The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Another Reason to Avoid Massachusetts

Posted on | June 10, 2018 | 2 Comments


Nobody wants to live in Massachusetts. which has the lowest total fertility rates (1.54 average lifetime births per woman) in the United States. The total fertility rate in Tennessee is 1.82, almost 20% higher than Massachusetts. This has political consequences, as Massachusetts has watched its number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives decline significantly in the past several decades. When John Kennedy was elected President in 1960, Massachusetts was the 10th most populous U.S. state, and had 14 seats in the House. Today, Massachusetts is the 14th most populous state and has only nine seats in the House, the same as Tennessee, which ranks 17th in population. Because the Massachusetts delegation is all-Democrat, the feeble birth rate in the state is a factor in the declining fortunes of the Democrat Party. Massachusetts is aborting itself into political irrelevance, but doesn’t seem to understand this.

They have superior institutions of higher learning in Massachusetts, such as Northeastern University, a private school where the annual cost of attendance is $65,737 including room and board. What are parents paying so much for their children to learn at Northeeastern? Well, they have a department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, which offers such courses as “Gender, Social Justice, and Transnational Activism” (WMNS 3100) and “Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Practice and Policy” (WMNS 2800). Among the top-notch feminist scholars at Northeastern is Professor Suzanna Danuta Walters.


Dr. Suzanna Danuta Walters’ work centers on questions of gender, feminist theory and politics, sexuality, and popular culture and she is a frequent commentator on these issues for the media. Her most recent book, The Tolerance Trap: How God, Genes, and Good Intentions are Sabotaging Gay Equality (NYU Press), explores how notions of tolerance limit the possibilities for real liberation and deep social belonging. This book has been the subject of numerous radio and press interviews and discussions . . . Walters’ previous book, All the Rage: The Story of Gay Visibility in America (University of Chicago Press, 2001), examined the explosion of gay visibility in culture and politics over the past 15 years and raised pressing questions concerning the politics of visibility around sexual identity. The book was a finalist for several literary awards (including the Lambda Literary Award). Her other works include books on feminist cultural theory (Material Girls: Making Sense of Feminist Cultural Theory), mothers and daughters in popular culture (Lives Together/Worlds Apart: Mothers and Daughters in Popular Culture) and numerous articles and book chapters on feminist theory, queer theory and LGBT studies, and popular culture. She is currently working on a book examining the state of both feminist theory and politics in an era of “call-out feminism” and intense social media attention.

Professor Walters will teach your kids about “gender, feminist theory and politics, sexuality, and popular culture,” for $65,737 a year. However, you can read the work of Professor Walters for free:

Why can’t we hate men?

That’s the headline on a column that Professor Walters wrote for the Washington Post. Permit me to quote her concluding paragraph:

So men, if you really are #WithUs and would like us to not hate you for all the millennia of woe you have produced and benefited from, start with this: Lean out so we can actually just stand up without being beaten down. Pledge to vote for feminist women only. Don’t run for office. Don’t be in charge of anything. Step away from the power. We got this. And please know that your crocodile tears won’t be wiped away by us anymore. We have every right to hate you. You have done us wrong. #BecausePatriarchy. It is long past time to play hard for Team Feminism. And win.

This inspired me to look around my home office here in the basement and ask: Where are the benefits of “all the millennia of woe” I’ve produced? Where is this power I should “step away from”? Certainly, I can’t afford $65,737 a year to send my kid to Northeastern University, and it’s unlikely that the Washington Post would ever publish anything I wrote about “gender, feminist theory and politics, sexuality, and popular culture.” On the other hand, I would never want my byline to appear in that thoroughly dishonest newspaper, nor would I want my children to go anywhere near Northeastern University.

Professor Walters is a liar. Northeastern University, like the Washington Post, is an institution devoted to satanic wickedness. No honest person would be associated with such manifestations of evil, and Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It.

There are many reasons to avoid Massachusetts. Now you have one more.




2 Responses to “Another Reason to Avoid Massachusetts”

  1. News of the Week (June 10th, 2018) | The Political Hat
    June 10th, 2018 @ 7:18 pm

    […] Another Reason to Avoid Massachusetts They have superior institutions of higher learning in Massachusetts, such as Northeastern University, a private school where the annual cost of attendance is $65,737 including room and board. What are parents paying so much for their children to learn at Northeeastern? Well, they have a department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, which offers such courses as “Gender, Social Justice, and Transnational Activism” (WMNS 3100) and “Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Practice and Policy” (WMNS 2800). […]

  2. Ordinary Links: Monday, June 11, 2018 – Ordinary Citizen
    June 11th, 2018 @ 6:59 am

    […] Another Reason to Avoid Massachusetts […]
