The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Authentic Frontier Gibberish’

The best comedy ever made? That’s a tough call, but if it’s not Animal House, then surely it must be Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles — and not just because I first saw it as a 15-year-old with my dope buddies Mike and Dave after we’d toked up some fine Colombian gold bud. Even without the […]

Was the CIA Involved in Egypt’s Coup?

Anyone who knows the Central Intelligence Agency’s history in orchestrating the overthrow of governments must be wondering whether the agency played a role in the collapse of the Morsi regime. My hunch? Certainly they did, and we should be glad for it. Morsi’s government was a dangerous proto-fascist Islamic thugocracy. Think about this: President Obama, […]

Egyptians Say Good-Bye to ‘Arab Spring,’ Say Hello to New Military Dictatorship

It tells us a lot about the Obama administration’s foreign policy “success” that, after his encouragement of pro-democracy movements in the Arab world, the Egyptians actually rioted to demand that the military take over and relieve them of the “democratic” government they had elected. Ben Shapiro reports at On Wednesday, Gen. Abdel Fatah Said […]

Deadly Chaos in Egypt

How’s that “Arab Spring” working out for ya? Five people were killed and hundreds wounded in violent clashes between supporters and opponents of Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi that raged for several hours into early Thursday morning. Angry mobs battled each other with Molotov cocktails, rocks and sticks outside the presidential palace complex. Via Ed Morrissey […]

‘Democracy’ in Egypt

Headline from the New York Times: President Morsi in Egypt Seizes New Powers So, Obama supported the “democratic” uprising that toppled the U.S.-friendly dictator Mubarak and brought to power Morsi, who now assumes dictatorial powers, and we are led to ask, “What was the point of ‘Arab Spring,’ anyway?” If all that has been accomplished […]

Text of Mitt Romney’s Speech at VMI

The text of the foreign policy speech Mitt Romney gave today at the Virginia Military Institute, as prepared for delivery: I particularly appreciate the introduction from my good friend and tireless campaign companion, Gov. Bob McDonnell. He is showing what conservative leadership can do to build a stronger economy. Thank you also Congressman Goodlatte for […]

Ambush: Media Exploit Obama’s ‘Clear Advantage’ Narrative Against Romney

Protesters at U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 Many people were shocked by the hot-mike incident Wednesday, in which reporters were overheard coordinating their questions before a Mitt Romney press conference, planning to question the candidate about whether he regretted his statements about the Libyan attack that killed four Americans, and how his […]

We Are Prepared to Come Kill You UPDATE: One American Killed, Another Wounded in Libyan Attack

The other day I asked my wife where our 19-year-old son Bob was. The answer: Hiking up a mountain with an 85-pound pack. He recently enlisted in the Army, having scored a near-maximum on the ASVAB test, and will report to boot camp in a few months — some kind of delayed-entry deal — as […]

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