The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Tuesday: EDC Girls

Posted on | June 20, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The annual Electric Daisy Carnival wrapped up Monday morning at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, and since I was out there doing the Uber thing getting folks to and from the event, I was pretty wiped out yesterday. So the weekly extravaganza of beautiful women dressed to show it off got punted for a couple of days, but it’s here now. Today’s appetizer – some of the young ladies at this year’s EDC, where rave clothing is the norm.
As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, and one should exercise discretion in one’s clicking accordingly.

Goodstuff leads off this week with Geena Davis and some hot Thai chicks, followed by Animal Magnetism with Rule Five MYOB Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon. We also heard from Ninety Miles From Tyranny with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

EBL’s herd of mutant heifers this week includes Who Wore It Better?, Megyn Kelly, “Punk Rock Girl”, Bloomsday, Tina Benko, Romper Room, Rachel Borch, Megan Leavey, and Kim Wilde.

At a View From The Beach, it’s From Moldova, Xenia DeliFish Pic Friday – TarponTanline ThursdayHappy Flag Day!A Wednesday Dip in the PoolNew York City Celebrates Nude Post It DayAdiós, Glen CampbellOcean City Going Topless? and RIP: Batman, Er, I Mean Adam West

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Aisha Tyler, his Vintage Babe is Capucine, and Sex in Advertising is Smokin’ Hot! At Dustbury, it’s Diablo Cody and Lana Perrilla.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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In The Mailbox: 06.20.17

Posted on | June 20, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.20.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I was so wiped out from EDC this past weekend that I barely had enough energy to do In The Mailbox. Rule 5 SundayTuesday will follow this post in a couple of hours.

EBL: The Media Gets Excited Over Van Attack In London, Ignores An Illegal Killing A Muslim Girl In Virginia. Why?
Twitchy: Louise Mensch Gets Fact-Checked After She Urges Republicans To Vote For Jon Ossoff
Louder With Crowder: Transman Says “Real Men Have Periods”. Humanity Is Doomed.

Adam Piggott: The Boiling Frog
American Power: Bing West, The March Up
American Thinker: Bleeding America?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Free Speech News
BattleSwarm: Unmasking Documents Sealed For Five Years?
BLACKFIVE: Arthur J. Jackson – Someone You Should Know
Bring The HEAT: Army Plans “Dad Bod” Physical Standards For Men With Dependents
Da Tech Guy: The Front And Back Cover Of My New Book
Don Surber: Carrie Fisher Story Is Another Reason People Hate The Media
Dustbury: Run, Don’t Walk
The Geller Report: Leaked Swedish Police Report Lists Eight New No-Go Areas, 23 Total
Hogewash: NGC 922
Jammie Wearing Fools: When Narratives Collide – Illegal Murders Muslim Girl, Media Censor Key Details
Joe For America: Plot Twist – Illegal Alien Accused Of Killing Muslim Teen
Power Line: Civil War On The Left Part 41 – Democrats And Immigration
Shot In The Dark: Live By Bureaucracy, Die By Bureaucracy
STUMP: Pennsylvania Pension Trends – Assets
The Jawa Report: House Freedom Caucus Listed On Shooter’s Kill List, also, Christians Denied Refugee Status By Muslim UN Refugee Social Workers
The Political Hat: Queering The Census
This Ain’t Hell: The Left And Right Are NOT Morally Equivalent, also, Former VA LPN Stole Thousands From Disabled Vet
Weasel Zippers: New Independent Report Suggests Seth Rich’s Murder Not Random, also, Harvard Blames California Restaurant Closings On Minimum Wage Hike
Megan McArdle: The Amazon Approach To Groceries Won’t Replace Stores
Mark Steyn: Batman Makes Girl Talk, also, O Canada, Our Home On Natives’ Land

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Failing the ‘Underrepresented’ at MIT

Posted on | June 20, 2017 | Comments Off on Failing the ‘Underrepresented’ at MIT


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the most elite universities on the planet. Only 8% of students who apply are accepted for admission, and annual cost of attendance (tuition, room and board) is $62,662. So unless you’re a National Merit Scholar type with a rich Daddy to pay the bills, don’t even think about going to MIT.

Alas, the idolatry of “diversity” in academia means that MIT makes special efforts to attract students from “underrepresented” groups. (The use of the term “underrepresented” instead of “minority” is necessitated because Asian students, while a minority, are actually over-represented in enrollment at elite universities.) What predictably results from such efforts is a pattern of failure that critics of affirmative action have described in terms of “mismatch theory.” If you thought the geniuses at MIT might be an exception to the pattern, you thought wrong:

Senior House, a dorm beloved by many underrepresented minority groups at MIT, has been described many ways: free-wheeling, experimental, diverse, inclusive — and, in the words of one former student, in constant violation of “campus policy on smoking, pets, drugs, alcohol, public sex, (insert flavor-of-the-month form of rebellion here).”
The dorm is about to be dismantled. MIT has decided to kick everyone out, allowing its current members to reapply for residence in the space for the fall, but insisting it will repopulate it. “You will see that we are seeking individuals who are committed to contributing to a residential environment that supports residents’ academic and personal development,” chancellor Cynthia Barnhart wrote in a letter to current and former student members, obtained by Quartz and confirmed by the university.
MIT, which prides itself on exalting data, says data drove the decision: 59.7% of students who start off (pdf) living in Senior House graduate in four years. That compares to a university-wide average of 83.7%. More than a fifth of students had not graduated after their sixth year, nearly double the rate of the next worst-performing dorm, called Random.
MIT initially proposed overhauling the house, based on the graduation data and concerns over illegal drug use. It halted 2016-2017 freshman from moving in, appointed a turnaround committee, and added more mental health resources to the house. But the administration ultimately concluded that revamping it wasn’t worth the bother. Senior House was filled with “serious and unsafe behaviors” which undermine the university’s goals for the health, safety and academic success of the students, the letter stated.

The data on graduation rates alone would suffice to defend this decision. If you’re attending a school that costs $62,662 a year, and you still haven’t graduated after six years, this is an expensive failure. However, it appears that some MIT students are not exactly objective about the data:

On [an MIT student and alumni] blog, Michelle G., class of 2018, questioned whether the graduation data cited by the university ignored that “students of certain demographic backgrounds are significantly more likely to take longer than four years to graduate.” Senior House, she wrote, is one of the most inexpensive dorms to live in, and attracts a disproportionately high share of low-income students. According to her post, the three most expensive dorms have the highest graduation rates vs. the cheapest ones, which have the lowest. She also noted that, according to the chancellor’s office, 40% of Senior House students are LGBT.

OK, if you’re a low-income Latina lesbian, was it really a smart decision to choose MIT? Does the cost-benefit analysis make sense? And considering that MIT’s admissions process is so highly selective that only 8% of applicants are accepted, what conclusion should we draw from the fact that 40% of Senior House residents can’t graduate within four years?

I’m not smart enough to know the answers to all those questions, so maybe there’s a reason why hillbillies are “underrepresented” at MIT.

(Hat-tip: The Unz Review.)


In The Mailbox: 06.19.17

Posted on | June 20, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.19.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: RIP Stephen “Flounder” Furst
Michelle Malkin: Rape Fakers Must Pay A Higher Price
Twitchy: Ben Shapiro Holds Off Contenders In Sad Katy Perry Caption Contest
Louder With Crowder: “Victim” Who Falsely Accused Students Of Rape Now Faces Prison Time

Adam Piggott: Culture, Language, And Chicks
American Power: Otto Warmbier Has Died, also, Christopher Knowlton, Cattle Kingdom
American Thinker: Mueller’s Real Mandate, also, How The Deep State Built Its Field Of Dreams
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Paglia On Democrats – “A Nationwide Orgy Of Rage And Spite”, also, Venezuela – Lynching, Riots, General Collapse
BLACKFIVE: Remembering
Bring The HEAT: Fighting To Save The Ship
Da Tech Guy: Baldilocks – Forked, also, The #Unexpectedly Chronicles – St. Anthony’s School In Fitchburg Is The Next Domino To Fall
Don Surber: How To Save The USA In Six Words, also, Go Ahead, Punks. Make Trump’s Day.
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, Detotaled
The Geller Report: UK PM May Vows To Stamp Out “Islamophobia”, also, German Parents Summoned For Keeping Their Child From School Mosque Trip
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Former NFL QB Colin Kaepernick Compares Police To Fugitive Slave Patrols
Joe For America: Pennsylvanians Furious About Sale Of Juvenile Detention Center To Muslim Group, also, Texas Governor Abbott Signs Anti-Sharia Bill Into Law
JustOneMinute: Don’t Get Shot
Power Line: SCOTUS – No Hate Speech Exception For First Amendment, also, Another Left-Wing Science Scandal
Shark Tank: Wasserman-Schultz/Canova Rematch Now Officially On, also, Gloves Come off In Diaz/De La Portilla Race
Shot In The Dark: Because Katy Perry Doesn’t Do That Much Politics, Really
STUMP: Illinois Financial Disaster – This Is Fine, also, Mortality Monday – Cause of Death, 2014
The Jawa Report: Ministry Of Irony, Islamophobia Edition, also, Jawa Report Hereby And Forever Claims Dibs On #Trushia
The Political Hat: An Evergreen Madness
This Ain’t Hell: David Eubank Saving The World, also, RIP Bill Dana
Weasel Zippers: Outdoor Clothing Giant Patagonia Pledges To Lead Anti-Trump “Resistance”, also, NSC Refuses To Turn Over Info On Susan Rice Unmaskings, Says Evidence Being Held At Obama Library
Mark Steyn: Happy Father’s Day!, also, Action & Reaction

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Terrorism, Et Cetera

Posted on | June 19, 2017 | 2 Comments

There was a terrorist attack Sunday night in London and, by all indications — i.e., a white suspect who plowed his vehicle into a crowd leaving a mosque — this would appear to be an anti-Muslim terror attack. As Greg Palkot said on Fox News, this looks like a “reverse copycat” of the June 3 jihad attack on London Bridge that killed eight people.

Liberals, who have spent years insisting that terrorism is never a reason to be concerned about Muslims, are now reversing their logic 180 degrees, claiming that one white guy attacking Muslims is a valid reason to be suspicious of all white males everywhere. It’s so predictable.

UPDATE: If anyone was wondering about my paucity of blog activity the last few days, I got sick Wednesday evening and only began recovering Saturday. I was well enough Sunday to go to dinner with my wife, youngest daughter and a family friend. The pizza was good, and the service was excellent, because our 18-year-old son was our waiter.

UPDATE II: Meanwhile, in London . . .

“One report says that the man arrested shouted ‘kill all the Muslims’ during the attack. You can draw your own conclusions about the veracity of that statement. We will certainly hear more about this incident as the day goes on. Right now, we can only hope there were no fatalities and that the injured are not too badly hurt.”

I blame the media. When in doubt, always blame the media. It’s best to focus on generalized group blame, because that’s who commits atrocities — general groups. Liberals don’t believe in individual responsibility, except when Muslims or women or racial minorities commit atrocities, in which case it’s a “lone wolf” attack. For example, if your name is “Youssef,” “Khuram” or “Rachid,” obviously you must be a lone wolf.

UPDATE III: The suspect is reportedly a 48-year-old white man who was wearing a white T-shirt. I blame the white T-shirt. What? Yeah, obviously, white T-shirts are racist code-speak, like cartoon amphibians.


FMJRA 2.0: EDC 2017 – All EDM, All The Time

Posted on | June 17, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Summertime Girls
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Transgender Satanic Porn Performer @ZJemptv Offers SJW Dating Advice
The Pirate’s Cove
Living In Anglo-America
Ugly Mind Babies
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: A Farewell To Batman
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Gay Pride = Hate Republicans?

In The Mailbox: 06.12.17
Proof Positive

Violence Against Women Update

UVA Rape Hoax: Rolling Stone to Pay $1.65 Million to Defamed Fraternity
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 06.13.17
Proof Positive

Too Many Republicans on MSNBC?

Republican Congressman Shot; UPDATE: Suspect Is Illinois ‘Democrat Socialist’
Zilla Of The United States Of America

In The Mailbox: 06.14.17
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 06.15.17
Proof Positive

The Left Continues Fomenting Hatred

In The Mailbox: 06.16.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (11)
  2. (tied) A View From The Beach and Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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In The Mailbox: 06.16.17

Posted on | June 16, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.16.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: Is Bernie Sanders Responsible For James Hodgkinson?
EBL: When It Comes To Political Violence, The Left Has Been Carefully Taught…
Twitchy: Planned Parenthood Apparently Agreed To Defund Itself While Playing Hashtag Game
Louder With Crowder: Last Man Standing In Talks For Revival On New Network
According To Hoyt: It’s Not The Worst Of Times
Monster Hunter Nation: Mike Glyer Is A Scumbag
Vox Popoli: The SBC Virtue-Signals

Adam Piggott: Give Me Your Links! Give Me Your Vids! Give Me Your Haaaaawwwwwt Chicks!
American Power: Trump Administration Rescinds DAPA, also, Meagan Leavey Review
American Thinker: The Rise And Fall of James Comey
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five MYOB Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For June 16
Bring The HEAT: USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) Collides With Merchantman Off Japan
Da Tech Guy: Zilla – Some Happy News
Don Surber: Trump Brings Government Into 21st Century. Literally.
Dustbury: Hey, 19.98
The Geller Report: In Canada, Syrian Muslim Refugee Father Of Six Goes On Trial For Molesting Six Little Girls In Public Pool
Hogewash: Programming Announcement
Joe For America: Did FBI Have Evidence Of A Bigger Breach Than Snowden?
Power Line: The Empire Strikes Back, also, Obstruct This (2)
Shark Tank: Rubio Praises President Trump’s New Cuba Policy
Shot In The Dark: Our Passive-Aggressive Overlords
STUMP: Illinois Budget Impasse – Now It’s Serious, MegaMillions And Powerball To Withdraw
The Jawa Report: Defeating The Digital Caliphate, also, Russians Attack Zombie Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
The Political Hat: Just When You Thought Western Civilization Couldn’t Die Any More Stupidly
This Ain’t Hell: Shulkin Says VA Won’t Cut Disability Payments, also, Sorry – It Is About Politics, Not Guns
Weasel Zippers: NJ Democrat Responds To Scalise Shooting By Posting #HuntRepublicans, also, Democrat Staffers Boo Trump At “Unity” Congressional Baseball Game
Megan McArdle: Beware Of Blaming Government For London Tower Fire
Mark Steyn: The Great Fire Of A New London

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The Left Continues Fomenting Hatred

Posted on | June 16, 2017 | Comments Off on The Left Continues Fomenting Hatred


Really? exploits the fact that a black lesbian is a member of the Capitol Police force to label a wounded Republican congressman a “bigoted homophobe.” Has Steve Scalise, or any other GOP member of Congress, advocated a policy that would prohibit hiring of black people, women, or homosexuals as Capitol Police? No, that never happened, and so labeling Scalise a “bigoted homophobe” is merely a continuation of the anti-Republican rhetoric that inspired “passionate progressive” James Hodgkinson to open fire Wednesday morning.

In April, I called attention to how the Left has developed the habit of using “hate” as a synonym for Republican. This rhetorical tactic explains the mood of irrational fear and rage that has gripped so many on the Left since Donald Trump was elected President. There is nothing that separates the shooter Hodgkinson from the typical “progressive” blogger. Hodgkinson was part of the “Occupy” protests and denounced the “one percent” — the same kind of sentiment commonly espoused by Democrat politicians and their liberal media allies. Demonizing their opponents in this way has become standard operating procedure for the Left — “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it,” to quote Saul Alinsky — and we should not be surprised when such tactics inspire criminal violence. As Rep. Rodney Davis said, this is “rhetorical terrorism.”


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