The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Male Feminist’ Kicks Catholic Woman

Posted on | October 5, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘Male Feminist’ Kicks Catholic Woman


A man has been fired from his job at a Toronto hair salon after he delivered a roundhouse kick to a woman at a pro-life protest event:

On September 30th at 2:31 PM during Campaign Life Coalition’s peaceful demonstration, pro-life leader Marie-Claire Bissonnette, was roundhouse-kicked in the shoulder by an abortion proponent.
The Human Defense Initiative has identified the assailant as Jordan Hunt, a hairdresser in Toronto, Canada.
During the event, Hunt vandalized multiple pro-life signs. He then sought support and recognition for his handiwork from an abortion activist standing nearby, at which point Bissonette began filming the encounter.
Bissonette made it clear she was filming the protester and informed him he had just destroyed private property, at which point he became belligerent and began questioning Bissonette on her opinions of pregnancy due to rape. When she began to answer, the protester wound up and roundhouse kicked her, causing the phone to drop. In the background, cries for someone to call the police could be heard along with the protesters insistence he was aiming for the phone.


Hunt has a previous history of attacking pro-life activists. Ms. Biossonnette, who has filed charges with police, shares her experience:

Life Chain is an annual event which consists of thousands of pro-life women, men and children standing on over 200 street corners across Canada holding signs that read, “Abortion Hurts Women”, “Abortion Kills Children,” “Adoption, the Loving Option”, “Life, We Stand On Guard For Thee”, and “Pregnant and need help? Call (local pregnancy help centre phone number)”. This is an explicitly peaceful and silent protest. Participants are not allowed to begin conversations with passersby, nor are they allowed to display any aggressive behaviour at any point. No abortion victim photography is permitted.
My task for this year’s Life Chain, which took place on Sunday, 30 September, was to manage the corner of Bloor and Keele, to hand out signs, and to take a headcount. Seventy-six sign-holders were present on that corner from 2:00-3:00 pm. One pro-abortion woman, probably in her late twenties, stood amongst us holding a sign that read, “My body, my choice, my right”. She was the only counter-protester present throughout, and she peacefully shared the corner with the rest of us. 
At around 2:30, I was assaulted.
A man in his late twenties to early thirties observed the demonstration and, taking out two markers, one red and one blue, he managed to deface two of our signs. After I warned people to shield their signs, he then proceeded to run up behind five of the participants (including a ten-year-old girl) and scribble with his markers on their backs, ruining their clothing.
After these acts of vandalism, he approached the pro-abortion demonstrator, evidently in order to seek her approval, which she appeared to deny him by discouraging his tactics. At this point I took out my cell phone and began to record him, telling him that what he did was destruction of private property and it was against the law. He asked me whether a sixteen-year-old girl who gets pregnant after being raped should keep her baby. I attempted to explain that her baby should be treated no differently than a three-year-old child who may have been conceived by rape.

You can read the whole thing.

Did you notice the satanic pentagram on his necklace? Yeah.



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