The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Good-Bye, Ms. Abrams: Georgia Democrat Calls for Banning AR-15 Rifles

Posted on | October 31, 2018 | Comments Off on Good-Bye, Ms. Abrams: Georgia Democrat Calls for Banning AR-15 Rifles


Well, if this doesn’t guarantee her defeat, I don’t know what will:

In an interview on “The View” Tuesday morning, Stacey Abrams, the Democratic candidate for Georgia governor, called for AR-15 rifles to be banned.
When asked if she supports banning AR-15-style rifles, Abrams said civilians should be banned from using them.
“I do not believe like weapons of mass destruction like the AR-15 belong in civilian hands,” she said. “I think it should be prohibited from civilian use. I have shot an AR-15, and I think you probably have too, and while it’s an amazing amount of power, it also is an amazing amount of destruction, and there is very little that can be done to protect vulnerable communities when the AR-15 is present.”
AR-15s are the most popular gun in America. When asked if she supports confiscating weapons already in the hands of civilians, Abrams dodged the question and repeated talking points about wanting to ban “assault weapons.”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) You talk about a get-out-the-vote message for every gun-owning good ol’ boy in Georgia, this is it, buddy. If I were to repeat what the bubbas are probably saying about Stacey Abrams up in Dalton and Dawsonville, the SPLC would accuse me of hate speech. Not that I care about the SPLC’s opinions, of course, but my Mama taught me never to say certain words. It’s ill-mannered and un-Christian. However, if Ms. Abrams thinks she’s going to take guns away from rednecks, she’ll have problems much worse than mere rude language.




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