The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mail: My ‘Retire Jim Moran’ Bumper Sticker

Posted on | May 26, 2010 | 4 Comments

by Smitty

Even the Instapundit had to have a ‘first swag’ item. Mine came Tuesday, a righteous little piece of bumper goodness:

And retire Jim Moran we must. While I’m 99% proud of my country, one legitimate cause for guilt is the way that Progressive tools like Moran have quite literally pillaged the rest of the country to line their wallets and those of their sycophants. Moran reeks so bad, even the Kossacks won’t have him (maybe a kickback was missed).

Besides my general regard for Stacy McCain, among my general reasons for offering support to this blog is a firm conviction that Jim Moran’s professional career (he may be a decent man personally, though I’ve heard some things. . .) represents the sad pattern of elitist thuggery and failure that must be reversed if this country is to recover.

The post you see in the pic is the announcement for OediPOTUS Wrecks, which read.


4 Responses to “In The Mail: My ‘Retire Jim Moran’ Bumper Sticker”

  1. Doug Mataconis
    May 26th, 2010 @ 12:24 pm

    Sadly, Virginia’s 8th District is as likely to retire Moran as Lindsay Lohan is to quite drinking

  2. Doug Mataconis
    May 26th, 2010 @ 7:24 am

    Sadly, Virginia’s 8th District is as likely to retire Moran as Lindsay Lohan is to quite drinking

  3. Estragon
    May 26th, 2010 @ 12:39 pm

    Moran is most succinctly described as “bipolar-curious” . . .

  4. Estragon
    May 26th, 2010 @ 7:39 am

    Moran is most succinctly described as “bipolar-curious” . . .