The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

PA-12: Mike Pence Sightings Confirmed In Support Of Tim Burns

Posted on | May 11, 2010 | 5 Comments

by Smitty

Renner’s Here! has your PA-12 update:

Congressman Pence, chair of the House Republican Conference, who’s been mentioned as a potential 2012 presidential candidate was at the Richland Township Fire Department near Johnstown yesterday, campaigning for Tim Burns in the May 18 special election.

Stacy, in a phone conversation, mentioned this bit down the post:

Burns for Congress campaign manager Tad Rupp told me that the campaign made close to 50,000 phone calls last weekend alone.

RSM was rather impressed with that figure, indicating that it shows tremendous enthusiasm, especially in contrast to Democratic Party turnout in primaries that have already occurred.

We can’t get cocky, though, and we can’t forget to hold the GOP feet in the fire after the election, or there won’t be enough hot water to support the Tea Party.


5 Responses to “PA-12: Mike Pence Sightings Confirmed In Support Of Tim Burns”

  1. My Pa-12 prospects are dropping like a rock… « DaTechguy's Blog
    May 12th, 2010 @ 10:23 am

    […] that is less important that what IS going on in PA-12 and that seems to be trending poorly: Mark Critz, a former aide to the late John Murtha and the Democratic nominee to replace […]

  2. PatriotGal58
    May 12th, 2010 @ 4:25 pm

    Dear PA-12 residents who are reading this: DO NOT fall for the trap Critz is setting up by portraying himself as suddenly a “moderate” Democrat by flip-flopping on his positions on health care, tax increases and all the rest.
    I don’t believe him for a minute. That has been the major problem in this district to begin with – candidates run as “moderates” to get elected, then govern as the liberals they are.

    Don’t fall for it!

    I’ve seen the poll and my opinion is that it is an attempt at demoralization and an effort to suppress turnout by conveying an air of inevitability for Critz. The newspapers around here all mindlessly trumpet Democrats. I would read the poll and any newspaper endorsements with an extremely critical eye.

    As anyone can see, not only in PA-12, but throughout the state, the Democrats certainly haven’t shown themselves to be anything other than the big-government leeches they are, and it’s long past time that it be stopped.

    I’ll be casting my vote for Tim Burns.

  3. PatriotGal58
    May 12th, 2010 @ 11:25 am

    Dear PA-12 residents who are reading this: DO NOT fall for the trap Critz is setting up by portraying himself as suddenly a “moderate” Democrat by flip-flopping on his positions on health care, tax increases and all the rest.
    I don’t believe him for a minute. That has been the major problem in this district to begin with – candidates run as “moderates” to get elected, then govern as the liberals they are.

    Don’t fall for it!

    I’ve seen the poll and my opinion is that it is an attempt at demoralization and an effort to suppress turnout by conveying an air of inevitability for Critz. The newspapers around here all mindlessly trumpet Democrats. I would read the poll and any newspaper endorsements with an extremely critical eye.

    As anyone can see, not only in PA-12, but throughout the state, the Democrats certainly haven’t shown themselves to be anything other than the big-government leeches they are, and it’s long past time that it be stopped.

    I’ll be casting my vote for Tim Burns.

  4. Hluhluwe / Imfolozi Sighting Map |
    May 13th, 2010 @ 1:24 am

    […] PA-12: Mike Pence Sightings Confirmed In Support Of Tim Burns : The Other McCain […]

  5. Foppish Muffinboy Jeered for Ridiculous Asshattery : The Other McCain
    May 16th, 2010 @ 3:12 pm

    […] found something refreshing in the Whiskey Rebellion reference.PA-12: Volunteers On the WayDaTechguyPA-12: Mike Pence Sightings Confirmed In Support Of Tim BurnsDaTechguyPA-12: If Tim Burns Can’t Stop the 50-Foot Pelosi Beast . . .PA-12: The ‘Scott […]
