The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Scared,’ Mr. President?

Posted on | October 18, 2010 | 8 Comments

“Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we’re hard-wired not to always think clearly when we’re scared. And the country is scared.”
President Barack Obama

DeWITT, N.Y. — So Obama’s agenda is no long “Hope and Change.” Now it’s “Facts and Science,” and if you disagree, it’s because you’re “hard-wired” for irrationality. Insulting condescension from leaders may be why so many people are mad as hell. My latest American Spectator column:

“I work 75 hours a week at this place,” said the owner-operator of a convenience store on State Route 41 in Cortland County. “All I ever get are bills coming in, where they’re raising the taxes on this and raising the taxes on that.”
The silver-haired small business owner’s diatribe had begun when I put a copy of the Syracuse Post-Standard on the counter and he asked, “Reading about all our political prostitutes?”
Obviously I was from out of town and he had apparently spotted me as a reporter, so I asked him what his feelings were about the upcoming election. “I’m not voting for any incumbents — all the challengers, that’s who I’m voting for,” he said. . . .

Please read the whole thing. That little store — near beautiful Lake Skaneateles — was Da Tech Guy’s favorite stop of the trip. A few more photos:

Ann Marie Buerkle meets with supporters at the Grange in Clyde.

A Carl Paladino yard sign.

Our host here in New York, the Lonely Conservative, who says she’s “not taking anything for granted” in this election

Pete and I are about to get back on the road. There’s a Buerkle press conference near Syracuse to cover, and then we’re on our way to Pennsylvania, land of the bitter clingers. Hit the tip jar!


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