The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Posted on | April 20, 2018 | Comments Off on STOP LAUGHING AND CALL THE COPS

Thursday, I blogged about what I called “Tumblrina SJW Trauma Drama” — a feminist Tumblr blogger in Florida trying to raise money to leave her abusive lesbian girlfriend. As a point-and-laugh example of feminist failure, this seemed to me instructive, but then she posted this:

So tonight things got a lot worse when I tried to break up with her. She came after me and hit me, punched me, and bit me and pretty much everything you can think of happened. I was trying to be civil and again it didn’t work. I had to leave and go to an old coworkers place who said I can stay for a couple of days. Other than that I have nothing. I couldn’t grab my clothes or any of my possessions and idk what she’s gonna do to them. Im begging you guys as pathetic as this is rn I need help I’m trying Togo to a women’s shelter or something after this but I pretty much just lost everything. If you guys can just reblog and help spread the word on this I’d really appreciate it.

Her post includes photos showing her injuries. You can decide whether you want to contribute. While I’m sure my conservative readers don’t want to enable a feminist Tumblrina, on the other hand we don’t want anyone to suffer criminal violence. If you live in Palm Beach County, Florida, or know someone who does, please ask them to call the police and bring this situation to their attention. There must be local protective services available to help Ms. Gomez escape her abuser.

UPDATE: Damn it, I’m a sucker for a damsel in distress.

Next time some feminist starts bleating about “violence against women,” though, remind me to ask her what she gave to help Thalia.


In The Mailbox: 04.20.18

Posted on | April 20, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.20.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Free Speech v. Alinsky – Fighting Back In The War Of Ideas
Twitchy: Iowahawk Torches Chuck Schumer’s #420Day States’ Rights Pandering
Louder With Crowder: In The UK, Woman Found Guilty Of Racism For Posting Rap Lyrics
Sultan Knish: Who Can Count The Dust Of Jacob (via American Digest)
According To Hoyt: The Good, The Bad, And The Eternal
Monster Hunter Nation: Fisking The New Yorker In Defense Of Delicious Chicken
Vox Popoli: SJWs In SF – The Sad Puppy Version

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links  – The Give Peace A Chance Edition
American Power: The Authoritiarian Right, also, Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism
American Thinker: Eric Holder For Prison, Not President
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Second Amendment Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For April 20
BLACKFIVE: K.J. Howe, Skyjack
CDR Salamander: REFORGER Now And Forever, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: You Help Him, He Blesses You, also, Mike Isenberg, The Thread Of Reason
Don Surber: Bringing The Troops Home
Dustbury: This Could Take A While
The Geller Report: The Comey Memos – Evidence Of A Plot To Destroy President Trump From Day One, also, Hundreds Of Bangladeshi Muslims Breaching The Border Near Laredo
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: What Has Happened To American Men?
Legal Insurrection: Democrat LOLsuit Alleges Conspiracy Between Trump Campaign, Wikileaks, Russia To Disrupt 2016 Election, also, Legal Threat Causes SPLC To Delete “Anti-Muslim Extremist” List
Power Line: Goodlatte, Gowdy, & Nunes On The Comey Memos, also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: POTUS Talks Human Trafficking In Key West Visit
Shot In The Dark: Am I The Only One…
STUMP: Mornings With Meep – Two Pension Stories & Skin In The Game, also, A Proposal For Public Pension Reform
The Jawa Report: Cold War III – Syria Bombing Theater, also, Meanwhile In Berlin
The Political Hat: Queering Censorship In California
This Ain’t Hell: Andrew Cuomo – I’m An Undocumented Immigrant, also, Friday Morning Feelgood Stories
Victory Girls: Yes Jake Tapper, Comey’s Book Tour Is Tanking His Credibility And CNN’s
Weasel Zippers: Justice Department Investigating Comey Over Leaks Of Classified Information, also, Fresno State Might Lose Serious Money Over Prof’s Dragging Of Barbara Bush
Megan McArdle: Conservatives Shouldn’t Want Randa Jarrar Fired
Mark Steyn: Investigation Without End, also, I Am Undocumented Spartacus!

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SPLC Deletes ‘Anti-Muslim’ List

Posted on | April 20, 2018 | 1 Comment

Peter Hasson reports at the Daily Caller:

The Southern Poverty Law Center has removed an online list of “anti-Muslim extremists” after British Muslim reformer Maajid Nawaz threatened to sue the SPLC over his inclusion on the list.
The list is the fourth article in two months the SPLC has deleted over accuracy concerns.
The left-wing nonprofit first published the list in November 2016, offering it as a “field guide” to journalists.
In addition to Nawaz, the list included Somali-born activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who advocates against female genital mutilation, among other issues. Ali blasted the SPLC’s “deeply offensive smears” in an August 2017 op-ed for The New York Times.
The inclusion of Nawaz and Ali on the list sparked a backlash, including from establishment publications like The Atlantic, but the SPLC didn’t remove the page until Awaz took legal action. The SPLC did not return The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment by press time.
Awaz recently finished crowdfunding the initial legal fees for his lawsuit against the SPLC, which he first announced in June 2017. Nawaz retained the same law firm, Clare Locke LLP, that led the successful defamation lawsuit against Rolling Stone over the infamous UVA rape hoax.

Charles Glasser writes at Instapundit:

People on the list included Pamela Geller, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes and others. Apparently Maajid Nawaz, a practicing Muslim and prominent Islamic reformer, threatened legal action over his inclusion on the list, and retained Tom Clare of Clare Locke (the firm who proved Rolling Stone committed libel in their fake UVA “rape” story.)
I’m not a big fan of libel threats, but every now and then one comes along that needs to be made.

Nor am I “a big fan of libel threats,” but the SPLC is a dangerous organization that has incited domestic terrorists to attack Christians. SPLC has applied the “hate group” label to people for opposing abortion or disapproving of homosexuality, so that every Catholic and conservative evangelical Christian — and many Muslims and Jews, for that matter — are guilty of “hate,” by the SPLC’s standards. The liberal news media amplify these dishonest smears by giving free publicity to the SPLC. Last year, when CNN published the SPLC’s “hate map,” Holmes Lybrand of the Daily Caller noted: “The SPLC has also listed Sen. Rand Paul and HUD Secretary Ben Carson as ‘extremists.’”


In The Mailbox: 04.19.18

Posted on | April 20, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.19.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Celebrate Earth Day? Remember Its Founder, Ira Einhorn
Twitchy: Holocaust Museum Tour With DC Politician Who Claimed Jews Control Weather Doesn’t Go Well
Louder With Crowder: Parkland Activist Upset About Increased School Security

Adam Piggott: Their Tyranny Is Garbage
American Thinker: Despite A Deluge Of Negativity, Trump Is Still Popular
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News, also, Animal’s Daily Hidden Tax News
BattleSwarm: Hurst, Texas House Explodes On Dashcam
BLACKFIVE: Jeffery Deaver, The Cutting Edge
CDR Salamander: Why Vanuatu?
Da Tech Guy: The Single Most Important Lesson From Barbara Bush, R. Lee Ermey, Harry Anderson, and Bruno Sammartino
Don Surber: Evan McMullin Feels The Trump Effect
Dustbury: Charge Right Down The Street
The Geller Report: Father Of Mastermind Behind DNC Spy Ring Transferred Secrets To Pakistani Government, also,  Fresno State Holds Press Conference To Address Hateful Muslima Professor Who Cheered Death of Barbara Bush
Hogewash: A Setback For Neal Rauhauser, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: I Thought College Was For Higher Learning, Not Handouts
Legal Insurrection: Justice Department IG Sends Criminal Referral Of McCabe To Federal Attorney For DC, also, Should Ted Cruz Be Worried About The Q Poll Showing His Race In A Dead Heat?
Power Line: Civil War On The Left, Part 55 – Democrat Dilemmas, also, Is Wind Energy A Good Idea?
Shark Tank: Rubio Changes Views On NASA Nominee
Shot In The Dark: Good Gal With Gun Meets Scumbag Lawyer
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere, also, Taxing Tuesday
The Jawa Report: Taliban Attack Kills Khwaja Omari Governor, also, Astro-Grass Roots
The Political Hat: Fighting Whiteness – Eliminating Science, Eliminating Meat-Eating, Eliminating White People
This Ain’t Hell: Army, Navy, & Marines To Get Hogs, also, Puppet Fallout
Victory Girls: Comedian Terrence Williams Latest Black Conservative Zucked By Facebook
Weasel Zippers: Illegal Aliens Caught Near Border With “Assault-Style” Weapons, Says Border Patrol, also, Feds Expose Network That Smuggled Illegals From Syria Through Mexico To U.S.
Megan McArdle: You Think You Hate Your Cable Bundle, But You’re Wrong, also, Democrats’ Housing Problem
Mark Steyn: Only In America, also, CRTV v. Steyn (Judge’s Order), The Verdict

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Tumblrina SJW Trauma Drama

Posted on | April 19, 2018 | 1 Comment


Thalia Gomez is a lesbian and a feminist (but I repeat myself).

Last week on her Tumblr blog (because of course she’s got a Tumblr blog) she posted a desperate plea for assistance:

Please Help Me Leave My Abusive Girlfriend
I’m reaching out mainly to the radfem community because you guys have been so empathetic towards me, so, hi, I know you guys don’t know me very well but my name is Thalia Gomez and a few months ago my gf started abusing me. To preface this, she’s got severe Anxiety and OCD. Once she graduated from college she spiraled into a depression where she couldn’t move from her couch and would just obsessively smoke weed. Her anxiety prevents her from getting and holding a job because she’ll have a panic attack, she’s currently switching medications too so her behavior towards me is worse now. Because of this I’ve had to hold down the household with some help from her mom who pays the rent (I take care of utilities, food, and Other expenses like our pets). I work only part time currently because I have to come home and essentially be my gf’s caretaker (make sure she takes her meds, is active, eats at least twice a day, isn’t harming herself, etc) as well as do most of the housework and cleaning and taking care of the cats she wanted to get which I also provide for. I’ve officially run out of money and I’m about to lose my job because we’re moving to a new apartment in less than a week. So this is where it gets bad. Her abuse has gotten worse and worse. She keeps pressuring me for drug money to the point of following me around the apartment, refusing to let me leave, hitting me, throwing things at my face, and verbally abusing/manipulating me by telling me I don’t pay rent so I owe her money. At one point she owed me $400 and we couldn’t afford to eat because she couldn’t get the money from her mom and she ended up selling half her things (she is still selling anything of value in order to buy weed). She will tell me to give her “her” money and to leave her house because she doesn’t want to be with me anymore and breaks up with me whenever I don’t give her what she wants or whenever I try to talk to her about my feelings towards her abusive behavior. This has happened at least once a week for the past 6 months. Most recently I tried to leave her and move out and she fought me and refused to let me go. I was trying to be civil until she poured bleach on me and the clothes I was packing up. She then, after asking if I was still leaving her, to Which I replied yes, grabbed a blunt glass object and told me to get out of her house before she seriously hurt me. After that I told her I did not want to see her anymore and she (knowing I had very little money) used my account to pay for a $200 electric bill. I have nowhere to go and now I’m actually broke and forced to live with her. I’m just trying to raise some money to get out. Even just $500 will help me go to a halfway house. If anyone could please help me out I’d really appreciate it. It’s gotten to the point where I feel like a hostage and I’m treated as one. I can’t even call her my gf anymore because she just treats me like shit and destroys my things and threatens to physically hurt me if I exercise any agency. I’m scared and I can’t do this by myself. If you guys could even just reblog this and get it out there to people I’d be more than appreciative. Here’s the link:

She updated her plea this week:

Hey guys, I’m currently in the middle of moving into a new place with her. I’m trying to keep my things packed separately but I can’t do it for long and I had to pay for part of the move. I don’t get paid until Friday and I now have to look for a new job because I couldn’t transfer to another store. So far I’ve been keeping my distance from her and she has a concussion from a previous incident so she’s not really interactive which has helped since she’s just sleeping mostly. I pretty much had to pack the entire place by myself and work part time and take care of her because she can’t even move really without her head flaring up. I just want out. If you could please reblog this and help get the word out there. So many of you already have and I’ll forever be appreciative of it. Thank you so much.

Well, what can we say? According to Ms. Gomez, her girlfriend is a mentally ill unemployed dopehead who “threatens to physically hurt” her. Just last year, however, she was posting stuff like this:

“I literally want to love this girl for the rest of my existence and as I’m writing this and playing with her hair she says I’m the love of her life and I just wanna cry of pure fucking happiness I hope everyone feels this way honestly”


“Everything about her is perfect
I can’t help staring at her like it’s the first time I saw her
I hope I never stop feeling this way
Hopelessly falling for her over and over again every day for the rest of our lives
Is this what true love is like?”


Just eight months ago, Ms. Gomez posted this:

“My girlfriend completely turned my life around. She gave me purpose, a world of happiness, and the opportunity to be unapologetically myself. We spend every waking moment together and I always want more. She makes me her priority and knows I will always do the same for her. I can’t fall asleep without her next to me and my day starts when I wake up to her beautiful smile and sea glass green eyes. Every day is an adventure with her, even when we lay around doing nothing. She’s my best friend and my soul mate and I can’t even imagine being without her. I can’t wait to marry her because I know I would rather argue or fight with her every day than to ever be complacent with somebody else. She’s the one.”

Now the abuse is getting “worse and worse,” but Ms. Gomez is “actually broke and forced to live with” her unemployed psycho girlfriend.

“Using data from the National Comorbidity Survey, Gilman and his associates found that people reporting same-sex sexual partners have consistently greater odds of experiencing psychiatric and suicidal symptoms compared with their heterosexual counterparts.”
Christian Huygen, “Understanding the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People Living With Mental Illness,” 2006

Probably some Third Wave feminist theory could explain why the heteronormative patriarchy is responsible for this situation.

The final irony? She lives only 20 miles from Mar-a-Lago.

Think about that.


Words Mean Things, Part 2

Posted on | April 19, 2018 | Comments Off on Words Mean Things, Part 2


Wednesday, in “Words Mean Things,” I referenced a study of college students’ sexual behavior that found a small percentage of students who identified as heterosexual but nevertheless reported engaging in same-sex hookups. Of course, the vast majority of students (more than 97%) are heterosexual both in identity and behavior, but the discrepancy of this confused minority was explained by researchers with jargon phrases: “performative bisexuality” (e.g., girls making out with other girls at parties to gain attention) and “internalized heterosexism,” which we might suppose describes gay people with feelings of self-hatred.

We do not need academic experts to explain that drunk horny college kids do weird things, as I said, but this illustrates how “science” has replaced religious morality as the basis of our understanding:

This shift from Bible-based language to scientific terminology as the common basis for describing sexual behavior was advanced in the 20th century by Sigmund Freud and his psychoanalytic disciples. Those who had formerly been deemed sinners in need of prayer were reclassified as patients in need of therapy, and psychiatric “experts” replaced clergy as the guiding authorities in such matters. What had formerly been a crime called sodomy (a term derived from Genesis 19) subject to legal punishment, became instead the symptom of a disease called homosexuality, subject to psychiatric “treatment.” Instead of being sentenced to jail for an illegal act, or seeking advice from a pastor, priest, or rabbi on how to escape sinful temptation, the person diagnosed with homosexual tendencies was sent to the therapist’s office or, in some cases, committed to a mental institution. Words mean things, and this change of terminology about sexual behavior was significant of a major cultural shift in 20th-century America.

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental diseases in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. For the past 45 years, our society has gradually drifted toward what I’ve called the Compulsory Approval Doctrine, in which the only moral truth is a fanatical certainty in the wrongness of “hate,” so mere disapproval of homosexuality is “hate,” and thus subject to legal sanction.

“Being Gay Is Just as Healthy as Being Straight,” the APA now declares, and thus “science” is allegedly neutral in this matter. All evidence to the contrary is explained away as the result of societal prejudice, and if you are skeptical about these explanations, you’re a hater.

Skepticism toward such confident certainties is necessary, however, because today’s “scientific consensus” is tomorrow’s discredited “myth.” What we may perceive, if we study the available evidence with appropriate skepticism, is that the cultural shifts of recent decades have yielded a lot of sexual confusion and unhappiness among young people. The belief that “sexuality” is some sort of free-floating and amorphous attribute of identity, not necessarily defined by behavior, has produced such odd phenomena as 71 gender choices on Facebook, and the occasional outbursts of “genderqueer” insanity:

Eli Erlick (left); Danielle “Danie Yun” Diamond (right).

In April 2017, Glamour magazine named Pitzer College senior Eli Erlick one of their “College Women of the Year,” the first time a transgender person (born male) was chosen for this honor. A few months later, one of Erlick’s former classmates, a woman who has since undergone “top surgery” (radical mastectomy) to become “transmale” wrote a Tumblr post accusing Erlick of rape — “fisting someone and making them bleed without their consent.” Erlick is co-founder of Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER), “a national youth-led organization dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans students through advocacy and empowerment,” and a member of the national advisory council for GLSEN, “which works to create LGBTQ-inclusive schools.”

Do we need to transform “the education environment”? Who is in favor of this “empowerment”? Has there been a referendum on the matter? Has our nation’s education system become a vast lunatic asylum?

“God is not the author of confusion” (I Corinthians 14:33) and our society’s abandonment of reiigious standards has brought about this epidemic of madness surrounding “gender” and “sexuality.” Young people today are very much like Brad and Janet in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, wandering accidentally into the mad scientist’s castle.

It’s astounding.
Time is fleeting.
Madness takes its toll.

A federal judge this week granted an injunction preventing Ohio State University from expelling a student accused of sexual assault during a campus showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was alleged that the victim was too drunk to consent to, uh, doing the Time Warp. The accused student in that case is called “Jane Roe” in court filings, but given the way gender identity is currently conceived on campus, we do not know if “she” is actually female. This may actually be a case of a woman assaulting another woman, but it might also be that either “Jane” or her alleged victim is transgender, and maybe both are transgender.

Is it “hate” to be skeptical about this situation? Is it no longer permissible to express disapproval of such behavior? Contrary to the rhetoric of the LGBTQ activist brigades, no one is actually harmed by public disapproval of their “sexuality” or “gender identity.” Why must the 97% of college students who are heterosexual be compelled to remain silent, lest they say something that might offend the 3% LGBTQ minority?

We are expected to pretend that the Compulsory Approval Doctrine has no practical influence on sexual behavior. But would Eli Erlick and Danielle “Danie Yun” Diamond have been behaving in such a manner had it not been for the pro-LGBTQ regime on the Pitzer College campus? Parents pay more than $65,000 a year to send their children to Pitzer, part of the Claremont Colleges network, along with Claremont McKenna College, Harvey Mudd College, Pomona College and Scripps College.


The Queer Resources Center offers “a guide to transitioning at The Claremont Colleges,” which tells students how to “come out” on campus, directs them to therapists for “gender-confirming benefits,” and informs them that the college’s health-insurance program covers “gender reassignment benefits of up to $100,000 per policy year.”

For $65,000 a year, parents can send their teenage daughter to Claremont, and then attend their son’s graduation four years later.

Or vice-versa.


The curriculum at Claremont includes such courses as “Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies” (FGSS026), “Antiracist Feminist Queer Praxis” (FGSS192), “Queer Feminist Theories” (GWS180) and “LGBTQ Social Movements in the US” (GWS189B).

If parents are willing to pay $65,000 a year to provide their children with this kind of “education,” is it any wonder kids are so confused?


In The Mailbox: 04.18.18

Posted on | April 18, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #229
EBL: Starbucks To Open 8000+ Homeless Day Centers Across USA
Twitchy: Attorney For CNN, NYT Reportedly Talked Judge Into Publicly Naming Sean Hannity
Louder With Crowder: Kyle Kashuv Torpedoes David Hogg’s New Boycott Even Before It Begins

Adam Piggott: Your Tattoos Are Horrible, also, Greasy Pole Podcast #3 – The Holy Vagina Episode
American Power: Iceland’s First Black Citizen, also, Social Justice Standards For Seven-Year-Olds
American Thinker: Has Giving Leftists What They Want Made America Better?, also, Real Housewives Of the FBI
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday, also, Animal’s Daily Government Waste News
BattleSwarm: NYT Is Shocked, SHOCKED, That There’s a Public Pension Crisis, also, Barbara Bush, RIP
BLACKFIVE: Chris Goff, Red Sky
Bring The HEAT: B-1 Bombers Launch JASSM Against Syrian Targets
CDR Salamander: NATO Spending A Little Better, But… also, The USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) Gets Her Revenge
Da Tech Guy: Harvey, IL, Layoffs To Pay For Pensions Portends Future Nastiness, also,  Space Jam
Don Surber: The Comey Boomerang, also, Starbucks Feels The Trump Effect
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, There Goes The Judge
Fred On Everything: Herding Hamsters And Other Cosmic Reflections
The Geller Report: Muslim Migrant In Washington State Stabs Wife 23 Times In Front Of Children, also, Muslims Riot In France, Burn Cars For Two Nights After Muslima Arrested For Refusing To Identify Herself, Lift Veil
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, His 15 Minutes Of Fame Just Ran Out
Joe For America: DHS Reports “Sanctuary State” Policy Freeing Record Numbers Of MS-13 Gangbangers, also, DNC Money Laundering Scheme?
JustOneMinute: Scandal Surfing, also, The Gunny Has Passed
Legal Insurrection: Democrats – Give Us The House So We Can Raise Your Taxes, also, Internet Works Feverishly To Identify Stormy Daniels’ Alleged Threatener After Her Attorney Promises Reward
Michelle Malkin: Return Of the Feckless Chick-Fil-A Phobes
Power Line: Minnesota Public Radio – Anatomy of A Smear, also, A Significant Moment In Administrative Law
Shark Tank: Democrats Fail To Address Root Cause Of Parkland Shooting, also, Nelson Blasts NASA Nominee
Shot In The Dark: Let’s Call Things What They Are, also, The Second Bull Run of The Second American Civil War
STUMP: Illinois Pension Roundup, also, Memory Monday – Spanish Flu Still Relevant
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – World Ends April 23rd, also, Cornhole Watch – Ibrahim Zuhair Mohammad
The Political Hat: California’s Unfree Market Medicine, also, Banning The Knife In Britain
This Ain’t Hell: Former Navy Fighter Jock Tammie Jo Shults Lands Damaged 737, also, Dirtbag Pleads Guilty To VA Fraud
Victory Girls: Hogg Emerges From Hole, Promotes #NationalSchoolWalkout On 4/20, also, America Loses A Great Woman – Barbara Bush Dies At 92
Weasel Zippers: Fresno State Prof Who Danced On Barbara Bush’s Grave Now On Leave, also, Lawmakers Make Criminal Referral On Clinton, Comey, Lynch & McCabe To Justice Department
Megan McArdle: Campus Free Speech Is Threatened, But How Much?
Mark Steyn: Chappaquiddick, also, Long Night Of The Knives

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Words Mean Things

Posted on | April 18, 2018 | 2 Comments

Here are three words:


Perhaps you noticed something? These words describe sexual behavior. Over the past few decades, however, the gay-rights movement has deliberately created confusion on this subject. In the pursuit of legal “equality,” activists promoted the idea of sexuality as an identity, an innate and immutable condition. The “born that way” ideology of the LGBT movement was always about politics, promoted relentlessly by the Democrat Party and its propaganda operatives in academia, the news media, and in Hollywood. If you didn’t know any better, you might actually believe that being gay was the same as being black, that (a) both race and sexuality are congenital traits, and (b) both homosexuals and African-Americans are subject to prejudice and discrimination.

The hijacking of “civil rights” rhetoric by LGBT activists was deeply offensive to many people, not only because the analogy seems insulting to the memory of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., et al., but perhaps even more because it defies our common-sense observation and experiences. No matter what scientific “experts” might say on the subject, anyone with too eyes and a brain can see that homosexuality is about behavior (something you do) and not an identity (something you are). Even if we cede the point that some percentage of the population has an overwhelming compulsion toward homosexual behavior — an obsessive fixation beyond their rational control — it does not logically follow from this fact that homosexuality is equivalent to race as a legal category.

From this linguistic prestidigitation, much mischief and confusion has emerged. The proliferation of “gender identities” (71 on Facebook) and the emergence of a so-called “sexual minority community” that includes every imaginable kinky freak (polyamory, BDSM, etc.) are among the results of opening Pandora’s Box for the sake of “equality.”

Well, if people are “born that way,” there certainly seem to be a lot people confused about which way they were actually born. A new study by University of North Carolina-Greensboro Professor Arielle T. Kuperberg focused on young people who have gay sex but nonetheless identify as heterosexual. Professor Kuperberg and colleague “analyzed the Online College Social Life Survey dataset of over 24,000 undergraduate students to examine students whose last hookup was with a same-sex partner (N=383 men and 312 women).” Pay close attention here. This total of 695 students reporting that their “last hookup was with a same-sex partner” is less than 3% of 24,000+ students surveyed. Which is to say that, despite being constantly bombarded with pro-LGBT propaganda from the media, 97% of college students aren’t into that scene.

Out of this 3% of students who are engaged in the gay scene, however, Professor Kuperberg’s research found that “a significant minority of these students (12% of men and 25% of women) . . . labelled their sexual orientation “heterosexual.’” Again, let’s be clear that these percentages are only among the subset of 695 students whose most recent “hookup” was with a same-sex partner. Professor Kuperberg concludes:

Differences among those who identified as heterosexual included more conservative attitudes, less prior homosexual and more prior heterosexual sexual experience, features of the hookups, and sentiments about the encounter after the fact. Latent class analysis revealed six distinctive “types” of heterosexually identified students whose last hookup was with a same-sex partner. . . . Roughly, 12% [i.e., about 85 students] could be classified as conforming to a “performative bisexuality” script of women publicly engaging in same-sex hookups at college parties, and the remaining 28% [i.e., 195 students] had strong religious practices and/or beliefs that may preclude a non-heterosexual identity, including 7% [i.e., 49 students] who exhibited “internalized heterosexism.” Results indicate several distinctive motivations for a heterosexual identity among those who hooked up with same-sex partners; previous research focusing on selective “types” excludes many exhibiting this discordance.

You don’t need a Ph.D. in sociology to explain this. Nor do fancy jargon phrases like “internalized heterosexism” and “performative bisexuality” really add much to our understanding of the well-known fact that drunk horny college kids do weird stuff. The contradiction between sexual behavior and self-declared identity, however, is highly relevant to a political confrontation in Washington, D.C., last week:

The question from Sen. Cory Booker was blunt: “Do you believe that gay sex is a perversion? Yes or no?” Sitting in the witness chair at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing was CIA Director Mike Pompeo, nominated by President Trump to be Secretary of State. The former Kansas congressman began to answer, but Booker interrupted: “Yes or no, sir. Do you believe that gay sex is a perversion that is what you said here in one of your speeches? Yes or no, do you believe gay sex is a perversion?”
Watching this televised interrogation last week, I halfway hoped Pompeo would make the obvious joke: If they’re not having perverted sex, what’s the point of being gay?
Words mean things, and “pervert” originated in 14th-century France, as a verb meaning “to turn away” from correct religious belief, or as a noun synonymous with “apostate.” In the 1890s, the English psychologist Havelock Ellis used “perversion” to describe homosexual behavior in his Studies in the Psychology of Sex, thus borrowing the language of medieval Catholicism for the allegedly “scientific” study of sexual behavior. . . .

You can read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


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