The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 03.23.17

Posted on | March 23, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.23.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Mr. President, Walk Away From RyanCare
Michelle Malkin: Bring Assata Back ASAP
Twitchy: Leave It To Man-Hating Cosmo To Find A Way To Ruin Orgasms
Louder With Crowder: OH SNAP! Obama Administration Did Conduct Surveillance On Incoming Trump Team!
Superversive SF: The Corroding Empire And Amazon’s Civil War

Adam Piggott: You Don’t Go Back To Church because You Believe In God
American Power: London Under Attack While Leftists Laugh At Tommy Robinson
American Thinker: Liberal Judges Unwittingly Declare Obamacare Religious Mandate Unconstitutional
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Jury Nullification News
Da Tech Guy: JD Rucker – Just Repeal
Don Surber: Media Owes President Trump An Apology
Dustbury: Look At All Those Neutrinos
Fred On Everything: Columnists
The Geller Report: FLASHBACK – London Mayor Echoes Obama, Says People Should Just Get Used To Terrorism
Hogewash: Mmmmm. Coffee., also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Media Matters Lowlife David Brock Has A Heart Attack
Joe For America: James Woods Posts The Ultimate List Of What Democrats Have Done To America
JustOneMinute: Perils Of Pauline, Trumpcare Edition
Power Line: Breaking News From CNN – We Have No News
Shark Tank: Rubio Says Negron’s SB10 Would Wipe Out Farming Communities
Shot In The Dark: “Wiretapping”, also, Mission For Today
STUMP: Why It’s A Good Idea To Fully Fund Public Pensions
The Jawa Report: Opportunity – Jared Fogle Still Not PITA In Federal Prison, also, Fake Fake Hate Crime
The Political Hat: From Yellow Stars And Pink Triangles To White Puzzle Pieces
This Ain’t Hell: Megan Morse, IAVA, And Paul Rieckhoff Continue To Have Problems With Integrity
War Is Boring: The First Openly Gay Air Force Academy Commandant
Weasel Zippers: After A Lifetime Of Achieving Nothing, Chelsea Clinton Given Lifetime Achievement Award, also, Illinois House Rejects Making Obama’s Birthday A State Holiday
Megan McArdle: If It’s Easy To Reach Lawmakers, They’ll Ignore You
Mark Steyn: Let’s Build A New Berlin Wall And Get Russia To Pay For It!

Today’s Digital Deals

In The Mailbox: 03.22.17

Posted on | March 22, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.22.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Beer And Wine Are Legal Again – March 22, 1933
Twitchy: NBC Intel Reporter Slammed For This Take On London Attack Coverage
Louder With Crowder: Tucker Slams Democrat Councilman For Saying Prosecution Of Illegal Who Raped 14-Year Old Is “Race baiting”

Adam Piggott: Daddy Issues
American Power: Sears & Roebuck Circling The Drain
American Thinker: A Republic, If You Can Keep It
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Bring The HEAT: World Of Warships – Worst. Team. Ever.
Da Tech Guy: Baldilocks – What’s That Smell?
Don Surber: Gorsuch Hearing Shows How Weak Democrats Are
Dustbury: The Cone Of Silence Descends
The Geller Report: First Photo Of Devoted Muslim Terrorist In London Attack
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: How Chuck Schumer Is Saving The Republican Party
Joe For America: #BLM Supporter Demands Trump’s Assassination, Gets Prompt Response
JustOneMinute: Gorsuch, And The Russians Are Coming (Or Here!)
Power Line: Sen. Cotton Nails It On The AHCA
Shark Tank: Rubio Doesn’t Want “A Republican Version Of Obamacare”
Shot In The Dark: Time For Some Action
STUMP: Stupid Pension Trends – Divestment Expands
The Jawa Report: Anatomy Teacher Goes The Extra Mile For Her Students, also, He’s Dead, Jim! Londonistan Edition (Terrorist Abu Izzadeen a/k/a Trevor Brooks)
The Political Hat: Fisking A Black Bloc Thug
This Ain’t Hell: Honorary CPO/Honorary Marine Gary Sinise To Be Awarded 2017 George C. Marshall Medal
War Is Boring: Former FARC Rebels Make For Hot New Hires
Weasel Zippers: In Chicago, 15-Year-Old Girl Raped On Facebook Lived – 40 Watched, None Called Police, also, Surveillance Of Trump Team Confirmed, Possibly Also Trump Himself
Megan McArdle: When The Government’s Policy Is To Pass The Buck
Mark Steyn: Suicide By Virtue-Signaling

Today’s Digital Deals

Pimp City, U.S.A.

Posted on | March 22, 2017 | Comments Off on Pimp City, U.S.A.

Convicted sex-trafficker Robert Banks III.

Robert “Pimpsy” Banks III is pimping no more:

North Park [Calif.] gang member convicted of participating in a racketeering conspiracy involving trafficking teenage girls, robbery and drug sales was sentenced Friday to seven years in prison.
Robert Banks III was found guilty at the end of a two-week trial in San Diego federal court last summer.
Twenty-four people were charged in the conspiracy.
The indictment targeted the BMS gang, or Black Mob and Skanless, two groups that don’t claim traditional gang affiliation but work together to make money, primarily in sex trafficking and drug sales.
Banks was an older mentor to younger members and had created a reputation for himself nationally as a pimp, even winning “Player of the Year” at a national convention that promotes the pimping lifestyle, prosecutors said. His nickname is “Pimpsy.”
Banks was convicted of working with others to traffic four 15- and 16-year-old girls, among other crimes. . . .
U.S. District Judge John Houston also ordered the forfeiture of all of Banks’ personal property, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Meanwhile, in Minnesota . . .


Darryl Taylor.

Darryl Taylor is no longer pursuing his career as a pimp:

A St. Paul man may likely spend decades in prison for prostituting women out of his St. Paul home, including a 17-year-old who was forced to have sex with more than 10 men a day.
Darryl Taylor was sentenced Thursday to 28 years in prison by Ramsey County District Judge Leonardo Castro on one count of promoting prostitution and two counts of engaging in sex trafficking, according to court records.
Taylor received 20 years on the first offense and four on each of the trafficking counts and will serve the terms consecutively. . . .
The 45-year-old was accused of posting hundreds of advertisements in the escort section of to promote the sexual services of three women. The three women temporarily lived at his home between the spring of 2015 and the spring of 2016. Taylor demanded they turn the money they earned over to him.
Prosecutors say he lured a 22-year-old into the sex-trafficking scheme after selling her heroin and saying he had more at his house. The 17-year-old had been living on the streets before Taylor’s then-girlfriend reportedly took her to their home. The third woman, a 33-year-old mother and former social worker, went to Taylor’s to party one night in the fall of 2015 and ended up working as a prostitute for six months. . . .
Once, when the then 23-year-old tried to leave, Taylor threatened her with a gun and choked her until she passed out, according to the criminal complaint filed against him. He bashed the 33-year-old woman’s head repeatedly against a window ledge when she said she wanted to stop. . . .
Taylor’s former girlfriend, Laqueshia Danekia-Kay’D Moran, was previously charged for her alleged role in the sex-trafficking operation as well. She was released from custody in February after a jury failed to reach a verdict in her case.

Lucrative opportunities in the sex trafficking industry attract ambitious young men eager to pursue pimping careers. Many would-be pimps learn their trade as apprentices of more experienced pimp mentors.

Duval Shabad Dubose (left) and Henry Edward Awan (right).

Two cheap motels in Richmond, Virginia, on West Broad Street near exit 183 off I-64, were the school where Duval Dubose taught pimp lessons:

Henrico prosecutors said Duval Shabad Dubose headed up a sex trafficking ring for months inside two motels on West Broad Street.
Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Michael Feinmel said Dubose and another man pimped out two juveniles to feed a life of drugs and partying.
“The pimp is doing nothing, doing drugs, going out to clubs, partying taking advantage of these women who are doing all the work,” Feinmel said.
Feinmel said the other man, Henry Edward Awan, learned the ropes of the business from Dubose.
CBS 6 Crime Insider Jon Burnett talked to Awan in jail earlier this week after police arrested him on sex trafficking and prostitution charges.
Awan said he served as a pimp for his 17-year-old girlfriend so the couple could pay rent at a motel.
“We are homeless. I mean really homeless. We’ve stayed in a hotel a long time and we were trying to get money so my son doesn’t have to live out in the cold,” Awan said.
Feinmel said the pimps advertised the girls on and a number of adult men had sex with them. . . .
It is a felony to have sex with an underage girl so the investigation is ongoing as investigators try to track down the men who paid for sex.

If we add the two teenage girls pimped out in Richmond, to the teenage girl pimped out in Minnesota and the four teenage girls pimped out in California, these three cases involve seven girls ages 15 t0 17 who were sexually trafficked — just a few headlines from the past week. How many girls are pimped out annually in the United States? Certainly, there must be hundreds if not thousands of such victims. For some reason, however, feminists haven’t commented on these cases.

It’s almost as if there’s a pattern here, or something . . .


In The Mailbox: 3.21.17

Posted on | March 21, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Jimmy Breslin Was A Terrible Journalist
Twitchy: Judge Gorsuch Makes Senator Feinstein Look Like A Twit Over Roe v. Wade
Louder With Crowder: Big Bang Theory Star Calls Out Feminist Hypocrites – Stop Ignoring Islam’s Abuse Of Women

Adam Piggott: The Future Is Clear – Marry Up, Red Pill Boys!
American Power: ICYMI – Nonie Darwish, Wholly Different
American Thinker: Trigger-Warning Tyrants
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Health Care Rights News
BLACKFIVE: C.J. Box, Vicious Circle
Bring The HEAT: Shipboard Firefighting
Da Tech Guy: Public Broadcasting – Time For More Pledge Drives
Don Surber: Newsweek Calls For Comey’s Firing
Dustbury: Still Better Than Store-Bought
The Geller Report: Conservative Students Threatened With Violence At Minnesota College
Hogewash: Trump And Roosevelt, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Teacher Grins In Her Mugshot After Arrest For Molesting 17-Year-Old Student
Joe For America: Trump Decreased The Deficit In Two Months By THIS Much
Power Line: Did Obama Collude With Russians In 2012?
Shark Tank: Judge Gorsuch Stands His Ground Against Democrat Senators
Shot In The Dark: The Warm Flint, The Cold Baltimore
STUMP: Mortality Monday – Chicago Shootings
The Jawa Report: Total Redneck Iowan Islamophobe Curiously Uses Islamic Insults
The Political Hat: Decolonizing The Meal
This Ain’t Hell: Montgomery Sanctuary County, Maryland
War Is Boring: The Pentagon Planned To Nuke The Sky
Weasel Zippers: Former Student Making Allegations Against Judge Gorsuch Has Ties To Obama & The Democrats, also, 91% Of Media’s Trump Coverage Is Negative
Megan McArdle: Better Health Care For Less Money? It’s Not Easy
Mark Steyn: Deep and Deeper, also, As Time Goes By

Today’s Digital Deals

Are Republicans the Patriarchy Party?

Posted on | March 21, 2017 | Comments Off on Are Republicans the Patriarchy Party?

Jessica Valenti hates men and Republicans, not necessarily in that order.

In an interview last week, Jessica Valenti announced that feminism has reached “a turning point” because the election of Donald Trump was “the ultimate act of backlash against all the feminist progress that’s been happening,” and “shows that misogyny is alive and well.” At the same time, however, Valenti also expressed hope that Trump’s election could be “the last dying gasp of patriarchy.” In her mind, apparently, the patriarchy and the Republican Party are the same thing.

What is this “feminist progress that’s been happening,” according to Jessica Valenti? Did the past eight years bring remarkable improvements to the lives of American women? Or is it rather the case, as I suspect, that (a) Jessica Valenti is a partisan Democrat and (b) she considers it “progress” whenever Democrats win elections, whereas (c) it’s always a “backlash” against feminism when Republicans win elections?

Go back to 1991, when feminist Susan Faludi published Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women. What had been happening that prompted this claim that American women were being targeted in an “undeclared war”? Oh, yes — Republicans had been winning elections. In 1980, 1984 and 1988, Reagan and Bush had won by landslide margins, and so this inspired Faludi to go scouring around for evidence that women were particularly oppressed during the Reagan-Bush era.

Faludi’s “backlash” thesis was dismantled by Christina Hoff Sommers in her 1994 book Who Stole Feminism? Sommers devoted a 28-page chapter to “The Backlash Myth.” What was (and still is) actually hurting women is not Republican Party policies but rather the decline of marriage, and feminists have led the crusade against marriage.

“Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the Women’s Movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.”
Sheila Cronan, “Marriage,” 1970, in Radical Feminism, edited by Anne Koedt, et al. (1973)

“We want to destroy . . . polar role definitions of male and female, man and woman. We want to destroy patriarchal power at its source, the family. . .. We want to destroy the structure of culture as we know it, its art, its churches, its laws . . .
“The nuclear family is the school of values in a sexist, sexually repressed society.”

Andrea Dworkin, Woman Hating (1974)

“The first condition for escaping from forced motherhood and sexual slavery is escape from the patriarchal institution of marriage.”
Alison M. Jaggar, Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1988)

“The view that heterosexuality is a key site of male power is widely accepted within feminism. Within most feminist accounts, heterosexuality is seen not as an individual preference, something we are born like or gradually develop into, but as a socially constructed institution which structures and maintains male domination, in particular through the way it channels women into marriage and motherhood.”
— Diane Richardson, “Theorizing Heterosexuality,” in Rethinking Sexuality (2000)

The attack on marriage — an institution feminists condemn as “slavery,” and which they have vowed to “destroy” — has damaged our society in innumerable ways, and feminists have never apologized for their role in inflicting that damage. Instead, they survey the debris from the wreckage they have made and declare the need for more feminism.


Jessica Valenti celebrates “male tears” in the apparent belief that the cause of women’s problems is that men are too happy. Any man who disagrees with her is a “misogynist whiner.” This is a perfect expression of feminism’s totalitarian worldview, in which males have no right even to exist, let alone to voice their opinions. Jessica Valenti’s lifelong campaign of anti-male vengeance requires her to make life hell for any man who has the misfortune to be in her immediate proximity:


Jessica Valenti’s marriage to Andrew Golis has been miserable for both of them. As I explained last year in my review of Valenti’s memoir Sex Object, she is a recovering cocaine addict who is under psychiatric treatment for her anxiety disorder. A couple of quotes from her book:

Every time I see a dirty cup on the kitchen counter, my face gets red. The level of disrespect feels . . . as if Andrew has hopped on the counter, pulled down his pants, and taken a sh– there for me to clean up. My husband is lovely. He is a feminist. . . .
He tells me to leave the cups on the counter and the socks on the floor. He’ll get to them eventually. But I can’t. I don’t believe him. And I can’t write in a house where something is wrong. (p. 174)
Andrew and I have been going to couple’s therapy, both for my anxiety and because Andrew is so mad at the space the anxiety takes up in our relationship. Our default mood is low-level annoyance toward each other with a propensity to turn into full-blown rage at the smallest thing. . . .
I feel like I might hate him and I suspect he feels the same. (p. 176)

Her husband’s duty is to serve as a scapegoat for Jessica Valenti’s feminist rage, in the same way that Republicans serve as her scapegoats.

“The personal is political,” as pioneering feminist Carol Hanisch declared nearly 40 years ago, and this is why feminism always fails. If you have a personal problem (e.g., a drug habit or a psychiatric disorder), politics can never solve that problem for you. Still less can you expect to achieve anything but failure when your political goal is to use government policy as retroactive revenge for your unhappy childhood.

In her memoir, Jessica Valenti quotes her grade-school diary: “I’m so ugly I can’t stand it. I have a big gross nose, pimples, hairy arms. I will never have a boy like me or a boyfriend. All of my friends are pretty and I will be the one with no one.” Whose fault was that? How is the Republican Party to blame for Jessica Valenti’s big nose? Were big-nose girls more popular when FDR, JFK and LBJ were in the White House? The feminist faith in politics as a panacea for personal problems is as irrational as Valenti’s “full-blown rage” reaction to seeing a dirty cup on the kitchen counter.


This is how Jessica Valenti’s latest column begins:

A few years ago, my husband and I ran into a mutual acquaintance at a restaurant. This young man — a person who would surely identify as progressive — spent the entirety our interaction completely ignoring me. He spoke only to my husband; he wouldn’t even look at me when I asked a direct question.
While it would be tempting to write off the exchange as simple rudeness, this brand of slight is familiar to most women. Perhaps it happens when you go to buy a car and the salesperson only speaks to your male partner. Or when you meet someone at a work event and they only introduce themselves to the male colleague beside you.
Or, if you’re Angela Merkel, maybe the notoriously misogynist president of the United States refuses to shake your hand or even deign to look at you during a press conference.
We hear quite a lot about explicit sexism like cat calls or discrimination, but less overt indignities can be just as infuriating — in part, because they’re so hard to explain to those who haven’t experienced them.

You see? Feminism presents men with exactly two options:

  1. Damned if you do;
  2. Damned if you don’t.

If the “progressive” male acquaintance had made Jessica Valenti the focus of his attention, she would have accused him of “sexual harassment,” but when he instead spoke only to her husband, he was guilty of “completely ignoring me,” which she could not “write off . . . as simple rudeness.”

Valenti evidently did not consider any alternative explanation for this acquaintance’s behavior. Perhaps the “progressive” man would have felt uncomfortable being friendly toward her in her husband’s presence. Or maybe the man dislikes her, or had some reason to be angry with her, and was deliberately ignoring her without explaining why.

Likewise, with President Trump’s behavior toward the German prime minister, Valenti leaps to the conclusion that this is further evidence of Trump’s “notorious” misogyny, whereas anyone familiar with Angela Merkel’s role in supporting unlimited immigration by Muslim “refugees” in Europe would recognize his standoffish behavior toward her as an indicator of Trump’s unhappiness with Merkel’s policy agenda.

It is obvious that Jessica Valenti still doesn’t understand why Hillary Clinton lost the election. Was it “backlash” against “progress”?

No, ma’am, I’d say Clinton’s defeat reflected a belief that electing Democrats is not necessarily synonymous with “progress.”

Never does any feminist ask herself the question: “What if I’m wrong?”

Jessica Valenti considers the Democrat Party to represent all that is right and good in politics and, by obverse logic, she considers the Republican Party to represent everything bad and wrong in politics. She has been 100% opposed to every Republican presidential candidate in her lifetime, and will continue to oppose every Republican in the future.

And why? Because her nose is too big. Blame the patriarchy!



In The Mailbox: 03.20.17

Posted on | March 20, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.20.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: Why The Enforcement Of Immigration Laws Should Please The Left
Proof Positive: Democrat Deja Vu On Obamacare
BattleSwarm Blog: Texas Bathroom Bill Advances
EBL: St. Joseph’s Day Pasta – Lasagnette del San Giuseppe
Twitchy: Did Al Franken Admit To Being Constitutionally Illiterate At Gorsuch Hearing?
Louder With Crowder: California Chief Justice Demands ICE Stop Busting Illegals At Courthouses – Where Laws Are Enforced

Adam Piggott: Change Is Not Necessarily Progress, also, #FakeAustralians
American Power: Police Hassle Tony Robinson At London “Anti-Racism” March
American Thinker: What African Airports Taught Me About Obamacare
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BLACKFIVE: Betty Webb’s Desert Vengeance
Bring The HEAT: The Near-Extinction Of The British Dreadnoughts
Da Tech Guy: John Ruberry – This Blog Post Was Not Brought To You By The National Endowment For The Arts
Don Surber: #NeverTrumper Suddenly Realizes She’s Siding With An Anti-Semite, also, Shuttering 80 Agencies
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Bound To The Blog
The Geller Report: More Judicial Tyranny – Maryland Judge May Order Trump To Double 50K Refugee Limit
Hogewash: Go Ahead. Make My Day.
Jammie Wearing Fools: Two Immigrants Who Raped 14-Year-Old Girl In High School Bathroom Arrived In America Just Months Ago From El Salvador, Guatemala
Joe For America: Trump To Sign Law Increasing Drug Tests For Unemployed Seeking Benefits
JustOneMinute: Here We Go Again
Power Line: With Merkel’s Visit, Trump Wins Again
Shark Tank: Alleged Wiretapping Of Trump Could Be More Extensive
Shot In The Dark: Breslin
The Jawa Report: Where’s Rusty? Man Dies From Too Much Porn
The Political Hat: Time Crystals, also, Socialism And Bread Shortages – Venezuela Edition
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Thief Blumenthal Wants To Filibuster Gorsuch Nomination, also, NFL Teams Taking A Knee On Kaepernick
War Is Boring: The Biggest Tank Battle In History Wasn’t At Kursk
Weasel Zippers: Starbucks CEO Steps Down After His Anti-Trump Vow To Hire 10,000 Refugees Backfires, also, Gowdy Presses Comey On Intel Leaks
Megan McArdle: Trump’s Budget Asks The Right Questions For Conservatives
Mark Steyn: When The Twain Meet…

Today’s Digital Deals

Rule 5 Sunday: The Original Dragon Lady

Posted on | March 19, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Many many moons ago, there was a popular comic strip by the name of Terry & The Pirates, which was an action strip by Milton Caniff about the adventures of a young man and his pals in the Far East. One of their antagonists, the beautiful but cold “Dragon Lady”, was inspired by Chinese actress Anna May Wong, here seen in a still from the movie Shanghai Express with Marlene Dietrich. Not to be confused with Tiger Moms.
Insert standard disclaimer here. If you don’t know it, or can’t recall it, please see last week’s post. Yes, I’m lazy.

Anna May Wong and Marlene Dietrich in Shanghai Express.

Ninety Miles from Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, Morning Mistress – Going Up…, and Girls With Guns, followed by Goodstuff with juicy gossip, conspiracy theories, and Senta Berger. Animal Magnetism has Rule Five Energy Finds Friday and a steampunky Saturday Gingermageddon for your edification.

EBL’s thundering herd this week includes Scarlett Johansson and her pug, Ghost In The Shell, Stella Is Coming, a semi-nude bullfighting protest, The Unfunny Amy Schumer, and Leprechauns.

A View From The Beach offers The Russian is Coming – Vita SidorinkaHappy Saint P?tricius DayFriday! Wahoo!MD House Passes Ray Ban“Breathe”Chicks Trolling on TinderWatson Boobs Bared, For Feminism!Padma, ACLU Plot Anti-Trump Resistance and “Knocking on Heaven’s Door”

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Ashley Moore, his Vintage Babe is Myrna Dell, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Calvin Klein. At Dustbury, it’s Christina Grimmie and Kana Nishino.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Revelation

Posted on | March 18, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Whitewashing The Cyborg
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: Assault On Meat Mountain
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Five Charged in Nevada Gang Rape of Mentally Impaired 14-Year-Old Girl

First-Person Plural Pronouns: Steve King and the Problems of ‘Our Civilization’

In The Mailbox: 03.13.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Iranian Immigrant Raped in Houston

In The Mailbox: 03.14.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Minnesota Has Abolished Gender

Homeless Man With HIV Rapes Woman

Convicted Sex Offender Kidnaps, Robs and Rapes Woman at Cleveland Art School

Lesbian Dance Teachers Sentenced to Prison for Repeatedly Molesting Girls

Rachel @Maddow’s Big Nothing Story: Fear and Loathing on MSNBC

Violence Against Women: FBI Investigating Georgia Sex-Slavery Case

Brett Kimberlin Re-Surfaces in Connection With ‘Fake News’ Anti-Trump Forgery
BattleSwarm Blog

In The Mailbox: 03.16.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 03.17.17
Proof Positive

The Patriarchy Is Paying to Smash Itself

Comic Genius @AceOfSpadesHQ: Funnier Than @AmySchumer (and Not as Fat)
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1.  EBL (15)
  2.  Proof Positive (6)
  3.  A View From The Beach (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

Today’s Digital Deals



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