The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

SANTORUM SURGE: Finally, the Polls in Iowa Are Catching Up With … Me

Posted on | December 28, 2011 | 70 Comments

I’m inside a town hall meeting with Rick Santorum. About a hundred people here, and the big news today in Iowa is the CNN/Time poll showing Santorum surging into third place, with 16%, ahead of Newt Gingrich, who is now fourth with 14%, followed by Rick Perry (11%) and Michelle Bachmann (9%).

UPDATE: Erick Erickson isn’t happy:

As a pro-lifer myself, I have to throw up a bit in my mouth that Iowa conservatives are seriously considering Rick Santorum . . .

Yeah, if Perry finishes fifth in Iowa, the epitaph on the tombstone of his campaign will read: “Howdy. Thank you, Erick.”

UPDATE II (Smitty): Here is the CNN interview, Wolf Blitzer interviewing Rick Santorum, with a screencap of the poll results after:

CNN poll shows Santorum in third place in Iowa

UPDATE III: Here’s a photo of Senator Sanatorum shaking hands with Iowans before his town hall meeting here in Cedar Rapids:

Remember that the Santorum surge began Dec. 1, when there was an earthquake in Vanuatu.

UPDATE IV (Smitty): now a Memeorandum thread. What says the Blogosphere?

  • Catholic Bandita links Drudge’s touting of the “Wild Card”, Rick Santorum.
  • A Point of View has the observation, emphasis mine:

    It doesn’t matter what the main stream media thinks or says about Santorum at this point. The plain fact is that his conservative, catholic bona fides are there for all to see and are genuine. That Palin has praised him and he has signalled, through his praise of Palin, that he would support her policy and ethics may be the signal to the Palin supporters that Santorum is Palin’s proxy.

    While Sarah may fall short of a full endorsement, a bit of nudge-nudge, wink-wink could really get the tea party going, IYKWIMAITYD.

  • The Daily Caller:

    Despite lacking the money and resources enjoyed by many of his rivals, Santorum appears to be benefiting from his dogged campaigning throughout each one of Iowa’s 99 counties. The former Pennsylvania senator has also attracted endorsements from prominent evangelical leaders in the state, and is gaining traction among the social conservatives who tend to dominate the Iowa caucuses every four years.
    “Most of Santorum’s gains have come among likely caucus participants who are born-again or evangelical, and he now tops the list among that crucial voting bloc, with support from 22% of born-again compared to 18% for Paul, 16% for Romney, and 14% for Gingrich,” CNN polling director Keating Holland said in a statement.

    If money was paramount, Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman would have done better in California, no?

  • Dan Riehl still likes Perry (and what conservative does not?) but isn’t inimical to Santorum:

    Frankly, I don’t want Santorum to prevail in Iowa, as I’ve already backed Perry and think he’s the best choice, given what they are. But I’m unwilling to throw out my principles to become the media’s anti-Conservative water-boy in some misguided attempt to try and make myself look smart, as opposed to a principled conservative, which is what I mostly am – first, last and always and most importantly of all.

UPDATE V (RSM): Here are Chris Moody of Yahoo News and Shushana Walshe of ABC News, covering the (unexpectedly!) surging Santorum:

Donald Douglas at American Power has more Santorum blogging.


70 Responses to “SANTORUM SURGE: Finally, the Polls in Iowa Are Catching Up With … Me”

  1. Multimedia Group
    December 28th, 2011 @ 8:54 pm

    If Santorum catches even a spark of a bump in Iowa, he could end up pulling a great deal of the Anybody but NewtRomney™ vote as time goes along. Many are just waiting for an opportunity to vote for someone else.

  2. Donald Douglas
    December 28th, 2011 @ 9:18 pm
  3. DeborahL
    December 28th, 2011 @ 9:25 pm

    Go Rick! Finally Conservatives are discovering a real Conservative that has worked, and will work for them. Hopefull more people will support him by getting the word out and donating. Three Beers Later blog has the videos (which are up on YouTube as well). Check out various videos and you’ll see why people are waking up.

    Erik Erickson should find out why certain things happened before casting Rick aside. Why isn’t Erick looking deeply into Ron Paul’s background and record?

  4. Joe
    December 28th, 2011 @ 9:27 pm

    It would all be due to Robert Stacy McCain.  

  5. Lisa Graas
    December 28th, 2011 @ 9:36 pm

    And Lisa Graas. Just sayin’…

  6. Zilla of the Resistance
    December 28th, 2011 @ 9:51 pm

    And a little help from a certain anti-jihad blogger too…

  7. Bryan J
    December 28th, 2011 @ 9:57 pm

    Can conservatives please expel Erickson from the conservative movement?  He has to be the biggest douchebag  on Earth.  I don’t see how RedState has any credibility after this primary.

    What’s even more funny is Erickson Erickson endorsed Mitt Romney for President in 2008.

  8. smitty
    December 28th, 2011 @ 10:02 pm

    And the good Lord Almighty, who still turns a loving eye toward Creation, in spite of the Progressives.

  9. ThePaganTemple
    December 28th, 2011 @ 10:05 pm

    Well I guess that pretty much settles it. You can’t find a more legitimate, reputable polling organization anywhere than the CNN/Time Poll, although admittedly the NBC/Wall Street Journal might come a close second. Since CNN says Santorum is surging, I guess we can discount all of those other polls that put him in fifth place, behind Bachmann. All he has to do now is watch out for Huntsman, who says he has Tea Party support in South Carolina, but if he can just get past that hurdle, he will have it all sewn up. No doubt in my mind.

  10. Sam Francis Economic Man
    December 28th, 2011 @ 10:08 pm

    i’m not gonna make a “conservative case” for No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D etc. but why is it that issues like these are held up as going to the Core of Conservative Civilization on blogs while, say, repealing Roe v. Wade — supposedly impossible even though we’re one justice within a conservative majority on the Supreme Court — is negotiable and doesn’t get someone hit with the RINO tag?

    i realize that running some kind of religious conservative crusade for the election this year would be stupid, but at the same time i’m kinda sick about Club for Growth “he raised taxes by 0.0001%!” standards being used to tag certain conservative Republicans as supposed sellouts while real gut, cultural issues that’ve actually won over crucial swing voters like Reagan Democrats in the past are seen as expendable. if tax cuts/free-market orthodoxy are the only non-negotiable principles of the Republican Party then forget it.

  11. M. Thompson
    December 28th, 2011 @ 10:17 pm

    You know, I’m starting to like him more and more.  Perhaps he can pull it off.

  12. Not Counting Out Santorum UPDATE: Santorum Surges to 3rd Place! « Nice Deb
    December 28th, 2011 @ 10:17 pm

    […] Oh, look who’s doing the happy dance: SANTORUM SURGE: Finally, the Polls in Iowa Are Catching Up With … Me […]

  13. Anonymous
    December 28th, 2011 @ 10:35 pm

    Thank Goodness!  I’m not thrilled about Santorum.  He is extremely flawed as both  a candidate and a Conservative.  He doesn’t appear to be at all prepared to handle the fiscal and economic crisis that this country is in.

    However, Santorum does not suck!  As such, he is the best in the field and I can vote for him without holding my nose.

  14. dad29
    December 28th, 2011 @ 10:41 pm

    Egads.  Today Perry figures out that killing the child of a criminal is………not….. really….. a *good* thing, and Erickson tosses his cookies over Santorum?

    Lewis Carroll could not have made this up.

  15. ThePaganTemple
    December 28th, 2011 @ 10:59 pm
  16. Adjoran
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:15 pm

    It’s the Purer-Than-Thou game, very popular among some conservatives who think they can get everything they want by simply demanding it.

    They must have been very bratty children.

  17. Edward
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:19 pm

    Frankly I’m pretty sick of Erick Erickson.

  18. Edward
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:20 pm

    Huntsman is still in the race?  Why?  Does he really think that people who aren’t happy about supporting Romney will suddenly see him as an alternative?

  19. Joe
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:20 pm

    And Smitty.  

    And Wombat.  

    And Da Tech Guy.  

  20. Edward
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:22 pm

    Or as an alternative if you simply accept anything that is thrown in front of you then you’ll be eating crap sandwiches for the rest of your life.

    Being discerning, demanding better and willing to force the issue is how things get done and improved.  If you have an actual theory how meekly following along with whatever the establishment Republicans want then let’s hear it.

  21. Adjoran
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:22 pm

    Santorum is definitely rising – even got a big notice from Stephen Hayes on the Fox panel – but do remember this poll is screened for likely Republican caucus voters, so it may be undercounting crossovers for Luap Nor and thereby overestimating everyone else by a point or two.

    But the relative position among the sane part of the field could be accurate, which would put Santorum as the leading “not Romney” conservative.  If you have to be Flavor of the Month, this is the month to do it.

    But the hinting at a Palin tacit endorsement is a big stretch.  She did say nice things about Santorum recently, true enough, but she’s also said nice things about several candidates, including Cain and Gingrich. 

  22. Edward
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:23 pm

    Ok.  I think I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing that image.  I hear you on this.  But seriously.  I think I now have PTSD or something. 

  23. Lisa Graas
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:25 pm


  24. Adjoran
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:25 pm

    Look, he told Obama how remarkable he was and how lucky he was to meet him.  The guy is obviously suffering from some pretty weird delusions.  I just hope he doesn’t hurt himself.

  25. Lisa Graas
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:26 pm


  26. Adjoran
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:33 pm

    It’s okay.  Erickson’s pleased enough with himself to make up for the loss.

    I hate to see Perry flounder as he has, he really is a capable manager and good Governor with great conservative credentials.  But if his failure teaches the RedState Gang they aren’t really king-makers, maybe some good will come of it.

    Pretty sure they believe they are responsible for Rubio’s success.

  27. Finrod Felagund
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:46 pm

    I don’t like Perry, but I’d still prefer Perry to Romney, and Romney to Paul.

  28. Gillian
    December 28th, 2011 @ 11:54 pm

    The “kingmaker” role is what really roils me about RedState, they truly think they call the shots and everyone should be kissing their ring.  It’s very gratifying watching them fall flat on their faces in utter humiliation.

    I get that everyone has their favored candidate, but why is it every other site seems to be able to do it with class?  RedState went into full “bully” mode basically banning anyone who didn’t toe the Rick Perry jalopy.

  29. richard mcenroe
    December 29th, 2011 @ 12:14 am

    If money was paramount, Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman would have done better in California, no?”

    Problem is, Meg and Carly spent all their money against Republicans in the primary and then screwed the rest of the candidates in the general by attaching themselves to the campaigns like effing remorae.

  30. Adjoran
    December 29th, 2011 @ 12:27 am

    Has Wolf Blitzer ever NOT looked ridiculous?  Remember his big break came as he reported the air attack on Baghdad in the first Gulf War from under his bed in his hotel room.

  31. Adjoran
    December 29th, 2011 @ 12:34 am

    Ask Stacy about “Charles Johnson Syndrome” – it’s a morality play about the danger of becoming enamored of the aroma of your own bicycle seat.

  32. Adjoran
    December 29th, 2011 @ 12:39 am

    Obviously, neither extreme will lead to desirable results. 

    But if I have to evaluate “the establishment Republicans” and their plans, I need to know who they are and how they are able to force conservatives to do their bidding every single time, but never able to beat the Democrats, even when they only need do nothing to do it.

    Because usually these eeeeevil “establishment Republicans” turn out to be either complete Straw Men, or else lifelong conservative fighters who displease the self-appointed “base” on any issue, or by not holding their mouths right, or something.

  33. Adjoran
    December 29th, 2011 @ 12:43 am

    It’s also California where they keep penalizing businesses despite the evac-style exodus, planning their “high speed rail” project despite tripling and unauthorized costs in the midst of an ongoing fiscal crisis, and elect Jerry Brown again.

    It’s Alice in Wonderland out there.  The usual Laws of Physics just don’t apply, in the evident opinion of the California electorate.

  34. Jorge Emilio Emrys Landivar
    December 29th, 2011 @ 12:44 am
  35. Aaron Rupp
    December 29th, 2011 @ 12:49 am

    In the world of identity politics, Santorum is a lot like Palin.

  36. MrPaulRevere
    December 29th, 2011 @ 1:06 am

    Anyone who takes Mr. Erikson seriously should check themselves into a Monastery for 6 months and do some serious study.

  37. The Wondering Jew
    December 29th, 2011 @ 1:47 am

    A Santorum win in Iowa proves nothing– other than that Iowa Republican primary voters are willing to support socially very conservative candidates with mediocre records (at best) on “big government” issues and no chance nationally– Witness Pat Robertson in 1988 and Huckabee is 2008.

    I find it ironic that Stacy is framing his support for Santorum as some sort of a punch in the gut to the conservative establishment.  The establishment wouldn’t be bothered at all by having Santorum, a two term Senator who supported most of Bush’s unconservative agenda, as the nominee. They’d be surprised, but not panicked– nor would they have problems bringing Santorum in the fold since Santorum’s record, as opposed to his rhetoric is basically garden-variety Republican establishment.

    If your real criterion is sending a message to the conservative establishment, Ron Paul is your only pick in this race.  He’s the one they hate and he’s the one they most want to destroy.  A Paul victory is not going to be interpreted as some endorsement by Republicans of Alex Jones or some idiotic 20 year-old newsletters that the establishment keeps bringing up in a desperate attempt to head off Paul.  It’s going to be seen as a victory for the Tea Party, anti-establishment forces in the GOP, and small government conservatism.

    The entire tenor of this discussion is infuriating.  I swore to myself I’d stay out of Paul advocacy in 2012.  As I’ve written many times here and elsewhere, he has many strengths, but also many problems, as a candidate.   I’m not particularly inspired by any of the other candidates, but most of them would be at least minimally acceptable.  But I can’t stand the bogus arguments being made by the worst elements of the GOP against Paul nor can I accept the notion that supporting an establishment “big government” Arlen Specter endorsing conservative like Santorum is somehow going to shake up anything.

  38. K-Bob
    December 29th, 2011 @ 1:49 am

    I like that concept!  I actually like Perry a lot, even a bit more than Santorum.  But it would be worth tossing Perry under the bus just to make that point stick. should be renamed, AFAIC.

    The pullquote about “pro life” is straight out of the “down is up” playbook.  (I don’t even care about the context, because I wouldn’t read Erickson’s nonsense even if it made me king of the web.)

    (Well, more “kingier,” anyway. I’m already king of all the IP addresses going into my router.  Woo Hoo!)

  39. K-Bob
    December 29th, 2011 @ 1:54 am

    I’m not sure that’s such a huge group.  Newt still attracts a lot of folks.  He’s just on his heels right now, and P0rn Raul is getting all the attention of the kooks in the media and elsewhere.

    I’m more for Perry than Newt, but I could see voting Newt in the general.

  40. Jorge Emilio Emrys Landivar
    December 29th, 2011 @ 1:56 am

    His accusations still stand.

  41. Jorge Emilio Emrys Landivar
    December 29th, 2011 @ 1:59 am

    ANY of these candidates deserve a vote in the general.  Obama must be stopped.

  42. Not Counting Out Santorum UPDATE: Santorum Surges to 3rd Place! | FavStocks
    December 29th, 2011 @ 3:22 am

    […] Oh, look who’s doing the happy dance: SANTORUM SURGE: Finally, the Polls in Iowa Are Catching Up With … Me […]

  43. K-Bob
    December 29th, 2011 @ 3:24 am

    Where, in a landfill?

  44. K-Bob
    December 29th, 2011 @ 3:33 am

    Not, “ANY”.

    If faced with a Paul vs. Obama election, I’d have to go with the slow death of marxism, vs. the rapid death of nuclear war.

    Paul’s policies regarding Israel put the whole world in danger. I wouldn’t vote for him with the dead from Chicago.

    As for Mitt, I’ll vote Libertarian or write someone in.  There’s no difference to the future of this nation if Obamacare survives under Mitt or Obama.  None, whatsoever.

    The only Republican candidates I could vote for are Perry, Gingrich, Santorum, or Bachmann.  If they make it on my ballot.

  45. EBL
    December 29th, 2011 @ 3:54 am

    You want scary? How about this?

  46. Bachmann Iowa Chairman Bails, Backs Ron Paul - The POH Diaries
    December 29th, 2011 @ 7:46 am

    […] so, you just look like your going with a sure winner instead of sticking to your guns. Maybe he saw these numbers before turning on […]

  47. ThePaganTemple
    December 29th, 2011 @ 8:02 am

    Then you should really be thankful I didn’t upload what went on about twenty minutes later lol

  48. Anonymous
    December 29th, 2011 @ 8:53 am

    Why don’t we give the guy a chance first?  Then, you can say how much he sucks.

  49. Anonymous
    December 29th, 2011 @ 8:56 am

    Oh, don’t forget he also endorsed Specter!  He shouldn’t even think of running for higher office after that.

    (But of course, no one brings up that Specter agreed to play ball with Alito and Roberts, who are now on the court about to decide Obamacare.)

  50. Anonymous
    December 29th, 2011 @ 9:00 am

    Me too. I’m thinking, its people like him that are  more a hindrance than a help to the primary process.

    I don’t understand how he has special powers to discern “electability” and what not.