The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Five Charged in Nevada Gang Rape of Mentally Impaired 14-Year-Old Girl

Posted on | March 12, 2017 | 2 Comments

Leby Gomez (left) and Jose Henriquez (right) are charged in rape case.

KSNV-TV reports:

A Las Vegas father and a group of teens are behind bars, accused of gang raping a special education student at Del Sol Academy.
Police have identified the father as 39-year-old Leby Gomez.
Police say two of the teen suspects are Gomez’s sons.
18-year-old Jose Henriquez is also identified as a suspect in the case.
According to detectives, the heinous crimes were a secret until a video of some of the sex acts was passed around to students on campus.
Police say the victim is 14-years-old but has the mental capacity of a seven or eight-year-old.
According to a 14-page arrest report, the girl was taken to a house near Del Sol Academy and told “she wouldn’t get a ride home” unless she did what the teens told her to do.
Police say the teen’s gang raped the girl on three separate days in November.
At one point, Gomez walked in and instead of stopping the assaults, police say, he participated, saying “Keep going.”

More violence against women that feminists won’t notice.


Rule 5 Sunday: Whitewashing The Cyborg

Posted on | March 12, 2017 | 4 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

This week we turn our attention to Scarlett Johansson and her role in the upcoming live-action version of the very popular Ghost In The Shell anime, set in a world where brain-computer interfaces, and cyborg bodies, are very common. Johansson’s character, based on the anime’s Major Motoko Kusanagi, is a member of Public Security Section 9, and uses a cyborg body as the result of a childhood accident. Inevitably, the usual suspects complained that Paramount and Dreamworks were “whitewashing” Kusanagi, i.e. having a white actress play the role of an Asian. Ironic, considering one of the anime’s themes is how unimportant one’s physical body is – it’s the brain and the mind that matter. So is Johansson a good fit for the role? Examine our appetizer and decide for yourself.
As usual, many of the following pictures are commonly considered NSFW, and the management takes no responsibility for the ill effects arising from your inability to click at an appropriate time and place.

Major Kusanagi (L) v. the Major (R)

Ninety Miles from Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls with Guns, followed by Goodstuff, who features three-breasted women FOR SCIENCE! Animal Magnetism has Rule Five Killing Big Bird Friday and a Saturday Igamageddon to honor our Polish allies.

This week, EBL’s herd includes Kellyanne Conway (She’s Everywhere! She’s Everywhere!), Reese Witherspoon, Women On Strike, the actresses of Mr. Church, Melania Trump, Anna Kendricks, Women of Billions, and the women of Hand of God.

American Power returns after a long absence with Kate Hudson and Candice Swanepoel, Anastasia Ashley, Nina Agdal, Kristen Stewart, and Emma Watson.

A View From The Beach presents A Dutch Treat – Valerie van der Graaf“Schau Doch Ned So Beys”Why Not the Sumba Islands for Thursday?“White Rabbit”Area Sharks Recovering from Over FishingJust Like Mushrooms, and Did Chinamen Predate Modern Man?

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Malin Akerman, his Vintage Babe is Lupita Tovar, and Sex in Advertising this week is covered by Naked Perfume. At Dustbury, it’s Isin Karaca and Lisa Loeb.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Assault On Meat Mountain

Posted on | March 11, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

It was epic.

Rule 5 Sunday: Massachusetts Girl
Animal Magnetism
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

FMJRA 2.0: Home Again
A View From The Beach

MURRAY-MANIA! Why Are College Kids Going Wild for the Latest Sensation?

In The Mailbox: 03.06.17
Proof Positive

U.S. and Allies Scramble to Confront North Korea Missile Threat

In The Mailbox: 03.07.17
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

‘Fake News’ Network CNN in Third Place? Did Russia Hack the TV Ratings?

Oregon Investigates Claim of $22,000 Missing from Portland Women’s March

This Should Scare You to Death

#IWD2017 Illegal Immigrant Teenager Charged With Beheading His Mother
Regular Right Guy

In The Mailbox: 03.08.17
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

#IWD2017: Teenage Girl Disfigured by Brutal Attack in North Carolina

#IDW2017 Immigrant Raped Girl From Age 11, Got Her Pregnant at 15, Police Say

A Small Collection Of (Mostly) Violent Bedtime Stories

In The Mailbox: 03.09.17
Proof Positive

Feminism: Reality Is a Social Construct

Third-Wave Feminism Ruins Everything

In The Mailbox: 03.10.17
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

‘Campus Rape Epidemic’ Continues

Top linkers this week:

  1.  EBL (19)
  2.  Proof Positive (6)
  3.  A View From The Beach (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

Today’s Digital Deals

‘Campus Rape Epidemic’ Continues

Posted on | March 10, 2017 | 1 Comment


The Daily Mail reports:

A California football player who had already been convicted of rape while he was in high school has been arrested yet again after allegedly raping a 19-year-old woman.
Kishawn Holmes, 21, who was a standout football player and student at Cerritos College near Los Angeles, was taken into custody on suspicion of rape and sexual assault.
The alleged incident occurred last September at the home of his physical therapist.
Sheriff’s Sgt. Marvin Jaramilla said the alleged victim also attended the same college as Holmes and that as a physical therapist the woman has provided services to some of the football players and other athletes at the school.
Holmes has been charged with two counts of forcible rape, according to the criminal complaint.
In 2014 Holmes was convicted of rape by force or fear; two counts of lewd and lascivious acts upon a child under the age of 14; three counts of false imprisonment; and one count of dissuading a witness who was one of the alleged rape victims.
At the time, he was sentenced to a year in jail and spent some time at a juvenile facility.
On the most recent charges, Holmes pleaded not guilty but is being held at North County Correctional Facility in Castaic on $2 million bail based on the incident and his past history.

Readers will recall that feminists recently spent many months decrying an alleged “epidemic” of sexual assault at colleges and universities. There was the so-called “Mattress Girl” protest at Columbia, and the Rolling Stone rape hoax at the University of Virginia, and countless other incidents that feminists cited as proof that 1-in-5 female students were raped at college. When critics offered evidence indicating that this 1-in-5 statistic was such a vast exaggeration as to be an outright lie, feminists accused their critics of being pro-rape — or “rape truthers,” in Amanda Marcotte’s vivid phrase. Meanwhile, male students were filing lawsuits claiming that they had been falsely accused and denied due-process protection in university disciplinary proceedings. K.C. Johnson and Stuart Taylor Jr. examine this phenomenon in their new book, The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universities. Yet feminist rage about a supposed “rape culture” on college campuses seems to have fizzled out lately, with no explanation.




Oh, wait — that’s right: It was only about politics, wasn’t it? Unlike the frantic mobs of youthful feminists shrieking about “patriarchy” and demanding “trigger warnings,” I’ve lived a long time and observed politics at close range, which tends to make me quite cynical about whatever purported “crisis” the liberal media is hyping. You cannot convince me that, just by random coincidence, the Obama administration decided in early 2014 to appoint a White House Task Force to deal with sexual assault on college campuses. And when it was reported that progressive billionaire George Soros has contributed nearly $250 million to feminist groups since 2000, cynics like me were not the least bit surprised.

Since last November’s election, however, we see that the focus of feminist activism shifted from the “campus rape epidemic” to organizing mass protests against the Trump administration. Does this mean that campus rape has ceased to be a priority for feminists? Go check the Twitter feeds of Jessica Valenti, Laurie Penny, Amanda Marcotte and other prominent feminists and see if you get any sense of concern about the alleged “epidemic” of college girls being sexual assaulted. It’s as if the whole thing instantly evaporated just about the time the networks called Pennsylvania for Trump on Election Night. Meanwhile, in California . . .


A [California State University] Channel Islands student charged with raping a fellow student last fall was released from jail Friday morning after posting $100,000 bail.
Jonathan Henry-Walker, 23, was scheduled to appear in Ventura County Superior Court Friday morning on a felony forcible rape charge, but his arraignment was rescheduled to March 24. He was arrested without incident at his home in San Bernardino County on Thursday.
If he is convicted, Henry-Walker could be sentenced to up to eight years in state prison and would be required to register as a sex offender. . . .
Henry-Walker, a transfer student majoring in psychology, is on interim suspension and is not allowed on the Camarillo campus. He was placed on interim suspension in November after three female students reported he had raped them earlier in the fall. Their allegations led to a 3½-month investigation, resulting in the single rape charge. . . .
Henry-Walker, who lived in the dorms, allegedly raped an 18-year-old woman after she attended a party in his room, his arrest warrant says. According to the warrant, Henry-Walker gave her alcohol, and when she told him she didn’t feel well, he said she could lie down on his bed. She closed her eyes, and he allegedly raped her, the document says.
The other alleged rapes occurred in September and October.

Far be it from me to deny this accused student his due-process rights, nor do I forget that he is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Yet feminists spent a couple of years insisting that every college boy who so much as hinted at an interest in heterosexual activity on campus was a potential rapist. “Consent training” became a mandatory part of freshman orientation, and “affirmative consent” laws were imposed, shifting the burden of proof from the accuser to the accused.

Here in 2017, however, when campus rape cases make headlines, we await the feminist reaction and . . . Nothing. Silence. Crickets chirping.

For some reason, feminists haven’t said a word about Jonathan Henry-Walker or Kishawn Holmes. Nor have I noticed feminists commenting on the brutal attack against Priyanka Kumari, or the rape and kidnapping charges against Evan Xavier Little, or Oliver Funes-Machado, who decapitated his own mother, or Henry Jose Garcia who allegedly raped a girl from the time she was 11 until she was 15. All this violence against women, and yet feminists don’t seem to notice these crimes.

It’s almost as if there’s a pattern or something . . .




Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | March 10, 2017 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

The three oppressors stood between her and Union Station. Apart from being her older “sisters”, there was no Cinderella resemblance.
“Where do you think you’re going?” snarled Nancy, the oldest, as they closed.
She strode.
“Well?” echoed Barbara, as they closed.
Her fists clenched.
“Answer us!” screamed Dianne.
And she did, with roundhouse pump to the head that took all of them out, and would’ve earned an awed look from a very young Chuck Norris, had he been available.
She stepped over Barbara’s groaning body, and just kept going.
No glass slipper; no Prince Charming; but still: her destiny beckoned.

* * *

Thanks, Darleen!

In The Mailbox: 03.10.17

Posted on | March 10, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.10.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: The Accountant – A Review
Twitchy: Sarah Silverman Doubles Down On Bernie’s Stupid, Blames Rich People For Everything
Louder With Crowder: Reasons To Vote for Democrats Is Amazon Best-Seller, Filled With Empty Pages

Adam Piggott: Podcast #39 – The International Wymens’ Day Edition, also, Friday Links & Hawtness – Dr. Jordan Petersen Edition
American Thinker: The End Of The World…For Liberals
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Killing Big Bird Friday
Bring The HEAT: Demolitions
Da Tech Guy: Fausta – Mexican Foreign Secretary Meets Directly With White House, State Department Employees In A Snit
Don Surber: Sessions Flips Special Prosecutor Back On Democrats
Dustbury: GOPCare
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Groups Helping Illegal Immigrants Took $291 Million From Taxpayers
Hogewash: This Appeared On The Online Docket For Hoge v. Kimberlin Et Al
Jammie Wearing Fools: Founder Of EPA’s Environmental Justice Office Quits – Also, The EPA Has An Environmental Justice Office
Joe For America: Senator Cotton – We Know The Leaks Are Coming From Obama Administration Officials
Power Line: Outside Counsel To Probe Criminality In Obama’s Justice Department?
Shot In The Dark: It’s Worked For Saint Paul Taxation All These Years
STUMP: Friday Trumpery – Did You Miss The Women?
The Jawa Report: Pastor Raymond Koh Missing In Malaysia
This Ain’t Hell: It’s Who You Know
War Is Boring: Stop Believing In The Many Myths Of The Iraq Surge
Weasel Zippers: Axe Attack At Dusseldorf Train Station, “Motive Unclear”, also, Samantha Bee Mocks CPAC Attendee With Stage 4 Cancer For Having “Nazi Hair”
Mark Steyn: Fun For Young And Old, also, Steyn On The Howie Carr Show

Today’s Digital Deals

Third-Wave Feminism Ruins Everything

Posted on | March 10, 2017 | 1 Comment

“The male gaze creates a power imbalance. It supports a patriarchal status quo, perpetuating women’s real-life sexual objectification.”
Janice Loreck, Ph.D. Monash University

While working on a longer post about something else this morning, I happened to notice this feminist discourse on Tumblr:

As a result, some concerns have been raised in the feminist community as the visual representations seem to normalize . . . the belief that people are categorized as female or male and that the genders fall into a particular role in the world. To address these concerns, one can explore the principles of psychoanalysis, a method of investigation of the unconscious mind affecting the conscious, founded by Sigmund Freud. By looking at Freud’s idea of phallocentrism, which was later elaborated by Laura Mulvey and branched out into the male gaze, festishistic scopophilia, and masochism . . . communicated to the audience by objectifying femininity.
In order to understand psychoanalysis, one must be aware of its center principle, phallocentrism, an idea indicating that cultural meanings are structured around masculine terms (Rose, 2016). Phallocentrism, derived from the castration complex, is a belief in which the phallus (penis) is associated with the dominance of the male sex. . . .
With the idea that masculine is superior, males gain a visuality that “asserts that the masculine position is to look and the feminine is to be looked at as the feminine seems lacking” (Rose, 2016, 157). This concept can be explained through male gaze, an idea that is closely linked to voyeurism, the pleasure of looking. Specifically, male gaze “invokes the sexual politics of the gaze and suggests a sexualised way of looking that empowers men and objectifies women” (Loreck, 2016). In cinema, Mulvey describes that females are generally characterized for their beauty. As a result, women are portrayed as an “‘object’ of hexterosexual male desire [and] her feelings, thoughts, and her own sexual drives are less important than her being ‘framed’ by male desire” (Loreck, 2016).

OK, what is this about? Korean pop music videos, known as “K-Pop.”

Having never seen any K-Pop videos, I can’t say whether this feminist criticism of the genre is accurate. However, I will ask a question no one ever seems to ask: “Why are feminists always against anything which might appeal to the interests of heterosexual males?”

Who has time to come up with this kind of pseudo-intellectual Freudian nonsense? Have we solved the problems of poverty, hunger, disease and war so that now there is nothing left for our university faculty to do except purging “the male gaze” and  “objectification” from music videos?

This is how Third-Wave feminism works:

  1. Find something normal people enjoy.
  2. Subject it to a Marxist, Freudian or Foucauldian analysis to explain how it oppresses women.
  3. Be rewarded with a book contract, TV appearances, faculty tenure, a glowing profile feature in the New York Times, etc.
  4. Condemn anyone who criticizes you as a “misogynist.”




You’d think people would catch onto this scam sooner or later, but there is never a shortage of fools in the world, and the progressive elite creates a system of incentives for the pseudo-intellectual hustlers who specialize in peddling feminist nonsense about “oppression” to these fools.

Left-wing billionaire George Soros gave $246 million to more than 100 organizations involved in the “Day Without a Woman” protests. Stop to think how much “activism” can be purchased for that kind of money. Then, consider how many Gender Studies professors and their students would like to get a slice of that lucrative “activism” pie. Next, ponder how much “monkey-see-monkey-do” imitation could be inspired if a network of a few hundred hired “activists” spent many months promoting the Feminist™ brand in campus protest rallies, magazine articles, blog posts, YouTube videos, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Gosh, do you think giving so many millions of dollars to feminist groups had something to do with the 2016 presidential election? Or are you such a clueless fool that you think this was all just a random coincidence?

Like I said, I’m working on something else now and don’t have time to explore this at length, but “Heteronormativity in K-Pop” is the kind of toxic feminist nonsense that college professors are now cramming into the minds of impressionable young people.



Feminism: Reality Is a Social Construct

Posted on | March 10, 2017 | 1 Comment


Feminism was always crazy, but since the 1990s, the movement’s inherent madness has been augmented by the French-influenced postmodernism of academic intellectuals. The enormous influence of Professor Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity has served as the vehicle by which French philosopher Michel Foucault (The History of Sexuality) became a feminist idol. Butler’s book is also the means by which American college students have been introduced to the work of French feminists Luce Irigaray (This Sex Which is Not One) and Monique Wittig (The Straight Mind). Keep in mind that Butler’s book is lodged more or less permanently among the Top 10 Amazon bestsellers (as of 8 a.m. ET today, #4 in Media Studies, #6 in Women Authors, #8 in Gender Studies) not because it is pleasant reading, but because it is required reading in so many college and university courses. Every year, many tens of thousands of young people enroll in Women’s Studies classes, and are introduced to Professor Butler’s version of feminist gender theory — the social construction of the gender binary within the heterosexual matrix. This one book by a University of California professor, therefore, has had an enormous effect in popularizing what has come to be known as Queer Feminism. The core logic of 21st-century feminist theory is that heterosexuality is wrong because it is “a socially constructed institution which structures and maintains male domination,” to quote Diane Richardson, a professor at England’s Newcastle University who is, among other things, an editor of the textbook Introducing Gender and Women’s Studies, now in its fourth edition.

“By the end of the 1970s feminist theories of gender were becoming increasingly sophisticated. . . . [T]hey questioned the idea that gender is a universal category. . . . Instead, they defined gender as a socially constructed product of patriarchal hierarchies.”
Diane Richardson, Introducing Gender & Women’s Studies (3rd edition, 2007)

The young feminist can cite the authority of eminent professors and their influential books in condemning “patriarchal hierarchies” and the oppressive “socially constructed institution” of heterosexuality. As to proposed alternatives, however, feminists seem to have no definite blueprint for a post-patriarchal society. Their ideas for the future are mainly expressed in slogans — Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, etc.

What does feminism mean in practice? How does the student live her life in accordance with the ideology her professors teach her? This is something she must work out for herself, which can be quite confusing, and particularly so when the young feminist happens to be male.



Regular readers may recall Justin “Riley Jay” Dennis, “a polyamorous, atheist, gender non-binary transwoman . . . educating people on the nuances of gender, sexuality, and intersectional feminism.”

Just two years ago, Justin/Riley graduated from Whittier College, a private school in California where annual tuition $44,574, plus $12,902 room and board, bringing the total cost to $57,476 a year. This may seem a high price to pay to learn “the nuances of gender, sexuality, and intersectional feminism,” but it takes highly qualified instructors to educate polyamorous, atheist, gender non-binary young people.


“Trans women are not male, and saying that they are allows some people to justify the mistreatment of trans people. . . . For a long time, gender has been assigned to people based on their perceived sex. A doctor looks at a baby’s genitals and determines what gender it will be raised as. In our culture, this used to be unquestionable fact. You were raised as the gender you were assigned at birth, and being transgender wasn’t an option. . . . Now we can say that your gender is based on how you identify, because we realized that basing gender on perceived sex was oppressive. . . .”

Well, I could transcribe more of that video, but I’ve already cited five different authors (Butler, Foucault, Irigaray, Wittig and Richardson) whose books you could order from Amazon and read them yourself. That would cost a lot less than $57,476, but then again, you’re probably not a 24-year-old polyamorous, atheist, gender non-binary transwoman, and you don’t need a Ph.D. to tell you that Justin/Riley is crazy.

Everyday Feminism tells its readers that it is an “act of violence” to say that 24-year-old “Riley Jay” Dennis is the same human being as Justin David Dennis, the 18-year-old male student from a Seattle suburb who enrolled at Whittier College in the fall of 2011. These are what we used to call facts, back in the old days when people believed in something called “reality.” However, we didn’t have Women’s Studies professors and their theories to explain “patriarchal hierarchies” to us, so we were ignorant of “the nuances of gender, sexuality, and intersectional feminism.”

Left: Justin Dennis in 2012. Right: “Riley Jay” Dennis in 2015.

Justin/“Riley Jay” Dennis can change his/“her” name to Sheena Queen of the Jungle, and demand to be called Your Highness, but this would not oblige the rest of us to play along with his/“her” make-believe game.

What part of crazy do I have to explain here? Feminists are berserk, bonkers, deranged, demented, delusional, irrational, non compos mentis, unhinged, wacky, psycho, off their rockers, nuttier than squirrel farts, a few fries short of a Happy Meal and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.


The craziest thing of all is that parents would pay $57,476 a year to send their son to Whittier College where his professors will help him explore how “gender formations . . . intersect with other relations of power.” After a few semesters of this lunatic gibberish, your son will realize that he is “she,” because basing gender on perceived sex is oppressive.

The Whittier College football team went 0-9 last fall, and this is probably not a coincidence. It might be difficult to concentrate on football when you’re trying to figure out whether you identify as male or female. What if the quarterback decides he’s “non-binary,” changes his name to Sheena and demands to be addressed with “they”/“them” pronouns?

“Gender is a hierarchical system which maintains the subordination of females as a class to males through force. Gender is a material system of power which uses violence and psychological coercion to exploit female labor, sex, reproduction, emotional support, etc., for the benefit of males. Gender is not natural or voluntary, since a person is not naturally subordinate and no one chooses to be subordinated.”
Rachel Ivey, 2013

“Sexuality, then, is a form of power. Gender, as socially constructed, embodies it, not the reverse. Women and men are divided by gender, made into the sexes as we know them, by the social requirements of heterosexuality, which institutionalizes male sexual dominance and female sexual submission.”
Catharine MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State (1989)

“The patriarchal construction of the difference between masculinity and femininity is the political difference between freedom and subjection.”
Carole Pateman, The Sexual Contract (1988)

More than once, I have explained what’s wrong with the Third Wave feminist T-shift slogan, “Raise Boys and Girls the Same Way.” The slogan presumes that a gender-free androgynous childhood will eliminate inequality (“the subordination of women as a class”) by eliminating differences between men and women. Actually, what gender-free childhood will produce is failure, at the most basic level of biology. Insofar as sex is about reproduction, sexual success requires young people to acquire the traits and skills necessary to attract a mate and establish a family. Your son must become the kind of man whom a woman will find desirable as a husband, and as the father of her children, while your daughter must become the kind of woman whom a man will find desirable as a wife, and as the mother of his children. This is so obvious, from a common-sense perspective, that it should require no explanation.

Human being are mammals. Whatever else might be designated by the word “sex,” from the perspective of science, sex is about reproduction, procreating offspring. Does anyone think it likely that “non-binary” Justin/Riley Dennis will succeed in this Darwinian sense of what sex is?





Some people are so “smart” that they are incapable of understanding basic common sense. Justin/Riley Dennis is typical of the kind of intellectual decadence that prevails on 21st-century college campuses. Feminism is both cause and effect, both symptom and disease. On the one hand, no sane person can believe that Justin/Riley is a woman, but on the other hand, Justin/Riley must have been emotionally disturbed before he was exposed feminist gender theory. Any psychologically healthy would laugh at the ideas that Justin/Riley seems to take so seriously.

“Hillary is our only option to prevent a Trump presidency. That’s the only reason I really needed.”
Justin “Riley Jay” Dennis, Oct. 30, 2016

You had to be crazy to vote for Hillary Clinton, so no one is surprised to learn that Justin/Riley is a Democrat. And if you want your kids to grow up to be “non-binary,” then you should definitely vote Democrat.


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