The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

When in Doubt, Blame Palin!

Posted on | January 12, 2011 | 26 Comments

#BlamePalin became a sarcastic Twitter hashtag yesterday. Among other things, I blamed her for Auburn’s game-winning field goal against Oregon. Also, my four-day streak without an Instalanche.

Liberals have made Palin their all-purpose scapegoat, the demon-figure whose existence relieves them of the burden for coming up with rational explanations of why bad things happen. The evasion of responsibility being a key policy goal of liberalism, you can understand why she’s become so valuable to them.

Blaming Palin is, in this regard, a lot like blaming racism — excuse me, I meant, “raaaaacism!” — for every ill afflicting American society. This never-ending finger-pointing search for scapegoats is the topic of my latest American Spectator column:

The deranged man had been steadily going downhill. His bizarre anti-social behavior and angry outbursts had caused him to be suspended from college classes. He spiraled downward into a vortex of madness and nursed a weird political grievance until finally he went on a murderous rampage with a 9-mm semi-automatic pistol, killing six people and wounding more than a dozen others.
But nobody blamed Sarah Palin or the Tea Party for this bloody crime, because it was December 1993, and the deranged gunman was Colin Ferguson. And his killing spree didn’t happen in Arizona, but on New York’s Long Island Railroad, where he opened fire in a train full of rush-hour commuters.
The remarkable parallels between Ferguson’s mass murder and Saturday’s shootings in Tucson include not only the choice of weapons and the number of victims killed, but also the fact that in both cases, liberals downplayed the idiosyncratic motives of the gunmen and immediately seized upon both crimes to advance their political agenda. . . .

You should read the whole thing. But if you don’t, I’ll just blame Sarah Palin. Everything is her fault now.


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