The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Connecticut Outlaws College Sex

Posted on | May 7, 2016 | 236 Comments

“Affirmative consent”:

If you’re a college student in Connecticut and want to have consensual sex, you might want to leave the state to do it.
The Legislature approved an “affirmative consent” bill Wednesday night that now goes to Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy, a proponent of the idea that sex is rape if one partner does not get the other partner’s repeated and mutually-agreed upon consent throughout the act.

The problem with “affirmative consent” is that such laws make it practically impossible to use circumstantial evidence as a defense against an accusation of rape. It is not enough to show that a woman voluntarily went to a man’s dorm room with the intent to have sex; it must be shown that she agreed to engage in specific sex acts. Thus, “affirmative consent” shifts the burden of proof so decisively against the accused that the accusation alone suffices as proof of guilt. All sex is effectively illegal, requiring only an accusation to make your hookup a crime.

Ashe Schow at the Washington Examiner:

From the moment the students are about to touch, they would have to ask: “May I kiss you?” “May I touch you here?” etc. . . .
The policy decouples context from the totality of the sexual experience. If a student fails to ask for permission before one escalation, but asks for it for a different escalation, the entire encounter can be considered sexual assault. If a student has been drinking (the bill doesn’t require an accuser to prove they were incapacitated), then all consent is negated. Further, once someone is accused, their level of intoxication doesn’t matter, even if under the same policy they could be considered too incapacitated to consent. . . .
Past sexual encounters between two people also don’t count as consent, so even people in years-long relationships are required to follow these rules or they’ve committed rape (unless, of course, no one reports it).
That’s the thing about these policies: No one has sex this way, which means every student (even the accusers) are sexual assaulters and sexual assault victims. . . .
All an accuser has to do is claim they were too drunk and that they were not asked for consent and the accused is considered guilty, thanks to pressure from the federal government. Following this policy to the letter means nothing if an accuser claims one did not follow it precisely.

Greg Piper at the College Fix:

Only one lawmaker opposed the bill, Republican Sen. Joe Markley, saying it creates an uneven playing field between college students and others, the Hartford Courant reports:
“It criminalizes what many of us would consider entirely normal,” Markley said. “Almost any of us would say that we have done things under this policy which do not correspond to affirmative consent. To ask to change that behavior would ask to change human behavior.”

It’s 2016, and “entirely normal” human behavior is a crime.

Remember, guys: Never Talk to a College Girl.

UPDATE: Reporting another “John Doe” case, this one involving the University of St. Thomas, a Catholic school in Minnesota, Greg Piper remarks:

It should be abundantly clear by now that any disputed sexual contact between male and female college students will get the male in trouble, even if the female initiated sex and hard evidence contradicts her account.

To repeat what I have said before:

The more I read about the current climate on America’s college and university campuses, the more convinced I am that no man smart enough to go to college would ever be stupid enough to date a college girl.
Feminists have ginned up a frightening hysteria of anti-male fear among female students. Any boy who kisses a girl on campus could be expelled for sexual assault, and even speaking to a college girl might result in accusations of harassment.

Never Talk to a College Girl. Warn your sons, America.



236 Responses to “Connecticut Outlaws College Sex”

  1. Joe Joe
    May 7th, 2016 @ 9:31 pm

    They are toppling the national culture bit by bit, through the university system. They’ve done quite a bit already.

    Back when I was a kid, homosexuality was deviant, a sin, not talked about in polite company or in front of children. People went to church on Sundays (certainly moms and kids did), there were no legal abortions, and even contraception was suspect. The young people in my neighborhood were getting married at 18, 20, 25. Not shacking up. Mothers were home and not only caring for their own children, but keeping an eye on the neighborhood in general. (People forget that women at home meant safer streets for all kids.) Kids could roam all day on their bikes without some busybody calling CPS and accusing mom of neglect. Of course, if you were making trouble, older women at home WOULD call your mom and you’d hear about it. Kept you in line.

    Mothers at home also meant that Mom was available to keep an eye on the school. Working as aids and volunteers in schools, moms kept track of the teachers, the new ideas coming in, and were alert to red flags. Moms were also able to get politically involved when the kids were older: remember it was mothers who surrounded Phyllis Schlafly with support for family values. Mom and Dad together would go to PTA meetings and school board meetings, when red flag issues came up. They pushed back against those “educational” programs they perceived as damaging to their children.

    The worst porn around was your dad’s Playboy, and he had the moral sense to hide it, even if you did find it. When you went on a date, you met the girl’s FATHER who made it clear what would happen to you if you did not bring home his daughter on time. Divorce was still a bad thing, and most states required proof of adultery or abuse to get it. Staying together for the sake of the children was a no-brainer. Fathers came home from work at a decent hour–unless they were corporate executives–and dinner was on the table at roughly the same time every night. Family members ate meals together. Kitchens were smaller because nobody was eating meals over a sink.

    Children had chores, but they were not expected to substitute for missing adults. Older girl children took care of the younger ones at times, but they were not substitute mothers because mom was late from work. Older boys accompanied dad doing lawn care, gutter cleaning, or oil changes on the car. They did not have to be substitute husband because dad wasn’t there.

    Men wore hats, and took them off for politeness and when entering buildings. Women in Catholic churches wore a head covering. Everyone dressed better. And men were NOT allowed in the ladies room, ever. Women were not allowed in men’s locker rooms.

    All of this has already changed. These changes began in the university–with gender feminism including GLBT, black studies (which is often working against the best interests of blacks themselves), psychology, sociology, and political science. Little by little, the media disseminated these ideas: Mary Tyler Moore became the model for young women–a childless single woman whose life is her (not terribly important) job. Homosexuality was slower to encroach, although one could argue that the late 70s sitcom “Soap” was a major early influence. The 90s Murphy Brown taught women that single motherhood was no big deal, and Ellen DeGeneres taught the country that gay was ok.

    Ideas have consequences. The world that I knew is almost totally gone, only living in memory.

    The family is fragmented, we have 24 hour violent porn available to children, we have absent fathers and mothers. We have overweight children who cannot go out and play because no one is home if something bad happens. And the few people who might be around often call CPS if they see a 12-year-old on a bike without an adult around. We have a sex-saturated media, we have drugs legalizing, we have children wearhoused in fenced off schools (because of Columbine) that are one step away from a jail. Abortions are plentiful and girls are expected to “put out” from very young ages.

    We have gone from Bedford Falls to Pottersville in a very short time, and it’s only going to get worse.

  2. Fail Burton
    May 7th, 2016 @ 10:06 pm

    But who are “they”? You mean “us”?

  3. Joe Joe
    May 7th, 2016 @ 10:15 pm

    No, not “us.”

    And before you accuse me of a tinfoil hat, think about this recent election. The people have chosen Trump; the people don’t want Hillary Clinton. (Dems can’t even be bothered to come out in large numbers to vote for her.)

    The “us” who voted for Trump is being told by the “they” in power that Trump was a bad choice, that he can’t be president. The “they” are working on all sides of the aisle to find some way to keep Trump from winning. All the stops will be pulled.

    Newt Gingrich actually mentioned that Trump was being fought because he was not “part of the club”, not “initiated.”

    “Us” isn’t part of that club either.

    A small global “club” IS pushing the agenda. It’s “them”, not “us.” And they are doing it over the objections of “us.”

  4. DeadMessenger
    May 7th, 2016 @ 10:20 pm

    Agree wholeheartedly about what you say here. Eventually the UN, the most simultaneously corrupt, incompetent and bloated government, possibly in the history of the world (and I don’t say that lightly), will be running the show for everyone.

    When that happens, we’ll see the biblically prophesied ten last days’ kingdoms, one of which will be the North American Union. The Club of Rome identified all ten many years ago. Interestingly, the NAU was originally the US and Canada only, but was more recently redefined as the US, Canada and Mexico. Deliberately, I imagine, to ensure the tanking of the US-Canadian combined economies due to a sudden additional 35% population, 99.99999% of whom will be on welfare and other government assistance, including housing, education and healthcare. That way, taxes can be raised to servitude levels on those citizens still stupid enough to work. The entirety of the NAU will turn into a skeevy motif of Detroit and Chicago.

    And, as you say, there will be no Bill of Rights, namely because there will be no rights.

    But that’s ok, because once SCOTUS got the idea that it could make laws (no legislative branch needed!) and then proceeded to (a) unconstitutionally and arbitrarily decide that the ACA was a “tax” and (b) unconstitutionally and arbitrarily redefine marriage, we already started circling the drain legislatively.

    So now, we can begin looking forward to all kinds of outrageous and ill-conceived legislation – and tons of new regulation – created by little tin gods and wannabe banana republic tyrants.

  5. DeadMessenger
    May 7th, 2016 @ 10:33 pm

    I remember those days. I tell my own kids about them. Even now that they’re young adults, they still ask me to tell them again how things were when I was young. They simply can’t conceive of a society like that, but they know it’s better. I can’t conceive of a society NOT like that, but yet, here we are. And people my age turned it into what it is now, which is staggering.

  6. Joe Joe
    May 7th, 2016 @ 10:47 pm

    Remember, the anti-family agenda was fought, but a lot of trickery was used. Schlafly won the battle against ERA, but everything that amendment would have brought about is here: women in combat (and about to be drafted); unisex bathrooms; the gay agenda. They did it without the law itself. It took a little longer, but the global “club”, who considers us “human resources” to be enfeebled and, then, managed, is relentless.

  7. DeadMessenger
    May 7th, 2016 @ 10:48 pm

    Not sure whether the word I’m looking for is “satanic” or “luciferian”.

  8. Joe Joe
    May 7th, 2016 @ 10:52 pm

    It’s a greed-based power system with no soul and no principles other than the commodification of every human function.

  9. DeadMessenger
    May 7th, 2016 @ 10:52 pm

    Relentless, because “…terror will come on the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you in great anger, knowing that he has little time.” Rev 12:12

  10. Durasim
    May 7th, 2016 @ 10:55 pm

    Whenever one asks “affirmative consent” advocates what steps a person must take to fully comply with and establish “affirmative consent,” they refuse to answer, and some even admit there is no answer.

    We’ve tried to approach this concept of “affirmative consent” as if it were supposed to be some kind of objective transaction in which a party can follow delineated steps to establish consent. That’s not what it is.

    “Affirmative consent” appears to be entirely determined by the (female) party’s subjective perception of the encounter, which is made to be irrefutable despite whatever conscientious steps a suitor took.

    Ezra Klein approvingly admitted that the point of these new regulations is to make men afraid of women.

  11. DeadMessenger
    May 7th, 2016 @ 11:02 pm

    Throughout history, the “us” could’ve overpowered the “them” at any point and put a stop to such things. In this country, we could’ve overpowered the “them” peacefully at the ballot box, but still this never happened, because the people are like sheep following the wrong shepherd. Also, sadly, the “us” are just as corrupt as the “them” at heart. Example being the infamous video clip of the woman in 2008 crowing about how Obama was going to pay her mortgage. So greed-based you say? Yeah. Among other things.

  12. Durasim
    May 7th, 2016 @ 11:05 pm

    It looks like every Blue State legislature is going to try to pass one of these bills for the college or universities within their jurisdiction.

    What I would like to know is why are they only legislating these new standards of rape for college sexual encounters? If “affirmative consent” is now the minimal standard for something to not be rape, why would it only apply to college students?

    How long before these legislatures fall all over themselves to extend the burden of “affirmative consent” to any and all sexual encounters within their domain? From gawky college freshmen to withered senile retirees?

  13. Jamie Essex
    May 7th, 2016 @ 11:21 pm

    “my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!ec272etwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !ec272e:?:?:???? http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsSummitGetPayHourly$98…. .??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??::::::!ec272e….,…

  14. Jamie Essex
    May 7th, 2016 @ 11:22 pm

    “my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!ec272etwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !ec272e:?:?:???? http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsSummitGetPayHourly$98…. .??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??:??::::::!ec272e….,..

  15. Daniel Freeman
    May 7th, 2016 @ 11:23 pm

    The women will not wake up, as long as the Female Imperative is served by their Rationalization Hamsters. Moreover, the higher the n-count, the higher the likelihood of Alpha Widowhood that breaks their ability to commit to an ordinary man.

  16. Joe Joe
    May 8th, 2016 @ 12:21 am

    Paging RSM….

    Alongside “Rape Culture” we have “We’re Asking for It.”

    Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Cultures of Consent held an event at the University of Maryland this week to encourage a ‘sex-positive’ culture. The theme was “We’re asking for it.”

    The event was put together by students from the Public Leadership Scholar Program who are offered college credit for hands-on public service projects and examination of pressing social, political, and economic issues.

    The majority of the participants were young women distributing condoms, candy, and stickers that read “DO ME (Consensually)” and “WE’RE ASKING FOR IT.”

    The ladies invited fellow students to play spin the bottle with sex trivia, covering topics regarding consent, body image, law, and porn literacy. During one game, a male student received a question about the age of consent in Maryland. The questioner revealed the answer is between 14 to 16 years of age, to which the contestant said, “sweet!”

    Students were also encouraged to express consent in writing on a giant piece of construction paper. Some of the comments included, “Let’s Bang 😉 ,” “I am giving you my consent,” “Can I take a photo of you?” “Can I kiss you?” “Can we have coitus?” and “Can I put my hands between your legs?”

    “What we believe in is sex positivity, which is a movement and idea and ideology that any sex that’s consensual is healthy and good for you,” Executive Director Elizabeth Puloka explained at the event.

    Puloka also cautioned against the dismissal of rape as a “serious unnecessary epidemic.”

  17. Fail Burton
    May 8th, 2016 @ 12:41 am

    What “system”? And who are “they”?

  18. Joe Joe
    May 8th, 2016 @ 1:01 am

    I’ve already answered the “they” question: a group of global planners connected to certain worldwide institutions beginning with the UN. A little research will show you that current education policy (including Common Core and the deprofessionalizing of teaching) is coming directly from the World Bank.

  19. Daniel Freeman
    May 8th, 2016 @ 2:04 am

    Wow! You absolutely torched that strawman! I bow in awe of your ability to argue against words that you put in other people’s mouths.

  20. Daniel Freeman
    May 8th, 2016 @ 2:15 am

    You’re a dumbass being hypnotized by the kayfabe and kabuki of the Uniparty. There is no real difference between the Republican and Democrat establishments; they serve the same money men.

    That’s why although diametrically opposed in many respects, Trump and Sanders supporters can respect each other. Even have the one sticker on the driver’s side of the truck, and the other sticker on the passenger’s side.

    What we have here is a massive realignment where people are starting to wake up and realize that left-right is irrelevant in practice, because either way the Already-Americans get shafted.

    You are at least eight years behind the times; a gullible moron with nothing to contribute to today’s debate. So shut up, sit down and listen. Grown ups are talking.

  21. Daniel Freeman
    May 8th, 2016 @ 2:34 am

    Yes. And they’re pushing hard on age of consent now, because their best recruitment comes from damaging people young.

    (N.B.: Race in concentration is also culture, which is behavior. But sure, one guy isn’t.)

  22. Fail Burton
    May 8th, 2016 @ 3:52 am

    No one is required to obey or cooperate with such things. If we do we are complicit.

  23. tout venant
    May 8th, 2016 @ 6:22 am

    Well, it was designed to frame heterosexual men, but in no time, there will be lesbians and gays framed by angry partners…and eqality under the law. And, eventually, straight women (it was not meaned to, but equality, you know).
    And everybody will be very, very pissed about feminists.
    And THAT is a good thing.

  24. Dana
    May 8th, 2016 @ 6:52 am
  25. Dana
    May 8th, 2016 @ 6:53 am

    It’s very obvious that the left have never had good, fun, satisfying sex, because they clearly have no experience in how it is actually done!

    By the standards set under this Connecticut law, every single time that I have made love with my wife of 36 years, 11 months and 19 days was rape, every single time!

  26. Fail Burton
    May 8th, 2016 @ 7:02 am

    Women must consent to the military draft. That sounds like a law. Plus, in order to make up for over 200 years of structural inequality, all-female regiments are first-in as shock troops for the next 200 years. You can consent to the draft or have 1/2 vote.

  27. From Around the Blogroll – The First Street Journal.
    May 8th, 2016 @ 7:04 am

    […] Stacey Stacy McCain on The Other McCain: Connecticut Outlaws College Sex It has become clear that the American left have never really had good sex, because they really, […]

  28. theBuckWheat
    May 8th, 2016 @ 7:17 am

    There are few places in the US where post-modern progressive utopianism (fully redundant) is in full bloom more than on university campuses. Their philosophy of murdering God so they are free to redefine humanity and human society has had over 150 years to become ripe. And this is some of the fruit that falls from that tree. It is evil fruit, from an evil and godless philosophy.

  29. theBuckWheat
    May 8th, 2016 @ 7:24 am

    I am also struck by how we come full circle. The religious people who settled the New World colony that now is the state of Connecticut knew that God defined sexual relations before marriage as a sin. Then came progressive secularists who laughed that morality out of style and where anyone who advocated sexual integrity and purity was just a Puritan kook. Now the effect of the laws that progressives pass is to exactly reimpose the morality they showed so much disdain for.

    Vote Progressive!

  30. Adobe_Walls
    May 8th, 2016 @ 8:00 am

    Yes he’s black. This story was on two nights in a row on the Kelly file two or three weeks ago. It’s also been featured on several blogs such as ACE. The details of this particular case are quite startling.

  31. Cenobite
    May 8th, 2016 @ 10:17 am

    Rules of Engagement:
    1) Get a wing man, and be a wing man. On campus, crawling the local pubs, and even out getting groceries stick with your wing man.

    2) Secure the L.Z. Cheap apartment off campus, and once you have it no women who are not direct blood relations. Also no bros you don’t know.

    3) Move from visibility to visibility. Always travel on campus through highly trafficked, and well camera covered areas. Make sure you are seen. Use the ATM to check your balance every time you pass it, and keep the receipt as time stamped proof of location.

    4) Always be recording interactions with others. Professors, students, staff. Anything outside of common interactions like thanking the cashier at the cafeteria. Someone walks up on you in a public place and starts talking at you. Pull your recorder out, and turn it on where they can see it. They complain you inform them that you will not talk to them without it.

    5) Rally points. In the course of the day if you, and your wing man get separated set up predetermined meeting or rally points. These points need to be in high traffic areas with lots of cameras.

    6) Never buy anything for any woman on campus. Not so much as a stick of gum. Do not buy your books or supplies from the campus store. Never accept anything not related to your course work from any female at college, professor, or student.

    7) The Spy a.k.a. the bro you don’t know. Beware trusting or sharing anything with other males on the campus until you vet them completely. An ally of the enemy may try to be your friend just long enough to learn things like the layout of your L.Z. Then they will share that knowledge so that someone can concoct a lie against you with a shred of truth.

    8) The University is not your fiend they will take your money, and then ruin your life. Remember the campus is the killing fields, and the gender studies department is the Khmer Rouge. Not all women on campus will be like this but you cannot tell one from the other so all are suspect.

    Remember you are their to try and get a degree that will allow you to make a decent living, and have a good life. You are walking onto a battlefield one that is more dangerous with every passing day. If you are out to be successful there will be those who come after you. Remember the rules of engagement.

  32. DukeLax
    May 8th, 2016 @ 11:24 am

    If there are in fact a small group of deviants now running the DOJ….that are using their position in the DOJ to persecute and harass the cis gendered hetero-male class as a whole….than they should be fired from their positions!!!

  33. Andy C
    May 8th, 2016 @ 11:53 am

    Funny that almost reads like it could be directed at me … if you ever see me cheer on feminists, the only reason is because no one exposes them better than them for what they are.

    Its also a lot harder for them to lie about it, leaving them with no recourse other than screaming “my soggy knee”.

  34. Andy C
    May 8th, 2016 @ 11:56 am

    Sales in those are going, in the words of Beavis, “Boing!”.

  35. Krolll
    May 8th, 2016 @ 12:02 pm

    After destroying families, feminist are now going after most other heterosexual relationships, with only two exceptions: prostitution and ‘swinger parties’. Asking for “affirmative consent” before doing anything is what happens at orgies, like those at the Burning Men Festival. Group-sex as a safety measure of sorts. Maybe that’s what all this is heading to.

  36. NeoWayland
    May 8th, 2016 @ 12:53 pm

    Here’s a libertarian pagan telling you that if you really want to talk about limited government, it’s about people’s choice.

    Government is not your friend. No matter how much it promises.

  37. Jeanette Victoria ?????????
    May 8th, 2016 @ 12:54 pm

    So the loony leftists have come around to agreeing with Christians no sex until after marriage!

  38. Jeanette Victoria ?????????
    May 8th, 2016 @ 1:03 pm

    I remember watching in horror as a teen during the 60’s I somehow know even then that the whole order of things and my future was being decimated. Even today I can’t bear even watch documentaries of the 60’s

  39. Jeanette Victoria ?????????
    May 8th, 2016 @ 1:07 pm

    I’d up vote this a 100 times if I could. I even remember everyone dressing up simply to go to the local movie theater. Now it is jeans and T-shirt with a dumb saying on it, in church. Ugh!

  40. Jeanette Victoria ?????????
    May 8th, 2016 @ 1:11 pm

    Remember prop 22 before pop 8 ?

  41. Joe Joe
    May 8th, 2016 @ 2:06 pm

    A lot of us remember more civilized times. Thanks.

  42. Joe Joe
    May 8th, 2016 @ 2:28 pm

    Actually, they are. If you don’t bake a cake for a homosexual couple, your business can be destroyed. There are severe punishments for not going along with the program. Perhaps it is a kind of complicity, but losing your business and having your children go without is not the same thing as being in agreement. It is more compliance than complicity.

  43. Fail Burton
    May 8th, 2016 @ 3:44 pm

    And the U.N. orchestrated that? Those are your fellow Americans orchestrating that. You have ways to undo it. This is not a dictatorship.

  44. TheDoctorsWife
    May 8th, 2016 @ 4:00 pm

    One caveat. Most colleges don’t care whether or not the act occurred on/near their campus. As long as it involves any of their students, the college will claim ‘jurisdiction’ over the incident and will mete out their own form of ‘justice’. I wish they would just let the police handle the allegations and that people would stop forcing their will on our bedrooms (or wherever we chose to have sex). This law is the dumbest piece of legislation ever composed. I will tell my future sons to never have sex with anyone while in college, it could ruin their life.

  45. NeoWayland
    May 8th, 2016 @ 4:35 pm

    Libertarianism isn’t about leadership.

    It’s about liberty. You know, the root of the word libertarian?

    There’s a reason why libertarians were called liberals before early 20th Century American progressives subverted the term. We invented the term. Classic liberals were talking limited government when conservatives were discovering that a small government was good for business.

    Freedom of choice, that’s what it’s all about.

  46. Squid Hunt ?Patriarch
    May 8th, 2016 @ 5:07 pm

    Oh, no. We insulted snow flake. Explain to me how government forcing its beliefs on individuals on their private property is better than me telling others how to behave on my property or be removed, turd. Being loud and crude may impress your coffee shop friends, but some people think for themselves.

  47. Joe Joe
    May 8th, 2016 @ 5:26 pm

    1. A lot of private global monies went into the LGBT battles. Obama AND the UN are currently threatening nations that don’t sign on to the LGBT agenda.

    2. My fellow Americans were by and large opposed to “gay marriage.” Witness Prop 8. My fellow Americans were overridden and their hard work undone by a handful of appointed judges. So, in a way, this is a dictatorship of the judges.

    3. Look at what is going on with North Carolina now: the elected reps WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE PEOPLE have passed a law protecting women and girls in their own rest rooms. The Department of Justice–with an appointed head, Loretta Lynch–is threatening NC with a lawsuit for Title IX violations:

    The NC law will be overridden and the people will be ignored AGAIN.

    And understand, Title IX was passed in the 70s by elected representatives who, at the time, understood the law to be about biological women. It is DOJ who is single-handedly RE-interpreting Title IX without the input of any elected representatives. This is dictatorship by Federal Agency.

    You need to take your head out of the sand and realize that key decisions that affect every aspect of our lives are not in the hands of elected representatives that we can vote out, but in the hands of appointed judges and non-elected Federal agencies. And yes, these organizations are taking their cue from global planners.

  48. Tom Leykis Fan
    May 8th, 2016 @ 5:32 pm

    Get rid of co-ed higher education. Or have a MGTOW collage.

  49. KrakenFartz
    May 8th, 2016 @ 6:37 pm

    That is exactly it.

    It is an old adage that hard cases make bad law. Normally, these weak points are corralled off from the rest of the tradition by stressing precedent and limiting the scope of any judgment to the immediate demands of the case, even at the expense of not achieving what appears to be a greater good.

    The most effective way to subvert the spirit of law across the board is to start at these inevitable fault lines and from there, tear the entire fabric to shreds, one ostensibly good intention at a time.

    And of course, it is an uphill battle to challenge any of these presumptive ‘good intentions’. In fact, the entire rhetorical canon of the left seems to be designed to preemptively derail and demonize any such challenges.

    The trick is not to accept their terms because, like conceding the first move in a game of tic-tac-toe, by doing so you put yourself in a position where you can only lose.

  50. NeoWayland
    May 8th, 2016 @ 6:59 pm

    That is where the free market comes in. Consenting adults voluntarily exchanging goods and services.

    Very important idea. One of those foundational thingys of human civilization.

    Over time, the free market means I don’t have to spend most of my day getting food to eat, shelter to live in, clothes to wear, and all the other bits that make society nicer.

    More accurately, I don’t have to spend most of my day until and unless government gets involved.