Democrat Chris Coons Turns Down Delaware Tea Party Group Debate
Posted on | September 20, 2010 | 29 Comments
The First State Patriots, a major 9/12 group in Delaware, will be hosting a candidate forum tonight:
Our next meeting will be on Monday, September 20th at 6:30 p.m. at the Frog Hollow Golf Clubhouse in Middletown, DE. This month’s featured panel will be those candidates that successfully win their primaries on September 14th for national office.
Christine O’Donnell has accepted the invitation to appear at the First State Patriots event, while Democrat Chris Coons turned them down.
Remember that in their first debate Thursday — just two days after the primary, while Karl Rove was busy telling the world that O’Donnell wasn’t qualified to bring him a cup of coffee — the supposedly unqualified Republican candidate held her own against Coons:
The forum was an early test for O’Donnell, who . . . has never endured anything close to the national media storm that has descended upon her since she defeated Castle on Tuesday.
At times the pressure showed, but O’Donnell appeared to hold her own Thursday despite the intense glare. She repeatedly emphasized her concerns over the growth of government and stressed “private-sector solutions” on a range of questions.
That debate was at the Jewish Community Center in Wilmington — home turf for the Democrat — and he has so far turned down every other opportunity to debate until an Oct. 6 event sponsored by the Wilmington News-Journal.
As Byron York pointed out Friday, as executive of New Castle County, Coons raised property taxes three times in four years — he never met a tax he wouldn’t increase!
Tell me again why O’Donnell can’t beat this bald-headed tax-raising Democrat even worse than she beat the septuagenarian RINO all the “experts” said she couldn’t beat.
As of 3 a.m. O’Donnell’s $2 million fund-raising drive had hauled in $1,879,486.36.
And if you want me to cover Christine O’Donnell at that Tea Party event in Delaware tonight — a 282-mile round trip — please hit the tip jar.
- Sept. 19: Remember ‘Hottie McAwesome’?
- Sept. 18: The Swiftboating of Christine O’Donnell
- Sept. 18: Desperate New Smear Against Christine O’Donnell: ‘She Turned Me Into a Newt’
- Sept. 17: ‘Well, How Things Have Changed’
- Sept. 17: Townhall VP Garthwaite: Alan Moore’s Statements Slagging Christine O’Donnell ‘Unfortunate and Unauthorized’
- Sept. 17: I’d Like to Dedicate This Song . . .
- Sept. 16: BREAKING: Fire Melts Steel, Oswald Killed JFK, Vince Foster Shot Himself
- Sept. 16: Once Again, Christine O’Donnell Is Right: Coed Dormitories Are a Very Bad Idea
- Sept. 15: Dear Rachel Maddow: How Often Should We Shake Hands With Mister Happy?
- Sept. 15: Christine O’Donnell ‘Just Got Off the Phone With Senator Cornyn’
- Sept. 15: Have You Called 202-675-6000 Yet?
- Sept. 15: Christine O’Donnell Victory Interview
- Sept. 15: Hey, Who’s That Guy in the Fedora?
- Sept. 14: O’DONNELL WINS!
- Sept. 14: Greetings from Delaware!
- Sept. 14: Delaware Fever: Catch It!
- Sept. 13: ‘Destructive’! ‘Capricious’! ‘Irresponsible!’
- Sept. 13: Why Christine O’Donnell Is Surging: Three Ads From Tea Party Express
- Sept. 13: Polls Are Not Predictions
- Sept. 11: Delaware Senate Primary Update: NRA, DeMint Endorse Christine O’Donnell
- Sept. 10: Delaware Republican Party Files FEC Complaint Against Christine O’Donnell
- Sept. 10: Sarah Palin’s Biggest Gamble
- Sept. 8: Your All-Dan-Riehl Daily Delaware Republican Senate Primary Update
- Sept. 7: Weigel on Delaware
- Sept. 5: Mark Levin vs. Allahpundit
- Sept. 4: Dan Riehl Has His Own ‘Ilk’?
- Sept. 3: Fear and Loathing in Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport
- Sept. 3: Why The Delaware Primary Is A Win/Win, Barring A Full Scozzafava
- Aug. 29: Christine O’Donnell: The Next Joe Miller?
- Aug. 9: Christine O’Donnell Money Bomb!
- July 26: Why Does RINO Mike Castle Want to ‘Kill Jobs and Drive Up Prices on Everything’?
- July 25: Don’t Pay the Ransom, I Escaped!
- July 23: Christine O’Donnell Campaign Catches Fire, National Media Taking Notice
- June 10: Christine O’Donnell: RINO Killer
- March 26: Christine O’Donnell For Senate
29 Responses to “Democrat Chris Coons Turns Down Delaware Tea Party Group Debate”
September 20th, 2010 @ 9:11 am
It is time to ignore our conservative breathern who do not support O’Donnell (don’t forget but don’t give them attention either) and simply support O’Donnell and attack Cooms.
September 20th, 2010 @ 9:28 am
So when might you be… giving up on O’Donnell? Like one week before the midterms when you might find that the candidate in whom you invest so much of your energy and misguided grassroots political capital still lags by a considerable margin even after all your attacks on her dangerously liberal, more pathetic opponent?
Give up now and save the grief! LMAO!
September 20th, 2010 @ 9:31 am
Patterico is trying to make amends by posting this report on how Coons harassed other liberals who had the termerity to disagree with him. Coons has engaged in abuse of power against dissent via building code violations:
September 20th, 2010 @ 9:34 am
waylay, I do not live in Delaware. I will point out what a scumbag Chris Coons is regarless of whether he wins or loses this Senate seat. If it did live in Delaware I would vote for O’Donnell.
But you are welcome to show up here on November 2 and enjoy lots and lots of pudding. Oh and wipe your chin you little slut.
September 20th, 2010 @ 9:39 am
Tell me again why O’Donnell can’t beat this bald-headed tax-raising Democrat even worse than she beat the septuagenarian RINO all the “experts” said she couldn’t beat.
‘Cuz Lord Karl said so. So there!
September 20th, 2010 @ 9:46 am
Coons has yet to respond to a request to reschedule:
Okay, technically, “When shall we meet again? In fire, in thunder, or in rain?” is a scheduling request…
September 20th, 2010 @ 10:08 am
Coons’s liberal politics in the US Senate may not be a bigger threat to your conservative sensitives compared to the influence of Delaware’s former senator Joe Biden had, right?
BTW Delaware voters got O’Donnell’s ass handed to her (without even the benefit of these new revelations about her nuttery, lies and personal finances) when she ran against Joe Biden in 2008.
What makes you think you got a
Mike CastleScott Brown going on in here? Evil Coons must be cleverer than clueless Coakley, right?Like O’Donnell, is you head so muddled with beautiful juices leaking from all the overflowing tea pots from the pissing matches of the squeaking mouses huddled in the thought chambers of reward reverberating in the rodent rains of your oncoming rapture?
Exit Question: As of now, the GOP can gains anywhere from 30-70 Lower House seats. On Nov. 2 will you consider it a “victory” if you gain say 38 seats to just “lose” the House? What will be preferable for your long term Tea Party interests (2012 and beyond), losing the House by 2 seats or gaining it by 2 seats?
September 20th, 2010 @ 10:17 am
So, Waylay is saying Coons is the next Slow Joe?
September 20th, 2010 @ 10:21 am
That curly 80’s hair.
That virginal seductive stare
that strips my conscience bare
it’s witchcraft.
Castle had no defense for it.
The tea is too intense for it.
What good would commonsense for it do?
‘Cause it’s witchcraft!
Wicked witchcraft.
And although I know it’a strictly taboo
when you arouse the need in me
my heart says “yes indeed” in me
Proceed with what you’re lead in ‘me to!
It’s such an ancient pitch
but one I wouldn’t switch
‘Cause there’s no nicer witch than you!
September 20th, 2010 @ 10:22 am
That curly 80’s hair.
That virginal seductive stare
that strips my conscience bare
it’s witchcraft.
CastleCooms had no defense for it.September 20th, 2010 @ 10:42 am
Dino Rossi responds to critics like waylay.
September 20th, 2010 @ 10:58 am
You might train a butterfly to compete in the Olympics, but you can’t cure O’Donnell.
I love when butterflies flex their wings.
What a lovely image…
You are a stunning butterfly, Joe!
O’Donnell and Palin sittin’ in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Hope I didn’t just invade your personal space.
You are a couple of witches. Do you understand how the witches work? Hope you get why they burned them. It’s okay, though. They won’t do it this time around! Thank god.
Out of the ashes, we rise… women of power to light the truth in every *I*.
Must be snowing in hell. [insert insane laughter (or at least a couple of chuckles)]
September 20th, 2010 @ 11:12 am
When the Dims have nothing of substance to argue (and they don’t, ever ), then they resort to the personal smear.
I’m supposed to care about witchcraft and masturbation when the Dims have run the economy into the ditch?
Good luck with that.
September 20th, 2010 @ 11:59 am
[…] right-wing clones of those Democratic Underground moonbats.Given how intensely I’ve been blogging about Christine O’Donnell’s Senate race in Delaware, I woke up this morning and said, “You know what? It’s time for some more tawdry […]
September 20th, 2010 @ 2:40 pm
Even better: Obama is now upside down in Delaware with 46% approval vs 48% who disapprove – in a state he won by 62%.
O’Donnell should invite him to come campaign for Coons . . .