The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Voluptuous Blonde Ukrainian Nurse’

Posted on | January 5, 2011 | 1 Comment

That’s the kind of headline you don’t see often enough, and I guess we have Julian Assange to thank for it:

In what appears to be the first diplomatic casualty from the latest WikiLeaks revelations, the U.S. ambassador to Libya has returned to Washington and is likely to leave his post, U.S. officials said Tuesday.
Ambassador Gene Cretz, a veteran American diplomat, authored several secret cables to Washington that speculated on long-time Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s health, and described his personal proclivities, including his reliance on a “voluptuous” Ukrainian nurse. . . .
Cretz, who in November 2008 became the first U.S. ambassador to Libya since 1972, wrote in a leaked September 2009 cable, entitled “A Glimpse Into Libyan Leader Gadhafi’s Eccentricities,” that “Gadhafi relies heavily on his longtime Ukrainian nurse, Galyna . . . who has been described as a ‘voluptuous blonde.'”

If you’ll hit the tip jar, I’ll be glad to go to Tripoli and do some investigative reporting on this important story.

(Via Memeorandum.)


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