Amanda Marcotte Has a Conniption Over the Rights of … Shemale Scouts?
Posted on | January 17, 2012 | 23 Comments
You can’t make up stuff as weird as this. In Colorado, a 7-year-old boy named Bobby who thinks he’s a girl wanted to joined the Girl Scouts and was initially rejected. But then the Girl Scout council changed its mind and declared, “If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.”
As might be expected, some people were upset by this decision. What parent wants to try to explain something this bizarre to their 7-year-old daughter? But the ordinary concerns of ordinary parents mean nothing to a fanatical ideologue like Amanda Marcotte, who uses the phrase “Christian right” three times in the course of a 571-word article depicting little Bobby the Trans-Girl Scout as the victim of a a dangerously radical religious/political menace.
The genuinely troubling thing about this is not merely that, to the liberal intelligentsia, transgendered 7-year-olds are entirely acceptable and praiseworth, a phenomenon about which no one dare raise a skeptical eyebrow, lest they be accused of “hate.” No, what is truly disturbing is the intelligentsia’s belief that there is something wrong with parents who think that Girl Scouts should be for, y’know, girls.
Attitudes that are altogether common and understandable — such as parents’ desire to provide their children a normal, wholesome childhood environment — are re-imagined by the liberal intelligentsia as hateful bigotry, which must be explained by reference to some sort of reactionary political impulse. And thus the majority of Americans are cast as hopelessly prejudiced, prone to manipulation by shadowy right-wingers, and therefore in need of enlightenment by their moral and intellectual superiors because … Progress!
Let any literate person endeavor to point out the nonsensical nature of stuff like this, of course, and you’re instantly classified as one of those shadowy right-wingers. The intelligentsia cannot stand to see anyone give articulation to the ordinary sentiments of those decent non-intellectual Americans who oppose such strange notions of Progress.
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23 Responses to “Amanda Marcotte Has a Conniption Over the Rights of … Shemale Scouts?”
January 17th, 2012 @ 4:33 pm
You also gotta wonder about who might have helped little Bobby come to realization that he was a girl trapped inside a boy’s body. Was anyone coaching . . . err, “counseling” him when he arrived at that discovery? What media/educational sources/pamphlets were he exposed to? I’m curious how typical it was for seven year olds to become self-realized transgendered individuals prior to the rise of the LGBT industry.
January 17th, 2012 @ 5:00 pm
I am getting jaded. Amanda Marcott just likes this story because she can get away with an outrageous statement, cause harm to the boys and girls scouts, and Christians, and gin up some awesome blog traffic from those same group supporters. Let’s face it, that is what Andrew Sullivan is doing with his stupid Barack Obama campaign brochure (also know as Newsweek/Daily Beast).
January 17th, 2012 @ 5:06 pm
GIRL SCOUT TO MOM: “Mommy, why is that little boy coming to our girl scout overnight camp outs? The scoutmaster made him sleep in our tent. Why mommy?
MOTHER TO DAUGHTER: “Because there are evil people in the world, in this case, a woman named Amanda Marcott, who are, what normal Americans call, “perverts”. I’m sorry we have to pull you out of the scouts honey but we’ll find you a group that isn’t run by morons.
January 17th, 2012 @ 5:14 pm
No sane parents [ie: no parents that are not Leftist] should let their daughters join the Girl Scouts as they have been taken over by Radical Feminists, who are indoctrinating the girls with Leftist ideology with all of it’s perverse and mutated thinking.
January 17th, 2012 @ 6:22 pm
The Girl Scouts jumped the shark long ago. They went full-tilt far-left-Amanda-Marcotte-including-all-the-Daddy-issues and abandoned any semblance of their original purpose for existing.
I can’t even eat the cookies anymore. Pity, since Thin Mints and Samoas were really, really good.
The worst part is turning down the smiling little girls and explaining their leaders are all commie perverts.
January 17th, 2012 @ 7:00 pm
I’m a right winger standing in full daylight, and I say that Amanda Marcotte is jealous because the shemale has a gender to worry about.
January 17th, 2012 @ 7:08 pm
The problem I have is turning down the parents at work. As a senior manager, I’d get in trouble if I explained why I boycott the GS Cookies.
January 17th, 2012 @ 7:24 pm
Perhaps the lovely Miss Marcotte could explain to us how a seven-year-old knows that he’s really a girl? (Yes, that sentence was deliberately constructed that way.
Will the next phase be telling us that a seven-year-old supposed transsexual not only knows what he’s doing, but has every right to gender-reassignment surgery — doubtlessly paid for by the government — regardless of what his parents agree to?
January 17th, 2012 @ 7:24 pm
Perhaps the lovely Miss Marcotte could explain to us how a seven-year-old knows that he’s really a girl? (Yes, that sentence was deliberately constructed that way.
Will the next phase be telling us that a seven-year-old supposed transsexual not only knows what he’s doing, but has every right to gender-reassignment surgery — doubtlessly paid for by the government — regardless of what his parents agree to?
January 17th, 2012 @ 7:24 pm
Perhaps the lovely Miss Marcotte could explain to us how a seven-year-old knows that he’s really a girl? (Yes, that sentence was deliberately constructed that way.
Will the next phase be telling us that a seven-year-old supposed transsexual not only knows what he’s doing, but has every right to gender-reassignment surgery — doubtlessly paid for by the government — regardless of what his parents agree to?
January 17th, 2012 @ 7:41 pm
To differentiate and assign “girls” and “boys” in scouts w/o upsetting the PC police, I guess it’s time for clarifying name-changes. How about “Innies” and “Outies”? But don’t ask me about “Brownies.”
Wow, does this get complex fast!
January 17th, 2012 @ 9:22 pm
Kudos to 14 year old girl scout, “Taylor”, for calling for a boycott of girl scout cookies to protest the admittance of the 7 year old transgender.
January 17th, 2012 @ 9:23 pm
Just say “I’m not allowed to donate to political causes or organizations that conflict with my religious belief”.
January 18th, 2012 @ 6:57 am
I feel sorry for this kid, he’s going to have a rough life. The girl scouts are almost irrelevant to me. Somebody needs to take this kid away from his parents and give him a loving home where he can learn some fucking common sense. (For example, if you have a dick and a sack of nuts, hey, you could more than likely be a boy). God damn at least give the kid time to transition completely through puberty. He might feel entirely different about it by that time.
This kind of shit is why I hate the fucking left and wish they’d just abort their fucking numbers completely out of god damn existence. Fuck these worthless cocksuckers.
January 18th, 2012 @ 8:59 am
Doesn’t work for white males.
January 18th, 2012 @ 9:15 am
So what can they do about it? Look at it as an opportunity. They are bound to ask you something like “how do the Girl Scouts conflict with your religious beliefs”. Then you just explain to them by way of whatever example you feel most comfortable with. Who knows, they might not even be aware of some of these things. If not, they should be. And if they still don’t like it, fuck them. What are they going to do, fire you? Screw that noise, you can sue them and take their asses to the cleaners.
But if none of that is something you feel comfortable with, try this. Give them a funny, quizzical look, and say “The GIRL SCOUTS?”
Then just shrug and say, firmly but not hatefully or overly smug-“I’m sorry, I’m all tapped out.”
Do it the right way and they’ll get the message.
January 18th, 2012 @ 9:49 am
I can be fired at-will and I work for a branch of government that’s infested with Blue Bolshes.
An example of how bad it is: During sexual harassment training a number of years ago, after they explained that anything could be taken by someone as being SH, I asked, ‘So, basically, what you’re saying is that we should only talk about business matters with our fellow employees?’, and, with straight faces, the two trainers said, ‘Yes’.
January 18th, 2012 @ 10:12 am
Meh, I never wanted to be in the GS because all they ever did (at least the group where I lived) was sit around and bake cookies and sew.
I could do that at my grandma’s house, plus garden, raise farm animals, and learn wild, edible plant identification (and how to noodle fish and catch turtles…Grandma and Great-grandma were hella gals).
Same with Cub Scouts — I pulled my son; the kids were obnoxious little brats and they never did anything that was “too dangerous” (bringing in collections and doing reports — oh yippee!; I nearly died of boredom) . Bleh, he’s in Civil Air Patrol and may join this young explorers club and Pony Club (which is open to everyone who takes an interest the interests of the club, which he happens to be interested in)…and no, Pony Club isn’t a sissy organization, unless you consider making kids take care of things on their own (with some adult supervision/direction so they don’t kill themselves or others), polo, and tetrathelon “sissy stuff”.
January 18th, 2012 @ 10:30 am
We actually had a kid at my school who was pretty much a girl in a boy’s body.
He acted like a girl from the get go, and from the get go all the other kids knew something was a bit different about him even as far back as kindergarten.
Suprisingly, from my recollections at least, he was given less grief than boys who were perceived as normal who “went off the reservation” in their actions. Somehow it was an unwritten law that S was just different, nothing was going to change him, and it got left at that…no drama, no kerfluffle, just was.
He was one of the first people you wanted on your team to work on homecoming hall decorations….and usually one of the last picks for dodgeball.
So they do exist, but I think it’s a bit harsh to the kid to be making such a big stink over him…just leave him alone and let him pursue the interests that he likes (if he likes to do traditionally “girl stuff”, then let him do them — forcing him to play football isn’t going to make him any more “manly” and trying to force him into the GS sounds more like something the parents are doing for attention, or because they can’t say “no” to their kid, both are bad).
January 18th, 2012 @ 11:37 am
[…] In the wake of the “Bobby” incident, several Girl Scout troops in Louisiana disbanded as horrified leaders and parents said ‘no.’ As of December 2011, Bobby, while admitted to the Denver Scout group, had not yet shown up for a meeting. Don’t know what is currently happening with Bobby Montoya, but Taylor’s video is bringing out the activist claws to shame anyone not fine with Shemale Scouts. […]
January 18th, 2012 @ 12:32 pm
Just don’t buy the damn things then. Don’t give them an explanation, just tell them money’s too tight. Fuck them, if they want to fire you they’re going to find a reason anyway. They’ll invent an excuse no matter what you do. Hell, you could buy the damn cookies and the next thing you know somebody’s starting a rumor that you have a thing for Girl Scouts. If you have to be surrounded by these pieces of shit at least you don’t have to help finance them.
January 18th, 2012 @ 12:50 pm
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January 18th, 2012 @ 12:58 pm
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