace Is Haunting Facebook & Twitter
Mark Steyn: Saving Private Ryan, also, “Waterloo”

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