The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

BREAKING: Doug Hoffman Ends NY-23 Campaign, Endorses GOP’s Doheny

Posted on | October 5, 2010 | 14 Comments

Adirondack Daily Enterprise via Maggie Haberman of Politico:

SARANAC LAKE — Doug Hoffman has dropped out of the race to represent New York’s 23rd Congressional District. Hoffman’s name will still appear on the ballot on the Conservative line; however, Hoffman said Tuesday morning that he wants his supporters to vote for Republican Matt Doheny.
“Our nation is at a crossroads, and it is imperative that on Election Day we wrest control of Congress from Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat majority,” Hoffman said in a prepared statement. . . .

Read the whole thing.

UPDATE: Now a Memeorandum thread, and Ed Morrissey at Hot Air writes:

The split on the Right last November allowed Bill Owens to win the race  . . .

The was no “split on the Right,” because Dede Scozzafava was never “Right.” Dede was, as Michelle Malkin famously said, “An ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor-Backing, Tax-and-Spend Radical in GOP Clothing.” Ed is closer to the mark here:

Hoffman . . . has proven himself much more of a team player and class act. . . .

Indeed, considering the dishonest smear campaign by which Doheny eked out a 700-vote win in this year’s GOP primary, Hoffman’s endorsement is one of the most generous and noble acts of recent political memory.


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