The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy Is a Pre-Existing Condition

Posted on | July 20, 2017 | 2 Comments


‘Trans non-binary queer’ Aryn Maitland

In January 2014, when I first wrote about the controversy between radical feminists and transgender activists, it seemed to me a bad joke. “The Competitive Victimhood Derby,” I called it — two rival tribes of left-wing nutjobs vying for the coveted Most Oppressed Award. Subsequent research, however, convinced me that the radical feminist nutjobs were actually right on the basic issue — being male or female is a fact of science, not subject to politically motivated revision — and transgender activists were wrongly seeking to hijack “gender identity” (and feminism, along with it) in a way that amounts to Female Erasure, to quote the title of a recent radical feminist anthology on the subject. “Facts are stubborn things,” as John Adams said, and there is something fundamentally dishonest about the ideology of the transgender cult.

Young people are becoming seriously confused by the transgender cult. Or perhaps the causation works the other way, and confused young people are magnetically attracted to the cult belief that, with the “treatment” of synthetic hormones and surgery, they can escape their adolescent woes by “transitioning” into the opposite sex. Feminists have identified the factor of social contagion in what they call “rapid-onset gender dysphoria.” Through the influence of peers, and also through online recruitment by transgender cultists, many teenagers are quite suddenly convinced that they were “born in the wrong body.” In a matter of months or even a few weeks, an otherwise healthy teenage will develop an obsession with “gender transition” and demand that parents not only accept their new transgender identity, but often threaten suicide unless parents support them in seeking hormone “treatment” immediately. This kind of emotional blackmail is part of the transgender cult’s ideology, as activists claim that anyone who opposes them is effectively sentencing teenagers to death by denying them acceptance and “health care.”

This brings us to the case of Aryn Maitland who, in April 2016, posted the following fundraising appeal on

Aryn Maitland is a 24 year-old trans non-binary (they/them) queer person living in the Sacramento, CA area. They are passionate about queer politics, disability rights, and fighting oppression.
Aryn has spent the past several years working and advocating for various nonprofit organizations, including (to name a few): Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Southern Poverty Law Center, and most recently, Progressive Employment Concepts. They have spent nearly two years with PEC, supporting disabled community members in self-advocacy and access to competitive integrated employment options.
However, in January of 2016, Aryn was forced to leave work to care for their physical and mental health. For two months, Aryn struggled to gain timely access to competent healthcare, particularly mental health services. In that time, they were hospitalized for four days after a suicide attempt, and spent several weeks in a daily Intensive Outpatient Program.
Aryn has since returned to work, but is struggling to pay off their medical bills.

So, after “fighting oppression” for “several years” with “various nonprofit organizations,” Aryn Maitland needed “mental health services.” A few weeks later, she/“they” added this informative update:

For those who have been following my story, you probably know that starting testosterone has been a desire of mine for quite some time. During the time I was unable to work, I experienced setbacks in accessing competent transgender health services.
One week from today I will FINALLY be moving the process forward toward a more authentic life. I’m am excited and anxious for this next step.

It would appear, then, that her/“their” earlier mental-health crisis — in which Aryn was “forced to leave work” and hospitalized after a suicide attempt — was directly related to her/“their” gender transition.

Ask yourself a few questions: If this kind of “treatment” is truly a life-and-death issue for people like Aryn Maitland, shouldn’t coverage be mandated as part of health insurance? Wouldn’t it be transphobic to deny coverage for “transgender health services”? If states and communities pass laws prohibiting anti-LGBT discrimination, wouldn’t this logically require insurance companies to cover “transgender health services” in all policies? Furthermore, couldn’t the principle of “equality” as articulated by the Supreme Court majority in its 2015 Obergefell decision be applied to make coverage of “transgender health services” mandatory nationwide? Finally, is it not likely that the next time Democrats win the presidency and gain control of Congress, universal access to “transgender health services,” including coverage under Medicaid, will be enacted as a matter of law and policy?

What is the per-patient lifetime cost of transgender surgery, hormone treatment and psychological counseling? Whatever the total cost is, if health insurance coverage for transgender “treatment” were to be mandatory, this would likely result in skyrocketing insurance rates. If the principle of “non-discrimination” were to require taxpayers to subsidize transgender “treatment” for low-income patients, this might prove so expensive as to add to the fiscal woes of many cities and states already facing budget crises. To think of this as a matter of federal policy . . .

The mind boggles.

While we’re discussing mental health issues, let’s talk about paranoia. Some of you may be familiar with the so-called Cloward-Piven Strategy, an idea developed by radical intellectuals associated with the National Welfare Rights Organization, to overwhelm the welfare bureaucracy, bankrupt the government and thereby destroy capitalism. And if you were susceptible to conspiracy theories, the recent upsurge of transgender activism might inspire you to wonder whether the drive for LGBT “equality” (activists now promote transgenderism among kindergartners) is part of this strategy to destroy America.

Of course, you’d have to be crazy to believe such a far-fetched idea, but then again, “trans non-binary queer” Aryn Maitland is crazy enough to believe Republicans are killing her/“them.”



You see? There is a reason certain people have become emotionally attached to ObamaCare’s illusion of “free” healthcare for everybody, especially mandating coverage for pre-existing conditions.

How do people become so irrational as to believe that they are entitled to “free” transgender treatment? Well, once upon a time, before she became “they,” Aryn Maitland was a bright young student in Belleville, New York. Eryne Michele Daymont, to use her actual name, grew up in a family of Jehovah’s Witnesses and received an academic scholarship to attend prestigious St. Lawrence College, a private liberal arts school. Alas, by the first semester of her sophomore year in fall 2011, she was miserable — “gay, white, overweight” and wondering, “Where did my childhood go?” This became the subject of a 2012 appeal on the site CrowdRise:

In 2010 I began classes at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York. With a $100,000 scholarship in hand, I bounded off to college and…hated it. I realized I wasn’t following my dream. I didn’t want to be a doctor, I didn’t want to be in northern New York, and I didn’t want to be in such awful debt. Annual tuition alone at SLU is upwards of $40,000 (add in the cost of room and board, books, etc., you’ll end up paying over $54,000).
So I left.
Now, I’ve decided to follow my dream. One year later, I’ve moved to the West Coast, the San Francisco Bay Area, to be exact. And I’m going back to college! I’m following my dream. In one year, I’ll be in LA, attending classes and making my life truly successful!
There’s still one problem…money. You see, I still owe St. Lawrence University $1,200 before they’ll release my transcripts. Without them, I can’t even apply to another college.



Eryne walked away from a $100,000 scholarship to follow her dream to San Francisco. Her plan to move to LA and return to school never happened. By 2016, she was issuing an ultimatum to her non-profit “progressive” employer that she should be called “Aryn” and “they/them.” She began taking testosterone and posting topless selfies (here and here) and otherwise blogging about transgenderism on — where else? — Tumblr. On Instagram, she calls herself “one half of a Leo-Aquarius Power Couple.” Good-bye, Jehovah’s Witnesses! Hello, astrology! And guess who was promoting a Women’s March fundraiser in San Francisco?


The ‘Leo-Aquarius Power Couple’ at a gay pride event in San Francisco.

As amusing as all this might seem in a point-and-laugh carnival-sideshow freak kind of way, we cannot ignore the human tragedy here. The diligent student who once won a Daughters of the American Revolution essay prize, and who aspired to become a doctor, is now living under a pseudonym, injecting herself with testosterone and posting topless selfies on the Internet. Feminists proclaim “The Future Is Female,” but it seems that The Future Is Trans Non-Binary Queer for Eryne/“Aryn.”

None of this would be subject to criticism, were it not for the fact that (a) Aryn has publicized her/“their” delusional follow-my-dream tale, and (b) transgender activism influences matters of public policy. Much of the “science” behind the transgender agenda was funded by federal research grants, and driven by taxpayer-subsidized academic activism at hundreds of universities where feminist gender theory is taught.

Feminism Is Queer, to quote Professor Mimi Marinucci, who is employed on the payroll of Eastern Washington University. Meanwhile, at the University of Oregon, the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies now offers a minor in Queer Studies.

What is remarkable is how proponents of Queer Theory have banished opposition from campus, by labeling criticism of their ideology as “hate,” so that the basic facts of human biology are in effect prohibited from discussion in academia. Whenever I write about the lunatic gibberish now being taught in Gender Studies programs, some commenter will inevitably remark that the people majoring in this nonsense will never be able to get jobs after graduation. However, consider what the University of Oregon says about its Queer Studies program:

Education, journalism, law, human resources, public policy, social services, and all the health professions require workers who have cutting-edge knowledge of diversity issues. Students who complete this minor can apply their knowledge to positions in government, industry, for-profit companies, and nonprofit organizations. Large companies and municipalities are hiring staff to work expressly with LGBT populations. In fact, a growing number of municipalities and cities in Oregon (Portland, Multnomah County, Eugene, and Ashland, for example) have enacted domestic partnership legal status for same-sex couples and families, leading to a need for individuals with expertise in the fields of human resources, legal counseling, and political activism. Help expand opportunities in this important area.

Identity politics produces a demand for government programs, and universities are training the future bureaucrats who will run LGBT programs and who, of course, will be employed at taxpayer expense. Meanwhile, there are career opportunities in “journalism” and “political activism” (insofar as these are still separate fields of endeavor, e.g., the editors of Teen Vogue promoting anal sex). If “the personal is political,” as feminists declare, then politics turns into nothing but a constant stream of demands for an ever-increasing number of government programs to provide “solutions” to an ever-increasing number of personal problems, based on the assumption that taxpayers will pay the bills.

But what happens if we run out of taxpayers? What if every confused teenager dropped out of college to follow their dream into irresponsible craziness, becoming non-profit activists for transgenderism or some other progressive cause, dependent on “free” healthcare and other government programs to help them cope with life? America already has a $20 trillion national debt, with budget deficits as far as the eye can see.

“The problem with socialism,” Margaret Thatcher said, “is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” And the problem with feminism is, eventually you run out of other people’s daughters.

Eyrne Daymont (a/k/a “Aryn Maitland”) is unlikely ever to become a mother and, because it proverbially “takes two to tango,” the same may be said for whatever girlfriends she/“they” may choose as her/“their” companions as she/“they” follow her/“their” dream of trans non-binary queer life. As I’ve often remarked, feminism steers women toward the Darwinian Dead End, because childlessness is the feminist ideal of “liberation.” The long-term consequences of this insanity will be a sort of mass-extinction event, as many millions of vulnerable young people are recruited into the progressive cult where abortion, contraception, promiscuity, homosexuality and transgenderism are worshipped with sacred devotion. Or maybe there will be some kind of geological cataclysm. Massive earthquakes, volcano eruptions and tsunami floods wiping the San Francisco region off the map, leaving Nancy Pelosi with no constituents to represent in Congress, and all the activist types in Berkeley buried in a latter-day Pompeii, never to be unearthed until some future archaeologist discovers their skeletal remains.

We don’t have enough lunatic asylums in America to house all these weirdos and nutjobs, and there’s not enough money in the world to pay for all the outpatient treatment they’ll need. The next time you’re debating health care, remember this: Crazy is a pre-existing condition.



In The Mailbox: 07.20.17

Posted on | July 20, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.20.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: A Conservative Republican (Reluctantly) Supports Single-Payer
Proof Positive: Drone Alone
EBL: Lunar Landing – July 20, 1969
Michelle Malkin: Manufacturing Hate For “Made In America”
Twitchy: Alyssa Milano SHOCKED To Find Republican Gays, Minorities, And Women Treated Like Garbage
Louder With Crowder: Bill Nye Wants Your Grandparents To Die For Climate Science

Adam Piggott: Fake Australian Parliamentarians
American Power: Antonia Okafor – How I Became Racist, Sexist, And Misogynist, also, Patrick Buchanan, The Death of The West
American Thinker: Charlie Gard – It Can’t Happen Here, Or Can It?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Brain Dead News
BattleSwarm: Trump And Sessions Are Wrong On Civil Forfeiture
Bring The HEAT: TOW Live Fire With ITAS
Da Tech Guy: Lena Nersesian, The Tami Erin Trap, And The Actual Solution
Don Surber: Six Months Of Failure By The Press
Dustbury: Living Off The Residuals
Fred On Everything: Working Toward Tripartite Racial Disunity – Maybe Not A Really Great Idea
The Geller Report: Minneapolis Mayor “Bike Path Betsy” Hodges Lied – MPD Regs Say Officer Noor Can Be Compelled To Give Statement, Can Be Fired If He Refuses
Hogewash: LOLSuit VIII News, also, Hoge v. Kimberlin et al News
Jammie Wearing Fools: Rutgers Prof Committed To Bellevue After Trump’s Election Offers Kind Words To Senator McCain
Joe For America: Senator McCain Diagnosed With Aggressive Brain Cancer; Return To Senate Unclear
JustOneMinute: Health Care Follies, also, Run Bernie Run!
Power Line: Faith Of His Fathers, also, Mohamed Noor Speaks?
Shark Tank: Rubio – Venezuelans Say They “Don’t Want To Be Cuba”
Shot In The Dark: Today’s DFL – Never Waste A Crisis
STUMP: Social Security Annual Trustee Report – Cash Flows, Tardiness, And Other Views
The Jawa Report: Juice Makes Parole
The Political Hat: Queering Engineering, Transgendering Airports, And Feminizing Crosswalks
This Ain’t Hell: Some Thoughts On John McCain’s Pending Demise, also, With Friends Like These…
Weasel Zippers: Bill Nye Says Older People Need To Die Before Climate Science Can Advance, also, Trump Eliminates 800 Obama Regulations
Megan McArdle: Dunkirk And The Great Films That Won’t Be Made
Mark Steyn: Schmoozing With Hakims And Argentines, also, Working The Room (Collusion Edition)

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In The Mailbox: 07.19.17

Posted on | July 19, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.19.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho


Proof Positive: Xavier Seen Such A Dishonest California Politician?
Uprising Review: Buxom Button-Bursting Bosoms Breasting Boobily And Other Social Justice Rhetoric
EBL: Why Did NPR Spike The Yiannopolous Interview?
Twitchy: Postal Workers Dispatched To Battleground States To Campaign For Hillary, Democrats
Louder With Crowder: ICE Hiring Thousands More Agents To Bust Up Sanctuary Cities

Adam Piggott: The Alt-Right Will Save Music And Music Will Help Save Our Civilization
American Power: Comic Book Retailers Sour On San Diego Comic-Con, also, William Manchester, The Arms Of Krupp
American Thinker: Charlie Gard Is The Face Of Single-Payer
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Texas 2017 Special Session Begins
Bring The HEAT: How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Da Tech Guy: A Vatican Bible Arthur Dent Update, also, News From Our Hemisphere Gone AWOL
Don Surber: Trump Can Dump Obamacare
Dustbury: You Remember Editors, Right?
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Sharia-Observant Muslima In MN House Hailed As “America’s Hope”, also, Minneapolis Mayor Shills For Killer Somali Muslim Cop
Hogewash: Go Back Three Spaces, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: BOMBSHELL – Trump And Putin Had “Secret” Meeting In Room Filled With 80 People At G-20
Joe For America: Policeman Caught On Video Viciously Beating Homeless Woman
JustOneMinute: A Fine Day For The Irish, also, The Dog Ate My Student Loan
Power Line: Leftist Judges Turn Administrative Law Into A Sham, also, Jamie Dimon For President?
Shark Tank: Rubio Outlines How Obamacare’s Failings Hurt Young Americans
Shot In The Dark: The Incoherent Moral Schizophrenia Of The Left, In One Gloriously Orwellian Snapshot, also, Dhim And Dhimmer
The Jawa Report: Attention, Twitter Luser Snuff-O-Gram @Hdnsok1Svil @NQoL4kUYiedGqcN
The Political Hat: Transgendering Of Time Lords
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Thief Dick Blumenthal Proposes $500 Million For Ukraine Wounded, also, The Media Finally Notices “Bacha Bazi”
Weasel Zippers: NRA Goes After Washington Post – “Your Slogan Should Be ‘Journalism Dies Here'”, also, Soros Gave $20.7 Million To US Climate Groups Allegedly Funded By Russia
Mark Steyn: The Son Of The Man Who Put The Saud In Saudi Arabia

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In The Mailbox: 07.18.17

Posted on | July 18, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.18.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Why Did Officer Mohammed Noor Shoot Justine Damond?
Twitchy: CNN’s Chris Cillizza’s Reddit AMA Goes Epically, Hilariously Bad
Louder With Crowder: Michael Vick Throws Down – Teams Don’t Want Kaepernick Because He Sucks

Adam Piggott: How To Survive And Move On From A Feminist Single Mother
American Power: Remembering JournoList And The Leftist Media’s Bag Of Tricks, also, Hamilton & Herwig, Decisions For War
American Thinker: Fox News Takes A Sharp Left Turn
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Snake Oil News
BattleSwarm: Clinton Corruption Update For July 18
BLACKFIVE: Sharyl Attkisson, The Smear
Bring The HEAT:
Da Tech Guy: (Christopher Harper) Who’s Really Lying?, also, I Guess My Book Is Officially Out – Hail Mary: The Perfect Protestant (And Catholic) Prayer
Don Surber: Rule 6 Explains Trump’s Attacks On The Media
Dustbury: Read, Then Drown
The Geller Report: New York Times Hits Israel For Opposing “Philanthropist” George Soros
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up You Know, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: More Obama Officials Scrutinized In Unmasking Probe
Joe For America: First State-Funded Muslim School Taken back by Government After Pro-Rape Books Found
JustOneMinute: Anonymized History
Power Line: The Senate Repeal & Replace Fiasco, also, Collusion Confusion
Shark Tank: Florida Has A New Congressional Hunter
Shot In The Dark: He Must Be Vanquished
STUMP: Mortality Monday – More Chicago Shootings And Long-Term Trends
The Political Hat: The Normalization Of Involuntary Euthanasia
This Ain’t Hell: Command C/MSgt Barraza To be Court-Martialed, also, VA Removes Officials From Manchester Hospital
Weasel Zippers: Nearly 150,000 Attempts To Access SC Voting System On Election Day 2016 – None By Russia, also, Cop Who Shot Unarmed Minneapolis Woman Had Prior Complaints
Megan McArdle: Congress Achieves Bipartisan Failure On Obamacare
Mark Steyn: The Biggest Issue Of Our Time, also, Yes, But…

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Feminism’s Excuse Factory: Nikki Yovino, Title IX and False Rape Accusations

Posted on | July 17, 2017 | 3 Comments


Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn., last fall when she accused two of the university’s football players of raping her at a party. The football players both admitted they had sex with Yovino, but said it was consensual. Police say Yovino subsequently confessed she had fabricated the rape claim:

“She admitted that she made up the allegation of sexual assault against (the football players) because it was the first thing that came to mind and she didn’t want to lose (another male student) as a friend and potential boyfriend. She stated that she believed when (the other male student) heard the allegation it would make him angry and sympathetic to her,” the affidavit states.

Yovino, now 19, was charged with “charged with second-degree falsely reporting an incident and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence. The tampering charge is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.” Last month, prosecutors offered her a plea bargain of two years in prison, followed by three years’ probation. In a court appearance Friday, however, Yovino blamed her crime on mental illness:

Nikki Yovino filed an application in court Friday saying she’s suffering from a psychiatric disability, The Connecticut Post reports.
The 19-year-old from South Setauket, New York, will undergo a psychological evaluation. A judge will decide whether she qualifies for a pretrial diversionary program. If she qualifies and completes that program she could have the charges dismissed.
Prosecutors say they’ll contest Yovino’s request. . . .

Yovino’s motive for lying — fear that she’d lose a prospective boyfriend if he found out about her romp with two football players — is reminiscent of the motive for the rape hoax at UVA, where Jackie Coakley tried to catfish a guy she liked by inventing “Haven Monahan.” Coakley’s dramatic fictional gang-rape at a frat house, a desperate attempt to gain sympathy, became a national story in 2014 amid the campus “rape culture” hysteria ginned up by the Obama administration and its feminist allies. A major factor in that hysteria was the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) using Title IX to threaten universities for allegedly failing to punish sexual assault. This witch-hunt frenzy resulted in male students being falsely accused of rape and denied their due-process rights in campus kangaroo-court disciplinary proceedings.

Since Trump’s election, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has sought to curtail the OCR’s witch-hunt, which Scott Greenfield says led to “flagrant discrimination against males” on campus. Feminists have demonized DeVos for trying to end this anti-male discrimination. DeVos was branded a “powerful handmaiden to a hegemonic white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy” by University of Kentucky lecturer Marta Mack-Washington. But the real problem on university campuses is not capitalism or patriarchy, it’s a culture of irresponsibility fueled by identity politics and “social justice” narratives of oppression and victimhood.

Nikki Yovino was caught lying because the day after she had sex with the football players, she went to a local hospital and, when she told medical personnel she’d been raped, they called in the police, whose investigation eventually exposed her deception. This is in stark contrast to the Title IX disciplinary proceedings where feminists believe accusations of sexual assault on campus (typically involving a “he-said/she-said” drunken hookup scenario) should be adjudicated. These campus procedures are deliberately slanted against male students (more than 100 of whom have filed lawsuits claiming they were falsely accused and denied their rights) because university administrators have accepted the feminist claim that false accusations are so rare as to be a negligible concern.

Professor Laura Kipnis caught a New York Times reporter misrepresenting the facts about false accusations. My friend Badger Pundit pointed out that alcohol is a major factor in campus sexual assault, and cited my 2015 blog post, “Why Do Drunk Sluts Get Drunk?” The point is that drunk people often do things they regret, and feminist “rape culture” discourse exploits these common feelings of morning-after remorse to convince teenage college girls that they are victims.

What were the consequences of Nikki Yovino’s lies?

Agustin Sevillano, the lawyer for the now-former football players, who are not being identified, described what his clients went through as a result of Yovino’s rape allegations. They were scheduled for a school disciplinary hearing but, on the advice of legal council, agreed instead to withdraw from the university rather than face the chance of being expelled and having that on their records. He said one of his clients lost a football scholarship. They have also had to live with the stigma of being accused rapists, he said.

All this, because she was afraid of what her potential boyfriend would think about her hooking up with two football players. And, by the way, I believe a Catholic school like Sacred Heart University has every right to punish students for sexual misbehavior, even if it was entirely consensual. Sin is still sin, after all, and lying is also a sin.



In The Mailbox: 7.17.17

Posted on | July 17, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 7.17.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Martin Landau & George Romero RIP
Twitchy: And Now For The Womens’ March Tweet-Storm, Er, “Brief Refresher”, Defending Assata Shakur
Louder With Crowder: Chuck Schumer In Panic Mode Over Kid Rock’s Senate Run

Adam Piggott: Tesla Douchebag Extreme
American Power: Tucker Carlson Takes On Max Boot, also, Richard Overy, The Twilight Years
American Thinker: How The Left Hijacked The American Psychiatric Association And Normalized Mental Disorders
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: “A Weaponized Race-Baiting Machine”
BLACKFIVE: Jeff Abbott, Blame
Da Tech Guy: (Baldilocks) Tribalism Watch, also, After 41 Years Da Tech Guy Is Done With Doctor Who
Don Surber: How Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, Looking Up From A Groove
The Geller Report: First Somali Muslim Police Officer In Minnesota Kills Blonde Yoga Instructor In Cold Blood, also, More Jihadi Violence In France – 900 Cars Burned, 13 Police Injured, “Several Episodes Of Urban Violence”
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Bank Fraud Bernie’s Wife Claims “Sexism” Is Cause Of FBI Investigation
Joe For America: Hobby Lobby To close All Stores, Founder Reveals Reason Why
JustOneMinute: From Fountainhead To Drainpipe
Power Line: Is Global Warming Alarmism A Complete Fraud? also, Junk Insurance Or Junk Reporting?
Shark Tank: America’s Health Care Problem Can’t Be Fixed Overnight
Shot In The Dark: When We Say The Roots Of “Gun Control” Are Racist…
STUMP: Here Comes The Junk – Hartford Downgraded, State Says Get It Together
The Political Hat: The Transgender Colonization Of Africa
This Ain’t Hell: Pilot Stuck In Tree For 70 Years, also, Damn Squids!
Weasel Zippers: “Russian Lobbyist” In Meeting With Trump Jr. Worked For Democrat Oppo Research Firm, also, Hungary Steps Up Fight Against George Soros
Megan McArdle: Taxing Hospitals Is A Lousy Way To Fix Health Care
Mark Steyn: Russians And Brazilians, also, Over There

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Stacy’s Cousin’s Medical Jingle

Posted on | July 17, 2017 | Comments Off on Stacy’s Cousin’s Medical Jingle

by Smitty

Rule 5 Sunday: Fast Cars & Fast Women

Posted on | July 16, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

So here I was, sitting in the apartment on a Sunday afternoon, wondering what I was going to use as a topic this week, and I open the blog – and Smitty comes to my rescue! Chicks with turbos! I don’t know who this model is with the Ford GT40, but she definitely looks high speed and low drag.
Insert the standard disclaimer here – don’t click when you shouldn’t.

Ready to go

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, followed by Goodstuff and the very flexible Russian First Lady, Alina Kabayeva. Animal Magnetism checks in with Rule Five Message Discipline Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon, while Pushing Rubber Downhill debuts with More Links, More Vids, And More Hawt Chicks.

EBL checks in with It’s A Good Day To Eat Ice Cream, Lady Godiva, Heidi McKinney, Cow Appreciation Day, Separated At Birth, National Macaroni & Cheese Day, This Is CNN: The Easily Confused Poppy Harlow, Where In The World Is Heidy Pandora?, Game Of Thrones Season Seven Cocktails, and Riot On Sunset Strip vs. Europe 2017.

A View From The Beach presents No More Ms. Nice Girl Says Sophie TurnerReason #5606 That Trump Was ElectedFish Pic Friday – SheepsheadMore Evidence of Russian CollusionTanlines ThursdayWay Back WednesdayPennsylvania to Ease Smallmouth Rules?To Pose in Zanzibar and Why Would Anyone Ever Think This Was a Good Idea?

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Pauley Perrette, his Vintage Babe is Amanda Blake, and Sex In Advertising is covered by Flirt Vodka. At Dustbury, it’s a pair of hot chanteuses: Reba McEntire and Linda Ronstadt.

Thanks to everyone for the lovely linkagery!

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