The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In Search of Liberal ‘Principle,’ and Also: Does #FreeKate Have a Larger Agenda?

Posted on | May 26, 2013 | 56 Comments

‘Free Kate’ petition at 501(c)3 Purpose Foundation’s site,

Arguing with liberals is nearly always a waste of time, and I seldom bother, as there are usually more enjoyable ways to waste time.

Any argument with a liberal will quickly descend into name-calling, as the entire point of being a liberal is to imagine yourself morally and intellectually superior to others. The purpose of any argument, to a liberal, is never to discover truth — if they cared anything about truth, they would not be liberals, quod erat demonstrandum — and so whatever the supposed point at dispute, the proposition the liberal wishes to demonstrate is always the same: “Resolved: I am an enlightened being, and anyone who disagrees with me is an ignorant bigot.”

This is why liberals rushed forward to seize the “Free Kate” banner and storm the barricades of homophobic intolerance as embodied (so they imagined) in Florida parents Jim and Laurie Smith.

Persuaded by Kaitlyn Hunt’s dishonest advocates that the Jailbait Toilet Sex Queen of Sebastian High School was a victim of homophobia, liberals wrapped themselves in the offered garb of secondhand martyrdom. The Indignant Self-Righteousness Derby commenced, each attempting to outdo the other in their outrage at the hateful unfairness of it all.

Facts? Optional. Logic? Inadmissible.

Once the Lynch Mob of Universal Enlightenment takes up a cause like this, “facts” and “logic” are denounced as Weapons of Hate.

In the case of “Free Kate, Stop the Hate,” the lynching appears to have started Friday, May 17, with Facebook posts by Kaitlyn Hunt’s negligent parents, whose deliberate distortions of the situation were accepted without question by liberals who desperately wanted to believe it as gospel: St. Kate of the Blessed Finger.

Why argue with liberals, when mockery works so much better?

Having commenced on a Friday, the mob momentum of left-wing indignation built steadily over the weekend, so that by Monday, May 20, the march became a stampede:

After Girl Expelled From High School
and Charged Over Lesbian Relationship,
Anonymous Goes on the Offensive

— Josh Harkinson, Mother Jones

Does anyone else notice the rhetorical method involved here?

“Girl Expelled” — a mere girl! — “Charged Over Lesbian Relationship” — these godbag christofascists are criminalizing lesbianism!

Along with their contempt for facts and logic, liberals are also profoundly hostile to consistency. Never accuse a liberal of hypocrisy, because they have no actual principles to violate.

Ordinarily, feminists would scream with outrage at the infantilizing use of the diminuitive “girl” to refer to an 18-year-old woman (who, in point of fact, will be 19 in less than three months) but if calling Kaitlyn Hunt a “girl” helps to advance the Heroic March of Progress,  feminists will bite their tongues and permit this young woman to be portrayed as a helpless and vulnerable child whom only bigots would expect to behave in the manner of a responsible adult.

Of course, Josh Harkinson’s article was full of lies, particularly misstating the ages of the two girls or rather, the girl and the woman: Unskeptically regurgitating the “Free Kate”  propaganda, Harkinson said that the events happened when the younger girl was 15 and Hunt was 17. In fact, the younger girl was born in April 1998 and Hunt was born in August 1994, so that Hunt was 18 and the younger girl (Smith) was 14 throughout the duration of their (not exactly romantic) affair.

These distortions were necessary to the creation of the “Free Kate” Myth of Symbolic Innocence, which was in turn necessary to her usefulness to liberals as an appealing Symbol of Victimhood.

Ask yourself a question: “Who responds with vehement fanatical certainty to these kinds of fact-deficient appeals to emotion?”

Answer: “Irrational hate-filled kooks like Christine A. Hall, that’s who!”

Thanks to Jeanette Runyon for calling my attention to this screed, providing a glimpse into the damaged psyche of a typical liberal:

I’m GLAD the Smiths are facing the same kind of harassment that they are heaping on another, INNOCENT of everything but a schoolgirl crush (and yes, I’d say the same about a boy and a girl) and a little innocent flirting. . . .

(She hasn’t read the affidavit, but who cares about facts?)

I sure am glad I’m grown now — God knows who my parents would have imprisoned for 15 years I refused to come home because of THEM!! Did anyone ever think of that??

(The word “think” has a definition. Look it up, after you’re done ranting on Facebook in ALL CAPS with extra exclamation points!!)

If these homophobic parents already knew of the “affair” if you like, maybe they had ALREADY been making their daughter’s life hell on earth!! Maybe the younger girl CHOSE to be away on that night and no one “kidnapped” anyone, she was just in a place that made her feel safe, loved and warm . . .

(The womb! We must return to the womb! Eternal infancy is the goal of human development, and only haters disagree.)

. . . as well as ACCEPTING!!! The parents of Kate seem to be very warm and accepting. Kudos to them, 1000%! . . .

(Of course: Kaitlyn fingered a 14-year-old in a school toilet stall, and therefore her “warm and accepting” parents must be praised.)

 Those parents are going to suffer worse than terroristic threats! How about their daughter never inviting them to her wedding, straight OR gay? My ex’s daughter didn’t, I KNOW how that felt to him, and that was even when I hated him like anything! . . .

(Notice that this is no longer about Kaitlyn Hunt, but has instead become a story about Christine A. Hall’s ex-husband’s daughter.)

I STILL know that hurt like nothing else in my life. She’s got 3 kids now, no visits to Grandpa, a pic or two now and then, even tho she certainly has the money. How do the Smiths like the prospect of THAT, huh? . . .

(Unwinding the “logic” here: Christina A. Hall’s ex-stepdaughter — her ex-husband’s child from a previous marriage — is not close to her father, who is now divorced from his second wife, who delights in hoping that similar misfortune will be visited upon the Smiths, as punishment for not wanting their 14-year-old daughter to get fingered in a school toilet stall by an 18-year-old.)

It’s what they’re facing. They’re facing KILLING their kid, which I hope they get murder charges for . . .

(A sudden, if rather ironic, enthusiasm for draconian law enforcement.)

. . . when she gives up and kills herself, after being locked up in the nut ward . . .

(. . . where Christine A. Hall belongs . . .)

. . . cruel “readjustment” camps trying to “make her straight” . . .

(WARNING: You Have Entered the Abyss of Paranoid Fantasy.)

. . . the numerous sermons and talking to’s, possible exorcisms . . .

(Don’t say I didn’t warn you.)

. . . the feeling that your parents hate you because of something you can’t help? She WILL pay her parents back . . .

(. . . by ranting insanely on Facebook . . .)

. . . that’s a swear-to-God promise. Are they ready for THAT??? Oh boo freaking hoo that they’re facing harassment, my heart bleeds purple panther piss for them. They ain’t seen NOTHING yet, I know that for a fact!

Did she forget to take her Prozac? What else explains her desire to immerse the Smith family in a misery resembling her own?

Christine A. Hall may not be legally insane, nor do I have the diagnostic expertise to declare her mentally ill, but I would not hesitate to say that she is what is colloquially known as crazy.

There are lots of these disgruntled nutburgers out there, resentful of the success or happiness of others, and thus eager to jump aboard the Glorious Bandwagon of Equality for a ride to that utopia of vengeance where the problems afflicting them (i.e., the resentful failures) are also inflicted upon others, in the name of Social Justice.

Really, how else could Barack Obama have been elected twice?

Christine A. Hall hates her parents, and hates her ex-husband, too, and you get the sense that these petty hatreds are the only reasons she has any interest in anything we might call “politics.”

Liberals can never admit this to themselves. If they had the capacity to examine their own motives, they would not be spewing out these twisted revenge fantasies on Facebook, transforming an ordinary criminal court procedure in Indian River County, Florida, into a litmus test of ideological purity, a morality play in which anyone who does not share their rage is accused of Sympathy for the Homophobic Devil.

“Pleased to meet you. Hope you guessed my name.”

Mockery is not only more effective than argument in dealing with liberals, it’s also immensely more fun. You may have noticed at the top of the page that I screencapped the online petition from, the Web site of the 501(c)3 non-profit Purpose Foundation, which you may be sure is not being scrutinized by the IRS.

The reason I screencapped that page is because, when you catch liberals lying, they have a predictable way of attempting to make the facts disappear. Since the truth about this case has been belatedly revealed, supporters of the “FreeKate” movement have begun claiming that their only concern was that Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt might be required to register as a sex offender. But (a) the plea bargain offered by prosecutors would have left that to the discretion of the judge at sentencing, and (b) what their petition actually demanded was this:


Drop the charges against Kate Hunt. This prosecution isn’t in the public interest. It’s about a consensual teenage romance, not a crime that deserves punishment.
Kate Hunt, a high school student in Florida, USA, faces prison — all because her girlfriend’s anti-gay parents were angry that their daughter was dating another young woman. They went to police just two days after Kaitlyn’s 18th birthday, claiming she had assaulted a minor.
If Kate is found guilty of “sexual battery” she could face 15 years in prison. But this isn’t about a crime — this is about a consenting, high school romance between teenagers little more than two years apart in age. Please sign here to tell Florida Assistant State Attorney Brian Workman to drop the charges.

The petition makes multiple claims that are provably false: The age difference between the two girls is 44 months, not “little more than two years,” and Kaitlyn Hunt’s 18th birthday was Aug. 14, 2012 — before she ever met the younger girl, four months before their first reported sexual activity in a school toilet stall, and seven months before the younger girl’s parents “went to the police,” which was only after the parents had twice asked Kaitlyn to leave their 14-year-old daughter alone, and after the parents woke up on a Saturday morning (Jan. 5) to discover their daughter missing, fearing she had been kidnapped, only subsequently to learn she had spent the night having dildo sex at Kaitlyn Hunt’s house.

DROP THE CHARGES,” declared the 501(c)3 non-profit Purpose Foundation, because “this isn’t about a crime.”

Nearly 63,000 people had signed the petition as of 5 p.m. today, and hundreds of thousands more signed a similar petition at, and if these false petitions were intended to organize national pressure against law enforcement officials in Indian River County to hand a “Get Out of Jail” free card to Kaitlyn Hunt . . . why?

Why the lies? What motive, beyond the exculpation of Kaitlyn Hunt, was involved in this orchestrated campaign of deceit? This is not a rhetorical question, and you should know the answer:

State Sen. Altman says he hopes to revise
sex offenses law, offering protection
to 18-year-olds like Kaitlyn Hunt

Yes, that’s exactly what “18-year-olds like Kaitlyn Hunt” need — more “protection” — and state Sen. Thad Altman is a Republican.

Liberals are campaigning to decriminalize sex with 14-year-olds, which would be an interesting proposition to debate, but with the help of a few lies and a bit of sophistry — and with the green-eyed Poster Girl for Normalizing Pedophilia as their hero/martyr — they can avoid a debate. Instead, their “argument” consists of pointing the accusatory finger at opponents and screaming “bigot!”

Insanity is contagious, and Republicans are not immune.





56 Responses to “In Search of Liberal ‘Principle,’ and Also: Does #FreeKate Have a Larger Agenda?”

  1. MI 2 FL
    May 26th, 2013 @ 8:07 pm

    FINALLY!! Some common sense information! I’ve been following your articles on this case, and it’s nice to see the #freekate group being called out for their erroneous information!!

  2. Mike G.
    May 26th, 2013 @ 8:10 pm

    Christine A. Hall may not be legally insane, nor do I have the diagnostic expertise to declare her mentally ill, but I would not hesitate to say that she is what is colloquially known as crazy.

    You forgot she’s as crazy as a “Shithouse rat .”

  3. FenelonSpoke
    May 26th, 2013 @ 8:18 pm

    Christine Hall sounds like a nutbar. “My heart bleeds black panther piss for them.” Hey, it’s not about YOU, Christine

  4. LightandShadow
    May 26th, 2013 @ 8:18 pm

    Funny but I could apply every attack on liberals that was made in this article more easily to conservatives. Seriously, “the abyss of paranoid fantasy” doesn’t apply to the FEMA concentration camp, Obama is a muslim/fascist/whatever from Kenya, gays are evil, the UN is going to arrest homeschooling parents, the government is going to take away your guns, death panels crowd, to be found on every conservative site on the internet?

    And you want to claim rational, reasonable debate is calling Miss Hunt “The Poster Girl for Normalizing Pedophilia”? ha! Why is it so hard to understand that this is not pedophilia nor does it meet the definition of pedophilia and that calling it pedophilia is essentially a way to shut down debate?

    It’s kind of impossible for conservatives after the last five years of constantly vilifying homosexuals in order to shut down the gay marriage debate to claim that their desire to see Hunt go to prison has zero to do with her orientation.

  5. Wombat_socho
    May 26th, 2013 @ 8:59 pm

    You’re a semi-literate, ignorant idiot. Good DAY, sir.

  6. RS
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:05 pm

    Ms. Hunt could’ve avoided jail, had she accepted the plea offer which was quite generous. Instead, she chose to have a trial and hoped that by pressing various emotional buttons, i.e. gay rights, innocent teenaged romance, etc., she could avoid the consequences of her actions entirely.
    Unfortunately for her, none of those emtional buttons are at issue. The issue is simply whether an adult may have sexual relations with a 14 year old and even spirit them away contrary to his/her parents’ wishes.

    Exit question: Would your view of this case be the same if the perpetrator were an 18 year old high school graduate and the victim were a 14 year old eighth grader?

  7. FenelonSpoke
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:08 pm

    Since pretty little Kate was dating boys before she fingered the younger girl in the toilet stall it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with orientation; That’s correct. She just continued to prey on a younger girl after being told by the girls parents to knock it off and then abducted her. Perhaps Kate is just an opportunistic creep.

  8. Kerry Dar-Du
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:12 pm

    Kerry Dar-Du liked this on Facebook.

  9. warren
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:25 pm

    I’ve been commenting at Hot Air on this topic all day It’s like her supporters skip over the evidence and plea deal just so they can call us prudes, bigots and other names.

  10. Dianna Deeley
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:26 pm

    The thing that gets me is that the younger girl is, essentially, a 9th grader, a freshman, looking for social acceptance, and some senior just swoops in and takes advantage. Did Kaitlyn hunt take the other girl to the dance or something? Or did she just convince the younger girl that letting herself be fingered in the toilet stall (ew!) was the way to be cool?

    It sets my teeth on edge, just thinking about it.

    When did we stop assuming parents have their children’s best interests at heart?

  11. Dianna Deeley
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:28 pm

    Purple panther piss.

    That does not make it any better, but let’s be accurate!

  12. FenelonSpoke
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:29 pm

    P.S. When asked about whether she thought it was wrong to have sex with a 14 year old Kate said that “She didn’t think about it since the girl acted older.” Doesn’t THAT sound a little suspicious? if they were in “luv” how come she didn’t know the age of the younger girl? Pretty little Kate sounds like she’s trying to cover her backside and even some gay folks know that.

    And this case has zilcho to do with gay marriage between two consenting adults.

  13. robertstacymccain
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:51 pm

    I blame Doug Mataconis. Not for any particular reason, but he’s never liked me, so what the hell?

  14. Vv
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:53 pm

    Thank you for exposing the lies. Here is another sick liberal!

  15. gastorgrab
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:56 pm

    Should 18 year old CHILDREN be allowed to vote and GO off to war?

    (Sorry, but MY caps loCK keeps sTICKing for sOme reasoN. It must bE THhe mood I’M in.)

  16. robertstacymccain
    May 26th, 2013 @ 9:57 pm

    Teenagers do all kinds of crazy things and, really, so what? But when somebody comes to me with the argument that, when teenagers get caught doing things that are not only but actually against the law, the little hooligans should be viewed as courageous civil rights heroes

    Not just “no” — HELL, NO!

  17. jakee308
    May 26th, 2013 @ 10:02 pm

    So. Republicans are angling for the Lesbian vote now?

    Well that makes a little more sense than going after the Hispanic vote.

    But not much.

  18. Dana
    May 26th, 2013 @ 10:06 pm

    I note, with a sense of irony, that the rape for which the two football players in Steubenville, Ohio, were convicted, also consisted of “fingering” a girl who couldn’t consent (because she was so intoxicated). Kaitlyn Hunt (allegedly) did exactly the same thing, fingering a girl who couldn’t consent (due to her age). Our friends on the left at the Lost Kos have been somewhat up in arms about the age of consent law in Florida, and many think that those laws should be changed — NAMBLA agrees with them! — but how is it that the left were so unsympathetic to the finger f***ing of one girl who couldn’t consent, and so supportive of the same thing to another girl who couldn’t consent?

  19. robertstacymccain
    May 26th, 2013 @ 10:08 pm

    The explanation is that, in both cases, Anonymous saw an opportunity to attack law enforcement.

    Anonymous hates cops, because Anonymous is a criminal conspiracy. Perhaps you could ask Barrett Brown to explain this to you.

    Oh, wait …

  20. robertstacymccain
    May 26th, 2013 @ 10:10 pm

    Good point. Obama campaign was all about the Youth Vote: 18 year olds are competent to decide who should govern our nation — but evidently, not competent to understand that sex with 14-year-olds is a felony in Florida.

  21. gastorgrab
    May 26th, 2013 @ 10:33 pm

    The liberal argument gets even more bizarre when you consider that ObamaCare still thinks 26 years old is young enough to be on your parents health care policy.

    Is that the age then when children become adults then, and do we really want 26 year olds having sexual contact with a 14 year old?

  22. Finrod Felagund
    May 26th, 2013 @ 10:47 pm

    We’re missing a lot of fun we could have with this issue.

    Sure, I’m of the opinion that making Democrats defend pedophilia is no end of fun, but there’s another whole line of attack we can use. The only thing more fun than making Democrats defend untenable positions is to set Democrats against each other.

    The next time you encounter a liberal ranting about #FreeKate, ask them this:

    “So why doesn’t Obama pardon her?”

  23. Dianna Deeley
    May 26th, 2013 @ 11:26 pm

    And “Ewwwwwww!”

  24. Dianna Deeley
    May 26th, 2013 @ 11:27 pm

    I concur, naturally. But, let me add a query of, “What happened to that social/power gradient?”

  25. Bob Belvedere
    May 26th, 2013 @ 11:53 pm

    Perhaps a sociopath.

  26. Bob Belvedere
    May 26th, 2013 @ 11:54 pm

    Her answer, I like to call ‘The NAMBLA Defense’.

  27. Bob Belvedere
    May 26th, 2013 @ 11:57 pm

    Another sick Leftist – this is something that is found in all areas of the Left.

    It is part of their strategy to destroy Western Society from within by corrupting each and every of life.

  28. Bob Belvedere
    May 26th, 2013 @ 11:58 pm

    Ultimately, yes, they do.

  29. K-Bob
    May 27th, 2013 @ 12:38 am

    Way mo’ alliterate!

  30. Becca Lower
    May 27th, 2013 @ 12:41 am

    Actually, reread what Kate says. She doesn’t say that she didn’t know that the girl was 14. She says that she “acted older.” Makes me squirm to try to understand a mind like that.

  31. K-Bob
    May 27th, 2013 @ 12:45 am

    When I was sixteen, I had already studied early American and European culture (usual superficial, pub-ed fare, but still) and the fact that, long ago, older men often wed girls as young as twelve (or whatever). But even back in the tumultuous sixties we knew that we were “modern” and would never resort to such things.

    Point being, by the time I was eighteen, I was already scrupulously aware of how “untouchable” the freshmen, sophomore, and most junior girls had suddenly become.

    Besides, by then, I was much more interested in the “older women” of college.

    Only a totally messed up eighteen year old, even in today’s dumbed-down world, would think it was at all okay to consider sex with a minor. I’d take it a step further and claim that only a messed up adult even wants such a liason. Sure, fantasize about it all you want, but like Jerry Lee Lewis pointed out about his many underaged wives: “I’ve always been raising children.” Nobody normal wants that kind of problem in a relationship.

    Can true love exist in such circumstances? Sure. But it’s as rare as a non-birth-control-related abortion.

  32. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    May 27th, 2013 @ 12:47 am

    Perhaps a criminal. Let a jury decide.

  33. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    May 27th, 2013 @ 12:48 am

    Go with it.

  34. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    May 27th, 2013 @ 12:49 am

    Now why didn’t I think up that excuse everytime I did something wrong as a kid.

    Oh yeah, because I was raised better and did not do things young Kate has done (in the first place).

  35. Josh_Painter
    May 27th, 2013 @ 1:07 am

    RT @smitty_one_each: TOM In Search of Liberal ‘Principle,’ and Also: Does #FreeKate Have a Larger Agenda? #TCOT

  36. Good Stuff
    May 27th, 2013 @ 1:58 am

    “Once the Lynch Mob of Universal Enlightenment takes up a cause like this, “facts” and “logic” are denounced as Weapons of Hate.”

    Trying the case in the public and gaining public sympathy is common in this day and age. Gaining the gay community’s loud support is another angle. Boys of age are viewed as monsters for the act of invading a minor teen for sex no matter what their relationship may have actually been.

    I am reminded of John Grisham’s “A Time to Kill”

    looking into the crystal ball – After lengthy deliberations, the jury acquits

  37. TC_LeatherPenguin
    May 27th, 2013 @ 3:53 am

    “the Lynch Mob of Universal Enlightenment”
    what does a LeatherPenguin gotta do to be left alone?

  38. K-Bob
    May 27th, 2013 @ 3:56 am

    Exactly. “Liberals” are what they used to call themselves when they were still mostly regular Americans who were big supporters of unions and “more” government. Not the overbearing crap we have now, just “more.”

    Most of them are probably Republicans now. So the word is more synonymous with RINO or Rockerfeller Republican.

  39. K-Bob
    May 27th, 2013 @ 3:58 am

    She has supporters among the HotAirians? Or do you mean the leftists who are allowed to clog up the comment section?

  40. K-Bob
    May 27th, 2013 @ 3:59 am

    We had a guy like that in High School. Even when he wasn’t around, someone would yell, “Shut the F*** up, Randy!”**

    **Not Alan’s real name.

  41. David Moolten
    May 27th, 2013 @ 5:30 am

    I think this is selective prosecution at its worst, and a clear example of bigotry. There is no question that there would not be such a high profile arrest and prosecution had this been a case of heterosexual lovers. The comparison obviously wouldn’t be one of an older teen boy, younger teen girl, but the opposite, an older high school girl, younger high school boy. I wonder how many times that combination has received this kind of vindictive approach by the state and the police. It seems to me they are trying to teach lesbians and gays “a lesson.” I certainly hope the overwhelming national and international condemnation of what is being done to Kaitlyn pressures the state into dropping the charges. Her expulsion and government encouraged harassment by bigots is already damage enough. Maybe Florida can dust off some of the old miscegenation laws and prosecute black kids for taking white kids to the prom.

  42. David Moolten
    May 27th, 2013 @ 5:38 am

    My God, you’re not just wrong, but emphatically wrong. To compare the systematic and violent torture and humiliation by teen boys of a drunk girl raped in all manner of ways (photographed, dragged into cars etc) to a complicit relationship between teen girls is disgusting and absurd. Yes, by law the younger girl couldn’t legally consent, but that’s a far cry from gang rape. This whole rape thing is an issue the right seems to get wrong (and emphatically wrong) over and over again with epic fails politically.

  43. SDN
    May 27th, 2013 @ 8:50 am

    Never mind that your statement is proven a lie by the mere EXISTENCE of the Romeo and Juliet law.

    Being a Leftist requires you to be a pathological liar. The only question is if you are lying to yourself or just everyone else.

  44. Scribe of Slog (McGehee)
    May 27th, 2013 @ 10:02 am

    Roman Polanski was unavailable for comment, he being in his bunk.

  45. The Story Too Good to Be True : The Other McCain
    May 27th, 2013 @ 10:50 am

    […] familiar with deviant psychology who considered the actual facts of the case, as opposed to the Myth of St. Kate that her supporters have crafted on behalf of this accused juvenile sex […]

  46. Dana
    May 27th, 2013 @ 11:42 am

    Can’t consent is can’t consent; there is no qualitative distinction in can’t consent. If someone cannot consent to sexual activity, that person has been raped, period.

  47. Dana
    May 27th, 2013 @ 11:44 am

    Well, he can’t: if Miss Hunt is convicted, it will be of a state, not federal, crime, and the President’s pardoning power extends only to federal offenses.

  48. Dana
    May 27th, 2013 @ 11:54 am

    Utter silliness: there are plenty of barely adult males with criminal records for having sex with minors; those things just don’t become national news. This case wouldn’t have become national news were it not for the lesbian aspect; were this an 18 year old boy with a 14 year old girl, there’d be little support for the 18 year old beyond his family and friends.

    Nor can I see the “logic” in your statement that

    The comparison obviously wouldn’t be one of an older teen boy, younger teen girl, but the opposite, an older high school girl, younger high school boy.

    beyond the sensationalism that the later case would generate. The laws under which Miss Hunt is being prosecuted are gender-neutral.

    And, of course, Miss Hunt is in legal trouble because the victim’s parents found out about it and have decided to press charges; the police didn’t somehow ferret this one out on their own. When the parents decided to press charges, and had sufficient evidence to indicate that those charges were true, the DA has rather less leeway (in a practical sense) in deciding to prosecute or not.

    You should be happy about this prosecution: it seems that homosexuals are being subjected to exactly the same standards as heterosexuals; isn’t that what they (supposedly) want?

  49. narciso
    May 27th, 2013 @ 11:54 am

    You are right to suspect she is part of a larger agenda,
    this is the parent organization;

  50. Dana
    May 27th, 2013 @ 11:59 am

    Thing is, not knowing that her victim was only 14 doesn’t somehow make it not a crime.