The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 01.05.18

Posted on | January 5, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.05.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #126
EBL: Was Bannon The Littlefinger Of The Trump Administration?
Twitchy: Fake Fire And Fury Excerpt Takes Twitter By Hilarious Storm
Louder With Crowder: Bernie Sanders Releases Video Of “Patriotic Millionaires” Who Want Higher Taxes
According To Hoyt: Breaking The Gears
Monster Hunter Nation: January Update
Vox Popoli: Three Authors Weigh In On Worldcon

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks And Links
American Power: Laura Ingraham – Trump/Bannon Feud Has Set Off “Pavlovian Feeding Frenzy” In Media, also, Dan Simmons, Ilium
American Thinker: Note To NeverTrumps – Trump’s Character Is Admirable
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five 2018 Inventions Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For January 5
BLACKFIVE: Jayne Anne Krentz, Promise Not To Tell
Bring The HEAT: Cats In Zero G
CDR Salamander: In Addition To A Vote, The Enemy Has Eyes And Ears
Da Tech Guy: Fire & Fury Is Out Today – Debunked, Bothered & Bewildered, also, The Greatest Lost Metal Band Of All Time
Don Surber: The Pro Wrestling Presidency
Dustbury: Even Jenny Is Cold These Days
The Geller Report: Facebook Removes “Warriors Of Christ” Page With No Right Of Appeal, also, Western Feminists Ignore Iran While Boycotting Israel
Hogewash: Asteroids! also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Ladies, You’ve Been Wearing Your Underwear Wrong All Along
Joe For America: Peter Thiel Planning To Launch Conservative News Outlet With Mercers
JustOneMinute: Free The States! also, Fake News?!?
Legal Insurrection: DOJ Opens New Investigation Into Clinton Foundation Over Pay-To-Play Allegations, also, California’s New “Raw Water” Fad Could Be Lethal
Michelle Malkin: Pyongyang On The Prairie Part III – All In OCPD’s Crime Lab Family
Power Line: The White House Press Corps Humiliates Itself, also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: Florida GOP Gets Nuked As Trump Factions Divide Annual Meeting
Shot In The Dark: Carrying Ellison’s Water
STUMP: More On High-Tax States Trying To Be Clever In Helping Rich People Avoid Taxes
The Political Hat: The Most Racist?
This Ain’t Hell: Harold Martin And His “Breathtaking” Heist Of Top Secret Data, also, Mark B. Chartrand a/k/a Mark Bryant
Weasel Zippers: New Trump Book Has Disclaimer Stating Parts Are Untrue, also, Britain’s NHS Orders Cancellation Of 50,000 Surgeries As “Third World Conditions” Devastate Hospitals
Mark Steyn: Let A Thousand Checks Bloom

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Guy McPherson’s Climate-Change Doomsday Cult: ‘Near Term Extinction’

Posted on | January 4, 2018 | 3 Comments


In August 2007, University of Arizona Professor Guy McPherson gave the keynote address for the university’s Master of Public Health (MPH) program: “The End of Civilization and the Extinction of Humanity.” The basis of Professor McPherson’s doomsday vision then was “peak oil”:

Because this country mainlines cheap oil, it is easy to envision the complete collapse of the U.S. economy within a decade. The Great Depression will seem like the good old days when unemployment approaches 100% and inflation is running at 1000% per year. Obviously, this is a very good thing . . . for the world’s cultures and species, other than our own. After all, in the name of economic growth we have ripped minerals from the Earth, often bringing down mountains in the process; we have harvested nearly all the old-growth timber on the continent, replacing thousand-year-old giants with neatly ordered plantations of tiny trees; we have hunted species to the point of extinction; we have driven livestock across every almost acre of the continent, baring hillsides and engendering massive erosion; we have plowed large landscapes, transforming fertile soil into sterile, lifeless dirt; we have burned ecosystems and, perhaps more importantly, we have extinguished naturally occurring fires; we have spewed pollution and dumped garbage, thereby dirtying our air, fouling our water, and contributing greatly to the warming of the planet; we have paved thousands of acres to facilitate our movement and, in the process, have disrupted the movements of thousands of species.

At the time he gave that speech, the average U.S. price for a gallon of regular gasoline was $2.77. Currently, it’s $2.52 a gallon. So “the complete collapse of the U.S. economy . . . when unemployment approaches 100% and inflation is running at 1000% per year”?

It didn’t happen. The professor was wrong. “Peak oil” was a myth.

Undeterred by his failed prophecy, however, Professor McPherson continued preaching the imminent apocalypse, and in 2009 retired from the university to become a full-time secular evangelist of a doomsday scenario: “Near term human extinction” via “abrupt climate change.” He has spent years promoting this vision on his “Nature Bats Last” blog, in media appearances, and in public speeches. Read more

In The Mailbox: 01.04.18

Posted on | January 4, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.04.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Hillary Burning Down The House
Twitchy: Tucker Carlson Sets Off “Brianna Wu” By Basically Quoting MLK On Race
Louder With Crowder: Andrew Cuomo Is Suing To Block You From Getting A Tax Cut
Intellectual Takeout: Why High School Kids Should Start Teaching Younger Students (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: An Australian Republic, The Country Be Damned
American Power: Strangled By Identity, also, Bruce Schneier, Data And Goliath
American Thinker: Jail Hillary And Huma, Not Kristian Saucier
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Scofflaw News
BattleSwarm: Did A Charlie Geren Operative File False CPS Report Against Primary Opponent?
CDR Salamander: Mind The Gap
Da Tech Guy: The Magnificent Seven Posts You Didn’t Find So Magnificent In 2017, also, The Art Of Conversation
Don Surber: Trump Triggers A Half-Billion In Bonuses For Workers
Dustbury: It Being Too Warm In Alaska
Fred On Everything: The Wall, The Sound, And The Fury – And Not Much Else
The Geller Report: Muslim Protesters Smash Holocaust Display At National Museum Of Tunisia, also, Denmark’s PM Extremely Worried About Parallel Societies, Islamicization
Hogewash: I’m So Old… also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Trump Responds To Bannon – “He Has Lost His Mind”
Legal Insurrection: Sen. Grassley – Comey May Have Leaked Classified Memo, also, Paul Manafort Sues To Rein In Mueller
Power Line: If It’s Too Good to Check, It Probably Isn’t True, also, “I Am A Social Justice Warrior!”
Shark Tank: Trump’s Button Is “Much Bigger And More Powerful” Than Yours
Shot In The Dark: Boca Chica And The DFL’s Intellectual/Political Cleansing
STUMP: Theme For The Year – High Tax States Attempting To Avoid The Effect Of Federal Tax Changes
The Political Hat: Hypocrisy Incarnate – Intolerance For The Intolerant, Excluding The Non-Inclusives, And Desubjectivfying Objectivity
This Ain’t Hell: Increased Firings At The VA, also, Son Tay Raider CSM Jospeh Murray RIP
Weasel Zippers: Norks Appear To Have Scored Own Goal In Botched Missile Test, also, Israel Planned To Kill Head Of Iran’s Quds Force (Responsible For Hundreds Of American Dead) But Obama Warned Iran
Megan McArdle: A Transparent CBO Would Be A Pointless CBO
Mark Steyn: The Two-Tier Sisterhood

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In The Mailbox: 01.03.18

Posted on | January 3, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.03.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: J.R.R. Tolkien Day
Twitchy: Gay News Anchor Has Best Take On Winter Storms, And It’s Not Even Close
Louder With Crowder: ICE Director Suggests Charging Sanctuary City Pols With Crimes
Quillette: Why No One Cares About Feminist Theory (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Podcast #70 – The Chasing Women Episode
American Power: Emily Ratajkowski Talks Feminism, also, The View Of The Blinkered
American Thinker: The Left’s 1942
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Bosch Fawstin Suspended By Twitter
CDR Salamander: The Cluster Around Clusters
Da Tech Guy: Sometimes It’s You, also, Your Five Favorite Posts Of 2017, also also, Our Second Annual Lemon Awards
Don Surber: Iran’s Fellow Travelers At The NYT, also, AP Notches First Fake News Of 2018
Dustbury: Things Are Tough All Over
The Geller Report: California Prosecutes Man For Posting Anti-Muslim Messages On Facebook, also, Sadiq Khan’s London – Knife Crime, Gun Crime, Theft, Rape, Burglary, Rape & Homicide All Up
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Some Golden Blasts From Out Of The Past
Jammie Wearing Fools: Witness Says Russia Probe Grand Jury Looks Like A Black Lives Matter Meeting
Joe For America: CNN Says Fox Does A Disservice To Its Viewers By Telling The Truth
JustOneMinute: FBI Irregularities In Clinton Investigation? Shocking! also, Immigrants & Crime In Germany
Legal Insurrection: Al Franken Officially Resigns From The Senate, also, Trump Urges DOJ To Investigate Huma Abedin For Forwarding State Passwords To Insecure Yahoo Account
Power Line: Trump’s Twitter Storm (Updated), also, Fear And Loathing At The DOJ – Andrew McCarthy Comments
Shark Tank: Immigration Reform Could Be Florida’s Top Issue In 2017
Shot In The Dark: The Right People
Sister Toldjah: MSNBC Guests, Former Producers Say Chris Matthews Like “A Teenage Boy” On Set
STUMP: Starting The Year Off Right – Lawsuits Over KY Pensions
The Jawa Report: First Jawa Jihad Winner Of 2018
The Political Hat: When Transgender Rights & Socialized Healthcare Collide
This Ain’t Hell: ISIS Executioner Captured, also, Joshua Boyle Facing 15 Charges
Weasel Zippers: California Pranked By Signs On Interstate After Sanctuary State Law Takes Effect, also, German Police File Charges Against AfD Lawmaker For Criticizing Muslim Rape Gangs
Megan McArdle: Metrics And Their Unintended Consequences
Mark Steyn: Virtue-Signaling While Rome Burns

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In The Mailbox: 01.02.18

Posted on | January 2, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.02.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Darkest Hour – A Review
Twitchy: Wil Wheaton’s Meltdown Over TNG Mini-Me Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Louder With Crowder: This Woman Won $20K For Yelling “Boobs!” On CNN
City Journal: Fractured West (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: I Am A Ferryman, also, I’ve Never Liked New Year’s Eve
American Power: New Wave Of Business Optimism – The “Trump Effect” Will Cause Leftist Heads To Explode, also, Gal Gadot Named FHM’s Sexiest Woman Of 2017
American Thinker: Calling Bernie’s Bluff, also, NASA’s Rubber Ruler – An Update
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Monterey Bay News
BattleSwarm: Anti-Government Protests Across Iran, also, The Deafening Feminist Silence On Iran
CDR Salamander: Hey, It’s 2018…And All’s Well
Da Tech Guy: The Biggest Economic Threat In 2018 Is A Power-Hungry Democrat-Loving Mainstream Media, also, Why The (Non-Tapper) Never Trump Left Can’t Bear The Iranian Protests, also also, Obama And The Iranian Mullahs – A Love Story?
Don Surber: What If Regimes Change In Iran And North Korea? also, The Greatest Year In American History – A Day By Day Review
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Worst Titles Of 2017
The Geller Report: More Than 1000 Cars Torched In France On New Year’s Eve, also, Facebook Shuts Down “Warriors For Christ” Page
Hogewash: Looking At Iran, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: The West Can Help Iranians Take Back Their Country
Joe For America: Stanford University Band Mocks Trump, Texas During Alamo Bowl, also, Judge Issues Final Order For Bakers Who Refused To Bake Gay Wedding Cake
JustOneMinute: Meanwhile, Back In Iran… also, Good Cop/Bad Cop, Bitterly Divided
Legal Insurrection: Trump Dumps Obama-Backed $13 Billion NY/NJ Rail Tunnel Plan, also, Fox News Trolls CNN, Kathy Griffin On New Year’s Eve
Power Line: It’s Time To Pull The Plug On Never-Trumpism, also, Fear And Loathing At The DoJ
Shark Tank: Bilirakis Draws Congressional Challenge From Federal Prosecutor
Shot In The Dark: Any Color You Want, As Long As It’s DFL! also, This Sends A Tingle Up My Leg
Sister Toldjah: Back In The Blogging Business
STUMP: Let’s Ring Out The Year With The 80% Funders!
The Jawa Report: Anon Swatter Jerkoff Unmasked, also, Meanwhile In Tehran
The Political Hat: Happy New Year! also, Not-So-Christian Church Celebrates Mohammed As Prophet
This Ain’t Hell: Baltimore Residents Blame Increased Murders On Decreased Police, also, Jerry Yellin (Last WW2 Fighter Pilot) Dies
Weasel Zippers: Arkansas Woman Who Declared Her Gun Range A “Muslim Free Zone” Enters Governor’s Race, also, Hillary Backers Brock & Buell Give $700K To Lisa Bloom To “Encourage” Trump “Victims” To Come Forward Before Election
Mark Steyn: Ave Atque Vale 2017, also, Welcome To The New Year, Same As The Old

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Rule 5 Monday: Linda Ronstadt

Posted on | January 2, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

To a certain extent, women in the music business have always been appreciated for their looks as well as their musical talent, and for men of a certain age, the apotheosis of this was Linda Ronstadt. She could sing beautifully in just about every genre of music, and was gorgeous besides. Too bad she was politically flaky, but you can’t have everything.
It should hardly be necessary to remind the Loyal Readers that many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, and it would behoove you -if you are the sort that makes New Year’s resolutions- to resolve to click the links with great discretion as to the time and place of your clicking.

The famous poster.

Animal Magnetism leads off this week with Rule 5 Amazing 2017 Friday, the Saturday Gingermageddon, and a Happy New Year!

EBL’s festive holiday herd includes Alison Krauss, Kate Mara, Vintage New Year’s Eve Ladies, Julie Andrews, Shakshuka & Cultural Genocide, Fortune Tellers, Rose Marie (RIP), Wind River, Iranian Women Protesting, Zooey Deschanel, Darkest Hour, and National Bacon Day.

A View From The Beach serves up extras for the holidays: Coming Up Daisies,  Daisy LoweDownhill Into Another Frosty Friday. . . Like a Fish Needs Hiking BootsBaby, It’s Cold OutsideFemen, Vatican Repeat Babynapping RitualPutin Foe Succumbed to Acute Viagra PoisoningYour Morning Shoe AdAnd Yet Another Merry ChristmasHave Yourself a Very PC ChristmasMerry Christmas to All!Ghosts of Christmas Past and This Year’s Santa’s Little Helpers.

Proof Posiitve’s Friday Night Babe was Zoe McLellan, his Vintage Babe was New Year’s Babes, and Sex in Advertising was covered by Victoria’s Secret. At Dustbury, it’s Nikki Haley and Ellie Goulding.

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FMJRA 2.0: I Can’t Let Go

Posted on | January 1, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links last year! Your support was very much appreciated!

Pennsylvania Jihad
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: The Man Who Built America
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Violence Against Women Update: Houston Mother Killed, Baby Kidnapped

Rule 5 Sunday: Merry Christmas!
Animal Magnetism
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘Girls Can Rape Girls’: @MelanieLBBH and Why Some Stereotypes Are True

How About an ‘Insanity Studies’ Major? UPDATE: ‘Queer’ With ‘Psychotic Episodes’ and ‘Endless Mental Fog’

In The Mailbox: 12.26.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘Heinous Atrocity’: N.Y. Lesbian Couple, Two Children Brutally Murdered

Ex-Partner Accuses ‘Nonbinary Transfemme’ @EliErlick of Sexual Abuse
Welcome To My Playpen

In The Mailbox: 12.27.17
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 12.28.17
Proof Positive

The Problem With ‘Gender Equality’ and How SJWs Reached Their Stalingrad
Rotten Chestnuts
Welcome To My Playpen

In The Mailbox: 12.29.17
Proof Positive


Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (12)
  2. Proof Positive (5)
  3. A View From The Beach (4)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Sheppard’s Long Night’s Journey

Posted on | January 1, 2018 | Comments Off on Sheppard’s Long Night’s Journey

by Smitty

The Information Age has lowered barriers to entry across the board. One is truly grateful for the breadth of people met in the last decade. By hanging out with Stacy McCain, I got to go to CPAC, and be in the right place to meet Andrew Breitbart. That led to being in the right place at the Tax Day Tea Party to ask a question of Andrew pertaining to the Kill the Bill protest, and have someone else I suspect it was Mr. Pinko, film over my shoulder, capture the moment, and have it get into Hating Breitbart. I can claim with graphic evidence that I had a hand in Hating Brietbart. My right hand.

The same spirit of community pertains to Long Night’s Journey Into Day. M. Joseph Sheppard has been an online friend for years. His “A Point Of View” point of view has been a consistent supporter of things conservative. It’s great to see that has published an online collection of posts. I have done this myself, as has Stacy McCain, and a couple of other bloggers. These little vanity tomes are a fantastic way to remember what happened; a sort of public diary, if you will.

Sarah Palin aficionados will especially welcome this document, as Sheppard captures her major public acts in a chronological fashion. I’ve always admired her charisma (I guess the 2008 Northern Virginia rally appearance she made with Stacy’s cousin predated my blogging debut.) Given that I come from about the same stripe of Evangelical Christianity, I’ve both admired the lady, and understood that her priorities seem to have tended more toward family than public service of late.

Blogging is a in keeping with the American tradition. I’ve been mostly on haiatus while enjoying the two little ones. But the historical continuity from the Founders thumbing their noses at the British Parliament runs through to the modern Tea Party thumbing its nose at Progressivism. Ensuring that these boys are raised to understand that it’s in God, not Government we trust is key to protecting Liberty. And that’s what blogs in general, and Sheppard in particular, all about.

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