The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: In Like A Lioness

Posted on | February 26, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Well, unfortunately, all the visual search results for “hot lion babes” were more than a little pornographic, so this week we’ll go in a slightly different direction and serve up Atsuko Natsume, the heroine of the anime All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (trailer here for your edification*), which was my first introduction to catgirls in anime. Atsuko, unlike most other catgirls, is actually a cyborg with a cat’s brain in a humanoid robotic body, which leads to occasional moments of distraction when she sees mice. Anyway, here we see our heroine in the obligatory beach episode of the original series.
As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW. The management is not responsible for any negative outcomes (including, but not limited to: hairballs, spraying, shedding, destruction of property, ill-timed naps, attacks by giant mecha or demented robots, or persecution by heavily armed Office Ladies) resulting from your failure to exercise discretion in your clicking.

Despite having the (literal) brain of a cat, Nuku Nuku seems to be enjoying the beach.

We kick off this week with Ninety Miles From Tyranny, who brings us Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Goodstuff chips in with the original First Lady of Rock n’ Roll, Priscilla Presley, and Animal Magnetism contributes Rule Five Balkanization Friday as well as the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd this week includes Leslie Mann, Women Eating Cannoli, Women of CPAC, Heather Thomas, Heather Locklear, and Heather Graham, as well as Deborah Kerr.

A View From The Beach presents A Hunger for a Hungarian – Barbara PalvinMaryland DNR Planning for RaysMean Dykes Drive Out Lady NetterRetailer Predicts Good Year for Bay Crabs“Old Love”Do the Jellyfish!Heads Explode as Senate Confirms Pruit to Head EPAChilly in Chile, and “Lost Me”

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Florence Faivre, his Vintage Babe is Jinx Falkenburg, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Calvin Klein. At Dustbury, it’s FKA twigs and Joan Blondell.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

*Featuring the opening song, sung by the incomparable Megumi Hayashibara.

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FMJRA 2.0: And Now A Word From The Evolution Control Committee

Posted on | February 26, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The NERV Evening News (featuring Dan Rather and Neon Genesis Evangelion)

Rule 5 Sunday: Valentine’s Day Pinup Edition
Animal Magnetism
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

A Modern Love Story

Social Justice vs. Heterosexuality (and the Problem With ‘Male Feminists’)
The Pirate’s Cove
Living In Anglo-America

@DavidAFrench: Up Your Game

FMJRA 2.0: A Day Late And A Dollar Short
A View From The Beach

‘Anti-Feminists … Are F–king Evil. They’re Such Disgusting Human Beings’

In The Mailbox: 02.20.17
Proof Positive

@DavidBenkof: Disagreement != *Phobia

Acts of Trump 4:7-12

In The Mailbox: 02.21.17
Proof Positive

‘Feminist Witchcraft,’ Mental Illness and the Demonic Dangers of the Occult

To Milo or Not to Milo?

In The Mailbox: 02.22.17
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

#CPAC2017: Kellyanne Conway, Ted Cruz, Mark Levin, Dana Loesch, Steve Bannon

#CPAC2017: Joe the Plumber (@RealJTP) Talks Breitbart, Bannon, Trump

In The Mailbox: 02.23.17
Proof Positive

#CPAC 2017: ‘The Deconstruction of the Administrative State’ — Steve Bannon
A View From The Beach

#CPAC2017: Seen on the Scene

#CPAC: The Trump-Haters Arrive

#CPAC2017 Donald Trump Redefines Rhetoric; George Will Hardest Hit

In The Mailbox: 02.24.17
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1.  EBL (19)
  2.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

Instant Gratification – Today’s Digital Deals
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#CPAC2017: Draft Sheriff Clarke

Posted on | February 26, 2017 | Comments Off on #CPAC2017: Draft Sheriff Clarke


Saturday night, I spent about 15 minutes talking to Jack Daly, a longtime conservative activist who is a leader of the Draft Sheriff David Clarke for U.S. Senate committee. They want the Milwaukee County sheriff, who has attracted a nationwide following from his appearances on Fox News, to challenge Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin in 2018. It didn’t take Daly five minutes to make me see what a brilliant idea this is, and the last 10 minutes of our conversation was mainly me raving about how the Clarke for Senate campaign would immediately become a national focus to energize conservatives in the 2018 midterm elections.

This isn’t rocket science. You don’t have to be a political genius to see how vulnerable Baldwin is. In 2012, she only got 51% of the vote against Republican Ron Johnson in a presidential election year with Obama at the top of the ticket to drive turnout among Democrat voters. Looking at the exit polls, Johnson actually got a greater share of the white vote (50%-47%), but Baldwin got 91% of the black vote. What do you think the numbers would look like in a Baldwin-Clarke matchup in a midterm year?

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (left), Sheriff David Clarke (right).

The dividends of such a matchup won’t be limited to Wisconsin. Baldwin is not only a woman, she is a lesbian, so that in the attempt to defend her seat, her re-election campaign will attract millions of dollars in contributions from feminist, abortion and LGBT groups and activists — money and effort they can’t spend elsewhere. And if Clarke runs, he’ll attract many millions of dollars from a nationwide army of conservative small donors — many giving $50 or less — so that his campaign will be driven by the kind of grassroots energy that elected Trump.

If Clarke runs, he wins — I have no doubt about that — which means all the NARAL and Planned Parenthood money spent in the attempt to defend Baldwin’s seat would be a complete waste on a doomed Democrat.

If one of the most high-profile Senate races in the country in 2018 features a black conservative as the Republican candidate, what does that do to the liberal media narrative of the GOP and President Trump as racists? It destroys it, completely, like the A-bomb wiped out Hiroshima. And, yes, Sheriff Clarke is deeply conservative — he can quote Antonin Scalia by memory — and yes, Donald Trump loves the guy:

“David, we are very proud of you. What you’ve done is incredible. . . .
The first time I saw you on television a couple of years ago
I said: ‘There’s a man who is absolutely terrific! He gets it.'”

That’s one of the many endorsements for Sheriff Clark from the draft committee’s website, which also includes quotes from Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Ginni Thomas and others. This campaign could be a real  game-changer in terms of shifting the national balance of power by consolidating the populist/conservative majority in Midwestern states like Wisconsin which Trump won in 2016. If the GOP can build reliable electoral majorities in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — in 2018, 2020 and beyond — the possibility of Democrats recapturing either the Senate or the White House would become a faint and distant hope for liberals. And if Republicans can elect black conservatives like Sheriff Clarke, they take away from liberals one of their most cherished toys, the identity-politics hustle of race-baiting. Let’s do this thing.





#CPAC2017: Witches vs. Trump

Posted on | February 25, 2017 | 1 Comment

“[Feminism is] a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”
Pat Robertson, 1992

While thousands of Conservative Political Action Conference attendees were celebrating their movement’s success here — the Breitbart luau was among the many parties Saturday night — witches gathered at midnight at Trump Tower in New York to cast a “binding spell” against our president.

Liberals are convinced the powers of darkness are their friends:

The mass ritual will allegedly be repeated again March 26, April 24, May 23, June 21 (the summer solstice), July 21, and August 19.
The spell also invokes evil on “those who abet” Trump, which would seem to appear to cover his staff and political nominees, and perhaps the millions who voted for him as well. . . .
In reaction, a number of Christian groups and individuals have promised to pray for Mr. Trump, asking God’s blessings on his work and on the nation. . . .
The witches’ spell involves a lengthy incantation, calling on spirits and “demons of the infernal realms” to bind Donald J. Trump so that “he may fail utterly, that he may do no harm.”

The Political Hat has pointed out that using witchcraft against Trump was very popular among feminist witches with Tumblr blogs.

The famous 1992 quote by Pat Robertson was absolutely true, as I have documented the reality of feminist involvement in witchcraft:

Since the 1970s, feminists have celebrated witches as an “archetype” of empowered women, and have cited the witch hunts as part of a narrative of oppression, grossly exaggerating the numbers of victims and distorting the history to create a mythology of martyred victims. This is actually taught as fact in Women’s Studies classes. The influential textbook Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions by Oregon State University professors Susan M. Shaw and Janet Lee includes this:

In the “burning times” (between the 11th and 14th centuries), millions of women in Europe were murdered as witches. for many of these women, “witchcraft” was simply the practice of traditional healing and spirtuality and the refusal to profess Christianity. For other women, the charge of witchcraft had nothing to do with religious practices and everything to do with accusations rooted in jealousy, greed, and fear of female sexuality. But in the frenzy of the times, defending oneself against an accusation of witchcraft was practically impossible, and an accusation alone generally meant death. (p. 598)

In the early twenty-first century, many women participate in revivals of ancient women-centered religions and have become empowered through the revaluing of the feminine implicit in this spirituality. Wicca, or witchcraft (although not the witches we popularly think of at Halloween), is a Goddess- and nature-oriented religion whose origins predate both Judaism and Christianity. Current Wiccan practice involves the celebration of the feminine, connection with nature, and the practice of healing. As Wiccan practitioner Starhawk suggests, witchcraft encourages women to be strong, confident, and independent and to love the Goddess, the earth, and other human beings. This notion of witchcraft is very different from the cultural norms associated with witches that are propagated in society. (p. 602)

High priestesses of feminist witchcraft Starhawk (left) and Z Budapest (right).

Starhawk (neé Miriam Simos) is high priestess of a neo-pagan feminist witchcraft cult known as the “Reclaiming” tradition. Starhawk was one of the earliest disciples of Z. Budapest (neé Zsuzsanna Emese Mokcsa), high priestess of the Dianic Wicca cult of feminist witchcraft. Feminists actually believe in this stuff, which is promoted in university Women’s Studies programs. At the University of Pennsylvania, for example, the department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies offers a class in “Witchcraft and Possession” (GSWS 119), Academic feminists produce articles like “Witchcraft and Gender in Early Modern Europe,” “Witchcraft Studies from the Perspective of Women’s and Gender History,” and “Witchcraft and Women: A Historiography of Witchcraft as Gender History.” Parents can now send their daughters to a state university to study witchcraft at taxpayer expense.

This is what feminists call “progress,” you see.

Christians need to pray for the President’s protection:

Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church.

There’s no point praying for Democrats, of course. They’ve sold their souls to the Devil and are helpless slaves serving their satanic master.




Second Amendment and @LogCabinGOP: Because Survival Is the First Natural Right

Posted on | February 25, 2017 | 1 Comment

Gregory Angelo of Log Cabin Republicans at CPAC.

An armed society is a polite society, as Robert Heinlein observed, and no right is more important your right to defend your own life. All other rights are meaningless to a dead man, and last year’s terrorist attack in Orlando, where a radical Muslim killed 49 people and wounded 53 others at a gay nightclub, was an overdue wake-up call.

“The Second Amendment offers the LGBT community the constitutional right to defend ourselves and our families. And that’s something I don’t think we should take lightly, nor seek to erode,” Log Cabin Republicans president Gregory Angelo said last year in an interview with Lifezette. “Without the ability to defend yourself, there are no gay rights.”

At the group’s booth at CPAC where the “Gays for Guns” sign was prominently displayed, Angelo said that the concept of equal protection expressed in the landmark Obergefell ruling on same-sex marriage could also be used to strike down local anti-gun laws that limit the right to self-defense. Concealed-carry licenses issued in one state should be recognized in all other states, Angelo said. He noted that Log Cabin Republicans are the only LGBT advocacy group that consistently defends the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Robert Heinlein would totally understand.



In The Mailbox: 02.24.17

Posted on | February 24, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.24.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: #RepealObamacare
Twitchy: CNN Whines About Being Excluded From White House Media Gaggle
Louder With Crowder: Chris Cuomo Says Dads Protecting Their Daughters From Trannies Are Bigots
According To Hoyt: Of Plate Tectonics And Unknown Carbon Reservoirs
Vox Popoli: Black Bloc Cries

Adam Piggott: Podcast #37 – The Truth Episode, also, Never Say You’re Sorry And Never Offer Your Resignation
American Power: Jill Lepore, The Name Of War
American Thinker: Leftist Jews Should Quit Lecturing Trump About Anti-Semitism
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Balkanization Friday
Da Tech Guy: Fausta – The Not Quite Fake But Rather Manipulated News
Don Surber: Best Bacon News Of The Day , also, Noonan Advises Democrats – Be RINOS
Dustbury: 55 Horses, No Waiting
The Geller Report: Sweden – Another Muslim Migrant Gang Rape Livestreamed On Facebook
Hogewash: An Evening At CPAC
Jammie Wearing Fools: How Convenient – Senate Democrats Avoiding Staged Town Hall Tantrums
Joe For America: The Indivisible Movement – The Left Astroturfs Its Own “Tea Party” To Resist Trump
JustOneMinute: I Feel A Song Coming On
Power Line: Democrats Make Fools Of Themselves At Cotton Town Hall, also, Democrats Turn To Witchcraft To “Banish” Trump
Shark Tank: Florida Begins Issuing Medical Marijuana Cards
Shot In The Dark: Shame In? Shame Out!
STUMP: Around The Pension Web – Actuarial Outpost, MEPs, Assets
The Political Hat: Scientists Laying The Groundwork For Cyborg Catgirls
This Ain’t Hell: Navy Veteran Killed During “Welfare Check”
War Is Boring: China’s Second Aircraft Carrier Almost Complete
Weasel Zippers: Nestle Leaves California Due To Oppressive State Laws, Taxes, also, Illegal Fundraiser For Clintons Made Tell-All Video Because He Feared Assassination
Megan McArdle: “Authentic” Food Is Not What You Think It Is

Instant Gratification – Today’s Digital Deals

#CPAC2017 Donald Trump Redefines Rhetoric; George Will Hardest Hit

Posted on | February 24, 2017 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

Hinderaker offers the video and a slightly more favorable take.

#CPAC: The Trump-Haters Arrive

Posted on | February 24, 2017 | 2 Comments

A policeman instructs protesters not to block the sidewalk.

“So much security,” the young well-dressed woman remarked to her similarly dressed friend as they crossed the road to enter the Gaylord Hotel. “It’s almost as if there’s somebody important here.”

Indeed, President Trump is speaking this morning at the Conservative Political Action Conference and it’s easy to tell the difference between the pro-Trump CPAC attendees and the anti-Trump protesters, a cluster gathered on the street corner across from the hotel. The protesters are angry and dressed like slobs, while the CPAC attendees are cheerful and dressed like winners. The CPAC women wear dresses and heels, and the CPAC men wear coats and ties. Welcome to Trump Nation.




As of 9:45 a.m., maybe 20 or 25 members of the soi-disant “resistance” were standing across the road from the hotel entrance. Scarcely the kind of ferocious mob you might expect just outside the nation’s capital, where just five weeks ago, swarms hordes of anarchists wreaked havoc on the D.C. streets in protests of Trump’s inauguration. And now our president is speaking on the CPAC stage.


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