The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 12.27.17

Posted on | December 28, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.27.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: #FakeNews From Newsweek And Slate
Twitchy: Actress Jenna Fischer Wins Applause For Retracting Her Incorrect Tax Bill Tweet
Louder With Crowder: Bernie Sanders Fakes Compassion For Middle Class On Tax Reform, Ted Cruz Calls Him On It
CoyoteBlog: The Government Loves To Make Us All Criminals (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Bachelor Cooking – Chicken Stock
American Power: Shocking Scale Of Homelessness In Downtown LA, also, Alex Kershaw, The Liberator
American Thinker: Trump’s Momentous First Year
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: North Korea Mini News Roundup
CDR Salamander: SECNAV Makes A Statement
Da Tech Guy: Embassies In Jerusalem – Why Guatemala?, also, A Parting Thought On Jen Flanagan, A Democrat Class Act
Don Surber: CJR Is Making Journalism Worse
Dustbury: Lack Of Space – The Final Frontier
The Geller Report: UK Muslim No-Go Zones Heading For Disaster, also, Terrorist Bomb Attack In St. Petersburg (Russia) Mall
Hogewash: I’m So Old…, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Sunday Night Football Canceled
JustOneMinute: The NYT Questions Excessive Regulation?
Legal Insurrection: Bernie Backer James Zogby Accuses Israel Of “Culinary Genocide”, also, Poynter Survey – Almost Half Of Americans Believe Press Is Making Up Anti-Trump News
Power Line: Why People Hate The Media, Chapter 12,186, also, Sports – An Excuse To Talk About Politics
Shark Tank: Obama’s Military Policy Failed America, While Trump’s Rules of Engagement Crushed ISIS
Shot In The Dark: Sign O The Times?
This Ain’t Hell: Nork Defector Was Immune To Anthrax, also, Cities Deflecting Blame
Weasel Zippers: Desperate Dems May Call On Biden In 2020, also, Sheila Jackson Lee’s Long History Of Playing Race Card, Acting Like Entitled Queen
Megan McArdle: Bitcoin Is An Implausible Currency
Mark Steyn: Bouncing Along, also, Planet Of The Nanomoles

Today’s Deals
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Ex-Partner Accuses ‘Nonbinary Transfemme’ @EliErlick of Sexual Abuse

Posted on | December 27, 2017 | 2 Comments

Eli Erlick (left); Danielle “Danie Yun” Diamond (right).

In April 2017, Glamour magazine named Pitzer College senior Eli Erlick one of their “College Women of the Year,” the first time a transgender person (born male) was chosen for this honor. A few months later, one of Erlick’s former classmates, a woman who has since undergone “top surgery” (radical mastectomy) to become “transmale” wrote a Tumblr post accusing Erlick of rape — “fisting someone and making them bleed without their consent.” Erlick is co-founder of Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER), “a national youth-led organization dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans students through advocacy and empowerment,” and a member of the national advisory council for GLSEN, “which works to create LGBTQ-inclusive schools.”


Erlick’s accuser, Danie Yun Diamond, says she “was a Board Member, Program Director, and Grant Writer for TSER during my year and a half+ long emotionally, sexually, and financially abusive relationship with its executive director Eli Erlick.” Diamond says she was “emotionally manipulated into a vulnerable position” and “pursued relentlessly” by Erlick, finally deciding “it was easier to give in to being raped than deal with your pursuit.” She told Erlick she “still has traumatic flashbacks and nightmares about what you’ve done,” and said Erlick exploited TSER, “preying” on other young members of the transgender community.

Somewhere, I’m sure, feminists are trying to blame “patriarchy” for this, but whose idea was it to create pro-LGBT “safe spaces” on college campuses, using claims of societal “homophobia” as an excuse to gather all the sexually confused students together in one group? No, you don’t get to blame “patriarchy” for the predictable consequences of such misguided policies. Celebrating deviance in the name of “progress” and “equality,” creating campus organizations that gave power to “student leaders” like Eli Erlick, and prohibiting criticism of these pro-LGBT policies as “hate” — what did college officials think would happen?

Sexual abuse can occur in every sort of environment, and the #MeToo movement has exposed such abuses in Hollywood, in politics, in media. However, even as these revelations have destroyed careers and shattered illusions of celebrity “glamour,” political correctness has continued to prohibit criticism of systemic problems in the LGBT community. Especially in the context of higher education, we have seen claims of a “rape epidemic” used to demonize male students and deny them due process in campus disciplinary proceedings, and even hoaxes (e.g., the fictional gang-rape at the University of Virginia) perpetrated as part of this feminist propaganda crusade. By promoting the myth that heterosexual males are universally complicit in sexual abuse, to such an extent that heterosexuality and “rape culture” are made to seem synonymous, feminists have helped foster an obverse mythology — the belief that abuse never occurs within the LGBT community.

Go read the accusations against Eli Erlick and ask yourself: Why would college administrators encourage psychologically disturbed young people to create campus groups to celebrate their mental illness? Doesn’t it seem obvious — as a matter of common sense — that allowing the lunatics to run the asylum, so to speak, creates inevitable risks? Such a vortex of insanity will attract dangerously unstable people. Yet this is what seems to have happened at Pitzer College, which is part of the Claremont Colleges network, along with Claremont McKenna College, Harvey Mudd College, Pomona College and Scripps College.

Parents pay more than $65,000 a year to send their children to Claremont. For that price, you might expect administrators to protect students from a campus “leader” accused of “fisting someone and making them bleed without their consent.” However, the academic elite’s devotion to creating an “inclusive” campus means that sadistic perverts are protected from criticism in the name of “diversity.”

Perhaps readers will not be surprised to learn that one of the TSER projects that Erlick and Diamond worked on together was a “Model Admissions Policy on Transgender Students at Women’s Colleges.”

UPDATE: My friend Cynthia Yockey — please go hit her tip jar — called my attention to this account of a similar story:

I was 18 and a genderqueer-identifying man who had never pursued any kind of transition raped my best friend, a woman unacquainted with insular trans community politics. I had indirectly introduced her to this guy via mutual friends. After the rape, she told me what he did; I had been in the next room the whole night, awake, talking to someone I didn’t even like. I had no idea it was happening. When she let our mutual friends know, we both assumed they would have her back; after all, they referred to their apartment as a safe space for rape survivors. But instead, her rapist changed his pronouns on Tumblr, claimed to have schizophrenia, and then said that he couldn’t possibly have raped her, because of the power dynamics between a “cis” woman and a transwoman. He moved back to LA a few months later, without ever taking any steps towards transition. When he got there, he told his old friends he wasn’t schizophrenic or trans anymore.

Excuse me for being prejudiced in favor of good old-fashioned heterosexuality, but am I the only one who suspects what’s happening here is that so-called “pro-sex feminism” — which encourages promiscuity as “empowerment” — has yielded a predictable backlash? Girls are identifying as transgender and getting their breasts amputated because they don’t want to be what this kind of feminism tells them a woman must be. Furthermore, many boys become so confused and demoralized, haunted by a sense of sexual inadequacy, that they lose hope of ever having normal relationships with girls. Toxic cultural influences have left many young people, male and female alike, without the kind of healthy self-confidence necessary to social success.


In The Mailbox: 12.26.17

Posted on | December 27, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.26.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Christmas Edition
EBL: They Call It VICE For A Reason
Twitchy: “United Has NOT Apologized” – Woman Who Accused Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee Of Stealing Her Seat Fact-checks Media
Louder With Crowder: Nikki Haley Announces YUGE Cut In What US Contributes To UN
Reason: Santa Calls It Quits (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Merry Christmas
American Power: Despite Star Wars Surge, Movie Audiences May Keep Fading Away, also, Increase In Border Attacks, Smuggling, And Deaths In Texas’ Big Bend Region
American Thinker: Obama Was A State Sponsor Of Terror
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Tax Reform News
BattleSwarm: The Middle East In 2017 – Sucking Slightly Less
BLACKFIVE: Book Review & Q/A With W.E.B. Griffin, Death At Nuremberg
Bring The HEAT: “…Should We Not Inquire If America Sees Her Military Clearly?”
CDR Salamander: A Welcome Re-Militarization Of Japan
Da Tech Guy: Winning In The War On Christmas, also, The New Night Riders Are Just Like The Old Ones
Don Surber: Time To Admit Obama Failed
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, The Fluffy Side Of Paranoia
The Geller Report: Pope Likens Muslim Migrants “Driven From Their Land” To Joseph And Mary
Hogewash: Making A Federal Case Out Of It, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Professor Argues “Algebra And Geometry Perpetuate White Privilege”
JustOneMinute: If Trump Can’t Carry The Suburbs Of Paris…
Legal Insurrection: Topless Feminist Steals Baby Jesus From Vatican Nativity Scene AGAIN, also, How India Threw “Ally” Israel Under The Bus At UN
Power Line: Panic At The Washington Post, also, Holiday Shopping Numbers Illustrate Success Of Trump’s Policies, Democrats’ Difficulties
Shark Tank: Florida State Debt Keeps Dropping Under Rick Scott
Shot In The Dark: Suddenly, The Strib Supports States’ Rights And Minnesota’s Permit To Carry Law
The Jawa Report: Up Side, Down Side
The Political Hat: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! also, Twelve Posts Of Christmas, Day 11 & Day 12
This Ain’t Hell: A Soldier’s Christmas Poem, also, Commandant Neller Warns Troops “There’s A War Coming”
Weasel Zippers: Trump Puts Out “Full Christmas Spread” For Law Enforcement Protecting Him On Christmas, also, Professors Rave That Trump Saying “Merry Christmas” Promotes White Nationalism
Megan McArdle: Dispatches From The Frontiers Of Food
Mark Steyn: Christmas Day With Mark & Friends, also, Boxing Day Guest-Hostapalooza

Today’s Digital Deals
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How About an ‘Insanity Studies’ Major? UPDATE: ‘Queer’ With ‘Psychotic Episodes’ and ‘Endless Mental Fog’

Posted on | December 25, 2017 | 2 Comments

It’s difficult to describe the cognitive dissonance I sometimes experience. Here at home, today was filled by a cheerful family holiday celebration. Meanwhile, however, the world is full of depravity and despair. Because my work involves searching through feminist blogs, I have a very pessimistic view of America’s future. If these people are our future, we’re hopelessly doomed. And after seeing a particularly weird column — never mind where — I went on a Twitter tirade:

Can anything be done to save our educational system? Or should we instead hope for the collapse of the system? Could anything possibly be worse than the madness our universities are currently producing?

UPDATE: OK, I’ll explain what and who inspired this rant. Rachel Sather graduated last year from CUNY-Hunter College. And she is crazy:

I’m very open about living with Borderline Personality Disorder. It’s a lot more common than people assume, with 1.6% of the general population living with BPD, most of whom are women. . . .
Between the psychotic episodes, addicting coping mechanisms, and the seemingly endless mental fog that comes with BPD, its incredibly difficult sometimes to maintain a healthy life. . . .
Thanks to social networks like Tumblr, there’s a whole network of bloggers that share their experiences with BPD. . . . The fact that I have learned more about my illness from Tumblr than someone with a Masters in psychology made me realize that not enough people were talking about it.

Great. You’re having “psychotic episodes” and “endless mental fog,” but you’ve got a college diploma and lots of friends on Tumblr. However, that’s not what inspired my rant. The inspiration was another article Ms. Sather wrote, “What is My Sexuality Anyway?”

When I was told by a psychiatrist that I had bipolar disorder, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief. I needed that label. I needed to establish my identity. . . .
The concept of my sexuality is a much different thing than my mental affliction, but I’ve dealt with the same thing regarding labels. The mental illness thing was easy to pinpoint. My label as far as who I am in regards to who I’m attracted to, not so much.
I came out a bisexual when I was thirteen. My parents were very accepting of me and said they would support me no matter who I would eventually bring home, but they didn’t take it seriously.

Really? Who decided kids should “come out” before they’re legally old enough to have sex? Although the age of consent varies from state to state, I’m pretty sure 13 is illegal in all 50 states. But never mind that for now. Let’s continue to Page 2 of Ms. Sather’s article:

What a lot of people don’t understand about bisexuality is that who you end up dating does not void the fact that you’re attracted to more than one gender. Being with someone doesn’t mean you completely stop experiencing attraction. My mother understands this now. More people in general do, but there is still a big stigma surrounding the concept of bisexuality.
For years I thought I leaned more towards men. I would develop big, overwhelming, borderline unhealthy crushes. At least I thought they were crushes. I had my first sexual experience with a man when I was seventeen. I found out from the start that I hated blowjobs. I was very uncomfortable when it came to (cis) male genitalia. But my crushes continued regardless.
Since I started watching porn as a preteen, I had only watched lesbian porn. . . .

HOLY FREAKING CRAP! Preteen girls watching porn? Call the police! Arrest somebody! No, better idea — get a trial lawyer to file a class-action lawsuit against Internet porn sites that are feeding this poison into children’s minds. But meanwhile, back to Ms. Sather’s article:

My first real boyfriend came along when I was nineteen. He was extremely into sex . . . I would only really be able to [orgasm] during oral sex. And a lot of the time that was because I was thinking about ladies. I never told him this. . . .

Did you tell him you’d been watching lesbian porn since you were a child? Did you discuss how “male genitalia” made you “very uncomfortable”? Did you tell him about your “psychotic episodes”? Or are these subjects you only discuss with total strangers on the Internet? Never mind, let’s continue on to Page 3 of Ms. Sather’s article:

The fact that I wasn’t into penetration made me question my entire sexuality. That paired with the overall terrible experience I had with my ex-boyfriend led me to thinking I was asexual. . . . One thing I’m grateful for regarding society’s current view on sexuality is the number of labels I could attach to myself. So the label became biromantic asexual.
But after a while that didn’t seem to work either. I kept thinking about my sexual attraction to exclusively women. I realized most of the “crushes” I had on men were actually a BPD-related psychological attachment, with very little sexual attraction attached. So I started to think about the fact that I might be gay. I didn’t want to say I was definitely a lesbian, as I wasn’t sure if that label fit. I could still see myself falling in love with a man, but I also knew that if I did I wouldn’t be sexually attracted to him. I decided to forget about specifics and just use the blanket term queer.
I still feel a lack of definitiveness using this term. Labels are important to me, and I want to know specifics. But I’m coming to terms with the fact that I may not get one. Sexuality is fluid for me, and I know if I stuck to one label one day I would just begin to question it the next day. So I’m going to just stick with queer. That is a label I am happy with, and one that can effortlessly say that I am attracted to all genders in a wide variety of ways.

There is so much wrong here, I scarcely know where to begin, so let’s start with the obvious: Why do you need to tell the whole world?

“Hello, world, I’m a queer who has psychotic episodes!” Is that how you want to introduce yourself to every stranger with an Internet connection? Are there actually people who could read that self-description without thinking, “Wow, better stay away from that weirdo”? And what about the ex-boyfriend with whom she had the “overall terrible experience”? Does he realize that Ms. Sather’s interest in him was “psychological attachment” symptomatic of her mental illness?

Y’know, some people had problems with sex before the Internet existed. They either solved their problems or they didn’t, but few of them advertised their problems to the entire world because (a) they didn’t have the means to do so, and (b) they weren’t completely crazy.

Nowadays, we have the Internet and everybody’s crazy. Or so it seems, when you notice how many college-educated lunatics feel compelled to divulge every detail of their sexual desires and practices for public consumption. Honestly, I’m grateful the Internet didn’t exist when I was a crazy college kid, because . . . Well, what’s great about the Constitution is that, in addition to our First Amendment right to free speech, we also have the Fifth Amendment, which protects our right to shut up.

On the other hand, I suppose if all the weirdos and lunatics want to advertise their depravity, at least we’ll know who to avoid.


‘Girls Can Rape Girls’: @MelanieLBBH and Why Some Stereotypes Are True

Posted on | December 25, 2017 | Comments Off on ‘Girls Can Rape Girls’: @MelanieLBBH and Why Some Stereotypes Are True


Melanie Martinez is a singer who skyrocketed to fame at age 17 when she appeared on the NBC talent-show series The Voice, making it through eight episodes before being eliminated. She released her first single in 2014, released an album in 2015 and then went on tour, where one of her opening acts was a duo called The Dresses, consisting of Jared Maldonado and a female singer named Timothy Heller. Why anyone would name their daughter Timothy is a mystery, but that’s what the Hellers did, and Timothy Heller says she became “best friends” with Melanie Martinez. Did I mention that Melanie Martinez is mentally ill?

In fact, both Ms. Heller and Ms. Martinez have openly admitted to being mentally ill. In September, Ms. Martinez lashed out at those who say her work “glamorizes mental health issues”:

If you have issues with my music and art and judge it so harshly to the point of making up your own reason as to what my intentions [were] when making it, you should just stop watching it. Because quite frankly, you. Just. Don’t. Get. It.

See? The 22-year-old pop singer claims to be Beyond Judgment. Ms. Martinez’s 2015 album Crybaby has been interpreted as a celebration of borderline personality disorder. Martinez “paints a picture of herself as a sensitive soul among ignorant ‘normals’ who cannot understand her,” and sings: “I’m f***ing crazy, need my prescription filled.”

This is the kind of person that any sane parent would warn their children not to hang around with, but Ms. Heller’s parents — well, they named their daughter “Timothy,” see? She became “best friends” with the self-described “crazy” singer and, as the kids say, Ms. Martinez was “thirsty”:

Many powerful men have been accused of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to rape, but former The Voice contestant Melanie Martinez has been accused of rape by her former best friend. In breaking news, Martinez has a second accuser.
Timothy Heller, whose Twitter profile reads “yes I’m a girl named Timothy,” accused Martinez of performing non-consensual oral sex and penetration with a sex toy via a #MeToo-inspired tweet [Dec. 4].
“The only reason I do this now is because I’m hoping because of recent events, people will believe me,” musician Heller wrote in her statement. “If you begin to doubt the abuse taking place in this story, I beg you to imagine her role in this being a man. Girls can rape girls.”

Having read the entirety of Ms. Heller’s account, I’ll spare you the details, but during a two-night sleepover, Ms. Martinez (allegedly) refused to take “no” for an answer to her sexual interest in Ms. Heller.

For the sake of argument, let us cede Ms. Heller’s point — the feminist #MeToo movement’s reaction would be merciless if a male had been accused of doing anything like what Ms. Martinez (allegedly) did. There is no need here to plead in defense of typical heterosexual male behavior (cf., “Paradise by the Dashboard Light”) because that is not what is at issue in Ms. Heller’s account. No, what her account highlights is a certain harmful stereotype — the predatory homosexual.

This was what enraged many in the gay community about Kevin Spacey’s reaction to the accusation that he had, uh, seduced teenage boys. Spacey chose that occasion to finally “come out” as gay and, as Gabriel Malor said on Twitter: “Hey, way to be a stereotype for the gay predator, @KevinSpacey. Really helping.” Here, it might be helpful to quote radical feminist Andrea Dworkin: “Seduction is often difficult to distinguish from rape. In seduction, the rapist often bothers to buy a bottle of wine.”

No? Not helpful, you say? Then perhaps my friends in the LGBT community should consider how feminist rhetoric demonizes heterosexual men simply for being (a) male and (b) heterosexual. More or less anything a man might do in pursuit of heterosexual activity is condemned by feminists, who then mock men as “clueless” when we complain about their relentless demonization of males:

Is there any way men can speak up about sexual harassment and the #metoo movement without sounding stupid, sexist and part of the problem? . . .
It’s this same attitude that posits it is now “dangerous” to flirt with women, or to offer female colleagues compliments, lest you be “accused” of harassment. . . .
[F]lirtation is an unserious, usually verbal, dance between two equals. Harassment is the unwelcome imposition of one person’s desire on another. If you can’t tell the difference, you shouldn’t be playing the game.

That’s from one feminist’s reaction to Matt Damon’s complaint that the current discourse around “harassment” has conflated comparatively minor offenses with serious crimes like rape. Jacqueline Maley doesn’t give a damn about the harm done by this discourse because (a) she imagines only heterosexual males will suffer as a result, and (b) anything that is harmful to heterosexual men is good, according to feminism. Ms. Maley’s column mocking Matt Damon serves the broader purpose of shaming any other man who expresses concern that the feminist crusade against harassment actually does make flirtation “dangerous.” Every intelligent man knows the answer to this question:

Q. When is it safe for a man to flirt with a female co-worker?
A. Never.

And the same is increasingly true on university campuses, where many male students are now afraid to speak to their female classmates for fear of the accusation of “harassment.” God forbid a college boy should actually try to get laid, and run the risk of a sexual assault inquisition. It is disingenuous of man-haters like Ms. Maley to pretend that the harmful effects of their anti-male rhetoric are unintentional. Feminists expect us to believe that they don’t know what they’re doing and, when men object to this insult to our intelligence, we are accused of being “clueless.” Well, I’ve got a few clues about the feminist agenda, but I digress . . .

What happened when Ms. Heller accused Melanie Martinez of sexually assaulting her? Ms. Martinez claimed she was the real victim, first suggesting that Ms. Heller had lied about the key issue of “consent”:

“She never said no to what we chose to do together.”

Translation: “She’s lying! She never said no! I’m not a predatory lesbian who took advantage of my heterosexual friend! This was ‘what we chose to do together’ — she’s as gay as I am!”

You see that the question of consent in this incident, which occurred in June 2015, involves Ms. Martinez — who had not, to my knowledge, previously acknowledged her homosexuality — implying that Ms. Heller is similarly inclined. However, Ms. Heller says otherwise:

“One night during a sleepover, she became increasingly interested in my sexual preferences. . . .
“She began asking me while in bed if I would have sex with her. . . . I had a boyfriend at this time, and she knew that. ‘He doesn’t have to know, it’s not a big deal!’ . . .”

Ms. Heller was in a heterosexual relationship, but says that Ms. Martinez responded to her protestations by invalidating the significance of that relationship, telling her, in effect: “Just because you’ve got a boyfriend doesn’t mean you’re not gay.” And isn’t this exactly the argument we would expect from a predatory homosexual? Oh, wait . . .

“Bisexual,” you say? You’re telling me that it is unfair to depict Ms. Martinez as a lesbian, because she’s actually bisexual? You say that I’m just a homophobic bigot trying to blame the entire gay community for the (alleged) wrongdoing of this one mentally ill pop singer? Gosh, what a coincidence — that’s how most heterosexual men feel when feminists implicate us as collectively responsible for Harvey Weinstein!

Guilt-by-association is a dirty game, and if feminists are going to demand that every man share the blame for “rape culture,” I don’t see why it’s unfair to say that the entire lesbian community has to answer for Melanie Martinez’s (allegedly) predatory behavior. If lesbians don’t want to take the blame, however, they can throw bisexuals under the bus.

So far as I know, Ms. Martinez has never labeled her sexuality, but her admission of having sex with Ms. Heller (“what we chose to do together”) certainly indicates she’s not heterosexual, and I think most people reading Ms. Heller’s account of this incident would interpret Ms. Martinez’s behavior as PFG — Pretty F***ing Gay. And do you think that Ms. Heller is the only person in human history to encounter a horny homosexual who didn’t want to take “no” for an answer? Do you think the “gay predator” stereotype just invented itself?

Far be it from me to engage in guilt-by-association smears, but now that the #MeToo hashtag is looking like the #YesAllMen hashtag — a universal collective indictment of every heterosexual man on the planet as complicit in “rape culture” — do you expect me to pretend that the scenario described by Ms. Heller is an extreme rarity? No, I’m not going to play along with that kind of make-believe game. Let me tell you what I believe is the real reason why there aren’t more same-sex harassment/assault stories on the #MeToo hashtag:

  • Shame — Most victims of homosexual molestation identify as heterosexual, and are ashamed to admit their same-sex experiences.
  • Political correctness — The victim might be accused of “homophobia” if they speak out about such an experience.
  • Fear — What if a victim accuses someone of same-sex harassment and/or assault, and the person they accuse retaliates?

This isn’t hypothetical, you see. Ms. Heller waited two years before speaking out about her experience with Ms. Martinez (shame) and she went to great lengths to avoid being “judgmental” about Ms. Martinez’s sexuality (political correctness). And her fear of retaliation was well-grounded, as Ms. Martinez’s fans viciously attacked Ms. Heller, and then Ms. Martinez applauded them for doing so:

“I want to thank my fans who took the time to research the timeline, analyze past Instagram photos, and question the story being told, which reveals her false statements. I trusted so many people i9n my life who took advantage of that trust for their own personal gain. Please know that my intentions with everything that I do in my life are always pure and I would never be intimate with someone without their absolute consent.”

Translation: “Thank you for exposing that greedy lying slut.”

Not only did Melanie Martinez double-down on her insistence that Ms. Heller enthusiastically consented to their liaison (i.e., she implies Ms. Heller is homosexual, but too afraid to admit it), she further claimed that Ms. Heller “took advantage” of her. Whereas Ms. Martinez asserts that her own intentions “are always pure,” she says Ms. Heller is untrustworthy, a liar motivated by “personal gain.”

Classic DARVO — Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.

Need I remind readers of my experience with dangerous sociopaths? Look, I’m not a professional psychologist, but I know this for a certain fact: CRAZY PEOPLE ARE DANGEROUS.

Would you let your daughter have a “sleepover” with Melanie Martinez? No, you would not. The weirdo hairstyle, the pierced nose, the “Goth” makeup — it’s aposematism, a warning: “STAY AWAY! I’M CRAZY!”

Why didn’t Ms. Heller heed that warning? Because Ms. Heller is also mentally ill, and was drawn to Ms. Martinez like a moth to a flame. However, it seems Ms. Heller has since wised-up to the game:

“I assumed no one was going to take me seriously if I explained what she did. . . . I loved her even after it happened, and I had this sick need to protect her. . . . We remained friends for a while, but it was strange, obviously. I think I was invalidating my own experience for so long because she’s not a man.

Ms. Heller felt a “sick need to protect” Ms. Martinez because, hey, mentally-ill women have to stick together, right? Isn’t that the basic organizing principle of feminism? And it was difficult for Ms. Heller to think of herself as a victim of sexual assault — she was “invalidating” what happened — because Ms. Martinez is “not a man.”

Don’t you think Melanie Martinez knew Ms. Heller would feel this way? Am I the only one who sees how the feminist movement’s deliberate demonization of heterosexual males has the effect of giving women like Ms. Martinez carte blanche to behave as lecherously as they wish, certain that they will never be accused of harassment or assault?

It’s the one-sidedness of “rape culture” discourse that offends reasonable people, in the same way the one-sidedness of “gay rights” rhetoric offends reasonable people. No person intelligent enough (and concerned enough) to read feminist blogs needs to be told rape is bad, just like we don’t need to be told it’s wrong to bully gay people. Yet when the #MeToo hysteria inspires a woman to accuse another woman of sexually assaulting her, we are expected to believe either (a) the accuser is lying, or (b) what Ms. Martinez allegedly did to Ms. Heller isn’t as harmful as a heterosexual man doing the same thing because . . . Well, why?

Somewhere a Gender Studies major is shouting: “Patriarchy!”

In other words, it’s about politics. We’ve reached that final scene in Animal Farm, where the revolutionary slogan has been amended to declare that “Some animals are more equal than others.” And the feminist claim that women never lie about rape? That’s a lie. Because in the case of Heller-vs.-Martinez, at least one of them is lying.

“Girls can rape girls. Best friends can rape best friends. Friendship does not equal consent. Silence doesn’t equal consent.”

Alas, Ms. Heller learned that lesson the hard way, and a little too late. Crazy people are dangerous, and some stereotypes are true.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Rule 5 Sunday: Merry Christmas!

Posted on | December 24, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Merry Christmas to all our Loyal Readers here at The Other McCain! As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, and we are most definitely not responsible for what happens if you fail to exercise discretion in the clicking. This week’s appetizer is a classic pinup by Bill Randall.

A Christmas dream…

Ninety Miles From Tyranny starts the unwrapping with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #111, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism brings us Rule Five Loony Brits Friday, the Saturday Gingermageddon, and a bonus shot of Christmas totty!

EBL’s holiday herd includes Hillary Rosen triggered by bacon, the Gothard Sisters, Jennifer Rubin, Christmas Boob Sweaters, Tina Becker, the Celtic Women, Winter Solstice, Postmodern Jukebox “Last Christmas”, Barbara Stanwyck, Postmodern Jukebox “The Christmas Song”, and Haley Reinhart & Casey Adams.

A View From The Beach has Jasmine Sanders, The “Golden Barbie”Can a California Mastodon Remake the History of Men in America?Another Frosty Friday!Welcome to WinterSoft Core Porn Actress Has Hysterics Over Tax BillRed-Head Super Heroes?The Love Advent Calendar, Day 18Gone Fishin’#HimToo: If You Can’t Trust Your Porn Photographer, Who Can You Trust?, and The Weinstein Blacklist.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Cote de Pablo, his Vintage Babes are in the holiday spirit, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Victoria’s Secret. At Dustbury, it’s Kim Novak and Phoebe Tonkin.

Thanks to everyone for their luscious links!

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Violence Against Women Update: Houston Mother Killed, Baby Kidnapped

Posted on | December 24, 2017 | Comments Off on Violence Against Women Update: Houston Mother Killed, Baby Kidnapped


Grim news for the holidays:

A Texas woman killed a mother and kidnapped her infant daughter in an attempt to cover up her own miscarriage, police say.
The murder and abduction triggered a nationwide Amber Alert for 6-week-old Shamali Flores, who was found unharmed Thursday.
Erika Miranda-Alvarez, 28, was arrested and charged with the killing of 33-year-old Carolina Flores, according to her arrest record.
Carolina Flores was found stabbed to death in an apartment complex in Houston Tuesday afternoon, according to police.
Flores’ infant daughter was nowhere to be found.
Flores had moved to the United States from Honduras five years ago for a better life, according to KPRC-TV. She had two other children, ages 7 and 17, the news station reported. . . .
Miranda-Alvarez, her boyfriend and baby Shamali were taken into custody early [Thursday] morning after witnesses reported suspicious activity at an apartment complex, police said. . . .
Investigators determined that Miranda-Alvarez was due to have a baby in January but had a miscarriage.
She reportedly hid the miscarriage from her boyfriend and continued to fake the pregnancy.
She had connected with Flores through her brother, police say. She killed her and kidnapped Shamali in hopes of passing her off as her own, according to police.

Feminists haven’t commented on this crime, for some reason.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)





FMJRA 2.0: The Man Who Built America

Posted on | December 23, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Wrapping Things Up
Animal Magnetism
Proof Positive
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: Time Out
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

#LoveWins Update: Florida Lesbian Charged With Murdering Her Wife

In The Mailbox: 12.18.17
Proof Positive

UPDATE: Karolina Giers Has Ended Her Online Fundraiser for Breast Amputation

In The Mailbox: 12.19.17
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

The ‘Rage’ of @JillFilipovic: Feminism as an Anti-Male Hate Movement
Welcome To My Playpen

DNA Tests Identify 817 Serial Rapists in One County: Can You Guess Which One?

Transphobic Violence Update

In The Mailbox: 12.20.17
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Let Trinity College F***ing Die?

The Gorilla Is Correct

In The Mailbox: 12.21.17
Proof Positive

Elite Consensus: How Transgenderism Became the New ‘Climate Change’
A View From The Beach

Friday Fiction: 100+ Word Challenge Christmas Edition

Hollywood’s Homo-Hypocrisy

In The Mailbox: 12.22.17
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (16)
  2. Proof Positive (6)
  3. A View From The Beach (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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