The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Oh, My: Guess Who’s Getting On Board the Herman Cain 2012 Bandwagon?

Posted on | December 18, 2010 | 47 Comments

Yes, even self-described “candy-ass” blogger Allahpundit:

I know the basics of his bio — accomplished CEO, talk-radio host, cancer survivor — but not much more beyond that. Even so, it got my attention a few days ago when he won Red State’s 2012 “tournament,” topping Mike Pence in the semifinal and Palin in the final. Is that because Cain’s a Red State favorite or is the grassroots support for him out there broader than anyone realizes right now?

Read the whole thing, because Allah does some pretty serious analysis. But we don’t need no stinkin’ analysis.

What we need is an online grassroots army. Go join the Citizens4Cain Facebook page and follow Citizens4Cain on Twitter.

Via the Minority Report, here’s the Herminator on Greta Van Susteren Friday night:

Sissy Willis loves her some Herman, too!

UPDATE: Anthropocon is on board the Herman Cain Love Train!

UPDATE II: The Lonely Conservative says, “Count me in!”



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