The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nancy Pelosi: Don’t Investigate Ground Zero Mosque, Investigate Opponents

Posted on | August 18, 2010 | 48 Comments

Via Larry O’Connor at Breitbart.TV:

“There is no question there is a concerted effort to make [the Ground Zero Mosque] a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded.”
Nancy Pelosi

Kerry Picket of The Washington Times:

Calls to investigate the funding for those proposing the $100 million “Cordoba House” have fallen on deaf ears, though, as New York’s Mayor Mike Bloomberg has described such an investigation as “un-American.”

So it is “un-American” to investigate who’s footing the bill for the Ground Zero Mosque, but Pelosi has no problem calling for an investigation into the funding of the mosque’s opponents.

Speaking of opponents, did you know that Nancy Pelosi has a Republican challenger? You should investigate him. And fund him.


UPDATE: Walid Shoebat says we should listen to what the Ground Zero Mosque imam says in Arabic.


48 Responses to “Nancy Pelosi: Don’t Investigate Ground Zero Mosque, Investigate Opponents

  1. Live Free Or Die
    August 18th, 2010 @ 1:57 pm

    When Michael Bloomberg/O-bah-muhh/Pelosi/etc…
    say, “If we DON’T build the 9-11 GZM, the terrorists win.”, the terrorists they are talking about are those Radical,Right-Wing, Extremist,Tea Party Conservatives.

  2. Live Free Or Die
    August 18th, 2010 @ 9:57 am

    When Michael Bloomberg/O-bah-muhh/Pelosi/etc…
    say, “If we DON’T build the 9-11 GZM, the terrorists win.”, the terrorists they are talking about are those Radical,Right-Wing, Extremist,Tea Party Conservatives.

  3. Your Fascist Moment Of The Day! « The Camp Of The Saints
    August 18th, 2010 @ 10:16 am

    […] Tip of the fedora to Stacy McCain who provides some good links, especially to the one for the candidate who is running against this moral monstrosity, John Dennis. […]

  4. Bob Belvedere
    August 18th, 2010 @ 2:17 pm

    Spot-on, LForD.

  5. Bob Belvedere
    August 18th, 2010 @ 10:17 am

    Spot-on, LForD.

  6. keyboard jockey
    August 18th, 2010 @ 2:21 pm

    So who in the Muslim community has been complaining to Nancy? Do they have a direct line a phone number – is she on their speed dial? Someone should investigate who is contributing to her campaign finances…We need an investigation? Good idea Grandma, you go first.

  7. keyboard jockey
    August 18th, 2010 @ 10:21 am

    So who in the Muslim community has been complaining to Nancy? Do they have a direct line a phone number – is she on their speed dial? Someone should investigate who is contributing to her campaign finances…We need an investigation? Good idea Grandma, you go first.

  8. alan markus
    August 18th, 2010 @ 2:23 pm

    I like the “local issue” aspect, let New York deal with it & everyoen else keep their nose out of it. I wonder why she didn’t take the opportunity to suggest that those who disagree follow the example set by those who opposed another “local issue”, the Arizona immigrant law. Such as those boycotts. Where I am, we had our technical school board adopt resolution that their staff could not travel to Arizona for seminars, etc. A county board proposed a resolution that they would not purchase or contract with any businesses based in Arizona.

  9. alan markus
    August 18th, 2010 @ 10:23 am

    I like the “local issue” aspect, let New York deal with it & everyoen else keep their nose out of it. I wonder why she didn’t take the opportunity to suggest that those who disagree follow the example set by those who opposed another “local issue”, the Arizona immigrant law. Such as those boycotts. Where I am, we had our technical school board adopt resolution that their staff could not travel to Arizona for seminars, etc. A county board proposed a resolution that they would not purchase or contract with any businesses based in Arizona.

  10. Joe
    August 18th, 2010 @ 2:48 pm

    This sort of crazy only sells in San Francisco.

  11. Joe
    August 18th, 2010 @ 10:48 am

    This sort of crazy only sells in San Francisco.

  12. Cassy Fiano » Pelosi: We Need To Investigate These 9/11 Families Who Oppose The Ground Zero Mosque!
    August 18th, 2010 @ 11:02 am

    […] first saw this story over at The Other McCain’s place, and wow — Nancy Pelosi is completely and totally out of line here. But then again, I’m […]

  13. Has Pelosi lost her marbles? | Political Byline
    August 18th, 2010 @ 12:11 pm

    […] Michelle Malkin, The Other McCain, Ace of Spades HQ, Big Peace,, Questions and Observations, Hugh Hewitt’s […]

  14. News Flash: Politics Is About Elections : The Other McCain
    August 18th, 2010 @ 12:11 pm

    […] is never going to re-Tweet me, either).Anyway, after doing plugs this morning for GOP challengers John Dennis (vs. Nancy Pelosi in CA-8) and Allen West (vs. Ron Klein in FL-22) I saw this Tweet from Amy […]

  15. Pelosi Wants to Investigate Opponents of Ground Zero Mosque :: The Lonely Conservative
    August 18th, 2010 @ 12:11 pm

    […] The Washington Times, The Other McCain, Fausta’s Blog Share this post Hide Sites $$('div.d23769').each( […]

  16. jefferson101
    August 18th, 2010 @ 4:56 pm

    I think that the fact that Nancy is wondering who is funding the opposition to the GZ Mosque is revealing.

    Apparently, leftists don’t oppose anything unless someone is paying them to do so. Thus, it would be inconcieveable to Nancy that we might be opposing it because we just don’t like the idea.

    If there is any “funding” going on, though, y’all feel free to send me my check! It won’t make me any more opposed to the GZM than I already am, but I can always toss it in Stacy’s tip jar if I can’t find any other use for it.

  17. jefferson101
    August 18th, 2010 @ 12:56 pm

    I think that the fact that Nancy is wondering who is funding the opposition to the GZ Mosque is revealing.

    Apparently, leftists don’t oppose anything unless someone is paying them to do so. Thus, it would be inconcieveable to Nancy that we might be opposing it because we just don’t like the idea.

    If there is any “funding” going on, though, y’all feel free to send me my check! It won’t make me any more opposed to the GZM than I already am, but I can always toss it in Stacy’s tip jar if I can’t find any other use for it.

  18. FenelonSpoke
    August 18th, 2010 @ 7:09 pm

    I confess, Speaker Pelosi. I agree with the guy who writes the Powerline blog. In order to save my family the humiliation of a public trial, I will admit that I am opposed to the Cordoba Project at that site, but no money changed hands. I am just a volunteer.

    It would be rather funny if a lot of people called Pelosi’s office to say, “I confess.”

    I am a registered Democrat, totally disgusted with the Party. Several weeks ago I had a sign outside my house saying that Pelosi was an an embrassment to the party and the nation; That view hasn’t changed.

  19. FenelonSpoke
    August 18th, 2010 @ 3:09 pm

    I confess, Speaker Pelosi. I agree with the guy who writes the Powerline blog. In order to save my family the humiliation of a public trial, I will admit that I am opposed to the Cordoba Project at that site, but no money changed hands. I am just a volunteer.

    It would be rather funny if a lot of people called Pelosi’s office to say, “I confess.”

    I am a registered Democrat, totally disgusted with the Party. Several weeks ago I had a sign outside my house saying that Pelosi was an an embrassment to the party and the nation; That view hasn’t changed.

  20. Ellen O'Donnell
    August 18th, 2010 @ 8:54 pm


    Once again, Ms.Pelosi you show complete comtempt and abject ignorance toward any and all objections to the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ The majority of Americans don’t object to Muslims building mosques. Ms. Pelosi! They just don’t want one built on the graves of 3,000 or more INNOCENT DEAD Americans and Foreigners that were slaughtered on 911 by Radical Islamists. Is that too difficult for you to comprehend Ms.Pelosi?

    These so-called moderate Muslims plan to name their edifice in honor of the great mosque of Cordoba (Spain).
    I’m sure you are old enough to remember how that mosque came about – 8th century conquest -took over Cordoba – tore down Saint Vincent’s church – built a great mosque.
    Any of this ring a bell with you, Ms.Pelosi? By the way while we’re on the subject, the American people do NOT require a lecture on the Constitution by a bunch of feckless bureaucrats.

    It is true that our country has never been more polarized, I nonetheless cannot comprehend how any reasonably decent American can turn their backs on the suffering of their own people for political expediency.

    You’re utter callousness and supercilious indifference directed at your own countrymen and women whose lives have been totally shattered by the loss of their loved ones murdered on 911 is beyond abhorrent, as are you Madam.

    In closing, Ms. Pelois (ie. Mrs. Karl Marx) to quote your husband: “Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”

  21. Ellen O'Donnell
    August 18th, 2010 @ 4:54 pm


    Once again, Ms.Pelosi you show complete comtempt and abject ignorance toward any and all objections to the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ The majority of Americans don’t object to Muslims building mosques. Ms. Pelosi! They just don’t want one built on the graves of 3,000 or more INNOCENT DEAD Americans and Foreigners that were slaughtered on 911 by Radical Islamists. Is that too difficult for you to comprehend Ms.Pelosi?

    These so-called moderate Muslims plan to name their edifice in honor of the great mosque of Cordoba (Spain).
    I’m sure you are old enough to remember how that mosque came about – 8th century conquest -took over Cordoba – tore down Saint Vincent’s church – built a great mosque.
    Any of this ring a bell with you, Ms.Pelosi? By the way while we’re on the subject, the American people do NOT require a lecture on the Constitution by a bunch of feckless bureaucrats.

    It is true that our country has never been more polarized, I nonetheless cannot comprehend how any reasonably decent American can turn their backs on the suffering of their own people for political expediency.

    You’re utter callousness and supercilious indifference directed at your own countrymen and women whose lives have been totally shattered by the loss of their loved ones murdered on 911 is beyond abhorrent, as are you Madam.

    In closing, Ms. Pelois (ie. Mrs. Karl Marx) to quote your husband: “Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”

  22. YankeePhil
    August 18th, 2010 @ 9:44 pm
  23. YankeePhil
    August 18th, 2010 @ 5:44 pm
  24. Charles Johnson
    August 18th, 2010 @ 9:46 pm
  25. Charles Johnson
    August 18th, 2010 @ 5:46 pm
  26. Rob
    August 19th, 2010 @ 4:45 am

    Every gaffe that Pelosi helps give John Dennis more votes! At this rate, he’ll win the election in a landslide!

  27. Rob
    August 19th, 2010 @ 12:45 am

    Every gaffe that Pelosi helps give John Dennis more votes! At this rate, he’ll win the election in a landslide!

  28. Fausta’s Blog » Blog Archive » Ground Zero Imam supports Islamic state
    August 19th, 2010 @ 7:59 am

    […] H/t Stacy. […]

  29. Kojocaro
    August 19th, 2010 @ 1:58 pm

    why not investigate her for botulism fueled douschebaggery

  30. Kojocaro
    August 19th, 2010 @ 9:58 am

    why not investigate her for botulism fueled douschebaggery

  31. Thomas L. Knapp
    August 19th, 2010 @ 2:28 pm

    While I don’t favor an “investigation” of the anti-Cordoba-House movement’s funding, it makes more sense than an “investigation” of Cordoba House’s funding.

    Cordoba House is a project dedicated to building a Muslim cultural center. Under normal circumstances, there wouldn’t be anything controversial about it.

    The abnormal circumstance which makes it controversial is the anti-Cordoba-House movement:” An evil, anti-American, large-scale and to some extent possibly conspiratorial attempt to suppress property rights and religious freedom and deny millions of Americans the protections due them under the 1st and 5th Amendments to the US Constitution.

    If one of the two needs to be investigated, I think it’s pretty clear which one should be.

  32. Thomas L. Knapp
    August 19th, 2010 @ 10:28 am

    While I don’t favor an “investigation” of the anti-Cordoba-House movement’s funding, it makes more sense than an “investigation” of Cordoba House’s funding.

    Cordoba House is a project dedicated to building a Muslim cultural center. Under normal circumstances, there wouldn’t be anything controversial about it.

    The abnormal circumstance which makes it controversial is the anti-Cordoba-House movement:” An evil, anti-American, large-scale and to some extent possibly conspiratorial attempt to suppress property rights and religious freedom and deny millions of Americans the protections due them under the 1st and 5th Amendments to the US Constitution.

    If one of the two needs to be investigated, I think it’s pretty clear which one should be.

  33. The Moral Liberal
    August 19th, 2010 @ 7:06 pm

    Preparing For Democrat’s 2010 General Election Antics…

    The Moral Liberal lookin’ at ya!…

  34. Movie Night « Obi's Sister
    August 20th, 2010 @ 8:33 pm

    […] The Right Scoop (via Stacy). There’s more at Ace’s […]

  35. Dianna Meeks
    August 21st, 2010 @ 5:50 am

    I have a mnessage for THOMAS L. KNAPP

    Your comments here are disgusting. Your name-calling is atrocious but typically adheres to the sick style of the waning Democratic party. Let me suggest that you renounce your U.S. Citizenship, if you have one, and move to Iran! Who are you hiding from behind those dark glasses…the souls of the innocent children killed on 9/11 whose only crime was to win a science contest at their school and a trip to Washington! You obviously have no sensitivity to the feelings of the American people who lost loved ones on 9/11. I hope you have no wife, children, siblings or parents to abuse!

  36. Dianna Meeks
    August 21st, 2010 @ 1:50 am

    I have a mnessage for THOMAS L. KNAPP

    Your comments here are disgusting. Your name-calling is atrocious but typically adheres to the sick style of the waning Democratic party. Let me suggest that you renounce your U.S. Citizenship, if you have one, and move to Iran! Who are you hiding from behind those dark glasses…the souls of the innocent children killed on 9/11 whose only crime was to win a science contest at their school and a trip to Washington! You obviously have no sensitivity to the feelings of the American people who lost loved ones on 9/11. I hope you have no wife, children, siblings or parents to abuse!

  37. Thomas L. Knapp
    August 21st, 2010 @ 6:37 am


    If I ever renounce my US citizenship, it will be on the advice of someone who rates to so advise me.

    It should go without saying that sniveling ingrates who think that the Constitution exists to protect their rights but no one else’s don’t rate.

  38. Thomas L. Knapp
    August 21st, 2010 @ 2:37 am


    If I ever renounce my US citizenship, it will be on the advice of someone who rates to so advise me.

    It should go without saying that sniveling ingrates who think that the Constitution exists to protect their rights but no one else’s don’t rate.

  39. Dianna Meeks
    August 21st, 2010 @ 4:09 pm

    Thomas L. Knapp:
    You need to learn to eliminate your vitriolic hatred of all thoughts and rhetoric with which you disagree from your vocabulary in order to be an effective spokesman for any cause or ideology. You cannot aspire to be an effective communicator of your Libertarian views when your tone is so ascerbic. Don’t you realize your venomous words and bellicose language just render your arguments inept and forgettable. People like you have no peripheral vision. They can’t see the tree for the forest and can’t see the forest for the trees. (Sigh) I will put you on my prayer list. Or perhaps, you might seek some kind of group therapy. No intelligent person believes the builders of the proposed mosque don’t have the constitutional right to build it. No one is saying they don’t have the right or you don’t have the right to voice your support of it. But you need to realize that the many people who oppose it also have the right to express their opinion about it without their opinions being denigrated. Sensitivity is not a crime you know. Step back, calm down and try to understand the rationale of everyone’s arguments. I really don’t care whether you value my advice or opinions. I can assure you I’m not sniveling nor am I a champion of those who snivel, but rather I am just laughing at the absurdity that is you. But on a cautionary note you should realize that sneering your way through life might cause you some problems with gout in your old age.

  40. Dianna Meeks
    August 21st, 2010 @ 12:09 pm

    Thomas L. Knapp:
    You need to learn to eliminate your vitriolic hatred of all thoughts and rhetoric with which you disagree from your vocabulary in order to be an effective spokesman for any cause or ideology. You cannot aspire to be an effective communicator of your Libertarian views when your tone is so ascerbic. Don’t you realize your venomous words and bellicose language just render your arguments inept and forgettable. People like you have no peripheral vision. They can’t see the tree for the forest and can’t see the forest for the trees. (Sigh) I will put you on my prayer list. Or perhaps, you might seek some kind of group therapy. No intelligent person believes the builders of the proposed mosque don’t have the constitutional right to build it. No one is saying they don’t have the right or you don’t have the right to voice your support of it. But you need to realize that the many people who oppose it also have the right to express their opinion about it without their opinions being denigrated. Sensitivity is not a crime you know. Step back, calm down and try to understand the rationale of everyone’s arguments. I really don’t care whether you value my advice or opinions. I can assure you I’m not sniveling nor am I a champion of those who snivel, but rather I am just laughing at the absurdity that is you. But on a cautionary note you should realize that sneering your way through life might cause you some problems with gout in your old age.

  41. Thomas L. Knapp
    August 21st, 2010 @ 4:18 pm


    Everyone has a right to express his or her opinion.

    Nobody has a right to express his or her opinion without it being denigrated.

    If your opinion is ignorant and bigoted, I’m going to denigrate it.

    “Radical Islamists are building a TRIUMPHALIST MOSQUE at GROUND ZERO!” is 2010’s “Jews kill Christian babies and use their blood in Purim biscuits.”

  42. Thomas L. Knapp
    August 21st, 2010 @ 12:18 pm


    Everyone has a right to express his or her opinion.

    Nobody has a right to express his or her opinion without it being denigrated.

    If your opinion is ignorant and bigoted, I’m going to denigrate it.

    “Radical Islamists are building a TRIUMPHALIST MOSQUE at GROUND ZERO!” is 2010’s “Jews kill Christian babies and use their blood in Purim biscuits.”

  43. Dianna Meeks
    August 21st, 2010 @ 6:02 pm

    Thomas L. Knapp
    How does denigrating another person’s opinion invite or encourage that person to consider the validity or worthiness of the argument you are trying to make. If you want the respect of others or a receptive audience for your ideology you can’t first insult everyone. It’s strange. I read your poem. How can you write such words of hope and optimism and then turn around and be so nasty. Believe me I am aware of how many atrocities Christians have perpetrated against those of the Islamic faith. Radical elements abound everywhere in this world. As for the revenge or justification comments about equating a “Jews killing Christian babies” scenario to a “Triumphalist Mosque at Ground Zero”…..
    please…you are not that obtuse or shallow, and intimidation has never solved a single problem. Relax. You are still in the questioning phase of your life. But don’t worry: In Lord Tennyson’s “In Memoriam,” he eventually comes to the conclusion that the death of his friend did not diminish the worthiness of his friend’s life; the phenomena of glossolalia and faith healing have been scientifically documented; despite the premise of “The Naked Ape” which suggests that there is no altruism among mankind, not all good deeds are punished.

    …Wishing you a grand and illunminating day.

  44. Dianna Meeks
    August 21st, 2010 @ 2:02 pm

    Thomas L. Knapp
    How does denigrating another person’s opinion invite or encourage that person to consider the validity or worthiness of the argument you are trying to make. If you want the respect of others or a receptive audience for your ideology you can’t first insult everyone. It’s strange. I read your poem. How can you write such words of hope and optimism and then turn around and be so nasty. Believe me I am aware of how many atrocities Christians have perpetrated against those of the Islamic faith. Radical elements abound everywhere in this world. As for the revenge or justification comments about equating a “Jews killing Christian babies” scenario to a “Triumphalist Mosque at Ground Zero”…..
    please…you are not that obtuse or shallow, and intimidation has never solved a single problem. Relax. You are still in the questioning phase of your life. But don’t worry: In Lord Tennyson’s “In Memoriam,” he eventually comes to the conclusion that the death of his friend did not diminish the worthiness of his friend’s life; the phenomena of glossolalia and faith healing have been scientifically documented; despite the premise of “The Naked Ape” which suggests that there is no altruism among mankind, not all good deeds are punished.

    …Wishing you a grand and illunminating day.

  45. Thomas L. Knapp
    August 21st, 2010 @ 6:42 pm


    In the interest of making the FMJRA cut, I’ve replied at greater length to your concerns at my own blog.

    I see, however, that you’ve raised some other issues, so I’ll hit them here. You write:

    “How does denigrating another person’s opinion invite or encourage that person to consider the validity or worthiness of the argument you are trying to make.”

    In my experience, negative social preferencing is a very effective way of inviting others to reconsider their opinions.

    I do agree that not all those who oppose the Cordoba House project are either ignorant or evil — but to the extent that they do so on the notion that it’s an Islamist triumphalist “mosque at Ground Zero,” they’re one or the other. The ignorant need to be corrected, the evil deserve to be shunned.

    It’s not my job to pull the ignorant from the abyss of their lack of knowledge all by myself. They’re going to have to do some climbing on their own.

    I hope to ALWAYS be in the questioning phase of my own life. To be otherwise would be to be dead in the worst way possible.

    Best regards,

  46. Thomas L. Knapp
    August 21st, 2010 @ 2:42 pm


    In the interest of making the FMJRA cut, I’ve replied at greater length to your concerns at my own blog.

    I see, however, that you’ve raised some other issues, so I’ll hit them here. You write:

    “How does denigrating another person’s opinion invite or encourage that person to consider the validity or worthiness of the argument you are trying to make.”

    In my experience, negative social preferencing is a very effective way of inviting others to reconsider their opinions.

    I do agree that not all those who oppose the Cordoba House project are either ignorant or evil — but to the extent that they do so on the notion that it’s an Islamist triumphalist “mosque at Ground Zero,” they’re one or the other. The ignorant need to be corrected, the evil deserve to be shunned.

    It’s not my job to pull the ignorant from the abyss of their lack of knowledge all by myself. They’re going to have to do some climbing on their own.

    I hope to ALWAYS be in the questioning phase of my own life. To be otherwise would be to be dead in the worst way possible.

    Best regards,

  47. Xavier
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 2:31 pm
  48. Xavier
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 10:31 am