The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Go, Tom Campbell!

by Smitty (h/t Instapundit) U.S. Senate Candidate Tom Campbell, on Flashreport: America’s national debt is an economic burden, a moral failing, and a foreign policy vulnerability. It’s the single most important problem we face, and that’s why I’m running for the US Senate. The sheer dimension of the federal budget deficit, and debt, is almost […]

VodkaPundit Neologism

by Smitty VodkaPundit kneecapped the Sunday Chat shows, skillfully managing the need to cut the video before the election results were out. Making the clip particularly link-worthy is his his reply to the whole “Tea Bagger” epithet. Those who’re constantly giving the Obama agenda a helping hand, opines Stephen Green, should be known as “Hand […]


We are here at the posh Park Plaza hotel in downtown Boston and — thanks to our friends with 73 Wire — we’re livestreaming via Internet: Free TV : Ustream UPDATE 11:30 p.m.: (Smitty) Stacy just called me again, basking in the glow, and offered shouts out to: Doug Hoffman in NY-23.  Stacy points out […]


FITCHBURG, Mass. This town is one of the “bellwethers” of the Commonwealth’s voting pattern, according to Suffolk University’s Political Research Center. It’s also been my base of operations for the past five days, since Da Tech Guy lives here. He’s just voted for Republican Scott Brown and filed a brief report about what he saw […]

How to Deal With a 9/11 Truther Conspiracy Theorist (If You Must)

“Now, how would Hunter S. Thompson even know about such a substance [adrenochrome] or that you get it from Satanists? . . . They probably still do it, I would imagine. . . . High-level Illuminati and Satanists like to take DMT or other hallucinogens because they think they can communicate with entities in other […]

Livestreaming from Southie

Here with the 73Wire crew live from South Boston until . . . well, midnight, at least. . . . UPDATE 12:42 a.m.: I’m told that, with more than 1,300 unique visitors, this was the largest audience for a 73Wire livestream EVAH! Thanks to all our readers and Twitter friends for making this such a […]

Polls, Robocalls, Snow, and Other Distractions in Massachusetts

FITCHBURG, Mass. This afternoon, I was on the Ken Pittman show on WBSM in New Bedford and Fairhaven and the subject of the Tea Party movement came up. There can be no doubt that Tea Party activists — “far right teabaggers,” as Chuck Schumer calls them — are making a difference in Massachusetts. Think about that Vietnam veteran […]

Tuesday Night Ace-a-Palooza in Boston?

It’s not official yet, but reliable sources close to Valu-Rite Vodka LLC inform me that their celebrity endorser Ace of Spades may be coming to Boston to cover the election Tuesday night. Hobos of Beantown, you have been warned.

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