The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Generation Zero: The D.C. Premiere

Posted on | March 17, 2010 | 1 Comment

Generation Zero, the new Citizens United documentary about the economic crisis had its D.C. premiere last night in Georgetown. The film, which was previously screened last month at the Nashville Tea Party convention and at CPAC, chronicles the real-estate bubble and the fiancial meltdown as a product of what Tobin Smith of Fox News calls “a failure of culture.” James Pinkerton has praised Generation Zero as “the most important movie of the year.”

At the post-premiere reception, author Neil Howe and writer/director Stephen K. Bannon discuss Generation Zero. Howe is one of the stars of the film, which incorporates themes from his book, The Fourth Turning. Howe was the first managing editor of The American Spectator, back in its early days as The Alternative at Indiana University.

Generation Zero cinematographer Matthew Taylor with Citizens United President David Bossie. When they rolled the credits at the end of the film, Taylor’s name was applauded — and with good reason, as the photographic quality was exceptional.

Cato Institute economist Dan Mitchell, who is featured in Generation Zero, with editor Michael Flynn.

David Bossie with Farron Salley of The Daily Caller, who filed this report about the film premiere:

Dave Bossie, producer of the film, said, “I’m always trying to create new movies. It really came to me that it wasn’t an issue of one person … it was really a generational issue.”
‘Generation Zero’ was screened at the Loews Theatre in Georgetown with about 350 people in attendence, according to New media manager, Diane Clohesy, New Media Manager for Citizens United.

Farron also filed this video feature about the premiere:

Farron is obviously working hard for The Daily Caller, but guess what? She’s not getting paid. It was not until I mentioned that Tucker Carlson got $3 million in start-up capital for his operation that Farron explained that she is an unpaid intern.

Dude, if she wanted to work for nothing, she could work for me.

Philip Klein, ace reporter for The American Spectator, with the magazine’s ace advertising director, Katherine Ruddy.

American Spectator publisher Al Regnery and his lovely wife Audrey.

Soren Dayton of New Media Strategies with his lovely wife.

Byron York of the Washington Examiner and talk-radio host Alan Nathan with lovely women who may or may not be their wives.

The woman chatting with Matthew Taylor is actually someone else’s lovely wife.

Katie O’Malley of Human Events and Kate Brewster of Citizens United are both lovely, but we were unable to confirm whether they are anyone’s wives.

Michael Flynn already has a lovely wife, who doesn’t mind him posing with Heather Smith of Americans United for Life and Derek Hunter.

Nor does the lovely Mrs. Flynn mind her husband posing with John Berlau of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Screenwriter Mary Claire Kendall is lovely, but she is not the wife of Gettysburg director Ron Maxwell.

Tobin Smith and friend wisely advised their lovely wives to avoid the blogger with the pink camera.

Daniel Mitchell and a lovely flower. (Sorry, I ran out of wife jokes.)

Here is the official trailer for Generation Zero:


One Response to “Generation Zero: The D.C. Premiere”

  1. March Madness Sweater Puppy Rule 5 Contest: Round 1 Winner « The Camp Of The Saints [New Main Site]
    March 17th, 2010 @ 10:36 pm

    […] — and that is our beloved Ted Kennedy….oops….sorry…too much Jameson…Stacy is still very much with us and blogging away at The Other McCain.  […]
