‘This Is Alabama. We Speak English.’
Posted on | April 23, 2010 | 93 Comments
And the street signs are also in English. So why is the state giving drivers’ license exams in 12 different languages? Republican gubernatorial candidate Tim James asks the common-sense question:
Rachel Maddow says the ad “strikes me as just plain mean,” and lefty-blogger Heather at Crooks & Liars says, “This guy is about as subtle as a brick upside your head.”
Considering that this is a Republican primary in Alabama, such indignation from the Left probably means this ad is a winner. Frankly, I doubt the conservative Democratic candidate Artur Davis would dare disagree with James’ proposal.
I interviewed Tim James in February for the American Spectator. The primary is June 1.
(Hat-tip: Memeorandum.)
UPDATE: Just got off the phone with a Tim James campaign operative, who explained that this ad is part of a series with the “common sense” theme. Here’s a couple more:
My operative friend tells me that the James campaign, which has more cash-on-hand than the other candidates in the crowded GOP primary, has restrained its spending on TV advertising — the most expensive part of campaigning — but is now ramping up their TV buys going into the final five weeks before the primary.
93 Responses to “‘This Is Alabama. We Speak English.’”
April 27th, 2010 @ 10:24 pm
Well, it’s about time some one took a stance and have the guts to say it. it seems the USA has become the attraction magnet for all people stupid.English shouls and must be the official language. I have heard some people of foreign birth say “it is a free country therefore they do not have to speak English”. Even if you consider english as the language of Imeperialism which it is, still there is no reason to have all these documents in just about every language. If one is illeterate, regardless of what language in which a document is written, he or she cannot read it. Stop catering.
April 27th, 2010 @ 5:24 pm
Well, it’s about time some one took a stance and have the guts to say it. it seems the USA has become the attraction magnet for all people stupid.English shouls and must be the official language. I have heard some people of foreign birth say “it is a free country therefore they do not have to speak English”. Even if you consider english as the language of Imeperialism which it is, still there is no reason to have all these documents in just about every language. If one is illeterate, regardless of what language in which a document is written, he or she cannot read it. Stop catering.
April 28th, 2010 @ 11:39 am
Wow it is so nice to hear people actually standing up for America finally. Everyone cant live here, but if you decide to come here, have respect for this country. NO other country would allow you to go there and start demanding that they change their language,and their rules to suit your needs and traditions.If you are leaving your country, you need to respect the one you are going to, it is as simple as that.
April 28th, 2010 @ 11:39 am
Wow it is so nice to hear people actually standing up for America finally. Everyone cant live here, but if you decide to come here, have respect for this country. NO other country would allow you to go there and start demanding that they change their language,and their rules to suit your needs and traditions.If you are leaving your country, you need to respect the one you are going to, it is as simple as that.
April 28th, 2010 @ 6:39 am
Wow it is so nice to hear people actually standing up for America finally. Everyone cant live here, but if you decide to come here, have respect for this country. NO other country would allow you to go there and start demanding that they change their language,and their rules to suit your needs and traditions.If you are leaving your country, you need to respect the one you are going to, it is as simple as that.
April 28th, 2010 @ 8:24 am
English is the language of America. One time in America it was against the law to teach another language in public schools. My ancestors came here and were taught (propagandized, indoctrinated…whatever)to NOT speak the language of their ethnicity, nor teach it to their children; to leave the ‘old Country’ behind, and embrace the ‘new world.’ And they did, and we became Americans and mixed freely with other ethnicities, in marriage, in life, in business. Now, we are told the complete opposite. And, others coming to this Country are told to hold on to their culture, their heritage, their language (that Americans are too materialistic, unruly, dumb, lazy…ad nauseum). Holding on to ones past, ones history, ones roots, culture and ethnicity, truly is a beautiful thought so long as you respect your host Country. But that’s all it is, because it is impossible to have hundreds of millions of people, with hundreds of thousands of languages, cultures, heritages, in one Country, with no majority, no national language, no commonalities, nothing cohesive that binds a community and Country. An analogy: It just doesn’t work when visitors to your home make the rules and upset the balance, and attempt to make the homeowner feel guilty because the rules are being changed, especially when you pay the bills and created your family and built your home. SHAME ON AMERICA, SHAME ON THE POLITICIANS, SHAME ON THE BUSINESSMEN, THAT ATTEMPT TO MAKE TRUE AMERICANS FEEL ASHAMED AND GUILTY OF THEIR AMERICAN HERITAGE. SHAME ON THOSE POLITICIANS AND IDEALOGUES THAT HAVE LOST OR POSSIBLY NEVER HAD REVERENCE FOR THOSE WHO FOUGHT AND DIED FOR AMERICA! SHAME ON THE TRAITORS OF AMERICA!
April 28th, 2010 @ 1:24 pm
English is the language of America. One time in America it was against the law to teach another language in public schools. My ancestors came here and were taught (propagandized, indoctrinated…whatever)to NOT speak the language of their ethnicity, nor teach it to their children; to leave the ‘old Country’ behind, and embrace the ‘new world.’ And they did, and we became Americans and mixed freely with other ethnicities, in marriage, in life, in business. Now, we are told the complete opposite. And, others coming to this Country are told to hold on to their culture, their heritage, their language (that Americans are too materialistic, unruly, dumb, lazy…ad nauseum). Holding on to ones past, ones history, ones roots, culture and ethnicity, truly is a beautiful thought so long as you respect your host Country. But that’s all it is, because it is impossible to have hundreds of millions of people, with hundreds of thousands of languages, cultures, heritages, in one Country, with no majority, no national language, no commonalities, nothing cohesive that binds a community and Country. An analogy: It just doesn’t work when visitors to your home make the rules and upset the balance, and attempt to make the homeowner feel guilty because the rules are being changed, especially when you pay the bills and created your family and built your home. SHAME ON AMERICA, SHAME ON THE POLITICIANS, SHAME ON THE BUSINESSMEN, THAT ATTEMPT TO MAKE TRUE AMERICANS FEEL ASHAMED AND GUILTY OF THEIR AMERICAN HERITAGE. SHAME ON THOSE POLITICIANS AND IDEALOGUES THAT HAVE LOST OR POSSIBLY NEVER HAD REVERENCE FOR THOSE WHO FOUGHT AND DIED FOR AMERICA! SHAME ON THE TRAITORS OF AMERICA!
April 28th, 2010 @ 1:24 pm
English is the language of America. One time in America it was against the law to teach another language in public schools. My ancestors came here and were taught (propagandized, indoctrinated…whatever)to NOT speak the language of their ethnicity, nor teach it to their children; to leave the ‘old Country’ behind, and embrace the ‘new world.’ And they did, and we became Americans and mixed freely with other ethnicities, in marriage, in life, in business. Now, we are told the complete opposite. And, others coming to this Country are told to hold on to their culture, their heritage, their language (that Americans are too materialistic, unruly, dumb, lazy…ad nauseum). Holding on to ones past, ones history, ones roots, culture and ethnicity, truly is a beautiful thought so long as you respect your host Country. But that’s all it is, because it is impossible to have hundreds of millions of people, with hundreds of thousands of languages, cultures, heritages, in one Country, with no majority, no national language, no commonalities, nothing cohesive that binds a community and Country. An analogy: It just doesn’t work when visitors to your home make the rules and upset the balance, and attempt to make the homeowner feel guilty because the rules are being changed, especially when you pay the bills and created your family and built your home. SHAME ON AMERICA, SHAME ON THE POLITICIANS, SHAME ON THE BUSINESSMEN, THAT ATTEMPT TO MAKE TRUE AMERICANS FEEL ASHAMED AND GUILTY OF THEIR AMERICAN HERITAGE. SHAME ON THOSE POLITICIANS AND IDEALOGUES THAT HAVE LOST OR POSSIBLY NEVER HAD REVERENCE FOR THOSE WHO FOUGHT AND DIED FOR AMERICA! SHAME ON THE TRAITORS OF AMERICA!
April 28th, 2010 @ 1:56 pm
Come on we are American every other country makes you learn the langauge. Out tax dollars spent converting languages…..and I am spanish and totally agree, my father left the country to become a citizen gone for 3 months and now is a Superintendent for a large firm.THAT IS THE AMERICAN WAY N DREAM…..
April 28th, 2010 @ 1:56 pm
Come on we are American every other country makes you learn the langauge. Out tax dollars spent converting languages…..and I am spanish and totally agree, my father left the country to become a citizen gone for 3 months and now is a Superintendent for a large firm.THAT IS THE AMERICAN WAY N DREAM…..
April 28th, 2010 @ 8:56 am
Come on we are American every other country makes you learn the langauge. Out tax dollars spent converting languages…..and I am spanish and totally agree, my father left the country to become a citizen gone for 3 months and now is a Superintendent for a large firm.THAT IS THE AMERICAN WAY N DREAM…..
April 28th, 2010 @ 2:25 pm
April 28th, 2010 @ 9:25 am
April 28th, 2010 @ 2:57 pm
If you want to drive in America you should have to read English and yes you should have to take the test in English. I don’t know if that is all this is about or not. Is the American citizen test given in 12 languages too? If I lived in another country wouldn’t I have to take their test in their country’s language? I was born in America and went into a store yesterday and couldn’t read what they were selling in the front of the store because the bags were printed in Spanish. Am I going to have to learn all 12 languages to get groceries from now on?
April 28th, 2010 @ 9:57 am
If you want to drive in America you should have to read English and yes you should have to take the test in English. I don’t know if that is all this is about or not. Is the American citizen test given in 12 languages too? If I lived in another country wouldn’t I have to take their test in their country’s language? I was born in America and went into a store yesterday and couldn’t read what they were selling in the front of the store because the bags were printed in Spanish. Am I going to have to learn all 12 languages to get groceries from now on?
April 28th, 2010 @ 4:14 pm
just what i have been saying for years. signs and tests should only be written in english. this is the united states of america. they want to live here they have to learn the language and go by our rules.
April 28th, 2010 @ 11:14 am
just what i have been saying for years. signs and tests should only be written in english. this is the united states of america. they want to live here they have to learn the language and go by our rules.
April 28th, 2010 @ 5:22 pm
I don’t live in Alabama but I agree that English should be the official language as well as all states.
We have been forced to give up many of our traditions because we might offend some group. What has happened to our rights and why are they any less important?
It is time Americans stood up for their rights.
What happened to TOLERANCE of all peoples including Christians?
I do not understand why we must pay the extra costs to teach these other languages. Printing books, signs, etc. If you want to live in American, become an American.
It would not happen if we went to another’s country. I do not know of any country that is willing to or asked to give up their traditions for Americans in their countries.
April 28th, 2010 @ 12:22 pm
I don’t live in Alabama but I agree that English should be the official language as well as all states.
We have been forced to give up many of our traditions because we might offend some group. What has happened to our rights and why are they any less important?
It is time Americans stood up for their rights.
What happened to TOLERANCE of all peoples including Christians?
I do not understand why we must pay the extra costs to teach these other languages. Printing books, signs, etc. If you want to live in American, become an American.
It would not happen if we went to another’s country. I do not know of any country that is willing to or asked to give up their traditions for Americans in their countries.
April 28th, 2010 @ 8:36 pm
Teressa(or perhaps Theresa (in English)), you need to learn how to write in English. If not, should we kick you out of this country? Born not borned. Please do not eat the commas.
And to all: I was born and raised in the USA and I speak and write two languages fluently. I do make mistakes in my writing in both languages; however, I can still communicate with others who speak either languages. English is not my first language but I embraced it (I started learning it when I was twelve). I encourage people to learn it if they do not know it; however, I would not turn my back at them for not knowing it. People, who come to the USA searching for a better life, have to endured unfortunate events in their life to make them leave their own country. Perhaps, it is difficult for them to learn right away and since they have to communicate with others they do it in their native tongue. Read the book, “How Europe underdeveloped Africa,” the author describes how the Europeans were opportunists, how they divided Africa and caused strain in the continent since the tribes spoke different languages and by dividing into regions, tribes were separated. This caused the regions to have many different languages and they could not communicate with each others and hindered their progress.
This unfortunate discussion about language is the contrary of what happened in Africa many years ago; however, the two have things in common: superficially is the language barrier, in depth is humanity. My point is: people hurt people. Why are you bothered by someone who speaks another language and needs help? Wouldn’t you be proud if your children can communicate in other languages? I would.
The name America comes from the Italian Americo Vespucio. Alabama is not English either.
I do agree with the English language bringing all of us together because it is the dominant language but we should not restrict other languages. After all, I do not think that the majority of this country came from England.
Discussions about this could hinder our progress. The USA is sought by non-Americans for the opportunity given to the People. The People are the ones who can make or break a country so far our People have made excellent choices throughout time. These People have come from many different walk of life and this is what makes this country so wonderful.
April 28th, 2010 @ 3:36 pm
Teressa(or perhaps Theresa (in English)), you need to learn how to write in English. If not, should we kick you out of this country? Born not borned. Please do not eat the commas.
And to all: I was born and raised in the USA and I speak and write two languages fluently. I do make mistakes in my writing in both languages; however, I can still communicate with others who speak either languages. English is not my first language but I embraced it (I started learning it when I was twelve). I encourage people to learn it if they do not know it; however, I would not turn my back at them for not knowing it. People, who come to the USA searching for a better life, have to endured unfortunate events in their life to make them leave their own country. Perhaps, it is difficult for them to learn right away and since they have to communicate with others they do it in their native tongue. Read the book, “How Europe underdeveloped Africa,” the author describes how the Europeans were opportunists, how they divided Africa and caused strain in the continent since the tribes spoke different languages and by dividing into regions, tribes were separated. This caused the regions to have many different languages and they could not communicate with each others and hindered their progress.
This unfortunate discussion about language is the contrary of what happened in Africa many years ago; however, the two have things in common: superficially is the language barrier, in depth is humanity. My point is: people hurt people. Why are you bothered by someone who speaks another language and needs help? Wouldn’t you be proud if your children can communicate in other languages? I would.
The name America comes from the Italian Americo Vespucio. Alabama is not English either.
I do agree with the English language bringing all of us together because it is the dominant language but we should not restrict other languages. After all, I do not think that the majority of this country came from England.
Discussions about this could hinder our progress. The USA is sought by non-Americans for the opportunity given to the People. The People are the ones who can make or break a country so far our People have made excellent choices throughout time. These People have come from many different walk of life and this is what makes this country so wonderful.
April 28th, 2010 @ 9:01 pm
Good for him! This should be done not only for driving test. I came from Russia and learnt English, because you have to follow this country rules, speak this country language. Now in Alabama in small town it’s hard to find a job if you don’t speak Spanish. Why is that? Why they don’t learn English? Two years ago my family had to move to Albertville-Boaz area, and I couldn’t find a job as an accountant, a bookkeeper, or even a bank teller just because I don’t speak Spanish. My degree, many years of an experience – nothing was taking for consideration, but the language. And all of these are happened because the majority of Hispanics who lives in that area don’t speak English. America is the country with a lot of opportunities for immigrants like I am. But some of them don’t respect this country and show it by not willing to learn English. I think a lot of Americans will agree with me – the English language should be back in your live. And all ‘Press #1 for English, #2 for Spanish” should be stopped. If you want to be served – learn!
April 28th, 2010 @ 4:01 pm
Good for him! This should be done not only for driving test. I came from Russia and learnt English, because you have to follow this country rules, speak this country language. Now in Alabama in small town it’s hard to find a job if you don’t speak Spanish. Why is that? Why they don’t learn English? Two years ago my family had to move to Albertville-Boaz area, and I couldn’t find a job as an accountant, a bookkeeper, or even a bank teller just because I don’t speak Spanish. My degree, many years of an experience – nothing was taking for consideration, but the language. And all of these are happened because the majority of Hispanics who lives in that area don’t speak English. America is the country with a lot of opportunities for immigrants like I am. But some of them don’t respect this country and show it by not willing to learn English. I think a lot of Americans will agree with me – the English language should be back in your live. And all ‘Press #1 for English, #2 for Spanish” should be stopped. If you want to be served – learn!
April 28th, 2010 @ 9:03 pm
What is wrong with what he said, he may be a racist but if it weren’t for the greed of the American people, we would nto be in this fanancial delima, I get so tired of hearing push 1 for elglish, 2 for what ever, excuse me the amount we spend to have intepeters paper work job bilingual comeon now if we go to any other country, pass ports are required, and the only time you are accomadated is on a resort becasue they need the tourist money….
April 28th, 2010 @ 4:03 pm
What is wrong with what he said, he may be a racist but if it weren’t for the greed of the American people, we would nto be in this fanancial delima, I get so tired of hearing push 1 for elglish, 2 for what ever, excuse me the amount we spend to have intepeters paper work job bilingual comeon now if we go to any other country, pass ports are required, and the only time you are accomadated is on a resort becasue they need the tourist money….
April 30th, 2010 @ 3:54 pm
Hell,he has my vote and I don’t even live in Alabama! maybe they well keep the immigrants from being allow in our country soon, and hopfully they send our Jobs back in America too. Lets face it… They TOOK OUR JOBS
I have family out of USA and they can stay there.
April 30th, 2010 @ 10:54 am
Hell,he has my vote and I don’t even live in Alabama! maybe they well keep the immigrants from being allow in our country soon, and hopfully they send our Jobs back in America too. Lets face it… They TOOK OUR JOBS
I have family out of USA and they can stay there.
May 1st, 2010 @ 11:09 am
[…] Race DebatingA Suggestion Of Tension Concerning The Good Representative WaxmanObi’s Sister‘This Is Alabama. We Speak English.’Being Bored SucksOutside the BeltwayPolibloggerHot AirCassy Fiano Calls This ‘The Most […]
May 2nd, 2010 @ 8:14 pm
Way to go. I’m all for making immigrants learn English. We’re not talking tourists here, we’re talking about people that want to legally immigrate and live in this country. This is also a “Go Green” issue as well. It requires a lot more paper to print all those different languages on government forms. We have to start somewhere in stopping illegal immigrants. They cost AMERICAN taxpayers millions. Another story talked about the cost of finding and sending them home. Sounds like a good business opportunity for someone. Start a company employing hundreds to trackdown illegal aliens with a goverment reward being paid for each person sent back to where they came from. This reward would cost taxpayers a lot less then if we put this job in the goverments hands. And let’s get that fence built. Another way to put Americans to work. Let privatecompaniesbid on building different sections of the fence. It’s not rocket science.
May 2nd, 2010 @ 3:14 pm
Way to go. I’m all for making immigrants learn English. We’re not talking tourists here, we’re talking about people that want to legally immigrate and live in this country. This is also a “Go Green” issue as well. It requires a lot more paper to print all those different languages on government forms. We have to start somewhere in stopping illegal immigrants. They cost AMERICAN taxpayers millions. Another story talked about the cost of finding and sending them home. Sounds like a good business opportunity for someone. Start a company employing hundreds to trackdown illegal aliens with a goverment reward being paid for each person sent back to where they came from. This reward would cost taxpayers a lot less then if we put this job in the goverments hands. And let’s get that fence built. Another way to put Americans to work. Let privatecompaniesbid on building different sections of the fence. It’s not rocket science.
May 6th, 2010 @ 9:16 pm
[…] indicated Tim James was in third place in the Alabama gubernatorial primary. Then he released his “This Is Alabama, We Speak English” TV ad, Rachel Maddow went berserk, the New York Times condemned James and . . . Well, did I […]
May 18th, 2010 @ 6:16 pm
I read your so many words and then something of true value finally appeared.
“Our ancestors came here from somewhere else, learned English, got jobs and made it here.”
According to U.S. English, the following states have existing official language laws on their books: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming.
‘This Is Alabama. We Speak English.’
May 18th, 2010 @ 1:16 pm
I read your so many words and then something of true value finally appeared.
“Our ancestors came here from somewhere else, learned English, got jobs and made it here.”
According to U.S. English, the following states have existing official language laws on their books: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming.
‘This Is Alabama. We Speak English.’
May 18th, 2010 @ 6:23 pm
In your reply to Kathryn B. you stated,
“English is the language of England, not of America.
Americans always have used, and still use, many languages.
Your preference for English doesn’t make it”our rules.”
According to U.S. English, the following states have existing official language laws on their books: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming.
‘This Is Alabama. We Speak English.’
May 18th, 2010 @ 1:23 pm
In your reply to Kathryn B. you stated,
“English is the language of England, not of America.
Americans always have used, and still use, many languages.
Your preference for English doesn’t make it”our rules.”
According to U.S. English, the following states have existing official language laws on their books: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming.
‘This Is Alabama. We Speak English.’
May 21st, 2010 @ 9:56 am
According to those who say that if one goes to another country one has to respect that country rules, I would like just to pay attention to something:
1) street sings follow international codes. They are the same all over the world.
2) When Americans travel to other country or try to communicate with different nationality people they (almost) never speak other languages
3) Do you think native americans (THE REAL AMERICANS THAT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CLAIM THIS HONOUR)would agree with you?
4) Neither Mc Cain nor any “english-speaker- pure-white-old-good-american” is a “real american” but just a descendant of european immigrants.. that’s all.
5) Do not destroy what made America great that is multiculturalism!
May 21st, 2010 @ 4:56 am
According to those who say that if one goes to another country one has to respect that country rules, I would like just to pay attention to something:
1) street sings follow international codes. They are the same all over the world.
2) When Americans travel to other country or try to communicate with different nationality people they (almost) never speak other languages
3) Do you think native americans (THE REAL AMERICANS THAT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CLAIM THIS HONOUR)would agree with you?
4) Neither Mc Cain nor any “english-speaker- pure-white-old-good-american” is a “real american” but just a descendant of european immigrants.. that’s all.
5) Do not destroy what made America great that is multiculturalism!
May 21st, 2010 @ 10:02 am
ah just another thing.. English people usually say they hardly understand American and they also say that American-English is NOT English language!
May 21st, 2010 @ 5:02 am
ah just another thing.. English people usually say they hardly understand American and they also say that American-English is NOT English language!
May 22nd, 2010 @ 10:39 pm
The official language of Hawaii is Hawaiian.
No one who immigrated here bothered to learn any of the beautiful native languages. This country was taken by a lot of various European countries. Sure, England eventually claimed it all, but if you remember, we revolted and overthrew them. Why keep their language as the one and only language. If you’re going to argue about “respect” for this country, why not go with Spanish? Many settlers from Spain helped build this nation. If you’re going to go with majority rules, there are many areas where Spanish is the most common language. This isn’t about respect. This is about white power. How dare any dark-skinned people come near you and sound different from you? I’m ashamed of my fellow “Americans”. I’m perfectly willing to take classes in Spanish if it will help me get a job in my bicultural neighborhood.
For our immigrants, it says “give me your weak, your tired, etc” not “give me your rich and your already successful”. This nation is where people build lives. People coming here from the poorest third world countries are willing to work hard and build lives for themselves. Why should we turn them away just because it was not feasible to learn English in their country of origin, where it probably isn’t taught or spoken.
I’m ashamed of the people who call themselves American and then spread hate against others.
May 22nd, 2010 @ 5:39 pm
The official language of Hawaii is Hawaiian.
No one who immigrated here bothered to learn any of the beautiful native languages. This country was taken by a lot of various European countries. Sure, England eventually claimed it all, but if you remember, we revolted and overthrew them. Why keep their language as the one and only language. If you’re going to argue about “respect” for this country, why not go with Spanish? Many settlers from Spain helped build this nation. If you’re going to go with majority rules, there are many areas where Spanish is the most common language. This isn’t about respect. This is about white power. How dare any dark-skinned people come near you and sound different from you? I’m ashamed of my fellow “Americans”. I’m perfectly willing to take classes in Spanish if it will help me get a job in my bicultural neighborhood.
For our immigrants, it says “give me your weak, your tired, etc” not “give me your rich and your already successful”. This nation is where people build lives. People coming here from the poorest third world countries are willing to work hard and build lives for themselves. Why should we turn them away just because it was not feasible to learn English in their country of origin, where it probably isn’t taught or spoken.
I’m ashamed of the people who call themselves American and then spread hate against others.
May 26th, 2010 @ 9:43 am
ahaha it is funny to see the caption in youtube video… not even that is able to understand correctly what he is saying…maybe he’s not speaking a good english!!??!! LOL ahahah
May 26th, 2010 @ 4:43 am
ahaha it is funny to see the caption in youtube video… not even that is able to understand correctly what he is saying…maybe he’s not speaking a good english!!??!! LOL ahahah