The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Steny Hoyer Drives VodkaPundit To Do What A VodkaPundit Does

by Smitty Hair of the Dog, always a fine clip, went a bit farther than usual this time. Stephen Green cursed Axelrod’s moustache, mocked Boehner’s sudden loss of vertebrae on earmarks, and had to correct his blood/alcohol ratio for Steny. Click image to enjoy: Update: Save Stephen’s liver! CHARLES LOLLAR for U.S. CONGRESS UPDATE (RSM): […]

The Great RINO Rip-Off: Murkowski Uses GOP Money to Hire Democrat Staffers

Many who have criticized the stance of Dan Riehl, Marc Levin and myself against Mike Castle in Delaware have accused us of being “purists” or striking what they call a “True Conservative” posture. We are, our critics imply, attempting to position ourselves as Commissars of Conservative Correctness and boss other people around. Messrs. Riehl and Levin can […]

Valley Of The Shadow Fisks ’60 Minutes’ For You

by Smitty It takes a hardcore blogger, with iron will and 18 miles of guts to stomach 60 Minutes, but that’s just what Valley of the Shadow did. Pamela herself responded to the GZM segment here. The lady deserves a medal. Stand by, VodkaPundit; the “watching the shows that most Americans won’t for health reasons” […]

Here It Comes Again: Senate Democrats Posture Against ‘Shipping Jobs Overseas’

During the PA12 special election, the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee ran TV and radio ads that accused Republican Tim Burns of favoring “tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.” There was no legitimate factual basis for such an accusation — where is this policy? when did Burns ever propose such a thing? — but this rhetoric is […]

Can Charles Lollar Beat Steny Hoyer? ‘Another Marine Reporting, Sir . . .’

Friday afternoon at the Army-Navy Club in Washington, I arrived for a luncheon arranged by Smitty with the helpful assistance of his friend Ron Miller. Here you see your fedora-wearing friends with the guest of honor: That handsome guy in the middle is Charles Lollar, Republican candidate for Congress in Maryland’s 5th District, a seat […]

A Serious Thought On Sharia

by Smitty Of course, raaaaacist, bitter, cling-on, knuckle-dragging, Constitution-fetishing conservative extremists lack independent thought, and merely parrot what is beamed into their noggins from the orbital mind control lasers run from corporate headquarters, under the auspices of the Undying Cyborg Cheney. It only looks like an all-or-nothing, zero-sum, binary sort of confrontation, liberty vs. sharia, […]

Maher: ‘European Socialism Works’

Ed Driscoll featured this Newsbusters video in which Andrew Breitbart brilliantly nails Bill Maher who, for the past 15 years, has tried to claim he’s some kind of libertarian. As no libertarian could possibly support ObamaCare, however . . . Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters has the transcript: ANDREW BREITBART: So you’re, you’re officially not a Libertarian anymore, right? […]

A: Peyote, Mescaline, and LSD

by Smitty Q: Based on the results the mainstream pollsters are publishing, what sorts of substances might be circulating in their blood? Guy Benson at TownHall talks about the general propaganda push we can expect in October: Remember, Jim Geraghty’s political svengali known as “Obi Wan” predicted that Democrats and their media henchmen would try […]

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