The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nap-Time Tales of Net Neutrality

I am on record as declaring “Net Neutrality” as The Most Boring Policy Debate in History. However, it appears that Warner Todd Huston was able to score a large enough supply of pure methamphetamine to keep him awake while he sorted through all the recent Net Neutrality news, including this scary headline: Draft of Waxman’s […]

Awesome! Ace of Spades Gets in Touch With His Inner Social Conservative

Admittedly, a social conservative famous for slinging f-bombs and sodomy jokes, but a social conservative nonetheless: This was just evil for evil’s sake. She wanted to be even more famous than she is (and she is already quite a bit more famous than her present, but very limited, talents would recommend), and she decided to […]

At Right Network: The Insurgency

by Smitty Michael J. Lotus offers the first half of an interesting overview of conservative activism, Tea Party and otherwise. One could pick apart some details, but the main thrust is spot-on and well composed. The sequel, with prognostications, should be a worthy read indeed.

Michele Bachmann Endorses Joe Miller

by Smitty (h/t Libertarian Republican) This blog hopes that by 2014 Minnesota has found a suitable replacement for Michele Bachman, so that she can do her Nancy Sinatra impression using Al Franken as a mat. Wouldn’t that be the campaign ad of justice? Michele in boots working out to Nancy, standing on a life size […]

Scapegoating Progressive Bloggers for the Obama Administration’s Failures?

Just when you think Democrats could not possibly become more absurd, they surprise you: With each passing day, I’m beginning to realize that the crux of the problem for Obama is a handful of prominent progressive bloggers, among them Glenn Greenwald, John Aravosis, Digby, Marcy Wheeler and Jane Hamsher. That’s from liberal New Media guru […]

LIVE AT FIVE 09.28.10

TOP NEWS Kim Jong-il Appoints Heir Apparent General Second son of “Dear Leader” now NKPA general; experts regard this as more proof that he’s next in line. Rahm Emanuel Likely to Leave White House This Week Rats, sinking ship, etc…also close to decision on run for mayor of Chicago. Pentagon on Stuxnet Worm Afflicting Iran: […]

Alan Grayson Is Not Scum

Allan Grayson is the disease-causing bacteria which infect the parasitical worms found in putrid diarrhetic feces oozing from the rectums of scavengers that prey upon maggots which grow in the decaying carcasses of poisonous vipers that die after eating insects which consume tainted scum. (This has been a public service announcement from Floridians Against the Defamation of Scum.) DANIEL WEBSTER for U.S. CONGRESS UPDATE: Michael Moynihan […]

My Sincere Apology . . .

. . . to members of the Brain-Damaged American community and the people who love them. Some of my best friends are brain damaged and, in point of fact, several experts have theorized that brain damage — perhaps caused by unfortunate adolescent habits — may explain why I occasionally act like the sixth-grade smart-aleck I used to […]

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