The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Vasquez Sounds: El Talento Musical de Mexicali Lanzó a la Fama por el Video

Posted on | November 26, 2011 | 27 Comments

Los lectores disculpen la torpe español. Esto se traduce del Inglés con Google. Recuerdo la mañana del viernes, cuando he publicado sobre los 10 años de edad, la cantante Angie Vásquez y sus hermanos? Su video musical les ha hecho la mayor sensación en Internet. El video ha recibido casi 6 millones de visitas, y el grupo familiar “Vasquez Sounds” ha aparecido en las noticias de televisión en México y los Estados Unidos.

Esta es una noticia de Reuters en español:

Abelardo Vázquez, padre de los tres niños de Mexicali mejor conocidos como “Los Vázquez Sounds”, comentó que por el momento lo más importante es que sus hijos se sigan desarrollando, aunque, dio a conocer que los hermanos grabarán un cover por mes, para subirlo a internet y venderlo en iTunes.
Abelardo Vázquez, padre de los tres niños de Mexicali mejor conocidos como “Los Vázquez Sounds”, afirmó que no hará ningún lanzamiento de esta agrupación ya que lo más importante en estos momentos es que ellos se sigan desarrollando y preparando, aunque sí adelantó que los hermanos grabarán un cover por mes, para subirlo a internet y venderlo en iTunes.
En entrevista con Javier Poza, el padre de Abelardo Vázquez, Gustavo Vázquez y Angie Vázquez, señaló que será el tiempo el que decida el camino de sus hijos en el ámbito musical.
Y es que de acuerdo con el también productor, tanto él como su esposa, creen que los tres niños que se han convertido en todo un fenómeno en las redes sociales, aún no tienen la edad para enfrentar este tipo de situaciones, ni ser expuestos a los medios de comunicación, sobre todo dijo, porque tiene la creencia de que los niños no deben trabajar, ni tener ese tipo de responsabilidades.
Asimismo, aclaró que si cuentan con una visión sobre ellos, pero a largo plazo, “yo creo que a cierta edad, están haciendo lo que pueden hacer, queremos darles más herramientas para que cuando ellos tengan la edad de decidir qué hacer con sus vidas, lo hagan con menos riesgo y acertadamente”, agregó.
A pregunta expresa sobre si es cierto que ya grabaron algunos covers en un estudio de San Diego y estarán a la venta de manera digital, Abelardo Vázquez, respondió que sí, pues aunque no tienen planes de ningún tipo comercial, tampoco piensan darle la espalda al negocio.
Es decir, esto lo llevarán a cabo siempre y cuando los niños no tengan que trabajar.
De acuerdo con el padre de “Los Vázquez Sounds”, esta idea surgió porque la gente comenzó a preguntar cómo podía descargar el cover, sin embargo, la única manera de que ellos tengan acceso a él de manera legal, es vendiéndolo, ya que así se garantizan los derechos de autor.
De manera que se pusieron en contacto con iTunes y de ahora en adelante grabarán un cover por mes, para subirlo a internet y ponerlo a la venta.
Por otra parte, destacó que desde hace 5 años sus hijos Abelardo y Gustavo tocan juntos y sacan covers, sin embargo, fue hace un mes cuando los tres comenzaron a ensayar durante una semana y quedaron sorprendidos con el resultado.
De manera que a la siguiente semana a su hijo Abelardo se le ocurrió pedirle que los grabara, para hacer el video y subirlo a Youtube, a lo cual accedió con una cámara normal, “de las que se consiguen en cualquier tienda departamental”, dijo.
Agregó, “yo grabé las escenas en donde mi hijo Abelardo que toca varios instrumentos, no podía grabarlas porque él está tocando. Él grabó lo demás, cuando terminamos de hacer las tomas que el sintió que eran las necesarias yo le dejé la cámara y en tres días cuando regresaba de la escuela y todo eso, se puso a editarlo y un viernes me dijo ya lo voy a subir, la verdad no le presté mucha atención porque para mí esto era una cosa de ellos, de chamacos y a los tres días ya era un fenómeno”.
Finalmente, comentó que Angie, su hija, no ha tomado clases de canto, argumentando que posiblemente heredó esto de su madre quien si canta muy bien, a pesar de que no se dedica a ello.
Aunque, sin quitarle el mérito a su hija de 10 años, también señaló que es más fácil que un niño logre alcanzar notas altas, que un adulto.

Switching back to English, I’ll translate to say that their father, Abelardo, doesn’t want them to work professionally yet, because he’s worried about “risk,” and they’re not yet able to face this kind of situation. However, he’s reached an agreement with iTunes for them to upload their versions of some more songs, to be released once a month. The kids began rehearsing their cover of Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep” about a month ago. His son, also named Abelardo, who plays guitar and piano, asked the father to help with the video, because the son couldn’t play and run the camera at the same time. The video was done with a camera you can buy at any department store. The son edited the video and uploaded it. The father “did not pay much attention” until three days later it became a phenomenon.

Now, back to Spanish:

Mis hijos Jefferson, 12, y Emerson, 10, tienen una canción favorita. De hecho, creo que Emerson podría estar enamorado. ¿Y adivinen a quién más le gusta?

Si le gusta a Alyssa, ¡ya sabes que es impresionante!

UPDATE: Linked by Fausta Wertz, who also provided some free advice on improving the Spanish translation. My oldest daughter Kennedy, now 22, is extraordinarily fluent in Spanish. Her husband’s family is from Argentina and, when Kennedy was 18, she spent a year in a full-immersion program at a college in Argentina.

At family gatherings, I like to tweak my son-in-law by making references to Margaret Thatcher and the Falkland Islands, occasionally breaking into a hearty chorus of “Rule Britannia!”


27 Responses to “Vasquez Sounds: El Talento Musical de Mexicali Lanzó a la Fama por el Video”

  1. JeffS
    November 26th, 2011 @ 12:39 pm

    OK, admit it — you posted this solely because Alyssa Milano tweeted you.  Not that I blame you for boasting about it, of course.  Alyssa Milano!!!!!!  GASP!

    That said, the father sounds like a smart man.  Let the kids be kids, get education and training, and then grow up.  God knows there are too many example of child celebrities turning into adult basket cases.   We don’t need three more.

  2. Anonymous
    November 26th, 2011 @ 12:41 pm


  3. Anonymous
    November 26th, 2011 @ 12:49 pm

    You are correct, of course: Any post re-Tweeted by Alyssa Milano deserves a follow-up. Also:

    A. It’s a chance to attract lucrative international readership. (I noticed the Google Adsense algorithm automatically called up an ad en Espanol.)

    B. Emerson really was smitten with the girl.

  4. Fausta
    November 26th, 2011 @ 1:05 pm

    Hi Stacy,
    I think that you’re trying to say the following in the last paragraph,
    “Mis hijos Jefferson, 12, y Emerson, 10, tienen una canción favorita. De hecho, creo que Emerson podría estar enamorado. ¿Y adivinen a quién más le gusta?
    Si le gusta a Alyssa, ¡ya sabes que es impresionante!”

  5. Incredible 10-Year-Old Mexican Singer Rocks the World With Music Video : The Other McCain
    November 26th, 2011 @ 1:05 pm

    […] Kathy Shaidle, who is worried about young Angie’s future. Welcome, Hot Air readers!UPDATE II: El Otro McCain: Ahora disponible en español! Category: Mexico, MusicComments ThePaganTempleLet’s […]

  6. Peter Ingemi
    November 26th, 2011 @ 1:13 pm

    Hey I haven’t been re-tweeted by Alyssa Milano but I’m followed by Kathy Ireland does that rate?

    Anyway this post is missing the most important line:

    Ponga algo de su dinero freaking en mi tarro!

  7. Fausta's Blog » Blog Archive » Los Vazquez go viral
    November 26th, 2011 @ 1:13 pm

    […] Stacy’s even posting in Spanish*!?! Surely a sign of the […]

  8. Anonymous
    November 26th, 2011 @ 1:39 pm

    Ponga algo de su dinero freaking en mi tarro!

    We’ll have to ask Fausta to check that translation.

  9. Rich Vail
    November 26th, 2011 @ 1:52 pm

    Sorry, don’t speak spanish, and never will…until the 20 million illegal aliens return to their country of origin.  On the other hand, Ich spache wenige Deutche, Mi parlo un po d’Italiano, as well as read and write Latin and Hebrew and Anglo-Saxon…go figure…Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves…

    Rich Vail
    Pikesville, Maryland
    the Vail Spot dot Blogspot dot Com

  10. Saturday Movie Matinee – Reconsider Sarah « Nice Deb
    November 26th, 2011 @ 2:15 pm

    […] has more on the young singer, here. Share this:TwitterLike this:LikeOne blogger likes this post. Posted in Saturday Movie Matinee. […]

  11. JeffS
    November 26th, 2011 @ 2:16 pm

    “How To Get A Million Hits On Your Blog” rules!

  12. JeffS
    November 26th, 2011 @ 2:27 pm

    You owe Fausta 90¢, don’t you?

  13. Bob Belvedere
    November 26th, 2011 @ 3:12 pm

    Iway ishway ouyay ouldway ublishpay away ersionvay ofway isthay
    ostpay inway Englishway osay ouryay eadersray, yselfmay, andway
    Abithatay Alehay ouldcay enjoyway itway, Acystay

  14. Garym
    November 26th, 2011 @ 3:36 pm

    Now thats easier to understand!

  15. M. Thompson
    November 26th, 2011 @ 3:44 pm

    Or, as you could say, we don’t speak Furrnier ‘roud here. Right, Bubba?

  16. jwallin
    November 26th, 2011 @ 4:49 pm

    The easy availability of  Spanish newspapers, tv shows, stores, ads, voter ballots etc. is a magnet for illegal aliens.

    It was the influx of Mexican labor that did it to the SW and it was the acquisition of Puerto Rico as a territory that did it for the NE.

    The created enclaves of Spanish speakers allowed the newly illegal a safe and convenient place to hide, work and make contact with criminal elements to procure illegal documents.

    Although you may think it amusing and of little impact, YOU ARE WRONG!

    Continued creation of an illegal friendly atmosphere only adds to the problem and doesn’t make them more likely to assimilate or to stop their criminality.

    Hate to be a stick in the mud but those who pander to the Spanish speakers for money or misguided empathy are as bad as those who hire them or bring them across the border.

  17. Soopermexican
    November 26th, 2011 @ 5:26 pm

    Im with the bigots! If you watch a youtube en Espanol, the latinoterrorists win!! even if the youtube was en ingles.

  18. jwallin
    November 26th, 2011 @ 9:16 pm

    Like there’s a place in Azatlan with the likes of La Raza?

    Tell you what, let’s pass an immigration law in the US just like the one in Mexico. Oh and we’ll enforce it just like they do in Mexico.


    Bigots come in all sizes, shapes and colors. They also speak different languages. Si, Soopermexican pendejo?

  19. Kelly Chapman
    November 26th, 2011 @ 9:43 pm

    I am half Mexican and appreciate the diversity here.  Way to google-translate it up! 🙂

  20. Soopermexican
    November 26th, 2011 @ 10:25 pm

    Go for it homie. I’m an American citizen and Im all for shutting down the border and deporting illegals. THAT doesn’t make you bigoted, idiota. What makes you bigoted and give the rest of us decent conservatives a bad name is bitching about illegal immigration when my homeboy McCain simply does a damn post in Spanish! What the hell is wrong with you people? If you can’t enjoy an amazing video of a girl singing beautifully just because she’s Mexican, yes, Hijo de Puta, YOU’RE a BIGOT.

  21. Los Vazquez go viral | FavStocks
    November 27th, 2011 @ 3:45 am

    […] Stacy’s even posting in Spanish*!?! Surely a sign of the […]

  22. Saturday Movie Matinee – Reconsider Sarah | FavStocks
    November 27th, 2011 @ 8:00 am

    […] McCain has more on the young singer, here. […]

  23. jwallin
    November 27th, 2011 @ 8:54 am

    And Mexicans haven’t got a prejudiced bone in their body, Right?

    What pretentious self righteous bullshit.

    I pointed out a FACT that all our pandering to the needs of illegal aliens just tempts more to illegally cross the border and take jobs, services etc. that should go to those here by right or by law.

    Tell you what, next time someone enters your house without your permission, eats your food, sleeps in your bed and sits and watches your tv, you go ahead and let them. Maybe give them a key so they can come and go easier.

    WHEN you’ve done all that, THEN you can tell me how much a bigot I am.

     So don’t start trying to change the subject, like those who say “they just want a better life why prosecute them for that” cause all any thief wants is a better life style too . . .  with YOUR STUFF!

    Now I’m supposed to just ignore the thiefs and burglars because some pretty girl is singing?

    If you leave food out in the open all the time, you’ll wind up with cockroaches and mice. Simple fact. Works with people too.

  24. Bob Belvedere
    November 27th, 2011 @ 4:27 pm

    This was neither the time nor the place to bring those issues up.

  25. jwallin
    November 27th, 2011 @ 6:20 pm

    It’s a perfect time and place to bring it up. It’s exactly these sort of situations where everyone just wants to let things slide that have brought us to where we are.

    Aw, let’s let the poor hispanics in. They’re just trying to live the American dream. They pay taxes and work hard. They just want to live in peace. They want to be Americans. They aren’t doing any harm. They’re here and have a right to read everything in their own language. They’re here now and have a right to vote. they have a right to have special expensive classes held just so they can learn in their native language.

    12,000,000 million illegals later (and that’s really just an estimate) and NOW we’re starting to wake up to the fact that we have a problem that affects our finances, our security and our future.

    Yeah let’s wait for a more APPROPRIATE time to talk about this.

  26. Anonymous
    November 29th, 2011 @ 1:56 pm

    So you’ll have to speak all the native languages that existed prior to the illegal aliens that overtook their land back when the 13 colonies settled… oh wait, spanish was already spoken in half of the actual US territory back then due to the spanish ocupation… LMAO!!!!

    PS20 millions? make that a bit over 40 ;), and soon, all of the US will belong to the spanish speaking people, heck, already a Mexican owns the most important businesses and is slowly buying out a lot more (not to count that the economy is controlled by Japanese bussines men)… MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  27. Rich Vail
    November 29th, 2011 @ 11:28 pm

    Bit of a bigot are you? Has anyone ever noticed how people say the most extreme things…when they hide behind “anonymous”? If you have something genuinely meaningful say in your own name, at least I have the courage to do so.

    At least I can speak 2 other languages besides English as well as reading/writing 3 others…which is far more than most people can say.