The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend?

Posted on | September 29, 2010 | 21 Comments

by Smitty

not so much pig and man, but plenty of bearI’m not saying that “Gentleman” Jim Moran is, you know, incontinent at the thought of having a non-Ruling Class American tell him to stand and deliver for his two decades of largesse, but look what happened.
Jim Moran had to summon the infamous Anthropogenic Global Warming Climate Change Disruption fraudster, Nobel medalist, Academy awardee, renowned Doctor of Chakra-ology and Clinton Administration doorstop, Al Gore, to whip up the robots.
Fairfax Democrats were kind enough to link about three minutes of Saint Albert, but not actually make the video available at the link. OK, a YouTube search on “Al Gore Jim Moran” turned up what appears to be the clip, under some user name murray4pollution. Probably the same blokes at Fairfax Democrats, but not wanting to Gore up their regular account. Perfectly understandable.
I’m going to go out on a limb and venture that Patrick Murray has never endorsed pollution or polluting, and may be mildly surprised that someone would attempt to suggest he had.
In any case, here is the clip:
My informal transcript:

…he truly deserves it.
It’s a joy for me to be here and speak for him and to join with all of you in providing support for this campaign. And the reasons are many. I won’t go into all of them. But most of you know very well that Jim has done an outstanding job.
I’ve paid particular attention to his work on the environment and the climate crisis. And he’s been fantastic, and has taken tough decisions, courageous decisions, wise decisions, and has provided real leadership, and of course, he has worked his way up to the point now where he is in a position of real leadership. A member of the Steering and Policy Committee, part of the formal leadership. Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, and that’s a big deal, as all of you know.
And a very, very respected voice on issues from the environment and energy, to civil rights and equal justice for all Americans. And of course, that’s core to who we are as Americans. And each successive generation has its own new challenges to expand the tremendous dream and vision that led to the founding of this country in the first place. Jim has been true to the American spirit all the way along the line.
He’s also been very prescient. He was one of those who was calling for a reexamination of some of the practices that allowed the offshore drilling disaster in the Gulf of Mexico before that thing took place, and has been calling for more inspections and all the rest, and really has been a leader on protecting Virginia’s coast, cleaning up the Chesapeake bay, fighting for cleaner water, cleaner air, a better environment, a better future. These things are, of course, are really important.
And when you look at the contrast with the other side, his opponent is calling for, you know, doubling down on the hair of the dog that bit us, as Damon Runyon once wrote. More fossil fuels. Let’s just go back and. . .more drilling and more carbon pollution and pretend that’s going to solve the problem. And of course, it’s not.
Jim has also been very attentive to this district, and I don’t need to tell this crowd this, on all the infrastructure issues, and employment issues, and all of the major measures that affect the flows of revenue into this district. He knows how to get in there and slug it out and get the results for his constituents.

In summary, “Gentleman” Jim Moran is a tool, a tool’s tool, and a preferred tool for the extension of the vast Federal machine that has weakened the States, and brought you crippling levels of debt.
Employing Al Gore to raise support here is like Barney Frank reaching for Bill Clinton in Massachusetts. Well, maybe not reaching in quite the same way, but the desperation is clear; the Patrick Murray insurgency, along with the general anti-Democrat mood, has “Gentleman” Jim in fear.


Aside: then vs. now, via Flopping Aces. Al Gore’s 1992 attack on Bush41 for ignoring Iraq’s terrorist ties under Saddam. Oh, that zany Gore.


21 Responses to “Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend?”

  1. just a conservative girl
    September 29th, 2010 @ 11:20 pm

    Are things tightening up? Last I saw this was a safe seat for the dems.

    I have been working to get him out of office since I moved here. I know die hard dems that think he is an embarassment. Course, they won’t vote for the republican so he always gets re-elected.

  2. Paco
    September 29th, 2010 @ 11:33 pm

    I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, but the weather forecast for Fairfax County tomorrow is heavy rains and a flash flood watch.

  3. Estragon
    September 30th, 2010 @ 12:17 am

    The fact that even such dullards as Jim Moran and his staff might believe bringing in Al “Loooooooock Boooooox” Gore to campaign for him clearly illustrates the daunting task which faces Murray. The electorate of this district, now with a majority of households on the federal payroll, doesn’t care about the country at all. They are out to line their own bureaucratic pouches, and damn the country.

    As evidence I offer the repeated reelections of Moran. I rest my case.

  4. Estragon
    September 30th, 2010 @ 12:19 am

    please insert after “…Gore to campaign for him…” the words “might be helpful” and join our campaign for “Preview” and or “Edit” functions for comments.

    How long will The Man keep us down? No Justice, No Peace!!!

  5. Live Free Or Die
    September 30th, 2010 @ 12:50 am

    Cool picture of the polar bear dive. The crazed sex poo-dull, was dull poo, or exciting as a bucket of warm spit.

  6. RES
    September 30th, 2010 @ 1:13 am

    Thank-you for the transcript. Actually listening to The Goracle for more than 15 seconds tends to make me want to empty the liquor cabinet, shove garbanzos into my ears or both. His is the perfect blend of pomposity, tendentiousness and well-phrased meaninglessness that can only be achieved by those who attended private school.

  7. Al Gore Lies About Patrick Murray (Video) | Lee Hernly
    September 30th, 2010 @ 10:10 am

    […] The Other McCain has more information including the origin of the video. […]

  8. Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend? : The Other McCain | Grizzly Groundswell
    September 30th, 2010 @ 6:04 pm

    […] Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend? : The Other McCain Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend? […]

  9. Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend? : The Other McCain | Socialist Squirrel
    September 30th, 2010 @ 6:05 pm

    […] Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend? : The Other McCain Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend? […]

  10. Support Patrick Murray | novatownhall blog
    September 30th, 2010 @ 8:12 pm

    […] More about Patrick Murray here. Patrick Murray Campaign 2010 Jim Moran, Patrick Murray, Virginia […]

  11. Offshore Drilling: Another Reason Jim Moran Needs To Find New Work : The Other McCain
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    […] of protecting the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.”Other than explaining the adulation from ManBearPig, this quotation does little to explain how the country can prosper with myopia in place of a vision […]

  12. Al Gore Answers Victor Davis Hanson : The Other McCain
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    […] HansonPosted on | October 1, 2010 | No Commentsby SmittyYes! The toil of making a transcript of Gore’s remarks last weekend in support of “Gentleman” Jim Moran pays off.Victor Davis Hanson has one […]

  13. Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend? : The Other McCain | Grizzly Politic
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    […] Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend? : The Other McCain Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend? […]
