The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Stacy Threw Out Fake Statistics
That Portray a Skewed Reality’

Posted on | March 17, 2011 | 17 Comments

Q. Do you consider yourself a feminist, or not?

Yes . . . . 24%

No . . . . 70%

CBS News Poll, Oct. 23, 2004

This post originally continued with an on-point response to Little Miss Attila’s assertion in the comments that I “threw out fake statistics,” but then I woke up at 1 a.m. and changed my mind.

Because this isn’t about me.

So what you’re reading now is something I wrote at 1 a.m. after taking out all the penetrating analysis I’d compiled in response to Atilla’s previous “citation, please” provocation.

Look: The post-9/11 coalition attracted many disparate elements, including Feminists Against Getting Blown to Smithereens by Guys Named Mohammed, a cadre not necessarily coterminous with Feminists Who Think John Kerry Is a Laughable Douchebag.

Now we’ve moved forward, new issues have arisen, and the coalition has also changed. Yet there is still room in the big tent for Feminists Against Massive Deficit Spending and, also, Feminists Who Think Nancy Pelosi Is Suffering From Botox-Induced Brain Damage.

Therefore I’m reconsidering whether I should bother to fight this thing through to a glorious victory merely because I’m 100% right and she’s 100% wrong.

More important things to do right now.

But I’m gonna be keeping an eye on these can’t-let-go-of-the-feminist-label women, because their deviationist tendencies could betoken a philosophical unsoundness, one that might eventually prove dangerous.

After all, we remember what happened to the famed post-9/11 Coalition of Pony-Tailed Bicycle-Riding Jazz Guitarists Against Radical Jihad.

And now . . . The Little Miss Attila National Anthem:

But we close with . . . The Other McCain National Anthem:


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